Monster Girls Diary Entries

Chapter 1: Haru’s entry 001

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Dear Diary,

This is my first entry, I don’t know how these start so I’m just going to put my thoughts down & pray Roza doesn’t read this

My name is Mochizuki Haru, I’m a red Oni who lives in Omagi which is a small neighbourhood in Saitama prefecture. As a hard-working gal with a stable job, I never have time to prioritise myself or anyone other than work. It’s like each week is working or recovering from working, even my weekends are full of me making sure my house stays clean which gets increasingly difficult when two of my roommates don’t bother to help. The pink catgirl Neko spends most of her time outside the house & Shika fails to cooperate with me every time, even letting her feathers drop in front of me just to tick me off. Did I mention she’s a Harpy, I always thought Parakeets were unfit to be house pets yet the agency dropped her on my doorstep. What were they thinking? The only person who offers help to me is Hoshi & she always does a terrific job, she’s even good at disciplining the others. I got lucky with her, Hoshi seems to be the only person on my side

But enough about that I should give explain how my day went. This morning started dreadfully with an alarm that pierces my ears, I’d slam my palm on it until the noise stops but with my strength that usually means I’ve broken it. This is the third alarm clock I’ve owned in the past four months, thankfully it did not break this morning so I was pleased with my self-control. I have a morning ritual that must be adhered to every weekday, I would get up at 05:00 & stumble into the shower, after a shower it takes a good while to get my appearance ready for the day. No one talks about how challenging it is to brush your hair when you have two sharp horns in the way, I have contemplated taking a small dose of Masking Potion to make that part of my day easier but that runs the risk of suddenly changing back into my Oni form on my commute to work or worse, in the office may God-Sama forbid. As I take over half an hour to get ready breakfast is a luxury I miss most days, although that becomes beneficial when I don’t need to see Shika in the morning. She’s the chaotic evil to my lawful good so the less time spent with her the better, I did get to speak to Neko-Chan which was nice. She was so sleepy to the point that I intervened to prevent her from banging into the walls, working at that café is really taking all it can out of her. As someone who can relate I should reach out to her but it’s difficult when she’s either out of the house or sleeping on every surface she finds. She’s 20 years old & still seems naïve, I must try to reach out to her. Maybe we could become friends again

Anyway, I should stop rambling about my morning, I get to work at a comfortable time of 07:15. I went to my computer & got straight to work, honestly before 10:00 the office is incredibly boring. The room’s dull shades of grey really drain all the emotion from us, no wonder all my coworkers are dispassionate zombies. Well not all of them, my Kouhai Sakurako is young & always full of energy even in that dingy office. It’s glaringly obvious that half of the guys at work have a crush on her & who can blame them, if I was a joyless adult stuck in a dead-end job like that I would develop feelings for the only one in the room with colour in her life. Oh, wait I am a joyless adult working there…but Sakurako is not my type anyway. She’s too thin, I’m afraid of breaking a limb of hers with my superior strength if we shared physical contact. I’m into guys, specifically guys with muscles, I like the kind of man I can go to the gym with & lose to in a game of arm-wrestling. Sadly most guys I meet are like sticks compared to my hidden strength, I really can’t blame them. As an Oni I have denser muscle fibers so even though I don’t look it I can lift a motorbike. Again with the generalizations, not all men I meet are sticks, there is one guy in the office who never fails to get my attention. Kiichi-Kun, when I see him come into the office at roughly 10:15 my eyes become glued to his thick abs stretching those shirts he wears. He’s like a marble statue it’s hard for me to contain myself sometimes, just thinking about him now is making me blush so I’ll stop

Other than that my days aren’t so exciting, I’ll leave this entry with some words of encouragement

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Despite how it appears I still have value, I’m important to the girls I live with whether some like to admit it or not. I’m important at work, they secretly need me more than I need them & one day Kiichi-Kun will see the beauty in me. If only I have the confidence to talk to him more often

Well that’s it for today, until next time Diary

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