Monarch of chaos

Chapter 1: Chapter 1 – An unknown world

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"This fucking headache…"

Cael woke up with a throbbing headache. It felt as if his head was about to rip apart into pieces. 

His blurred vision cleared and he saw himself in a room that seemed like a medieval version of his clinic. 

His whole body felt as if he woke up after someone had beaten him to death. 

Moving his head, he scanned the infirmary. What he found was some medicinal plants and their paste in bowls near the wooden beds. The room was dusty, sacrificing the cleanliness. The wooden walls seemed to be dying due to the mouldy lesions on them. 

He could not help but lie down on his bed. But the bone chilling cold made him get up in a hurry. The pain made his eyes squint. 

"Cael! You're awake!"

A young man had appeared at the door of the infirmary. His large, muscular body was complementing his angular, handsome face along with red hair on his scalp. 

When he raised his head and looked at him, a sudden gush of memories came flowing into his brain, producing an intense pain, leaving Cael incapacitated for a moment. 

'Is this….reincarnation? ' he still clearly remembered the eye-blinding lights from the operation room, one that he expected to be his last, with the state his body was in at that time.

After organizing the new memories in his mind, Cael gained some understanding of his body's previous owner and this world. 

The realm was similar to the European Middle Ages, but there was something else, something mysterious, the presence of something called mana. 

Mysteriously or coincidentally, the original owner of his body was also named Cael, and he was the son of a Baron, the lowest of noble ranks. He had been tested to be gifted with the talent to become a Sage. His father, Baron George Tenebrus had sold one of his precious mines to pay hefty bribes and pulled some strings to allow him to become a student in Agnus academy. 

"Cael! Are you alright? " Cael heard in his dizzy state. 

"You're finally awake!  If you had not regained your consciousness, you would've been sent home while sleeping. You don't want to go back after coming here. Do you?"

After some eye movements and some thought, he figured out the visitor's identity, "Thanks Leo! "

He inwardly recalled his memories about Leo. Leo was a Count's son. Upon discovering his son's potential, he spent a lot of effort and fortune to get Leo in Agnus academy. 

In this world, the nobles were very sensitive about their ranks and bloodline. The rank implied their strength and fortune. A count controlled thousands of soldiers and had a lot of fortune. 

Just as Cael was deeply pondering, Leo asked, "Are you thinking of going back to home because of Karl and Vanessa? "

"Karl? Vanessa? " Cael scratched his head, but then he suddenly remembered why he was beaten up. 

Vanessa was a girl, 15 years of age, with voluptuous and well developed breasts and pelvis. Her pretty face and fragrant body was a huge draw to Karl, who was also a count's son. As a daughter of marquis,  Vanessa had held a grudge against commoners and nobles lower than her in ranks. She accused Cael of harassing her and when this news reached the ears of Karl, who wanted to seduce and the marry Vanessa, he had beaten Cael to death. 

As Cael finished his exploring the memories of past owner of body, he nodded his head in pity. Cael was a boy who talked less and pondered more. Never did he brought any lecherous thoughts into his mind. He did not deserve this kind of ending. 

"Sheesh! This wench is too vicious! " He laughed coldly at Vanessa. Because in his past world, he had seen all sorts of beauties on the internet, the seemingly voluptuous body of Vanessa was only an illusion created by hormones. 

'Fine, at the end of the day, your body has been taken over by me. If I get the chance, I'll avenge you. "Cael told himself as if reassuring to the past owner of that body. 

" Leo, do you have any food? " Cael asked Leo, while examining his body. There were a few places that were sore, but thankfully there was no external bleeding anywhere. 

"Listen… That Karl is waiting for you to recover so that he could vent his anger again. " Leo passed a warning to Cael with a serious tone, "I need to return to my dorm room. Avoid Karl as much as possible. "

Cael thanked Leo for the warning, before Leo left the room. He left some breads for Cael to eat. The first piece of bread struggled through his dry throat, without any water. He barely swallowed it, after some gulps of water. 

Cough! Cough! 

His eyes became humid as he whispered to himself, "It's not bad to be alive! "

The horizon was coloured with red hue, outside the window. 

Cael remembered that his dormitory was towards west. While going towards his dormitory, he noticed the gates of Sage tower, a huge tower with multiple floors, resembling a huge sky scraper from his previous world. 

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He gazed upon the large gate of the Sage tower in wonder. 'How could they make things like this without technology? ' he couldn't help but think of the abilities of this civilization. 



Host has residual damage! Rest is advised. 

Name : Cael

Age : 14 

Gender : Male

Status :

Strength - 0.4

Agility - 0.5

Stamina - 0.4

Health - 0.5                                    ]

A sudden voice was heard inside his head along with a display window, which appeared in front of his eyes like a hologram and showed these numbers. 

"What? " He was left flabbergasted. 

"Is this like those video games and novels? " He pinched himself, finding it difficult to believe for moment. This kind of system was only existent in games and novels. 

The angles of his mouth stretched across his cheeks, forming a smile. His inner child could only wait to see the wonders of this new world. 

Upon analysing the people that he saw while walking towards dormitory, his smile perished quickly. 

Name : Unknown 

Age : 15 

Gender : Male

Status : 

Strength- 0.8

Agility - 1.0 

Stamina - 0.8 

Health - 1.0



Name : Unknown

Age : 14

Gender : Female

Status : Strength - 0.8 

               Agility - 1.1

               Stamina - 1.0

               Health - 1.0 


'Looks like Cael was very weak compared to other students his age. ' His expression turned from disappointment to that of pity. 

Cael reached his dormroom. 


The wooden door created upon opening. The simplicity exerted by the lonely presence of only necessary furniture truly described Cael's ranking amongst nobles. 

Since his body was still a little sore, he quickly fell asleep as soon as he closed his eyes and his alertness escorted itself to the rough comfort of that bed.

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