Mob Character Z

Chapter 10: 2.4 The Mob Character Is A False Magician

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A shadow hovered over the motionless body of the protagonist blocking the source of light.

It is still in the middle of the day, but the alley is already dark. Because of the inadequate lighting, people could only see a few objects, usually figures of silhouettes from the litter or barrels heaped on the area.

Nobody could even see their shoes without looking at them closer.

Jin Wei walked aimlessly along the pitch-black alley. The lethargic transmigrator softly whistled a foreign tune he liked from the previous world as he saunteringly approached the location where the protagonist was sitting.

He did not seem bothered by the impediment of large and little random pieces, animal carcasses, or the filthy puddles, as if he did not perceive them to be there. His leisurely stride even gave the impression that he was in a paradise rather than a filthy alley.

Jin Wei carefully inspected the little body.

The little kid is frail and skin-and-bones thin. The outline of his ribs can be easily measured if one dares to peer over his ragged, dirty clothing. There are new and old bruises on his body, as well as a few scars that have left some spots permanently scarred. He is not wearing shoes, exposing his black soles with thick skin and damaged toenails.

Several locations where dry blood leaked out will become infected if left unattended. Jin Wei had visited numerous worlds and had witnessed numerous indiscretions, but this one was the worst. Growing up, he had a soft spot for kids and enjoyed pampering them.

If only Laurem wasn't the protagonist, he would have adopted him on the spot.

This kind of image can easily incite a person's sympathy if ever it was seen in the modern world. But in this world where survival is the priority, nobody would even bat an eye to a corpse rotting in the corner.

Simply feeding one's mouth is tough enough. It would only be counterproductive to add another.

Jin Wei made a rustling sound as he knelt down, his right arm propping his cheeks. He thought that in spite of this battered appearance, he could still confidently hand the protagonist a score of eight out of ten when it comes to charm.

The world's aesthetics will always be favorable to the protagonist's appearance after all.

Probably, if this kid wore the best clothes... No, just ordinary clothes are enough to showcase its beauty. He will surely become a head turner and would make a lot of hearts to cry.

This kind of beauty is unrivaled.

Though, it will not give any effect on Jin Wei. He does like beautiful things, but liking people based on their appearance is not his thing. He had been in many different worlds, and each has its own stories. He has a fair share of beauties around so he knows which is beautiful and which is not.

After all, what the eyes can see are biases made from preferences.

Also, he knows what kind of filthy golden cheat this person will have in the future, so he will not hold any emotions in it. Even though he wasn't the type that gets jealous, surely someone will greatly feel cheated if they know this person will be granted the best of the best, considering that he is the world's most favorite son.

If there is one thing that sums up Jin Wei's worldview, it would be that he is indifferent to such worldly affairs. He solely cares about his memories and would just be indifferent, regardless.

While Jin Wei is doing some assessment about the protagonist and his morals, the other person who was covered by his shadow woke up from the slight sound. His swollen eyes opened a slit, looking over at the blurry figure hidden by the dark alley.

Laurem wasn't sleeping deeply and was just taking a rest to heal his wounds. He had been exhausted for a long time, and the situation in which he was apprehended and beaten up was nothing out of the ordinary. His wounds were deep while the bruises were blue and black, but it wasn't enough to kill him.

He had long gotten accustomed to pain that his body developed self-healing.

He simply did not anticipate that someone would approach him at this key moment. He had always been a wild child and would never surrender without a fight, but in this moment, he was powerless. He could only muster the energy to open his eyes, and even that was taxing him.

Only the silhouette of the other person, which was being outlined by the dim light, was visible to him.

The flecks of dust floating freely in the light behind the figure caught his half-lidded eyes, which strained after a few seconds of staring. A brief period of serenity follows, momentarily dispelling his small heart's anguish and despair.

For the first time, he feels at peace.

No, it is as if he had found his peace.

Laurem could not detect any animosity from the other individual. It left him with a strange sensation. Apart from his mother's unconditional love, he had felt nothing but hate and contempt from everyone around him.

It's his first time meeting someone who feels neutral.

Despite this, he stayed cautious. He was aware that there are many different types of people in the world, and that there are many people who can conceal their thoughts. These people oftenly fool people, especially the young and inexperienced.

He'd seen one before, and it didn't end well.

It's quite ironic, as they are pure-blooded humans, but they can carry out their atrocities without feeling the least bit guilty, making them worse than demons.

Jin Wei detected Laurem's tiny movement and figured that the child had awoken. He stooped to have a better look at Laurem's face, but when his eyes met the child's clear black eyes, they startled him.

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His heart suddenly jolted.

It should be mentioned that the might of a demon can be evaluated by the shade of its irises. The darker the hue, the more powerful the demon can be. Anyone who is looked at with such a gaze will undoubtedly be captivated, but they will also feel vulnerable and uneasy.

The demons could literally kill with a glare.

Jin Wei was taken aback for a while, but it was not enough to make him falter.

Instead, Jin Wei thought that this kind of thing is normal for a protagonist. Characteristics like having deep black irises, red irises, chromatic eyes, and whatever distinct eyes are what make the protagonist a protagonist.

Their difference is what makes them special.

Though, what Jin Wei did not realize was the significance of eye color in this world. Each race in these worlds has specific characteristics, such as wings for angels and fur for werebeasts. But, at best, these races could disguise themselves and would frequently take on human shape to deceive people.

The only thing they couldn't change is their eye color.

Laurem's solid black irises revealed his Demon blood.

Other races are also solid in color, like humans tend to have brown irises, faeries have it golden, werebeasts take the color of red, angels have clear blue, and demons have the black ones.

Laurem's black irises indicate that his Demon Blood has awoken. Anyone who sees it will flee, while some will call authorities to get rid of the demon.

It is Jin Wei who has a weird reaction.

His undetached reaction to Laurem's irises showed his lack of understanding of the laws that govern the world. This puzzled Laurem. There is still enough light, despite the darkness, for the other person to be able to see his appearance. He should have been able to see his dark eyes.

What is the cause of this strange reaction?

In all honesty, Laurem is a little anxious. He had no idea that this time, his Demon Blood would awaken. His irises occasionally change color, but it wasn't until recently that he was able to use his will to control it.

He considered switching it back to the color of human irises, but he hesitated. He suddenly has the impression that displaying this trait may entice this person to approach him. And he could tell that Jin Wei is not at all intimidated.

If anything else, he could somehow tell that the other person is feeling...


The kid looks cute, Jin Wei thought upon observing the bewildered gaze. He suddenly lowered his head as he considered making fun of the young child. He received a wonderful reaction when he saw Laurem's eyes dilating.

Laurem, who had not anticipated such an attempt, abruptly stood up and whacked their foreheads with a sharp bam. They held their foreheads together, and both groaned in pain at the same time. Laurem reacted by instinct and the force when he stood up was quite fierce.

Of the two, Laurem is the one who quickly recovered and immediately backed away even more toward the wall leaving Jin Wei's circle of influence.

He took advantage of the opportunity to glance at the other man. His demon blood sharpened his senses, enabling him to see into the deepest corners. Suddenly and without warning, a pair of warm-colored eyes entered his soul from such a remote, dark spot that not even the brightest star could penetrate.

In the dark alley, Jin Wei's hazel irises made a great distinction.

In the dark alley, Jin Wei's hazel irises made a great distinction

A/N: I've always wanted to draw this meeting scene but I am not really good at drawing and could not show the image I am seeing

A/N: I've always wanted to draw this meeting scene but I am not really good at drawing and could not show the image I am seeing. 


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