Mistress Of Enchanting Dragon

Chapter 91: The Rage

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The more Donovan thought about it the more he believed his second theory and the rage that was surpassed from yesterday started to surface again.

He couldn't believe that the girl had the cheek to lie to him when he knew everything. 

Didn't his father tell her how dangerous he is and how much damage he can cause to her?

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Silja asked, looking at Don. His face was becoming ugly in anger with every passing second.

She didn't know why but she felt dangerous vibes coming from him and instinctively she started to retreat away from him.

Looking at her who was trying to run away from him Donovan started to become angrier and angrier.

"Why did you do that huh?" He then closed to her and got hold of her hand in his tight grip.

Silja was shaken by his sudden attack.

"What do you mean….ahh..." Silja asked with her shaky voice but before she could ask him properly his hold tightened even more and she felt like he would crush her bones.

Her heart started to beat faster as she felt something unexpected bubbling in her heart. 

It was something that she has never experienced before and the force was very strong. Something so dark, lurking in her heart and encouraging her to turn everything upside down.

And she remembered what happened last night. If she loses control everything will be exposed. She didn't know what this person would do with her if the truth came out.

Will they kill her?

Or will they use her as an experiment rate?

They can force her to use her power according to their will.

Silja's brain started to think of the worst possibilities and that added to the situation and made it worse.

Silja was sure that she might lose control soon and before she used her power on him unconsciously she pushed him away with lots of force and darted away from the bed.

The force she had used was so much that Don fell backwards on the bed and when he became stable he saw her standing far away from the bed and then looking in the direction of the door. Her motive was clear and just as he thought, Silja started to run in the direction of the room in an attempt to get away from him as far as possible.

She needed time to process what had happened last night and thus she had to go away from him.

Silja's feet were quick on the ground and in a matter of seconds, she was near the door. Silja extended her hand to open the door but before she could pull the door open a powerful hand pulled her back.

Don pulled her hand and slammed her back on the sidewall as he trapped her in between him and the wall near the door.

"Are you feeling guilty huh?" He asked with malice in his eyes. For him, her attempt to run away was because she was guilty. And he wanted to punish her for that.

"What do you mean? Why should I be guilty of anything?" Silja asked. No matter what, as long as she keeps her mouth tightly shut he won't be able to find anything.

"Ohh, so you won't admit that easily huh. Let me remind you then," Donovan said.

At that moment Silja realised that both of them were on different pages. He was talking about something else and she was thinking about something else.

"I.. don't know what...yu..you saying," Silja shook her head.

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"No worries, I have lots of time to make you understand slowly," Donovan kept his face closer to her. Silja opened her mouth to speak but Donovan put his finger on her lips.

For him, all those attempts were just to mislead him by showing that fake innocence of hers 

"Shh…not a word now," he said in his dangerously deep voice.

Silja instantly shut her mouth.

"You are denying the fact that you have been pretending to be this damsel in distress since day one? This pitiful face of yours was nothing but a faux all along... You have played me too well." He started.

"And aren't you denying the fact that your indifference towards me was just as faux as my pitiful act? You played indifferently to gain my attention."

"I was wondering why I kept stumbling upon you every time, but now I know it was all pre-planned," he hissed.

"How many times I have wondered why our paths always end up aligned...Why I always keep stumbling upon you every time...why it was only you..." He scoffed and then in a bitter voice he added, "It was all pre-planned....you scheming, calculative woman....you have planned everything...."

He roared. There was a hidden grievance in his voice as he looked at her with those dark red eyes.

"Everything was a lie. You and my father worked together. On one hand, you pretend that you don't care about marrying me but on the other hand you pretend that you don't know me and crawl your way in my lap," he banged his hand at the end of the sentence.

And Silja froze in fear as the meaning of those words sank in her head slowly.

Don has now lost all his rationality. All he could see was the lies she has woven and how he has easily been trapped in the web of those lies. 

But still, he couldn't do anything about it. Don wanted to strangle the woman in front of him but his heart tightened at the thought of hurting her even the slightest.

He was angry and frustrated.

On the other hand, Silja tried to understand the meaning behind his words.

But she couldn't believe what her mind was telling her.

She didn't plan anything in fact; she was wary that he was the one playing with her.

The last sentence he utter confused her the most.

What does he mean by 'working with his father' 

'Don't want to marry him and then pretend not to know him?'

Silja'd eye widened as she guessed the meaning of his word. 

Does..that means that the soldier Don and the prince Donovan were the same…. She could even believe the possibility. Her heart denied the fact right away but her head was saying something else.

"You….who...are you?" She gulped softly and then asked the question.


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