Monster Girl World

Chapter 1: Father of the Protaganist(1)

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Daniel woke up from his bed when the light just started creeping through his shutter, he squints his eye as he stares right up through the window.
"The Day has arrived for my departure," he mumbles as he finally decides to get up. Swinging his legs over the bed onto the wooden floor, Daniel takes a look around his room and pauses on a drawing of his mother, father two siblings and him. He walks over, stretching his upper body along the way, and grabs the picture.

Tracing over his mother’s smile, Daniel walks over to his polished wooden wardrobe and picks out a cotton woven tunic along with some fiber woven pants that seem to be woven with a little bit of metal. Grabbing the rest of the clothes in the wardrobe, which isn’t many, he steps over to a burlap sack with stuff clearly in it and drops the picture and clothes in the bag, grabbing the strap of the burlap sack he moves into the kitchen and grabs an apple looking fruit and some bread off the wooden table and steps out the front door. Turning around he looks at the wooden log house one more time before moving to the center of the village where the town hall is, walking down the smooth dirt road he waves good morning to the local blacksmith and Ms. Hearth.

The nice elder lady made sure he had a basket of fruit every day, continuing his journey Daniel looked over every building, most of them were made of wood like his log cabin, but instead were made of wooden planks, except for the obvious blacksmith workshop and other nonfriendly wood buildings.

Daniel looked at the school he grew up in that taught him his foundations, surrounded by trees except for the front and with a stone foundation the school stood three stories with the top story being the roof and the bell. A nostalgic smile appeared on Daniel's face as he reminisced about his school years, continuing he finally reached the town hall, where he opened the 1.9-meter doors and stepped on the marble flooring.

Benches were lined on the side and a spiral stairway with a handle was going up into the second and stopping on the third floor, Daniel's eyes were set on the entrance of the town hall which had two booths set up on the side of another double decker door, which Daniel stepped through as well to see a risen platform in the middle of the room surrounded by wooden benches of high quality.

Daniel walked down the aisle with the click of his boots and stopped right in front of the risen platform where he placed an ovate shiny purple leaf. He stood there in silence for forty-five seconds before the leaf started glowing in flashes, it started at a slow pace then speeding up exponentially until a shining beacon of light rose from the leaf into a green woman with leaf anklets a grass woven skirt and a papyrus crop top.

She had the body of a track star, thin but toned, and her face gave off the sexiness of a mature women, her hair was light green with brazen purple tips and was cascading down to her breast with a two-A curl style.

The green woman slowly opened her eyes, and two verdant green irises stared back at Daniel’s light brown eyes. She smirked and said, “I see you have finally accepted your fate Daniel, have you said goodbye yet?”.

Daniel sighed “I haven’t told anybody yet China Rose, and I’m not going to, so can we just get a move on”. China Rose smiles while shaking her head, then proceeds to wave her hand backwards letting a leaf fall behind her.

The leaf starts pulsing with light and summons another green female wearing a grass colored chiton with leaf anklets as well, this one is visibly younger and a lot shyer than her elder. “You will be taking Guava as your Dryad companion on your journey as a guide for the hero,” China Rose says while looking at Daniel. As she expected he frowns and smacks his lips, “Remember Daniel you are to show hospitality to our guest and not antagonize them as soon as they get here,” China Rose narrows her eyes as she stares at the seventeen-year-old youth who tried running from his destiny.

Daniel proceeds to ignore the mature women and walks up to Guava who has an oval face and pouty lips with a small button nose. Her eyes were equally verdant green, but unlike China Rose hers had the look of innocence and sheltered, Daniel continues to analyze Guava and realizes she is a little plumper than most dryads, she is not fat or chubby by any means, but she has more of a pronunciation on her boobs and butt.

Guava flinched a little when Daniel first looked at her but then gathered the courage to look at the young man in front of her, or better known as her campaign. She blushed immediately after soaking in his image for thirty seconds, Daniel was six feet, and 2 inches and Guava was only standing at his nose, he had a muscular body that fit more on the lean side than meaty side but still expansive. His skin tone was the color of dark oak wood, and his hair was a mess of dreads, but his eyes were sharp and focused.

Guava was transfixed with Daniel, especially with his lips as they were dark pink bordering on purple, yet wet and juicy. After Daniel finished eyeing Guava, he turned back to China Rose “When are they arriving?”,
“I don’t know but are divinations are never wrong, and this one is too influential to be wrong” Daniel looks at China Rose a bit longer but then turns around to leave the town hall. “Where are you going?” China Rose asks, “Don’t try to run away again”.

“I know, I’m just trying to get some practice in before I go” Daniel replies without turning around and keeps on walking to the double doors. China Rose turns to Guava and nods her head towards Daniel, Guava snapping out of her daze hurriedly clamors after the moody youth while China Rose shakes her head.

Daniel hears Guava following him as he leaves the town hall but says nothing to her as he walks to his personal training grounds. Several iron poles and dummies are in a sandy man-made pit on the outskirts of the village. Daniel grabs a bo staff that is maintained in good condition but still clearly worn out and starts doing large swings with it.

Guava watches him with clear interest as what he’s doing doesn’t make any sense, that is not how you use a bo staff. She was about to interrupt him when he stopped and faced an iron pole in the ground, he took a steady stance and jabbed the bo staff right into the pole, metal hitting metal rung around the pit.

Then Daniel finally started getting serious as he seemed to slide around the pit hitting poles whenever he slid by. The ringing sound started getting annoying at first but then started making a melodic sound that left Guava speechless, not only did Daniel start making music out of iron poles with a bo staff, he also was moving to fast for Guava to even see properly and the sand in the air didn’t help.

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He finally stopped four minutes later, the sand was flying so fast that it started hurting Guava’s skin, and he wasn’t even trying to weaponize it. “Wow t-that was ama-azing, why did you do that?” Guava asked with a stutter and genuine curiosity. Daniel stayed silent for a moment before replying “I’m trying to learn the technique sandstorm” Guava gasped “But that’s a tier 4 technique, only the senior hunters and guard captains are capable of learning that technique!”.

Daniel looked back and grinned with a cocky smile, “Don’t forget your looking at the top prodigy of the entire village, did you not see me exercise vertigo” Guava nods with her jaw touching the floor, not expecting her partner to be so adept at using his mana.

Daniel was about to brag more about how amazing he is when a boom was heard in the distance of the forest, turning his head towards Guava she quickly nods and close her eyes while the trees start swaying like a light breeze has blown through them, but there was no wind.
Guava says to Daniel “There is a high orc coming right towards us as well as a blond-haired teenager, the teen is capable of using storm magic and fire magic, but he won’t be able to hold on long,” Daniel sighs “It’s finally time huh?”. He said to no one in particular, but his resolution finally hardened, and he held his bo staff with a firm grip.

Daniel slammed his bo staff right in front of him until it pierced the ground, the sand around him moved onto his staff, leaving the middle part alone so he could grab it, and hardened until it was unrecognizable from actual sandstone.

Guava starts sweating once she realizes that the mysterious blond teen is heading towards their location. “How did they even get here; my sisters should be protecting the village all day and all night”. Just then the leaves on the trees inside the village turned green, and China Rose’s voice spoke out “A massive orc raid has breached the woods, all hunters and guards are needed on the east frontline”. The message rung out three times before quieting down, then immediately after the shouting of men were heard as they either marched in formation or rushed out their lonesome to the east frontline.

Guava gasped once she found out the village was under attack, she lost connection to the trees blinding them to the High orc and blond teen that were coming up on their location. “What are we going to do!?” Guava questions Daniel. During this entire time Daniel’s staff was still having the sand converge onto it, and then having it pressurized into sandstone. The sand in the pit was almost all gone due to these actions and although there was about two feet depth of sand the pit was thirty-six square feet wide.

But that wasn’t even the weirdest part no the weirdest part was that the staff only got about 2-3 inches thicker. “Guava calm down and try to use tree sight again,” Daniel calmly utters to her, Guava blushes in embarrassment that she is the only one out of the two of them freaking out.

Guava closes her eyes and reconnects her mind to the trees to see what they see, and quickly finds the high orc and blond teen. The blond teen has a new giant gash on his back and the high orc’s double-bladed axe has some fresh blood on it. “They’re still heading right towards us, but this time the guy isn’t fighting back, and he’s injured,” Guava reports to Daniel with worry present in her voice.

Daniel thinks for a moment then openly sighs, “Tell me when they’re going to pass above us” Guava nods “Ok, they’re still 15 yards away”. Daniel stops converging the sand on his staff and grasp the part that isn’t covered in sandstone, his boots now touching dirt, the earth underneath him starts shaking.

“12 yards away” Guava tells Daniel as the earth in circular shape around him starts lifting off the ground with his staff still in front of him. “10 yards away” A pillar of earth brings Daniel in the air slowly rising to the top of the pit, “Guava, plant vine seeds” he tells her in a commanding voice.

Guava, without opening her eyes, summon seeds with a flash of green and throws them on the ground, “8 yards away” she utters while the seeds she threw start sprouting. The sound of running and destruction reaches Daniel when he is halfway up the pit.

“5 yards away” Daniel sees a fit teen running right towards him dressed in a torn white button up shirt with cuffs and khakis along with some standard boots. The youth doesn’t even know Daniel is in front of him, he’s to busy looking behind watching as the trees fall with another loud shout.

“2 yards away” Daniel stopped rising after placing himself five-sixth up the pit, “They’re here!” Guava says opening her eyes. The teen jumps over the pit and looks down surprised to see Daniel right below his feet, he then looks at the other side of the pit and realized he might have misjudged how wide the pit was.

When he was just about to fall in, he stepped on air and just hopped right out onto the other side. He rolled on the ground for a bit before stopping on his back with his sword laying next to him, he looked to the side just in time to witness the high orc jumping over the same pit. But this time someone flew out.


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