Moto Sekai Ichi’i no Sub-chara Ikusei Nikki

Chapter 65: 60

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60 About a Good Advisor and a Summon.


 A few moments ago, I promised to become Cubero’s strength.

 Since I didn’t feel like going to bed already at dawn, I was wandering alongside the lake while thinking about several things.


 There was so much to think about.

 You see, my 「To Do」list is growing a lot.


 There’s my promise to the second prince Maine, my promise with Yukari, the Brainwashing Magic entrusted to me by the late Duchess Lucia Icene, plus, my recent promise with Cubero. Each of them is a headache on their own.


 Everything is somewhat political and intricate, so I don’t know where I should start.


 I used to think “When I get Anko I’ll be able to accomplish anything”, but it seems that isn’t really the case. No matter how much my fighting power has increased, there’s no way to fight against a whole country. The main reason being, the current opponent doesn’t have a clear shape. If I clearly knew who to kill then the story would be different, but I don’t know who should I kill. Furthermore, it’s not completely clear that everything would be solved if I were to kill someone.


“Ahh, what should I do with Anko too……?”


 I was suddenly reminded of yesterday evening’s events. I have to somehow do something about that girl’s lack of common sense. It’d be great if it somehow fixed itself.


 She’s a trump card that I went through great pains to acquire, so I’d like to be able to use it for a long time.





 I stretched while looking at the rising sun. Thinking about it, it’s been quite a while since I saw the morning sun. How many months have passed since I last saw a scenery like this?

 The surface of the lake was beautifully sparkling under the sunlight. Slowly, taking a deep breath as I felt the slightly chilled morning air, cool and comfortable, my head gradually began to clear up.




 And thus, I came up with something.


 If I don’t know the answer, I just need to talk to someone.





 After breakfast, I made my inquiry towards the three who were in front of me.


“Do any of you know someone familiar with politics? “


 Right now, I’m looking for someone like a political consultant, in other words, an “Advisor”. This was the idea I came up with.


 Silvia and Yukari tilted their heads towards my sudden question, while Eko simply shook hers.


“I can think of a few people…… however, I’m not sure if they can be trustworthy. Moreover, I don’t think I’ll be able to introduce them to you.”

“Is that so? How about you, Silvia? What about Noir-san?”

“Umu. Father is a knight to the core who earned his title by his martial prowess alone, so I wouldn’t expect much from him.”

“Is that so?”


 It was useless. Uhmm, if these three didn’t know, then……


“Please wait a moment, Master. I’ll ask the servants to find out if they have such acquaintances.”

“Don’t, I’ll ask this guy first.”


 Stopping Yukari, who had just stood up, with my hand, I used 《Spirit Summoning》 to call Angolmois forth. I thought that maybe he might know someone who’s familiar with politics in the spirit world. Even if he’s rotten to the core, he’s still the Great Spirit King.





 Angolmois was sulking. He was totally pouting like in a manga, with his arms crossed and his face avoiding me. What’s with this guy. He really is trying to show he’s sulking.


 Come to think of it, I left him alone ever since I sent him back the other day when they were fighting. Ahh, I somehow have to fix the mood.


“Right now, Anko was sent back for discipline.”

“Hmph. That thing tried to kill my Second’s team members, so that’s a given.”


 Crap, I think I worsened his mood. He probably got that information from me with the sense of unity. Most likely he would like to say “Did you see that!? ” while yelling. Because the other party, whom he believed was not trustworthy, acted in a way of betraying, even if unintentional.


 However…… if he read that with the sense of unity, he should be aware of my thoughts about it.


“She’s my greatest fighting strength, please see that. Or rather, you too help me rehabilitate her.”

“……Of course. I know that my Second is troubled by it. Therefore, my heart is also troubled by it. However, we won’t be getting along. I don’t trust that thing. Is that alright? “

“Yeah, that’s fine. Thanks.”

“That’s why my Second. Use me more than ‘that’ wolf. I’ll show you something more useful than spirit possession.”

“No, no, spirit possession is enough.”

“Hey! Are you just shrugging me off!? “

“Sorry, sorry.”


 It seems he’ll cooperate, albeit a bit angry. He’s somewhat of a gentle guy.


“By the way, Angolmois. Do you know anyone familiar with politics? “

“……Hmph, who do you think I am? I’m Angolmois, the Great Spirit King ruling over the whole spirit world.”

“Ohh, so you do!? “

“Fuhahaha! I do! “


 I knew he would, as one would expect from Angolmois.


“Who is that? “

“The name is Windfield. My aide. It’s also a tactician.”

“Aide? Tactician? “

“That spirit is in charge of government in my place, a half-breed of water, and earth.”

“Wait, wait, wait. Are there politics in the spirit world? And what’s a half-breed? What’s with all that?” 

“Umu. Obviously, there are politics. It’s needed to bring fire, water, earth and wind together and rule over them. And half-breed means they are of mixed parents. That spirit is half water and half earth.”



 I see. I always thought his title as Great Spirit King was just for show, but it seems he’s properly ruling.

 However, a spirit……


“Can you call that spirit? “

“I can’t directly call it out here. But I can do it indirectly.”

“What do you mean by indirectly? “

“Just as you, my Second, made a contract with me, someone needs to make a contract with Windfield. If I’m present, I can make sure Windfield is the one answering the call.”

“…………Haa? “


 Eh? What did he just say?


“C-Can you specify the target of the Spirit Summoning!? “

“Of course. That’s easy to do for the Great Spirit King.”

“Are you kidding!? “


 What the heck!? Wouldn’t he be able to bring some extremely rare spirits then!?!


“Well…… I can call for them, but they still have the choice to refuse my call.”

“……Ahh, so there’s that.”


 No good. Since this fellow has a terrible personality, they will absolutely refuse his call. They would gladly ignore him.


“There should be no problem with Windfield. Because that one is my aide.”

“For real? “

“Y-yeah…… most likely.”



 An uncomfortable silence followed.


 Well, still, I think we should try believing in Angolmois here.

 The question now is, who will be the one using it?


“Is that Windfield a strong spirit? “

“It’s weak. Like, extremely weak. With water and earth, it’s like a half-baked spirit, mostly considered as worthless.”

“Seriously? That weak?”

“However, there’s nobody better in strategy. And Winfield is in charge of all the politics related to the Great King. There’s no better strategist in the spirit world. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to say Windfield is the very top of the spirit world in that aspect. Hahahaha! “

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“No, this isn’t a laughing matter.”


 Ohh, Windfield, you poor thing. I somehow get that feeling even before I meet Winfield. I’m sure it’s been hard for that one.


 However, in correspondence, I’m sure Windfield has become wiser. Alright, then the member to perform the summon is decided.


“Alright…… Yukari, you’ll be the one performing the Spirit Summoning.”

“Alright…… Yukari, you’ll be the one performing the Spirit Summoning.”


 If it’s a weak spirit, a non-combatant should be doing the summoning preferably. I’d be troubled if Silvia and Eko can’t summon a more powerful spirit.




 Yukari moved one step forward, albeit a bit puzzled. I’m not really good at reading the slight changes in her facial expressions, but she seems to be a bit eager to do it. Silvia and Eko, on the other hand, are very easy to read, their faces practically screaming “I’m envious”.


“You’ve already learned Spirit Summoning, right? “

“Yeah. It’s at Class 16.”


 The condition to unlock 《Spirit Summoning》 is extremely simple, 「Learn one or more 【Magic】 skills」. The skill itself can then be acquired by assigning experience points to it after unlocking it. However, this alone isn’t enough to summon a spirit. Summoning a spirit required a 『Spirit Ticket』.


“Well then, what should we do about the ticket……?”


 There are two ways to get one. The first one is as a monster drop and the second one is as a reward for clearing a dungeon. Both of them have quite low chances. It drops very rarely from Lower ranked and Intermediate ranked monsters, but as you can see, the possibility is extremely low as I’ve never gotten one since coming to this world.


 The quickest way to get one is to buy it at an auction. I’ve got more money than I know what to do with so I’m not worried even if it costs millions of CL. The question is, whether it’s up at an auction or not……



“――Fufufufu, ahahaha! “


 At that moment, Silvia immediately began to laugh. A sort of irritating, self-important laugh.


“Hey, what’s with the sudden laugh? Ahh…… she finally broke.”

“I just wanted to try doing it! You’re wrong! Look at this! “

“What? Huh, OHH!? “


 Silvia was holding a Spirit Ticket high in between her fingers. Are you kidding me!? She really is a lifesaver.


“It dropped from a Rock Turtle while Eko and I were having our special training in the Limptfert Dungeon! “

“Amazing! Good job, Silvia! “

“Umu! That’s right, that’s right! ……And so. I have a request for you, Second-dono.”


 With the Spirit Ticket in between her fingers, she placed both her hands in a praying pose. I thought I heard a “Tch” from Yukari, but I think that was just my imagination.


“I don’t mind using this to summon a spirit for Yukari. But in return, how about, yeah…… how about going shopping with me? “


 Shopping with her, huh? I see, so it’s a plead. Alright, that’s fine for a spirit ticket.


“I’m grateful, and of course that’s alright. I’ll buy you whatever you like, be it a weapon or some armor.”

“O……kay? No, that’s not what I meant.”

“Eko, you want to come too? It dropped for Silvia, but you were there too Eko, so this belongs to the two of you. If so, then it would be unfair if I didn’t give a reward equally.”

“Is that okay!? I’ll go! I want to go too! “

“Is that so? Alright, it’s decided then.”


 I then grabbed the Spirit Ticket from Silvia’s fingers. For some reason, Silvia had an expression like she wanted to complain, but then she just said “Darn…… well, at least it’s something”. Does she have some issue with me giving Eko a reward too? Ohh Silvia, you’re a greedy one.


“Well, so there’s that. Yukari, use this ticket to summon Windfield.”

“I got an agreement. I already informed that guy. You can use the summoning at any time.” said Angolmois. 

“You heard him, Yukari. Use it.”

“……It’s amazing for this to proceed without a hitch. No, I didn’t mean it in a bad way. It’s always like this. On the contrary, it’s reassuring that even after four months, Master hasn’t changed a bit.”


 I think Yukari still has her sharp tongue, but I better remain silent about my opinions on it.



“Well then.”


 Along with that quiet voice, Yukari activated 《Spirit Summoning》.


 Fuuuu――A gentle breeze touched my cheeks.


 At that moment, a slender, tall beauty appeared in front of us.


 With gray short hair in a two-block style, the trimmed part gave off a masculine vibe, but other than that, it was mostly a feminine vibe. The long almond-shaped eyes gave off a sleepy aura, quite far from imposing.


“……Uhmm, I’m Windfield. Hi.”


 After some silence, Winfield finally spoke, and what came out was a sort of self-introduction, albeit a bit bare-boned. Immediately afterwards, that mouth closed again and silence returned.


 Silvia was the one to break it saying “Is that it? “, in retort. Windfield nodded and responded with more silence. It seems like that was really it.


“This guy’s like this. However, Windfield’s political skills are unrivaled.”


 Ohh, ‘this’ Angolmois made a rare follow-up. In other words, this guy’s skills are the real deal.


“Windfield. Would you be willing to serve as my political advisor from now on? “

“If my Master gives me permission. However, I’m alright with that.”

“Master? Ahh, you mean me? Of course, I’ll allow it. Serve Master wholeheartedly”, said Yukari.

“Yeah. Understood, Master. Second-san, I look forward to working with you.”

“Yeah, likewise.”


 We shook hands. It was a gentle handshake. Windfield might not be good at holding a conversation, but as an individual, there’s no lack of courtesy. I think I’ll get along with this guy.



“Well, without further ado, let’s share the information with Windfield――”

“W-wait a moment! Second-dono, didn’t you say last night that you were going to check mine and Eko’s growth? “


 ……Ahh, I guess I did. I don’t really remember it, probably because of the wine, but yeah, I think I did say that.


“Is that so? Then, you two, let’s go to the Dungeon.”

“Please wait, Master. If you’re going to the Dungeon, why not check ‘that’ that you entrusted me with first? “


 ……Ahh, that might be better. It’s been four months since I asked ‘that’ to Yukari, so maybe I should check it out first.


“That’s right. Yukari comes first then.”

“Wait. What about that wolf? It’s better not to leave that matter alone.”


 ……Ahh, that’s certainly true. Now that everyone is here, I can consult with them……


“Second! Lake! Let’s see it! “


 ……Un. Let’s go to the lake.


“Alright, on to the lake.”


“――Please wait. Second-sama is tired. I think it might be better for him to sleep first.”


 Just before Eko grabbed my hand to pull me towards Lake Vanilla, the butler Cubero came to the living room with great timing, stopping me.

 As expected of an esper, a nice proposal. After eating my fill, I was starting to feel sleepy. Let’s go lay down to refresh myself.


“Yeah, I’ll do that. Good nightー”


 Turning my back to everyone who were lost for words, I headed towards my room while being guided by Cubero. In front of the door to my room, I thanked Cubero, then jumped to my bed and sank in as my eyes closed.



 The figure of Windfield, whom I saw before leaving, was flowing in my mind. Those were very cold-hearted eyes as if observing everyone’s every move, not leaving anything out. At least that was my impression.


 How useful will that guy be? With some expectations in mind, I fell deep into my sleep.



 However, at this time I didn’t know of Windfield’s abnormal excellence――

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