Monarch of Shadows

Chapter 3: 3. Another Special Talent

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The sound of a very loud siren woke Ciel from his sleep.

After opening his eyes, he sat up, stretching his body a few times.

"I feel like I was reborn," he said.

Usually, bad things happened when he woke up, but this morning, he felt very refreshed.

He looked around and found Dark Crow standing on the rope to commit suicide.

"Good morning, master," it said.

Ciel's face twitched for a moment because he found it a bit strange to receive a good morning greeting from a bird.

Even so, he still smiled at the bird and replied, "Good morning too!"

He added, "Can you call me by another name, Master sounds too old-fashioned?"

"So you're not comfortable, then what about Boss?"

"It is better."

"Alright, I'll call you boss from now on."

The bird then jumped onto Ciel's shoulder.

Right after that, it entered his body.

Ciel sensed its presence in his Body Space.

He immediately stood up, pushed open the door to his room.

Outside was a long hallway, lined with doors on each side.

One by one the doors opened and the occupants stepped out.

Bella's room which was a few doors away from Ciel's room was also open.

The woman comes out.

Although still with messy hair, Ciel saw that her steps were quite steady, as if she had gained a certain determination.

The shadows of the people caught Ciel's attention enough. They appear because of the light coming in through the windows.

As he gazed at the shadows, his feelings towards them became somewhat different.

He felt as if they were souls he could attack directly.

Any attack from him, of any kind, even using a firearm, could destroy them.

Returning to the previous hall, Ciel found an array of wheelchairs, more than a hundred.

There was a name on every seat, and not far ahead, was a group of people dressed in white who were clearly doctors.

Which is quite surprising; they do not fully cover their faces, only wear masks to cover their noses and mouths.

Ciel found his seat quite quickly, it was in the second row from the front.

The chair beside him, on the other hand, was occupied by a woman who looked to be in her mid-30s, of medium height, thick red lips, and had chestnut hair that wasn't too long and a pretty face for her age.

She is Anna.

The rich woman who was betrayed by her husband.

Ciel wasn't familiar with her, so he didn't greet her.

However, suddenly, she turned her gaze to him.

"You're the special forces captain's son, right?" she asked, shifting her hair slightly to the side.

"Is there something?" Ciel asked back with a confused expression, quite surprised by her question.

"Nothing, but I'm interested in buying the gift you'll get later, how about you sell it to me?" She said, smiling slightly.

"Huh, that's impossible," Ciel answered quickly.

He didn't know what reward he would get, but something from the military that would be given to the child of a deceased soldier was always precious and priceless. Only a fool would sell it for money.

"What a pity!" Anna didn't look like she wanted to force Ciel.

"However," she continued. "If you really need money, you can contact me. It doesn't matter if you don't sell me the gift, I will still help you. Don't look at my current state, I'm among the 15,000 richest people in the Federation."

With more than 3 trillion inhabitants, even entering the largest 100,000 is enough to be called very rich.

How could Ciel not be surprised.

Yesterday he thought that this woman was just an ordinary rich woman, but it turns out that she is a tycoon. Maybe she has over a hundred billion dollars in assets.

All of his uncles only worked in a company with such a boss and they could brag every day.

Perhaps her influence was insignificant because she was only a tycoon woman, but even that was enough to suppress Low-Rank Evolvers.

Of course, the fact that women of her class fell into this organization was rather sad and a testament to how deep they were.

Ciel wondered why she had given him such an offer.

"Do you wish to ally with me?" he asked, thinking that was the only plausible reason.

"Yeah!" Anna nodded, not arguing at all.

She looked around before replying, "I think you're the most stable among the young men here. Maybe your life has been average all along, but that's only because you didn't get the chance. I'm sure it will be different in the future."

Hearing that, Ciel thought as he continued to stare at her.

Her analysis is really sharp, it directly describes him.

He tapped on the side of the wheelchair a few times and finally replied, "alright, but I can't promise I can help you any time you need it!"

There may be some things in the future where he needs the help of others.

With a tycoon as an ally, Ciel thought things could be resolved more quickly. That was the reason why he agreed.

Anna smiled faintly in response. She didn't say anything else after that.

As soon as everyone sat down, the previous man came again.

“Good, you all chose the right path,” he said, making people grit their teeth.

"First, I will tell you who I am. My name is Erik, I am a Field Commander in this organization."

Erik sat down after saying that. This time, he didn't take out a cigarette, maybe he didn't plan on talking more.

His hand then signaled to the doctors.

One by one, they approached everyone. The first line was the first they approached.

They carried a box containing various medical equipment.

It's not a scary sight because head surgery is common since Chip technology was invented.

Ciel just watched quietly while feeling the strength in his body.

Second by second and minute by minute.

The operation only lasted about 10 minutes.

After finishing, the doctors immediately went to the second row.

Doctor for Ciel is a young asian woman, still looking like she just graduated from college.

She had short hair that was neatly tied up while her skin was quite light.

A hint of a fragrant scent radiated from her body every time ehe moved.

She didn't say anything, immediately took out a syringe filled with clear liquid.

After holding Ciel's head, she pointed the syringe behind Ciel's ear.

The latter pressed his lips together as the syringe pierced his skin.

It didn't hurt too much but there was still a painful sensation that made him want to scream softly.

The doctor only took a few seconds to inject Ciel.

She withdrew the syringe again, tossing it into the small trash bag she was carrying before pulling out two scalpels.

"Doctor, please don't cut my hair," Ciel said as he looked at the two scalpels.

The doctor glanced at him with clear eyes.

She didn't show any expression and didn't say anything.

Even so, she still did as Ciel requested.

At this moment, the top of Ciel's head was split open.

It had no sensation at all and no blood came out so Ciel barely noticed anything.

Of course, it was because of the liquid that was injected behind Ciel's ear earlier.

Meanwhile, the doctor took out something, a very small iron ball, emitting a faint light and occasionally changing color.

Despite knowing he would be fine, Ciel's expression was still sullen when he saw that.

The doctor glanced at him again before stuffing the object into his head.

After that, she dripped some liquid.

The top of Ciel's head that was split open quickly closed again as the liquid spread over his head.

Ciel felt a cold sensation that was quite comfortable.

"Done!" The doctor finally spoke but only one word.

She immediately took a step into the third row.

Ciel, on the other hand, was holding his head.

He didn't find any scars at all.

Right after that, he felt movement in his body, which was clearly from Dark Crow.

Even though he couldn't see, he could tell what was going on inside his body quite clearly.

Dark Crow seemed to be emitting some kind of strange wave that gathered within his brain.

'You are safe now, Boss. I will delete any suspicious thoughts of yours. My strength can last for a week, so you don't have to worry even if I get out of your body," it said.

'So you manipulated my brain waves?' Ciel said.

'Yeah, that's one of my abilities as a crow. However, just to be on the safe side, I'll also remove all the gunpowder in the bomb later so it doesn't explode, guaranteed they won't notice.'

After about 30 minutes, the bomb planting on people's heads was finally finished.

The doctors returned to where they were before while Erik clapped.

"Congratulations, from now on, you are members of the Black and White Organization," he said with curved lips.

"And the next is awakening the Special Talent hidden within you."

A bodyguard came with a suitcase and handed it to Erik.

The latter immediately opened it. It contained a row of bottles with a small black pill inside each.

Ciel couldn't help but ask Dark Crow. 'Am I also going to awaken a Special Talent like he said?'

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His current shadow power came from the blood his father instilled in him when he was a baby, not something that actually came from him, so perhaps the pill would awaken his true power.

'Others for sure, but you weren't one hundred percent successful because the previous drugs were completely absorbed by your body,' Dark Crow replied.

'So!' Ciel wasn't too worried about that.

At most, he would only display his shadow power to show that he had also succeeded in awakening his Special Talent, just like the others.

Of course, he would limit what he would show.


Erik suddenly waved his hand.

Every bottle in the suitcase flew to each person, landing right in their hands.

"Now take the pill," he said.

The people looked at each other with expressions as if to say, "please take it first!"

Of course, everyone was afraid to be the first.

However, that only applies if there is no hatred involved and here there are too many people who want revenge.

In one of the fourth row seats, Bella opened the bottle in her hand in a swift motion.

She took out the pill in the bottle and threw it in her mouth.

All turned to her.

Just a moment after she swallowed the pill, her body suddenly shook violently as if she had been electrocuted.

"Ahhhh!!!" Then she screamed so loudly that her eyes looked like they were popping out of their sockets.

Even though she was a very beautiful woman, that condition made her look more like a demon than a human.

However, this condition did not last long.

Suddenly, dark red flames radiated from her body, making the hall hot.

"This?" People widened their eyes at the sight.

Since the flames appeared, Bella quickly stabilized again.

She also looked surprised as she looked at both of her hands which were covered in flames.

"Good!" Erik clapped his hands again so people turned their gazes to him.

"There is pain, but it's only temporary, unlike the drugs you've been taking so far. And after that, you'll get what more than 99% of people want but can't get it," he said.

The worries disappeared after that and people started opening their bottles, including Ciel.

Holding the pill, Ciel found that it was very cold, like it had just been taken out of the refrigerator.

"If this was on the black market, I would have bought it," Anna said, eyeing the pill closely and then pointing it to her mouth.

It seemed that she was also the kind that craved strength.

As soon as the pill entered her mouth, she experienced the same as Bella's.

Her body shook and her eyes bulged out. She then screamed loudly.

However, her scream was not as clear as Bella's because it had been mixed with the other screams.

Ciel wasn't interested in observing any further, he threw the pill into his mouth saying, 'I wish me luck!'


He quickly felt a sensation of pain all over his body.

However, it wasn't overwhelming like the others, something he could endure.

In order not to seem strange, he ended up faking it.

He hit his chair then screamed as if he was in real pain.

His gaze was currently on his Stats which were increasing again, quite fast and more than before.


[Name: Ciel]

[Life Core: First Order 30%]


- Supreme Shadow Body]


- Normal Soul]

[Special Talent:

- Supreme Shadow Power]


- Shadow Slayer, Supreme Rank

- Shadow Slave, Supreme Rank]


(You just increased 15%)

It stopped at 30%.

The increase in his strength was palpable. Now he felt almost three times stronger than before.

'Boss, increase your focus, there is a change in your bones,' Dark Crow said.

When he heard about bones, Ciel couldn't help but remember his father because he had the power of bones.

He wondered if he also had that kind of power.

His mind then concentrated on his bones. They vibrated and he tried his best to control his body to make them vibrate even louder because each vibration gave him the impression that he was about to gain strength.

'Come out,' he shouted to himself, pushing himself harder.

Unfortunately, when the vibrations of his body slowed down, there was still no bone coming out of his body.

Realizing that he would fail, he finally stopped pushing himself.

However, just as he was about to release his shadow power, something suddenly landed on his palm.

"Take it again if one is not enough," said Erik.

Ciel saw his eyes fixed on him as he stared at him.

It made Ciel feel tense, he said to Dark Crow. 'Is he always watching me?'

'He's strong enough that he can keep an eye on everyone at the same time, but you might get a special note in this organization so he watches you more closely,' Dark Crow replied.

'Phew, this is troublesome,' Ciel thought.

He threw away his thoughts, opened the bottle he had just received and immediately swallowed the medicine inside.

Once again, his body shook.

His strength also increased again although much slower than before.

Ciel didn't pay much attention to that, he focused on the bones.

At this moment, he felt his Life Core's energy being absorbed by his bones, making his control over them increase quite rapidly.


Moments later, something popped out of his hand.

It was a long bone with sharp edges, white in color with a faint glow.


(You get a Special Talent, Iron Bone Power!)

[Name: Ciel]

[Life Core: First Order 35%]


- Supreme Shadow Body]


- Normal Soul]

[Special Talent:

- Supreme Shadow Power

- Iron Bone Power]


- Shadow Slayer, Supreme Rank

- Shadow Slave, Supreme Rank]


(You just increased 5%)

'Here it is!'

Ciel's eyes shone.

This is really the same power as his father.

"Mm, this is a very good ability in combat, you can be considered an elite, but is that all after you swallow two drugs, which are worth hundreds of millions of dollars?" Erik suddenly spoke again, this time with narrowed eyes.

People were shocked by the price of the drug.

Although he didn't say the exact price, a few hundred million dollars would translate into over two hundred million.

Ciel knew that he was in trouble which he didn't know if it was serious or not unless he knew Erik's thoughts.

Pretending to be confused, he replied, "This seems to be all I have."

Fortunately, Dark Crow had already manipulated his brainwaves or else his head would explode instantly.

Seeing that Ciel was fine after he spoke, Erik finally turned his gaze to the cell phone he was carrying.

He touched the screen of the phone a few times and then he looked like he was reading.

His expression didn't change, but there were some slight movements on his face.

After that, he suddenly showed the screen of his cell phone to people.

The screen light shone even brighter, which then formed a virtual screen large enough for all to see.

Erik said, "our technology is so advanced, we record even thoughts you barely notice and process them in no time!"

Ciel's eyes widened as he looked at the virtual screen.

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