Monster Girl Reincarnation

Chapter 6: Chapter 5: A New School

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Weeks, months, and then years blazed past. I made new friends and went to school. My first new friend was a bouncy harpy girl named Ava that introduced herself to me on the first day of school, and I made a lot of other friends with her boisterous help and encouragement.

I learned more than I thought I would in elementary school, despite already having math and reading mastered. I learned a more in-depth history than the Wandering Scholar could ever hope to achieve, I learned how to actually unleash my creativity through art, and I learned that holding a fountain pen with reptilian claws was very different from holding a pen with human hands.

Today was the first day of middle school, and Mama woke me up early. After stretching for a moment, I went to my closet and got out my favorite yellow sundress. I changed out of my pajamas and donned a silvery blindfold, then headed to the dining room for breakfast. Mama set a plate of bacon and eggs on the table the moment after I sat down. 

After I cleaned my plate, I grabbed my backpack, which we packed last night, and headed to the front door.

“Are you ready, Lily?” Mama asked. I turned to face her, giving her a grin and a thumbs-up. “Alright, then let’s get a carriage.”

We went outside and quickly flagged down a carriage. After a short ride, we disembarked in front of an elegant building. Think “fantasy academy that only takes honor students and nobility,” and you’d be darn close. 

I only learned just how majestic it was later, but at the moment I only had a general impression to work with. My sight substitution only got more unreliable as distance and crowd size increased.

We said our goodbyes at the front gate, giving each other a hug until Mama pulled away and gave me a pat on the back. After that, I made my way into the building.

The inside looked like any normal middle or high school, with students milling about and lockers lining the hall. The only big difference was the architecture was all stone, and the light from the skylights and windows was supplemented by torches instead of fluorescents. 

I made my way to my locker, marked with the same raised number as on my textured schedule. Before I could open it, though, I was tackled from behind by a mass of feathers.

“Liilyyyyy! I missed you so so much! Where have you been all summer?!” the ball of feathers accused me. I tried, and failed, to keep myself from snorting at my best friend’s antics.

“Ava, it’s barely been a week since we last hung out! You can’t exactly call that all summer,” I managed before dissolving into giggles. I poked her gently in the side, causing her to collapse into a fit of giggles as well.

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Once we had calmed down enough, I had a thought. “Hey, Ava, wanna compare schedules?”

“Ooh ooh ooh! Yes absolutely!” the harpy exclaimed with a jump and flutter of her wings. It took her a moment to stop flapping, then she took off her backpack and pulled out her schedule.

“Let’s see, my first class is Wings P.E, then Math, then Science, then lunch, then Penmanship, then Social Studies, then- then- Argh what was it!” she rambled, lowering her head to stare intensely at her schedule for a moment before continuing, “Oh yeah! My last class is Textiles!”

“Well, at least our Science and Penmanship classes line up. I have Social Studies, Magic, and Science before lunch; then I have Penmanship, Math, and Lamia P.E.” 

It wasn’t super surprising that we had Penmanship class together. Only the ones with non-human had much reason to take it, and we were far outnumbered by the mamono with “normal” hands. There were probably only a couple Penmanship classes each year. Some of the classes offered were pretty specific. There was probably only one Lamia P.E. class, for example.

“Well, see you in Science class then! Gotta go!” Ava said, hopping a couple times on each foot before taking off to fly through the ridiculously tall hallways.

I watched her for a moment and chuckled. She really is pure energy in the mornings, I thought. Her enthusiasm always helped me wake up that last little bit in the mornings.

I turned and headed down the hallway towards my own class. I got there with a couple minutes to spare, so I used the extra time to make myself comfortable. Just as I finally got my tail settled under my seat, the bell rang and class started.

Today’s class started on pre-Lilim history, and since we were going over so much so quickly, there was barely anything I didn’t know from reading the Monster Girl Encyclopedias in my first life.

The bell rang, startling me out of my developing stupor. It was finally time for the class I have been looking forward to since birth: Magic.

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