Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 71: Meeting In Dark Night.

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"Your fee," she held it in front of him.

Carlo's eyes shone as he looked at the shining coin.

He walked forward and took it.

"Thanks for the tour. You are a good tour guide," Silja said with a smile.

"Uhh do remember me when you need help again. I'm always ready for a good deal," he said and put the ingot securely in his pocket.

"Uhh, now that I think about it, I have saved your life so how about you pay me back that favour in a better way," he said waving the ingot in his hand. His eyes signalled her to give her more ingot.

Looking at his greedy eyes Silja couldn't help but roll her own eyes.

" Didn't you say that I would have handled them myself," Silja replied with a smile.

Carlo's smile instantly vanished and he glared at her.

"And this is the last ingot I have left," she said.

Carlo made a face and turned around.

Silja also turned around to go back inside.

"Take care princess Silja," but before she entered she heard him say. Silja turned around and smiled at him.

"You too Carlo mason," she replied and saw him leaving while waving his hand.

Silja entered the house and saw a few girls walking around while a few were still not back.

All of them were busy talking and discussing something irrelevant.

Silja ignored them and walked into the kitchen directly.

She hasn't eaten anything all day so she decided to make something for herself. Although she wasn't in the mood to eat, it wasn't a good idea to go to sleep empty stomach.

She was in the middle of cooking when she heard footsteps approaching. Her lips instantly set in an unpleasant line as she saw the person who approached her.

"Lady Silja, what are you doing?" Gwendolyn asked who came to drink water.

"Cooking," Silja kept her answer short. Seeing her attitude Gwen felt ignored and belittled.

"I don't understand why you are cooking when you can just buy and eat from the money we got to use these days during competition, those money are for us to use," She scoffed.

"And these ingredients here are also for us to cook, not to just decorate the kitchen," Silja said.

"Huh, you know what I think? I think that you are saving that money so you can take it back to your poor country of peasants," Gwen said with a smile as she looked down on her.

"Who cares what you think?"

Silja took a long breath before she replied and kept her eyes on her food. Without paying any attention to Gwen.

Gwen's eyes widened as she heard what Silja said.

From the start, Silja knew that this girl was nothing more than an irritating machine so all these days she kept her distance from her as much as possible.

It's better to change ways sometimes to divert a tragedy like this.

"You…." Seeing that she was being ignored Gwen was so angry that her face had become red.

But she then took a deep breath.

"I will deal with you when I become the eldest prince's wife," Gwen said gloatingly.

Silja blinked her eyes at the girl's confidence.

She shook her head but didn't pay any heed to the whining girl.

Silja rolled her eyes and decided not to pay any heed. Seeing that her words weren't affecting Silja at all Gwen felt like going crazy.

"You…." She stomped her foot on the ground and turned around and with fury.

Silja's release was a sigh of relief.

She wasn't in a good mood from the start and this girl made it worse.

Without much heart, she prepared her dinner and put everything on the plate. She then took the plate and walked towards the


Unknown to her, a pair of eyes were looking at her and she disappeared behind the stairs.

The maid who was assigned to check on them looked at her leaving back and smiled before leaving.

Silja walked into the terrace and a cool breeze swapped across her face.

She took a deep breath and tried to calm her messed up thoughts.

The terrace was big and in the corner, there were sitting arrangements.

Silja put her plate on the table and sat in front of it. As she was about to put a spoonful of food in her mouth her hand halted as the images from the earlier started to surface in her mind.

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The cries of children and young girls echoed in her head coupled with the sound of whips slashing the bare skin.

Silja abruptly closed her eyes and put down the spoon.

She then covered the plate again and stood up.

"Not in the mood to eat?" Suddenly a voice jolted her from her thoughts.

Silja turned around and saw a face she was most familiar with in the Northern land. She slowly calmed herself down and said.

"Why do you always come sneakily?" She sighed and said.

"It was you who failed to notice my presence," Don said as he walked towards her. She took a step back as he came too close and Silja felt her heartbeat picking pace.

Don also realised the change in her heartbeat and body language and a smirk spread on his lips.

So his charm isn't that ineffective on her. He saw her lips quivering and eyelashes fluttering rapidly but she never avoided eye contact.

He suddenly felt the urge to kiss those lips and saw were they really as soft as they looked?

Don brought his face dangerously close to her's.

"What...what are you doing?" Silja stammered.

And then closed her eyes in embarrassment.

Why does she always feel flushed in front of this man?

"What do you think I'm doing?" Don questioned in a low voice just above her lips.

And before Silja could understand what happened he sat down on the chair beside.

Silja was at a loss for words and looked at him. A sigh left her trembling lips.

"You look disappointed," he smiled as he said that.

Silja glared at him.

And then turned her face away, not wanting to argue with him.

"Come here," she heard him say.

She turned her face towards him with pursed lips. The unwillingness was visible on her face.

But the man was persistent as he extended his hand and slowly touched her palm before holding it in his bigger one.

Silja looked at their hands and then at him.

The night was cold and with the only normal dress on her hand and feet were cold but as soon as his warm palm touched her she felt an electric current running in her body.

He frowned at the coldness of her hand and then pulled her towards him.

Silja couldn't resist his strength and fell on his lap.


Her one hand was still in his big palm while the other was on his chest. She was sitting on his well-defined athlete legs.

Her heart was running so fast that she could hear it and her head was in a mess as he locked his red eyes on her hazel ones.

"You should wear more clothes when you come out," he said and then with one hand he adjusted her in a more comfortable position on his lap.

"Le .. let me go," Silja was too embarrassed and her whole face had turned red from the shyness of the position they were in.

"Let me warm you up first," he said and tightened his grip on her hand which he was holding and then he encircled the other hand around her waist. Silja was sitting sideways on his lap and her face was facing him.

Silja's breathing became shallower as she tried to do reasoning. But soon realised that she was unable to.

"It's...not appropriate for a ..a man and woman to..sea..seat like this," she completed her sentence with much difficulty.

Silja scolded herself for having this weak self-control.

But then when her eyes fell on his otherworldly face her mind again went blank.

The red eyes, sharp nose and his warm breathing spreading on his face were hard to resist.

"Haha, why?" He let out a throaty chuckle and asked. Silja felt her heart skipping a beat as she heard him laughing in his husky voice.

"People might... misunderstood," Silja tried her best to not shutter.

His warmness was sipping in her body and she wasn't feeling cold anymore. And the warmth was addictive, making him want her more.

"I never knew that out of all the people you will care about what others think," he said. Sarcasm is his voice but his eyes were still locked on her like she was the only thing in the world.

"Huh.. how much do you know me anyway?" She scoffed and turned her face away.


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