Chapter 4: The brother and the sister

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The detective, a doctor and a nurse were currently present in the garden beside the hospital, trying their best to talk with the daughter of Mr. Fischer. The daughter was sitting on a wheel chair with an impassive face.

The detective asked, “Don't you remember anything about that night? It could be anything, anything at all you remember. Like if someone came to your house or not.”

But there was no answer. The girl’s face remained as impassive as before. The doctor and the nurse sighed as the attempts made by the detective were all unsuccessful.

The detective then asked, “Hmm. You know what your own name is, don’t you?”

No reply from the daughter. Her face as impassive as before.

The detective then said, “Your name is Greta Fischer, right?”

The doctor and the nurse sighed.

The doctor then said, “I told you detective, it's no good right now. She still hasn’t said a single word yet.”

The detective then said, “She must get better sometime, doctor.”

But then the doctor said, “Her parents were shot dead before her eyes. It appears that she is suffering from amnesia brought on by the intense psychological shock to her brain. I wonder if she has symptoms of a history of dissociation.”

The detective then sighed and said, “If we could just get these twin siblings to provide some eyewitness testimony, we would be on our way to solving the case but the younger sister Greta is like this. And the older brother Marcel just had an elaborate surgery to take the bullet out of his brain. He just finally opened his eyes.

The doctor then said, “We ask for your patience in talking with these children. You must have some other proof to work with at the moment.”

The detective then said, “Yes, we do. The 22- Caliber gun we found in the room is a Soviet NSP. The way the fingerprints were wiped clean off the gun is professional but the broken glass and the footprints we found make it look like an amateur job.”

The doctor then asked, “So it is a robbery after all?”

The detective then replied, “The Fischer family had just escaped from the East Germany. We can’t be sure if anything was stolen.”

The detective then said, “We can’t just ask the East Germany’s government how much they were carrying.”

The detective then continued, “Unless that Soviet Union removes it grip from the East Germany, it’s too hard to try anything of that sort.”

He then paused and said, “The victims were high officials in the East German government. If we don’t clear this up quickly, the FBI will get involved. They always come in afterwards and take all the damn credit for solving the case from us local police. We don’t have time to mess around.”

The detective then got an idea and he curiously asked, “Ah! What about this?!”

He then said, “Let her see her brother!”


“Maybe if they see each other’s faces,  they will feel better and her memory will come back.”

But then the doctor replied, “Err... but our primary concern at the moment is stabilizing their conditions. Dr. Sharma hasn’t given any authorization to let the two meet.”

The detective then asked, “Dr. Sharma?”

The doctor then replied, “The doctor in charge of Marcel.”

The doctor then said with a sense of irritation in his voice, “Well, what the hell am I supposed to do then?”

But unknown to them, they were being watched by Dr. Sharma from the hospital’s window, though he couldn’t hear him. After Dr. Nolan became the chief,  Dr. Sharma has been forced to overwork by Dr. Nolan. 

Dr. Sharma then thought to himself, “It’s okay your brother will live.”

Suddenly Dr. Sharma heard a voice.

“Hey Dr. Sharma what are you spacing out about?”

Dr. Sharma then turned towards right and saw, Dr. Durham coming towards him. “Oh...Dr. Durham.”

Dr. Durham then smiled and asked,“Look at that face. Have you been sleeping well?”

Dr. Sharma then replied, “Yes. I’ve just been very busy with emergency operations lately.”

“Look at the way,  they are using you. This is what you get from disobeying the director’s orders and getting demoted from chief.”

Dr. Sharma then smiled and said, “No, it’s okay.”

He then continued, “In fact I feel refreshed. This is much better than being caught up in all the politics. I have been able to get back to my most important job as a doctor saving lives.”

Dr. Durham then said, “Well look. At you sure changed your morals around.”

He then said, “If you changed factions from the director to the board chairman, you would get crushed with the influence the director’s got now.”

He then laughed and said, “Or will you turn into an inter-faction spy?”

“No. I had enough of that.”

Dr. Durham then patted Dr. Sharma’s back and said, “All right. Not bad! You really will be my partner from now on. This really is a comfy job. No one’s got you tied up. No one’s expecting anything out of you...”

But he then paused and said, “No hope for promotion though.”

Suddenly the phone started ringing and then Dr. Sharma said, “You’ll have to excuse me, I have a call.”

Dr. Durham then said, “You’re still working, so tired?”

He then continued, “You were their number one young doctor, and a genius, and now they treat you like a resident student. It’d be a pity if all you did was work hard for them.”

Dr. Sharma didn’t bother to reply to Dr. Durham and started walking away with his head down.


It was the room where Marcel was present. The room was filled with gifts. But along with these gifts, there were four people in the room.

Dr. Fletcher then said, “Look at all these presents and letters of encouragement, director. There’s a mountain of them in his sister’s room too. And all the police coming in and out are disturbing patients.”

Dr. Nolan then said, “There’s only this many because mass media uses the story of twin siblings who’ve lost their parents, a tear jerker. This is the kind of patients who causes more problems than treatment costs make up for.”

Dr. Curtis then said, “And that’s not all. There's a possibility the people who killed their parents were terrorists. As witnesses, they may try to take out the children using the hospital as a target.”

Dr. Fletcher then said, “What a pain.”

But Dr. Olson smiled and said, “It’s not so bad.”

All the other 3 doctors were confused and asked, “Huh?”

Dr. Olson then replied, “A “tear jerker” isn’t so bad is it? We’ll get more attention...that enough makes up for the disturbance caused by the boy. Am I right?”

All the three doctors said in an unison, “Yes sir.”

The director then asked, “By the way, has the director from Rose  Hospital Centre over in Detroit , said anything yet?”

Dr. Fletcher then replied, “Yes, the arrangements are complete. He said he will support you Dr. Olson in the election for the next American Medical Association Chairman.”

The director then said,“Hmm. Now I have to push Dr. Mills at Greenlawn General hospital. I bet that one’s okay though.”

Dr. Fletcher agreed with the director and then said, “Yes, he’ll be favouring you quite soon.”

The director then smiled and said, “Good. Tell me when we have everything I have need.”

The director then curiously asked, “Oh, yes. How about this idea?"

All the 3 doctors then asked in an unison, “Pardon?”

The director then explained them his idea.

“We’ll present a photo of the two children together to the media.”

Dr. Nolan then said, “Ah, yes. They have been repeatedly requesting them.”

The director then said, “Very well. Give then one. A picture that looks as though they are alive and strong under our kind nursing. This will be an emergency image saver for the Randall Memorial hospital.”

Dr. Nolan then said, “Very good sir, but the director in attendance here, has said it is too early to allow the two children to see each other.”

The director then asked, “Who is it?”

Dr. Curtis replied, “Dr. Sharma.”

The director then ordered, “Remove him.”

All three of them asked in an unison, “Sir?”

The director smirked and said, “He does not deserve to be in a position that basks in the limelight so much. Remove Dr. Sharma from care of this patient.”

All the other three doctors smirked and said, “Yes sir.”

The director then picked up a packet of candies from the gifts and said, “This is a present from the kind citizens of this city.”

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He then took one candy from the packet and ate it. He then offered the candies to the other doctors, “How about you?”

All the three of them, accepted the candies and ate it.

“Thank you, sir.”


“How do you feel Mrs. Douglas?

“Thank you, Dr. Sharma. I feel wonderful, thanks to you.”

Doctor Sharma then smiled and said, “Soon, we’ll be able to take your stitches out, and then you can leave soon afterwards.”

“Then I can go home.”

“Yes, as long as you follow my directions and get plenty of rest.”

“I thought I would never be able to see my grandchildren again. Thank you, doctor.” The woman said with a sense of relief.

Dr. Sharma then ordered the nurse, “Prescribe Mrs. Douglas some daily anticonvulsive and hypotensives.”


Suddenly they heard a scream coming from nearby. Dr. Sharma and the nurse immediately became alert by the scream. Dr. Sharma then immediately came outside of the room and saw Greta unconscious. She was being carried by a doctor and a nurse.

The doctor then said, “Get her outside. Lay her on a ward trolley.”

Dr. Sharma rushed to the scene and asked the doctors, “What are you doing?!”

The doctor then replied, “Dr. Sharma. We let her see her brother and then she screamed and fainted.”

Dr. Sharma then asked, “Why did you let them see each other?”

“I ordered them to.”

As Dr. Sharma turned towards to the door, he saw Dr. Nolan and Dr. Curtis standing there with a camera. 

Dr. Sharma then asked, “Dr. Nolan, what is the meaning of this. Why do you have camera on your hands?”

Dr. Sharma replied with an impassive face, “We thought we’d catch their moving reunion on camera, to show the media.”

Dr. Sharma then asked, “On whose authorization,  did you do this? I’m the doctor in attendance here.” 

But Dr. Nolan then replied in a cold voice, “You have been removed from care of this boy.”

Dr. Sharma was shocked after hearing that.


Dr. Curtis then said, “I’m in charge here from now on. I decided it would be all right to have them meet.”

Dr. Sharma became very furious after hearing that. He couldn’t control his anger anymore and in rage , he held Dr. Nolan’s collar and pushed him against the wall.

Dr. Sharma then said in anger, “Don’t turn these children into some kind of exhibition!”

Bur Dr. Nolan replied with an impassive face, “Director’s orders. I think it will be in your self interest to not to disobey him anymore.”

But Dr. Sharma still didn’t let him go and said,“You were the ones who tried to abandon him. You were the ones who gave preference to the mayor’s life! Are you trying to use this boy to save image from the disaster with the mayor?! I saved him! I have the responsibility to take care of him until he is well.”

Dr. Nolan then said, “Why don’t you take a look at the boy’s response, then?”

Dr. Sharma then released Dr. Nolan from his hold and went inside the room. He then saw Marcel crying and he held his hand out.

Dr. Nolan then said, “The moment he saw his sister, he held out his hand and started crying. He’s obviously come back to his senses, and you can see for yourself, he’s given a normal response.”

Dr. Nolan then praised Dr. Sharma and said,“So this means your surgery was a great success. Good job. Your work here is over. Now get back to your position.  This is a chief’s order.” 

He then pushed Dr. Sharma out of the room.

As Dr. Sharma went outside the room, he saw Alicia waiting outside. He then tried to call Alicia.


Alicia then saw Dr. Sharma and smirked.

“Hey, sorry for making you wait.”

Alicia then turned towards Dr. Holden, “You’re late, Dr. Holden.”

Dr. Holden then said, “I’m sorry, one of my patients started saying he couldn’t sleep.”

She then said,“Now you’re going to have to go shopping with me for punishment, Dr. Holden”

“Hey, hey go easy on me.”

And then they both went out together while Dr. Sharma just stood there feeling his entire world crashing down.


Dr. Sharma was walking on the street and drinking his wine.

“Fuck them all! I wasn’t wrong! All of them! They’re just a bunch of a money and status whores! Director’s order my ass! Chief’s order my ass! God dammit!”

He then collapsed onto a pile of garbage. He then started crying. 

“I...I wasn’t... I wasn’t wrong.”


Alicia and Dr. Holden reached Dr. Olson’s house after their date.

She asked Dr. Holden, “How about some tea?”

But Dr. Holden replied,“No, I’ll be fine for today.”

“Oh, come in and see my father. Father, Dr. Holden is here.”

But there was no response. She then called for her father again.


But still there was no response.

“Father? Are you in your room?”


A nurse was walking down the hallway of the Randall Memorial hospital. 

“Dr. Fletcher? Dr. Nolan and Dr. Curtis? Are you still having a meeting at this hour?”

But there was no response, she then opened the door and found Dr. Nolan, Dr. Curtis and Dr. Fletcher on the ground, dead.

“Huh? Kyaaah!”


Alicia then knocked her father’s room door. But there was no response.

“Father? Are you asleep already? I’m coming in.”

But as she opened the door, she saw Dr. Olson sitting on his chair, dead.


Dr. Sharma was peacefully sleeping on his bed, but even in his sleep he was saying something.

“Ugh...he ought to be dead...”

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