Monarch of Shadows

Chapter 25: 25. Another Cousin

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Ciel slept pretty well.

He had just woken up when he felt the light shining on his face.

Opening his eyes, he found the sun had just risen, around 5:30 am.

Because he was at a very high place, so the sun was visible early.

Clara was not beside him and the room door was open. Ciel also heard the sound of metal clashing and smelled food.

"Ahhh!" He stretched his body before putting his clothes back on.

Then, he stood up. But he didn't leave immediately, he looked at the glass wall again because he saw m Dark Crow flying outside.

It sent a message to Ciel that it was fine.

Without communicating more, Ciel left the room.

At the dining table on the first floor, he found Clara carrying two plates, containing egg fried rice mixed with fried onions.

"Finally you're awake? — hurry up here while the rice is still warm," she said.

Ciel didn't answer, but he jumped straight from the second floor, walking to the dining table which had four chairs.

It had been a long time since he had eaten fried rice, which was actually his favorite dish, so he was a bit impatient.

"Sit down!" Clara pulled out a chair for him as he reached the table.

Ciel smiled slightly, his hand moved, patting her shoulder. He said "keep up being a good cousin, the gods will bless you!"

He sat down after saying that, instantly picking up the spoon while Clara looked sullen.

Ciel started to eat. Although he couldn't say Clara's cooking was anything but delicious, it wasn't bad either. And it tasted quite delicious since he had not eaten this food in a long time.

Throughout the meal, Ciel did not speak. Clara herself ate while playing on her cell phone, I don't know what she was doing.

However, this calm was slightly disturbed by the sound of a bell suddenly ringing, a sign that someone was knocking on the door.

"Who?" Clara spoke into her cellphone which was connected to the apartment system.

"It's me, Davis!" An answer immediately came, making Clara panic.

He was her older brother, the first son of Ciel's first uncle.

Seeing the panic on Clara's face, Ciel said "what are you worried about? — just open the door if he wants to come in."

This one is also an Evolver though without any special talents. Before he was much stronger than Ciel, maybe his Life Core was over 50%. However, the current Ciel was not afraid of him. He was confident that he could still kill him even if he didn't use his shadow powers.

"Please don't fight," Clara replied. She pressed the working screen of her cell phone to unlock the apartment.

Right after that, the apartment door opened and a light brown haired man, looking 27 years old stepped in.

His expression was calm at first but immediately froze when he saw Ciel, sitting at the dining table, and continuing to eat without even glancing in his direction.

Clara who looked at him stood up, she asked, "Davis, what are you doing, come so early?"

Davis didn't answer the question, instead he pointed at Ciel.

"Why is he here?" he asked.

Ciel finally turned his gaze towards him because he was talking about him. Before Clara could answer she said "why can't I be here?"

That Ciel answered in such a high tone surprised Davis, normally, Ciel who knew that he would definitely lose would choose to leave. This time, he didn't show any fear or concern.

An unpleasant expression crossed Davis' face.

"Ciel, don't get cocky just because you've awakened a Special Talent. There's still some distance you need to cross before you try to fight me," he said. His tone sounded like he couldn't accept reality.

Ciel laughed softly, in his hand, appeared a bone that grew rapidly and then formed a scythe.

Davis immediately became alert when he saw that. He then took out what looked like a pen from his trouser pocket.

When he turned the key, it lengthened, turning into a spear.

"STOP THAT! DAVIS, are you trying to destroy my apartment?" Clara shouted, nearly hitting the table.

Davis was clearly irritated to hear Clara just reprimanded him, he said "Clara, I'm your big brother, who are you defending here?"

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"You're the one who caused trouble first, I mean, why can't Ciel be here? — this is my apartment, so I can bring whoever I want."

"You..." Davis was stunned.

At the same time, Ciel sucked his bone back into his body so that the atmosphere became calmer.

"Now tell me why did you come here?" Clara asked Davis.

The question made Davis hesitate a little. He took a deep breath before responding, "mm, I'd like to borrow your apartment this afternoon, just two hours, — can I?"

"Tsk! Tsk!” Ciel laughed again hearing that.

As far as he knew, this man had always spent his money on his evolution needs, so he still didn't have a home of his own despite being 27 years old.

However, even though there was nothing wrong with that, borrowing your own sister's apartment was definitely quite embarrassing.

Clara looked annoyed to hear that, but she didn't refuse.

"Make sure nothing is broken or trash left behind," she replied.

"Don't worry!" Davis smiled.

He glanced at Ciel again, snorted softly before leaving.


Clara sighed.

"Come on, eat some more," she said to Ciel as she sat back in her chair.


Ciel left Clara's apartment after he finished eating. When he got downstairs, a police car was waiting with two young policemen.

They gave a military salute as they looked at Ciel.

"By the way, have you delivered the motorcycle yet?" he asked.

"Yes, captain!" Answer them simultaneously.

During the meal earlier, Ciel sent a message to several police officers to deliver Ning Qingxue's motorcycle and pick him up here.

As for the woman, he just told her that last night he was busy, so he couldn't come over to her house.

"Let's go!" Ciel stepped into the back door which was already opened.

He would go straight to the station and get changed there.


Around 12:00, Kaiya came to Ciel's office with a tablet in her hand.

Today, she was wearing a skirt and uniform that, on closer inspection, looked even tighter.

At first glance, there was even a smile on her face.

Ciel didn't know what caused her good mood though starting today, she had basically officially become a slave of the organization. And he has no interest in finding out.

"Did you bring the information I needed?" he asked.

Kaiya nodded in response. She said, "Captain, that man is very busy, so he will have quite a few activities to do in the next few days. Tonight, for example, he's going to open a new restaurant."

"I see! What about the restaurants, what kind of restaurants are they?" he asked again, wanting to know the details.

"His restaurant business is focused on the middle class, so they are in a large building with moderate prices, selling a variety of signature dishes that many people like," answered Kaiya.

She placed the tablet she brought in front of Ciel and continued, "here is the list of his restaurants in Vera 4 and surroundings, there are already six for now."

Ciel stared at the tablet screen, swiping the screen every few seconds.

All that was on it were pictures of Nico's restaurants. While continuing to do so, he asked, "do you think there's anything against the law in these restaurants?"

He smiled as he asked that.

Kaiya was stunned and gulped down her saliva. "Captain, this man has a background, I'm afraid,"

"Just answer my question," Ciel cut in before Kaiya finished her words.

Even though he had yet to meet this man, Ciel wanted to prepare himself first so he would have something to rely on to take him down. If not, what's the point of his current position.

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