Chapter 8: Night of the execution

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Dr. Sharma remembered his face clearly. He remembered the scene where the little boy extended his hand for help.

The man in the dark then spoke, “Yes, those twins. You remembered me.”

Dr. Sharma was shocked. He never expected to meet Marcel like this. 

Mr. Hebert then said, “Run, doctor! You can’t look at his face! If you see his face, he'll kill you too!”

The doctor then became anxious. He knew he had to somehow stop Marcel. He then said, “What are you planning? Mr. Hebert is my patient. What are you going to do to him?”

The man then said, “What am I going to do to him?"

He then put his hand inside his suit and pull out his gun and pointed it toward Mr. Hebert and said, “Execute him.”

Mr. Hebert started screaming in fear after seeing the gunpoint towards him. 

Dr. Sharma then exclaimed, “Stop! What are you doing?!”

Mr. Hebert then turned back towards Doctor and said, “Run, doctor! He doesn’t care how many people he kills. He's the one who murdered all my friends!”

Dr. Sharma was shocked after hearing that.


Mr. Hebert then started explaining everything.

“He hired us. He was the one, whom we got all our calls for jobs from. He would transfer large sums of money to a bank account for us once we finished a job, and we’d split it up between the three of us.”

Dr. Sharma finally understood who committed the murderers of those four middle-aged couples. He then asked, “So the one who ordered those murderers of the four middle-aged couples was you?"

Mr. Hebert then continued explaining.

“When the police noticed me, we became nothing more than obstacles to him. He already killed Dustin, the knifeman, and Walton. Right when he was on the verge of death, Dustin told me that we’ve been hired by a monster."

Dr. Sharma then understood who the monster was. It was Marcel. He was the one who was responsible for everything.

Mr. Hebert then said with a sense of fear in his voice, “He doesn’t think anything at all about killing a person. Run! He’ll kill you too, doctor!”

The man started laughing and said, “You’re a talkative one, Orville.”

But then he reloaded his revolver and pointed it towards Mr. Hebert’s head and said, “I hate chatterboxes.”

Dr. Sharma exclaimed, “No, stop! Stop Marcel! It doesn't seem like Mr. Hebert knows who you are, but I do. I was your doctor.”

Mr. Hebert was confused. No one knew the monster’s identity. And if anyone knew the monster’s identity, the person would have been already killed by the monster. 

Dr. Sharma then said, “You are Marcel Fischer, the elder brother of the Fischer twins. You are the son of Mr. Fischer, the East German Trade Advisor who immigrated to the US in 1986.”

He then paused and said, “Even with just that amount of information, it will be impossible for you to run away any longer. Don’t commit any more crimes, Marcel.”

The man then started laughing and said, “Marcel? I suppose there was a time when I had that name. But that isn’t my real name.”

The doctor was confused. He then asked, “What do you mean?”

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But the man refused to answer the question asked by Dr. Sharma and said, “My past must not be known. About the four couples, and the Fischer...”

Dr. Sharma was confused. He didn’t understand what Marcel meant. What was there about his past? Dr. Sharma already knew about his past. He was the son of Mr. Fischer. He then asked, “But what’s that supposed to mean?”

The man then said, “But you’re different, doctor.”

The doctor didn’t understand what the man meant, “Huh?”

The man then said in a calm voice, “You saved my life, doctor. You’re like a father to me.”

The man then pointed his gun toward Mr. Hebert.

Dr. Sharma exclaimed, “Stop it! You can’t kill people.”

The man then asked, “Why not?”

Dr. Sharma then said, “Do people’s lives mean anything to you?! I was able to retrieve my footing as a doctor because I saved your life! After saving you, I realized that all people’s lives are equal. No one has the right to take anyone’s else life. I’ve been living as a doctor with that written in my heart for years.”

The man started laughing and said, “You’ve become the head of the surgery department soon after that, didn’t you, doctor?”

Dr. Sharma was shocked. How did Marcel know that? And what was that supposed to mean? “Huh?”

The man then said, “I’m very happy for you. That you were promoted.”

Dr. Sharma then asked, “What are you trying to say?”

The man then said, “You are in your position because the director, chief, head surgeon, and a high-ranking doctor all died, right? I'm very happy that I could repay my debt."

Dr. Sharma was shocked. He finally understood who killed the four doctors of the Randall Memorial hospital. 


Dr. Sharma tried to speak but he couldn’t form the words. His body refused to move even a bit.

The man then said, “You were the one who said it, doctor. You were the one who wanted it. You said it when I came back to my senses. You hated them enough to kill them. I only did what you wished would happen.”

Mr. Hebert then started shaking in fear and said, “Doctor. I’m scared, doctor. Save me, doctor. I don’t want to die! Doctor!”

But Dr. Sharma didn’t give any response.

The man then pulled the gun’s trigger. The bullet punched its way through Mr. Hebert’s head, causing a gaping hole in its wake that quickly filled with blood and gushed out. Mr. Hebert fell to the ground, a pool of blood forming around him, and soaked it into his clothes. But Dr. Sharma didn't give any response and stood there still.

The man in the dark started moving towards the exit. His silhouette was becoming more and more visible to Dr. Sharma. He then said, “I should have died back then.”

The man  then stood beside Dr. Sharma and said, “But you brought me back to life.”

Dr. Sharma then started to turn around to see the person’s face. He wanted to confirm it for the last time. Even though the person claimed to be Marcel, he wanted to be sure.

And as he turned around, he saw the face of the man. There was no doubt, it was Marcel. He had blonde hair with blue eyes and a very pale skin color.

Marcel then smiled at Dr. Sharma and started walking away while Dr. Sharma stood there still.

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