Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 80: Her Opinions

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"What I meant was it's not appropriate for a noblewoman like you to visit such a place," he said scoffed. Silja heard his ridiculous thoughts and she felt like giving him a taste of his own word by throwing him in the pit called the slave Market. But she restrained her urges since this wasn't time yet.

"You see milord, it doesn't matter if the woman is from Noble family or a humble family. No woman should set foot in a place like that ever. Not as a free woman nor as a slave who is being sold there," Silja said. And the man glared at her.

"This is what I was talking about, your highness. People do like purchasing women as human slaves from there and insulting their freedom and respect but when it comes to their own daughters and sisters they become hostile," she said.

Silja laughed mockingly.

"But those people who are being sold don't care about status and respect because for them the biggest aim is just to get food to fill their stomach at least once a day," Silja said. The topic she has started was way too sensitive and thus the whole room fell into silence. Even though not all a few people were aware of the problem she was speaking of. And they may not be brave like Silja to point it out but Silja has definitely gained their support.

"All they need is a full set of clothes to cover their bodies and the safety of their children. Isn't it your responsibility as a king to watch over your people and provide them at least food once in a day," Silja asked. Her voice was crisp and strong. Void of any emotions. She didn't sound humble or kind. Just like any third party pointing out her opinion. 

Many may not agree with what she said but they do admit that the woman has the guts to question the king. She was probably the only one who has questioned the way King Zachary ruled his kingdom.

Joshua, who was also sitting among the minister as one of the lords, looked at the woman standing in the middle.

From childhood, he and his sister were most mischievous. His father had never differentiated between him and his sister and thus Olivia has turned out to be a blunt and brave woman who doesn't hesitate to speak her mind. And Joshua has always admired her for that. But just now he realised that even Olivia wasn't as brave as lady silja. 

He definitely has something planned for Silja but now he looks at the woman more because he wants her.

Joshua's eyes darkened with resolve as he smiled.

"This is all I have to say. I'm not from this land and once this competition will finish I will return back to human land. This is your land in the end you people have the right to choose how you want to rule it," Silja said and concluded by bowing her head.

With her last sentence, she also made clear subtly that she will go back to her country as soon as possible and she has no intention of marrying the prince or staying in this land as other people were predicting till now.

"Well, lady Silja what you say till now I partially agree and partially disagree to that," King Zachary spoke.

"But since the issue has been put forward by you I will definitely look into it," Zachary reassured Silja. He didn't want to debate on the topic since it wasn't an appropriate time so he cut it short.

Hearing what he said, Silja scoffed in her heart.

"That's all I have to say to your highness," Silja said and bowed her head and went back to her seat. But unlike before all eyes were now looking in her direction. Some with contempt, some with jealousy that prince Donovan himself encouraged her to speak and took initiative.

Some were laughing at her stupidity of being kind-hearted and losing her chance to stay in the competition. And few admired them.

But despite it all, Silja sat there with her head high. She was not afraid of them nor did she care about their opinions. 

But amongst all, there was a pair of eyes that made her uncomfortable the most.

Donovan was looking in her direction and his eyes were just glued to her.

Silja sensed his strong gaze and turned to look at him.

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Instead of evading her gaze, Don kept looking at her and Silja felt a mix of familiar yet unfamiliar feelings from him.

There was something about him that was off. Why did she keep feeling that she knew him. He and Don - the soldier, give the same vibe.

But how can that be possible? Silja tried to think about many possibilities but they all sound ridiculous to her.

Silja's eyes kept looking at him and trying to reach some conclusion but she couldn't 

She couldn't see the eyes hidden under his mask but the pull was strong and she couldn't take her eyes away from his half-hidden face.

"Alright everyone," the sudden voice of Zivan forced both of them to look away and Silja ducked her head.

"Ahaha this became so intense even before the results announcement," Zivan tried to ease the situation. 

"Well since now we have heard all of you, this is time for results. But before that I have something to share," Zivan said.

Finally, as he started to talk, all the people divert their attention to him and pushed the thoughts about Silja at the back of their heads.

"When my father told me to decide on one of the deciding competitions I was shocked. I mean such a heavy responsibility and he gave it to me," he laughed out loud. Well as usual he maintained his image of carefree youth.

"So I started to think about what type of woman would look good with my brother?" He put his finger on his lips as if he was thinking seriously.

"Well, my brother is known for his intelligence and bravery so the woman standing beside him should be brave if not powerful. The one who also could match his intelligence and wits. But most importantly she should be capable of handling the affairs as his wife. And not to forget should be patient to deal with his temper. Hah," Zivan explained.

He pressed on the last sentence. And everyone agreed to it. Little Genie who was sitting behind also laughed hearing that.

"So, Keeping all these aspects in mind, I designed this competition. Where we tested your abilities to handle money, to take care and observe our people, your survival abilities and your nature," Zivan looked at all the ladies standing in front of him.

And with each word the intention behind this unique competition also came to light.

He only revealed it in the end, because he wanted to know how these noble ladies would react to the task given to them. if he has told them everything from the start all of them must have started pretending about helping the poor and all.

"So here we are, ready to announce the results," Zivan said and the tension in the room increased. They had already had results since he knew who did what during this time.

"Only four candidates among you will pass this competition and from that four one will become my brother's wife," Zivan said.

There was pin-drop silence in the room. Everyone held their breath and tension rose in the room.

Zivan then looked towards his father and mother and when Abrielle nodded her head zivan started to announce the names.


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