Monarch of Shadows

Chapter 6: 6. Bella’s Background

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They returned to the hall.

There, Erik said, "now it's time for you to go back to your respective homes."

After saying that, he waved his hand.

The ceiling of the hall suddenly opened, revealing a clear sky above it.

A giant plane that looked more like an aircraft carrier appeared there, descending downwards while lowering a ladder into the hall.

'They really are very direct,' Ciel thought as he saw the plane.

Erik, on the other hand, waved his hand without another word.

Anna immediately stood up, she took a deep breath and said, "I can finally come back!"

She was definitely not the only one who thought that way, Ciel and the others were the same.

The moment the ladder landed, he immediately stepped onto it. It was wide enough for ten people to step at the same time.

The previous doctors also came, climbing the ladder with the others

The inside of the plane was very spacious.

It has three floors and many rooms.

A group of flight attendants were already waiting there, handing each one an electronic key.

In a friendly manner, they said, "warm water and new clothes have been prepared in your respective rooms, please enjoy the journey!"

Hearing the warm water, all reacted the same, looking for the door of their respective rooms.

Ciel's room was not far from, so he could enter first.

As soon as he entered, he smiled faintly.

The room was not very spacious, but still a room with a soft bed and a bathroom.

There was a small table with fruit on it and a new cell phone, the iPhone 1041.

"Huh, at least they know how to treat members well," said Ciel.

He took an apple and the cell phone and took off all his clothes before going to the bathroom.

It was wider than Ciel had expected with a bathtub full of warm water.

Ciel jumped into the bath and let out a sigh of relief.

There is a window on the side. It shows the view outside.

Ciel surveyed the base below. It was very large, but from above it was not clearly visible because there was a large forest surrounding it.

"This should still be in the State of Utah," he said.

It's one of the States in the Earth Federation, has about 100 Planets out of 5000 planets belonging to the Federation.

Curious, Ciel turned on his cell phone.

There is nothing different about the phone other than that there is a special application that requires an identification process to unlock it.

It also uses Ciel's old cell phone number.

Ciel opened the organization's application first.

There are many features such as to contact the organization and others.

He also found the contacts of everyone in the base.

"There is no doubt that this is a threat to the Federation and now that I am a part of it, if father were still alive, he might break my leg." Ciel smiled wryly.

After pressing the screen a few times, he said, "So this is Planet Furies."

Ciel's expression didn't change much as it could only be said to be an average planet, without any particular uniqueness.

Most of the residents work as laborers because many factories were built there, just like the planet where Ciel lives.


Ciel stared at the window again as the plane started flying and headed straight for space.

It took only a few minutes for the plane to penetrate the planet's atmosphere.

In space, the front of the plane emitted light, opened a hole that emitted white light and entered it.

It's a wormhole.

The inside was similar to a tunnel in water but filled with light and ripples.

Then, Ciel opened the E-Governent application.  He wanted to see his current status.

Just by showing his face to the camera, he was instantly able to log in.

The features in this app are even more.  Things like Identity Cards, Evolver Cards, SIMs, it's all inside.

"Mm!" Ciel quickly discovered his status.

He turned out to be fine, there is no record of him being kidnapped.

'Looks like this organization is deep enough in government,' he thought.

Ding Dong!

About 30 minutes after Ciel entered the bathroom, a bell suddenly resounded throughout the plane.

(To all passengers, please come to the third floor to eat together!) A woman's voice echoed after the sound of the bell.

Hearing that, Ciel immediately stood up, dried himself with a towel and returned to the room.

There was a cupboard, he opened it which turned out to contain some nice clothes.

Ciel chose trousers and a black shirt.

He looked in the mirror, brushed his hair to the side.

Looking at his current self, he nodded in satisfaction.

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Immediately after that he came out of his room.

Because he didn't see anyone he knew, he went straight to the third floor.

It really is a luxurious place.

The floor is made of glass with a pond full of fish underneath.

Dozens of tables were arranged in various places and the flight attendants put various kinds of dishes on those tables.

People started arriving with different appearances.

Awakening Special Talents and bathing in warm water plus wearing nice clothes, even those who were previously just beggars looked different. Saying that this is a party of nobles is not an exaggeration at all.

"Ciel, you are indeed something, your father must be a charming man."

Ciel heard Anna's voice behind him.

He turned around and found the woman wearing a short nightgown so that her white thighs were exposed quite a lot.

Ciel's eyes couldn't help but stare at her feet for a moment.

"Tsk! Tsk!" Anna suddenly laughed softly.

"You're not fascinated by me, are you?" she asked with curved lips, even a wink.

It was obvious that she was flirting.

It's hard to see someone's true face when they're having a hard time, but once their life becomes comfortable, they will show it for themselves.

Ciel didn't lose his composure, calmly replying "I know my thoughts about you weren't wrong! But don't get me wrong, what's attractive is not you, only your body, something nice to warm the bed."

He didn't show any courtesy at all even though they were allies and her status was very high.

Perhaps in other matters, he could relent, but he grew up with a far above average appearance.

When it comes to women's issues, it's never been a difficult thing for him.

Using seduction to influence his mind? That's not possible.

In his life, he had only known the concept of women throwing themselves at him and he had forgotten how many times that had happened.

For a moment, Anna's lips twitched after she heard the answer.

"Really rude," she said.

"Don't you know how to respect older women?"

"Unfortunately I really don't know," Ciel replied nonchalantly before sitting down at one of the tables.

He didn't lie. His mother died early and all his aunts were shameless bastards, so he really never got an education in that field.

Anna rolled her eyes before sitting down beside Ciel.

While the latter took the knife and fork, the woman still continued to stare at him.

She seemed to have understood Ciel's life from those short words.

She said, "so what you lack is growing up without a mother's love, how about I give it to you, be my adopted son and call me mama?"

Ciel, "..."

"I'd rather have my mouth locked forever," he replied.

"Tsk! Tsk!" Anna laughed again.

But maybe seeing Ciel getting annoyed, so she didn't say anything that offended him again.

She let Ciel eat in peace.

The young man enjoyed every dish, the roast beef, the fried duck, the hot soup.

At the base, there was no dish like this.

Moments after Ciel started eating, there was a commotion among the youths.

It was because of Bella's arrival.

This time she really looked completely different.

She was wearing long jeans and a white t-shirt that was quite tight.

Her hair was in a high ponytail while her skin looked so clean that there was redness on her cheeks.

Unlike usual, her demeanor seemed relaxed even though her gaze was always fixed on the front.

'Is she possessed by a ghost?' Ciel wondered. He found it quite strange because at first he thought she would be a barbarian woman.

Anna beside him probably guessed his thoughts, she said, "don't underestimate her. The things she's shown so far are just because she can't endure suffering, but in reality, she's a woman who grew up with the best education and nutrition, something that can turn even an idiot into someone of decent mind. Before this she was just immature and now it looks like she's starting to mature."

"You know her?" asked Ciel.

At the same time, he remembered what Bella had said in the Dungeon.

"Actually we've met, but she may have forgotten, she's from the Wallace Family," Anna replied.

Ciel didn't know what family it was because he didn't really know much about big families.

But from Anna's reaction, it should be a family far above her.

He said, "it should only be a rich family, right?"

That conclusion he came to when he recalled what Erik had said.

If they were the Evolver Family, there was no way that Bella would be expelled just because of wealth.

Of course, the Rich Family was also very powerful. They have a lot of Evolvers working for them.

However, whether it was the Rich Family or the Official Family, they would always be under the Evolver Family.

To be the latter really needed a family of powerful Evolvers.

"Yeah!" Anna didn't argue.

"However, they are in the top 100, their business is not only limited to the Federation. And they are unique compared to others because in the past, they had one genius who managed to reach the Star Order. It is rumored that he is still alive today although his whereabouts are unknown."

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