Mountain and River Pillow

Chapter 17: 17

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                                Chapter 17

    Chu Yu stood still in front of the coffin, Cao Yan narrowed his eyes: “Do you think I am really afraid of you? ” Young lady, you can open your eyes and see, what kind of wood is this coffin of yours, what kind of wood is carved, what kind of grain is used, what kind of paint is used? ”

    Chu Yu did not turn around and calmly said, “There is nothing wrong with the wood used by my father-in-law and Wei brothers, the patterns they have carved, and the painting used, are all used according to their corresponding official ranks.”

    “Young lady is wrong,” Cao Yan sneered, “Wei Zhong and the others are guilty, they should be buried according to the specifications of the common people, how can they afford to use such coffins? Someone go to the East Street and buy seven ordinary coffins for me. Young lady,” Cao Yan turned his head and sighed, “I am compassionate by nature, since the Wei family has fallen to this state, these seven coffins are for the Wei family.

    Saying that, Cao Yan pointed to the coffins and said, “Please give way, young lady, you shouldn’t stay where you shouldn’t stay for a moment.”

Okay “Lord Cao, is there a law in Chu that states that a guilty person is buried as a commoner?”

    “What about the law of Chu that states that a condemned body should be buried as a duke?”

    During the conversation, more and more officials and soldiers from the Da Lisi Temple rushed over, Cao Yan did not want to entangle with Chu Yu anymore and directly said, “Bring Wei Zhong and others out!

    Saying that, Cao Yan led the soldiers to rush up, Chu Yu stood in front of the coffin of Wei Zhong, not moving, the soldiers came forward to open the coffin, Chu Yu raised her hand and pressed on the coffin, it did not move. The soldiers froze, Cao Yan said angrily: “What are you afraid of, pull her away!”

    Soldiers reacted and rushed to pull Chu Yu, who was lying on top of the coffin, but no matter who came to pull, she was holding on to the coffin.

    She really did as she said, did not resist, did not fight back, but no one could pull her, she used her own body to stop the soldiers. When Cao Yan saw that they could not pull Chu Yu away for a long time, he roared angrily to the others, “move!”

    After saying that, he rushed towards Chu Yu and threw a whip at her body.

    The whip saw blood on Chu Yu’s body, and the people next to him shouted in alarm, while at that time, the surrounding soldiers also rushed towards the other coffins under the guidance of Cao Yan.

    Wang Lan was the first one who couldn’t hold back and pounced on her husband’s coffin with a big belly, and cried out, “Liu Lang!”

    “Pull the sixth young lady back!”

    Jiang Chun yelled out, “Protect the sixth young lady!”

    “Don’t Fight back!”

    Chu Yu raised her head and spoke in a loud voice: “My House of Wei is not a minister of treason and will never fight against the court. No one is allowed to fight back!”

    With that, Chu Yu turned her head and stared at Xie Jiu.

    She opened her mouth and repeatedly recited a name.

    Xie Taifu.

    Xie Taifu.

    Xie Jiu noticed Chu Yu’s gaze, she stood still and did not say a word.

    Surrounded by cries and shouts, the soldiers struggled to open the coffin, yet the people of the Wei House rushed up and clung desperately to the coffin.

    They did not resist, as Chu Yu said, but only desperately grabbed the coffin, they would be pulled away, but rushed back again and again.

    Zhang Han did not know how to fight back, so she lay on top of the coffin, and was again dragged down by the soldiers.

    Wang Lan, because she was pregnant, was dragged by the subordinates, and cried over and over, trying to go back again..

    Jiang Chun faced the coffin,and the whole person pressed the coffin to death, and her nails were buckled on the coffin.

    And Chu Yu is lying next to the coffin of Wei Zhong, blood dripping from her back.

    The door of the Wei Mansion was full of cries.

    Yao Jue gritted her teeth, her eyes were red, she was trembling, wanting to do something, but not daring to go forward.

    And Chu Yu stared at Xie Jiu, not moving a muscle, Xie Jiu looked cold, yet her eyes were floating light.

    She seemed to see herself just married to the Wei family that day, Wei Ya was sitting next to her.

    Wei Ya was two years younger than her, and he bowed his head and whispered, “I heard that the Xie family has been studying for a hundred years, and you may like my name, my single name is Ya, and my name is Wei Ya.”

   As he spoke, he trembled and held her hand: “Although I am younger than you, i am very reliable, I have seen you before, at the spring feast, at that time my fourth brother had not yet married, and I could not ask to marry you, so I urged my fourth brother to hurry to marry, just afraid that you did not wait for me ……”

    The young man said, breathing a sigh of relief and looked up at her, “Fortunately, you did not marry so early.”

    At that time she was amazed, the Xie family hearts are thin, she had never seen a teenager, simple to this point.

    Marrying him was a stopgap measure, she was a concubine’s daughter, and it was good to marry into the Wei family. She had already prepared for his death and remarriage, but she thought it was ten years, or twenty years, never thought so early.

    Goro ……

    Xie Jiu listened to the cries of the people around her, feeling what came up between her throat, she squeezed her fist and slowly closed her eyes. After a long time, she resolutely turned around, Yao Jue pulled her aside: “Where are you going?”

    Xie Jiu smiled bitterly: “To die!”

    After saying that, she violently pushed her away and turned to run into the rain.

    Yao Jue stood in place, looking at the Wei family confronting the officials in the heavy rain not far away, gritting her teeth, she rushed in, roaring out: “Cao Yan, is there really no king’s law in your heart?

    “Fourth Miss Yao?”

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    Cao Yan raised his head, quite surprised: “I thought, Fourth Miss is a smart person?”

    Yao Jue did not speak, she gritted her teeth and gasped for air, Cao Yan looked at her and laughed lightly, “I thought that Miss Yao, also had the same backbone as the young lady? What was great about the Wei family’s grandson, you say? –>>

Okay that Wei Si Lang, I remember still a broken finger ……”

    Before he could finish speaking, Yao Jue got angry, she didn’t have patience and kicked over with one kick, shouting angrily: “You son of a bitch!”

    Cao Yan didn’t expect Yao Jue to actually kick over, and was instantly knocked over by Yao Jue’s kick. He instantly became furious and had someone pull Yao Jue down, and raised his hand to slap him. Yao Jue was being held down and struggled desperately, cursing: “You son of a bitch, who the hell do you think you are? My cousin’s dog ……”

    “Good, very good ……”

    Cao Yan covered his face and nodded his head: “Wait, I’ll be the first to open your husband’s coffin!”

    After saying that, Cao Yan walked towards Wei Feng’s coffin, he walked so fast and fierce that no one could stop him. If you dare to touch a single nail in Wei Feng’s coffin today, I will make you break his body into pieces!”

    The moment the voice fell, Cao Yan had already slashed down with his sword, instantly opening up a crack in the coffin, and people were frantically rushing up to pull Cao Yan, but Cao Yan was crazy, not caring whether he would cut people or not, slashing at Wei Feng’s coffin, Yao Jue was struggling desperately, Chu Yu was holding herself up, struggling to stand up, Jiang Chun raised her head and looked at the wind direction of Wei Feng’s coffin, and then heard Yao Jue exclaim : “No!” The coffin finally could not support itself and broke apart.

    The coffin panels fell apart and Wei Feng’s remains were revealed.

    The corpse had been treated with special spices and herbs, and although it had begun to grow corpse spots, it didn’t smell rotten.

    Cao Yan laughed out loud and pointed at the bystanders, “Look! Look at the legendary broken finger Wei Shilang!”

    No one spoke, the moment the coffin cracked open, everyone froze.

    The whole place fell silent, staring at the coffin.

    The man in the coffin had been treated, he was dressed clean and tidy, the blood on his face had been wiped clean,  but could still be seen that one of his hands had been lost, showing the cruelty he experienced before he died.

    And it was also at the moment when the body leaked out, even the soldiers who followed Cao Yan saw  this and just remembered the person in this coffin, what he had experienced.

    They died on the battlefield, even if it was their responsibility that the 70,000 troops were destroyed, but when the people stayed in the capital to spend their days in comfort, it was also these people who were in the sands, fighting in blood, defending the country.

    Chu Yu braced himself, stood up, looked at Wei Feng on the ground, and hoarsely said: “Lord Cao, what are you asking for, what exactly is it?”

    Yao Jue cried and rushed over to Wei Feng’s side, she knelt on the ground, holding up Wei Feng’s sleeve where he had lost his hand, howling out, “Where is your hand? Son of a bitch, where’s your hand?

    Cao Yan looked at Chu Yu and saw Chu Yu walking step by step towards Wei Feng.

    “My Wei family, since the beginning of the dynasty, has followed the Son of Heaven, now four generations have passed defending the Wei family ancestral hall, hundreds of plaques, all the men, none of them died on the battlefield ……”

    “My Wei family was full of men, only one teenager returned and this sacrifice can not be replaced with a peaceful burial for the Wei family?!”

    Chu Yu raised her head and looked at an old man standing in the distance under the corner.

    The old man was dressed in black, hands behind his back, calmly looking at Chu Yu.

    Xie Jiu stood behind her, holding an umbrella for her, Chu Yu’s body blood and mud mixed together, The Wei House and everyone followed Chu Yu’s gaze, looking towards that corner, only Yao Jue still hugged Wei Feng, crying her heart out.

    Chu Yu stared at Taifu Xie and raised her voice violently: “Master! The teacher of the Son of Heaven, the righteousness of the country, you tell me, is it not the blood of the loyal family, is it not a hundred years of heroic souls, but also can not exchange the only bit of bloodline stable survival, to get a coffin peacefully into the ground?”

    Xie Taifu did not speak, he looked at Chu Yu’s eyes.

    The woman’s eyes seemed to have light and fire in them, she examined the conscience of people and tortured humanity. She made the gloom nuisance, let the darkness flee in disarray.

    Seeing that Taifu Xie did not speak, Chu Yu turned around, her body was drenched in blood, but she still opened her arms and looked at the people who were looking at her.

    “The third son of the Wei family, Wei Chengyun, defended the city for a full year, holding back the 200,000 troops of Chen, allowing Chu to win with minimal casualties, but his four children all died of famine in Qiancheng.”

    “In the second year of Pingde, when the Northern Di came to invade the city, the four sons of the Wei family led 7,000 elite soldiers to defend the city and fought until only 200 soldiers remained, without retreating a step.”

    “The fifth year of Pingde ……”

    Chu Yu said one by one, slowly walking towards the people.

    Her eyes fell on the people until, she finally cried out.

    “In the nineteenth year of Pingde, on the seventh day of the ninth month, all the men of the Wei family, except for that fourteen-year-old Wei Qilang, died in battle in the White Emperor Valley!”

    Chu Yu raised her hand, pointing to Wei Jun’s coffin, grabbing the shirt on her chest from the pain, howling out, “including my husband, the son of the Marquis of Zhen Guo, Wei Jun.”

    “He was only twenty-four years old, he would have had a good year. He could have been an official like many of the sons of Huajing, and enjoyed a prosperous and stable life!”

    “But he did not, he went to the battlefield, he died there, and now returns ……”

    Chu Yu closed her eyes, turned towards Tai Fu Xie, bent down and kneeled down: “Tai Fu Xie …… I only ask that he be buried in peace, I only ask for a copy of the justice belonging to the Wei House, please Tai Fu …… give the Wei House, this due dignity Strike!”

    “Master! Master!”

    The people knelt down and cried out, “Master, help the Wei family!”

    Tai Fu Xie stood in the crowd, the hand behind his back trembled gently, he slowly closed his eyes and clenched his fist, seemingly making a major decision.

    “Cao Yan,” he said hoarsely, “kneel down.”

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