Mountain and River Pillow

Chapter 25: 25

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                                Chapter 25

    After saying that, the Princess walked in with her head held high.

    Now behind her, there were only a few physically fit soldiers in good health, Jiang Chun and Yao Jue, who are both from the generals’ family. Chu Yu also learned martial arts since childhood, and she is also considered fit.

    Although Yao Jue was a concubine daughter, she was quite pampered since childhood, and never suffered such aggravation, but every time she looked up and saw Chu Yu’s straight back, she felt that she could not fall down.

    Although she fought with Wei Feng and found this man extremely annoying, at the end of the road, she still wanted to do something for him.

    Chu Yu looked up at the palace gate, and now that the eldest princess had stepped forward, it was time.

    As Chu Yu expected, when the Princess entered, the court had already fought over this matter, Xie Taifu led people to argue, and the Crown Prince led another group of people desperately to block.

    When the Princess entered, the Prince was pointing his tablet at the Duke of Yao and shouting angrily: “This matter of 70,000 troops, do you dare to let me look into it? If you dare, I will immediately ask for orders to go to the frontier to see what happened to the 70,000 troops!”

    “Old man, don’t talk nonsense!” The Duke of Yao shouted, “If you want to investigate, you can do so, my Yao family is open and honest, why don’t we dare to let you investigate?”

    “Oh, what is this for?”

    The eldest Princess’ voice came from outside, and when everyone looked up, they saw a woman dressed in gold woolen clothes, lightly swinging a fan and entering.

    The emperor saw the visitor, and rushed to get up and was surprised: “How did the eldest princess come?”

    The eldest princess and the emperor grew up together, and won the emperor’s heart, and she has the privilege of going to court without notice. But the eldest princess has always been a person who knows the times, although she has the privileges, she has never abused them.

    Now that she came over, the prince’s heart thumped immediately and suddenly felt bad, the eldest princess bowed towards the emperor, the emperor frowned, and for a moment he was a little embarrassed.

    He just gave the princess a grounding order, but the princess appeared in the courtroom like this.

    The emperor was silent in between, then he saw the eldest princess kneeling to the ground, and raising her voice: “Your Majesty forgive me!

    The eldest princess’ kneeling scared the emperor and he said busily: “What has the princess done?”

    “Four days ago, Your Majesty gave Chang Ming a grounding order, but today Chang Ming forced herself to come to the palace, delaying Your Majesty’s deliberations, this is sin one.”

    The emperor did not say anything, he was also annoyed with this matter, and now that the eldest princess apologized first, he was relieved and sighed: “If so, why did you come here?”

    “This is sin two. When I heard that the widow of the Wei family was kneeling outside the palace gate, although I knew that Your Majesty was a strict law-abiding ruler, I was still moved by compassion and came here to beg for mercy for the Wei family, begging Your Majesty to spare the sixth son of Wei family, Wei Yun.”

    After the words were said, the hall fell silent, only to hear the voice of the Princess, “Do you remember, Your Majesty, when you were young you broke a jade bowl, Your Majesty asked the late emperor to forgive you, but the late emperor did not punish Your Majesty, do you know why?”

    The emperor understood that the Princess had something to say, but still opened his mouth: “Why?”

    “Because the late Emperor sought Chang Ming and asked Chang Ming why Your Majesty dropped the bowl that day, I answered to the late Emperor because Your Majesty wanted to serve a bowl of snow pear soup for the late Emperor. The late emperor also asked, was the snow pear soup boiled by His majesty’s own hands? I answered the emperor, that his majesty heard the emperor cough, and he heard that the snow pear soup will quench his thirst, and was specially boiled. So the former emperor with Chang Ming said that your majesty had merit to boil snow pear soup, and there was a mistake in smashing the bowl, all because of filial piety.”

    “Does the  eldest princess mean that if the father and  emperor act according to the law, will it let the Wei family chill?” The crown prince stood by the emperor’s side, mockingly: “If it is so easy to chill the heart, then the Wei family’s loyalty, I’m afraid people will have to question one or two.”

    The eldest princess smiled and looked up at the crown prince with coldness in her eyes: “Huan’er’s words are inappropriate.”

    She called him Huan’er, which is to bring out the identities of both sides, even if the crown prince is the crown prince, she is after all the eldest, she speaks, even if the crown prince refutes, he should be respectful.

    The people standing on top of the court were all human spirits, and the minute he heard the meaning of the eldest princess’ words, the prince’s face changed, and he heard the princess say: “This time, the Wei family is full of women, only a fourteen-year-old Wei Yun is left, what was the sacrifice for? The reason for this sacrifice was to protect the mountains and rivers of Chu, all of you who are standing here in the capital in fancy clothes, you and I who bear the surname of Li and are of the royal family! The Princess suddenly raised her voice, with a question: “Your Highness, if this is still called ‘easy’, you tell me, what exactly must be sacrificed to be considered ‘not easy? The water that can carry the boat, can also overturn the boat, although the emperor is the world’s Lord, but also the world’s ruler. The king needs to sympathize with the people and love them, if you blindly only let people pay for you, prince,” the princess sneered out: “such ideas, I have to ask, was it taught by Tai Fu, or did you figure it out yourself?”

    “This idea, the old minister has not taught.”

    The crown prince looked embarrassed and was about to say something when the princess turned her head and looked sad, saying to the emperor: “Your Majesty, if the only orphans and the women of the family have to taste the warmth of the world after the blood of the family was spilled on the battlefield, if the four generations fighting in the sands for a hundred years can not give their children and grandchildren a chance to make mistakes, then my heavenly family, is too cold. It is too cold ah! I hope that for the sake of the Wei family’s four generations of loyalty and a hundred years of loyalty, Your Majesty will let Wei Yun go.

    The Princess prostrated herself and shouted out loud, while Taifu Xie stood by her side and said wearily, “Your Majesty, according to the law of our dynasty, if an only son commits a crime and has parents to support, the only son should be punished after his parents have died. The family has an 80-year-old grandmother and a 2-year-old child, so it is only reasonable to pardon Wei Yun. I hope Your Majesty will be gracious,” Xie said, his voice trembling with tears, and he slowly knelt down: “Pardon the only bloodline of the Wei family!

    The emperor did not say anything, he sighed and turned his head to look around: “What do you think, ministers?”

    “Your Majesty,” the Duke of Yao raised his voice: “Your Majesty, do you know how great a loss 70,000 elite soldiers are to the court? Seventy thousand people, all buried in the White Emperor Valley because of Wei Zhong’s fault, seven people died in the Wei family, their lives are lives, but the lives of seventy thousand people are not? These 70,000 people lost their lives, so you just not pursue?

    The emperor frowned, and did not speak.

    The princess looked up at the emperor, she understood the emperor’s meaning, at this moment, this emperor is afraid of impatience to the extreme.

    Those things that can not be put on the surface, the emperor may already know, even if it is not clear, but he still has a guess in his mind. He is waiting for others to give him a step, and he sees that he was about to go down, and now let people stop, how he is not annoyed?

    The princess sensed the emperor’s meaning and said: “Your Majesty, this is the matter of the Wei family, your Majesty, why don’t you go to the palace gate and meet the Wei woman, your Majesty, only then will you really understand why we are kneeling here, begging your Majesty for mercy!”

    The emperor looked at the Princess, after a long time, he sighed: “Since the Princess invited, I will go to see.”

    Saying that, he stood up and led the people towards the entrance of the palace.

    At this time it was raining heavily, bean-sized raindrops hit onto people causing inexplicable pain. The Wei family had knelt for a while, all feeling shaky in the heavy rain, and immediately it poured large, only Chu Yu, Yao Jue, and Jiang Chun, were still where they were.

    Chu Yu looked back at Yao Jue and saw her gritting her teeth, her body trembling slightly, so she knew she was suffering at the moment. Chu Yu sighed and said to her, “Don’t kneel down, go get some rest.”

    “I’m still okay.” Yao Jue’s voice was hoarse: 

    Chu Yu was helpless and was about to say something when she saw Yao Jue’s body sway and she fell over to the side.

    Jiang Chun grabbed her as soon as she could, and Wang Lan came over with someone to help Yao Jue up. Wang Lan blushed, held her stomach, and persuaded Chu Yu: “Young lady, why don’t we go back ……”

    “No problem.”

    Chu Yu shook her head and looked at Wang Lan with concern, “You’re still pregnant, don’t get cold, I’ll wait here.”

    “If Wei Yun doesn’t come back,” Chu Yu said calmly as her gaze fell into the palace door, “I won’t leave.”

    Wang Lan saw that she couldn’t persuade Chu Yu, so she stopped talking and helped Yao Jue to the carriage, so that the doctor could come up and give Yao Jue medicine.

    The rain was crackling, and Jiang Chun couldn’t hold out any longer, but at that moment, the palace gate slowly opened.

    Chu Yu raised her eyes to look over and saw the head of the group in bright yellow, wearing a crown, and twelve liu hanging in front of his forehead, moving by the wind, making the man’s expression look pitiful. 

    Behind that person stood the eldest princess dressed in gold wool and the prince in pure white gold thread embroidered dragon wide-sleeved robe, and then after that was a vast array of civil and military officials who appeared one by one as the palace doors opened.

    And opposite them, was Chu Yu and Jiang Chun, who were kneeling, and behind them in the wind and rain stood one hundred and thirty-two tablets 

    The two women were dressed in snow-white clothes, and the tablet was black gold lettering wood, and black and white stood opposite the people, solemn and quiet, as if inside the palace gate, there were two worlds.

    On the one side is the glitz and glamour of the living; On one side is the silence of the dead.

On one side is the song and dance of Huajing; On one side are piles of white bones from the frontier.

    Chu Yu did not say anything, she did not do anything, when the emperor appeared, she did not cry, she just calmly looked at the emperor, her gaze fell on him, tough and clear.

    For a moment, the emperor felt as if he had gone back to his teenage life and had seen Wei Zhong when he was a teenager.

    Even if he didn’t know what was happening at the border, but the emperor’s life, what darkness hadn’t he seen? Even if you are to guess, you can guess that this general who has been clean all his life has encountered a conspiracy and injustice.

    He thought that the emperor’s blood was cold, but he was touching the same look as the Wei family, when he saw the hundreds of tablets standing quietly in front of him, when he saw Wei Zhong’s tablet standing in front of the woman, as if it had eyes, calmly staring at him, the emperor’s hand finally trembled slightly.

    And this scene shocked not only the emperor, but also the civil and military officials behind him. When they saw the heavy rain pouring down between heaven and earth, and saw the Heroic tablet standing between the wind and rain mud, they couldn’t help but think, let this wind and rain stop.

    Everyone finally knew why the eldest princess let them come here.

    Seeing this scene, as long as there is a little conscience, it is difficult to have a heart of stone.

    The emperor walked forward, the eunuch came forward…

He came forward to hold the umbrella for him and said anxiously, “Your Majesty, be careful of the mud and water under your feet.”

    The emperor did not say anything, he came to Chu Yu’s body, lowered his eyes to look at Wei Zhong’s tablet in front of Chu Yu, and said hoarsely, “Which wife of the Wei family are you?”

    “In reply to Your Majesty, I am Chu Yu, the wife of Wei Jun, the son of Zhen Guo, and the daughter of the Southwest General.”

    “Oh, Chu Yu.” The emperor nodded, this girl whose husband had gone to war on the day of his wedding, he had heard of it. He also laughed with Guifei Xie, and said that when Wei Jun returned, he would not be able to enter the house.

    The emperor collected his mind, pressed his emotions and said, “You kneel here to beg to see me, and why?”

    “Your Majesty, I have brought my family here to pray to Your Majesty to release Wei’s seventh son, Wei Yun, from prison.”

    “The state has the national law……”

    “It’s not for your own selfishness.”

    Chu Yu looked up at the emperor with a calm expression, “Chu Yu comes from a general’s family, she also once went to war with her father to protect the country and protect her family as her duty. The same goes for the sons of the Wei family. The Wei family’s sons can die, but they should die on the battlefield, not in prison.”

    “I am just a woman, I don’t know what the Wei family’s crime is, I don’t know what my brother-in-law’s crime is, but I know that the Wei family is loyal. If Your Majesty wants my brother-in-law to take his life, then I ask Your Majesty to let Wei Yun die in the battle, in order to fulfill the Wei family’s heart to serve the country.”

    These are pretty words.

    Everyone present knew that if these words had come from someone else, they would have been just words of ingratiation. However, in front of the Wei family’s family tablet, everyone knew that, no matter what kind of thoughts were in mind, this is indeed what the Wei family has been doing for a hundred years.

    Born in the family of protectors of the country, died in the war protecting the country.

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    The men of the Wei family, who have never died by the sword, how can they be humiliated by villains?

    The emperor did not speak, his gaze fell on Wei Zhong’s name, and after a long time, he turned around and went back inside the palace gates.

    The emperor raised his sleeve and said, “Bring Wei Yun up to the palace!”

    This word made Cao Yan’s heart tighten, these days Wei Yun did not fight in prison, he was clear, the Wei family had a lot of grudges, now that the Wei family was killed, Wei Yun became the best vent. Everyone thought that a case like 70,000 people buried in the White Emperor’s Valley would be a shock to the emperor, just as it was in the case of the King of Qin. Who would have thought that Wei Yun would have the opportunity to face the emperor?

    Cao Yan wanted to speak, but saw a glance from the emperor Xie.

    His gaze was full of warning, and Cao Yan’s mind suddenly sobered up.

    He could not say anything.

    Now the emperor must see Wei Yun, this matter can not be hidden. He hadn’t moved Wei Yun in the Heavenly Prison, and if he obstructed him more at this moment, he was afraid that he would bury himself in it together.

    Cao Yan, cold and sweaty, stood in the crowd waiting for Wei Yun to arrive.

    After a long time, the sound of footsteps finally came from outside, and then the emperor saw that the once spirited young man was carried in slowly, in a sedan chair.

    He was stained with blood on his shirt, his body was intact, and he looked haggard, but his eyes were as bright as ever.

    When the emperor saw such a Wei Yun, his face changed greatly.

    However, Wei Yun struggled to get up, knelt respectfully and bowed to the ground, “Wei’s seventh son, bowing to Your Majesty!”

    His voice was hoarse, very different from the teenager in the emperor’s memory who did not know the height of the sky.

    The Wei family had been favored, and Wei Yun was close to the emperor, so it can be said that the emperor watched him grow up, but now that he had become like this, the emperor gritted his teeth and asked, “How did you become like this?”

    The emperor raised his head: “Da Lisi Secretary, come out and explain to me, a good person went in, now how did he become like this?”

    “Your Majesty, I don’t know,” the Secretary of the Da Lisi rushed out, knelt  to the ground, and began to kowtow desperately: “I’ll investigate immediately! I’m going to investigate immediately!”

    The emperor ignored the Secretary of the Da Lisi, he walked down the steps, step by step to Wei Yun,and said softly: “Wei Yun, how old are you?”

    “In half a month, I will be fifteen years old.”

    “Fifteen years old ……” the emperor sighed, “If Uncle Huang were to give you a death sentence today, would you be willing?”

   Wei Yun froze, he raised his head, his gaze fell on the emperor’s face, and his expression was calm: “If the king wants me to die, I have to die, but can your Majesty let me choose a way to die for the sake of my father and brother?”

    “How do you want to die?”

    “I want to go to the frontier and kill a few more Northern Di people.”

    Wei Yun said forcefully, “My father once said that if a son of the Wei family dies, he should die on the battlefield.”

    These words coincided with what Chu Yu said.

    The emperor looked at him, and after a long time, he turned around and raised his voice, “Look, this is the descendant of the Wei family, the sons and grandsons of my Great Chu!”

    “He is only fourteen years old ……”

    The emperor trembled and cried out, “Fourteen years old!”

    No one in the room spoke, there was silence. When the emperor said this sentence, everyone understood what the emperor meant.

    From the Wei family being bullied and humiliated by cao Yan, Chu Yu kneeling, Xie Taifu arguing according to reason, and the eldest Princess touching people with affection, this time the people, ministers and the emperor, have softened down, only the crown prince still wants to argue, but the situation has reached such a point, what can be said?

    So he could only watch the emperor turn around and put his hand on the top of Wei Yun’s head.

    “The previous emperor said to the princess that everything I did was due to filial piety, so the merits and demerits were offset. I remember the loyal blood of the Wei family, the crimes committed by your father, have also been repaid with his life, and the merits and demerits are offset, and they will not be pursued. And you …… I hope you live well, revive the Wei House, you are still here, the Wei family soul will be here.”

    “Wei Yun,” the emperor’s voice was hoarse: “Do you understand the suffering of the Emperor’s uncle?”

    In the latter phrase, Wei Yun understood that what the emperor asked was wether he could understand the pain of not helping the Wei family to rehabilitate, as the Emperor.

    Wei Yun did not speak, he looked up towards the emperor and calmly said, ” Wei Yun does not understand many things, Wei Yun only knows that Wei Yun  is a member of the Wei family.”

    The Wei family motto, protect the country and the king, live and die without regret.

    The emperor’s hand trembled slightly, and finally said, “Go back, find a doctor to take a good look at you, and I will have someone look into the matter of your being in the heavenly prison.”

    “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

    After kowtowing, Wei Yun was supported by someone and got into the sedan chair and rushed to the palace gate.

    At this moment, outside the palace gate, only Chu Yu was left kneeling alone.

    After seeing the emperor, Jiang Chun could no longer support herself and collapsed. Only Chu Yu was left alone still kneeling.

    But the wind and rain was too strong, and she was also kneeling in a trance, only to listen to the sound of rain splashing down, her mind was suddenly far and near.

    Sometimes it feels like the palace gate is standing majestically in front of her, and sometimes it feels as if she is still in her last life, the night Chang Yue died, she knelt in front of Gu Chusheng’s door, crying and begging him.

    That was the most regretful and desperate moment of her life.

    That was also the beginning of her letting go of her love for Gu Chusheng.

    The decision to let go of Gu Chusheng came from this kneeling. But it took many years to really let go of him.

    Because she spent too much on Gu Chusheng, people are like gamblers, the more you put in, the harder it is to let go.

    She left her family and lost herself for Gu Chusheng, she didn’t know where else she could go when she left Gu Chusheng.

    The world is so big, how can she be home?

    She is used to giving and waiting, wearing herself out day after day, as if a candle that has been burning, burning up her own blood and soul, just for Gu Chusheng.

    But it really hurts.

    Chu Yu is in a bit of a trance.

    And at this time, Wei Yun also arrived at the palace gate, he had already heard about Chu Yu, and when he reached the palace gate, he called out to the people carrying the sedan chair, “Stop.”

    He said, and raised his hand and said to the eunuch holding the umbrella next to him, “Give me the umbrella, I will walk over.”

    “The feet of the prince.”

    The eunuch dropped his gaze to Wei Yun’s feet, the bruises and wounds on the legs, which he could clearly see when he went.

    Wei Yun shook his head: “You can’t go home in too much disarray, your family will be worried.”

   After saying that, he straightened his shirt to cover the wounds on his body and retied his hair behind him with a hairband.

    After tidying up like this, he finally looked less of a mess, and he borrowed another handkerchief, stained with rainwater, to wipe the blood and sludge off his face.

    Finally, he took an umbrella from someone else’s hand and held it up to the palace gate.

    The palace door slowly opened, he saw Chu Yu in white, with the Wei family tablet, kneeling in front of the palace door.

    Her face with a flush seems to have caught a wind chill, and launched a high fever. She looked a little confused, and her gaze fell into the distance, and she did not see him at all.

    Wei Yun’s heart twitched fiercely, but his face did not move, he held up the umbrella, suppressed the severe pain in his legs, and walked step by step to Chu Yu.

    The umbrella was held over Chu Yu’s body, covering the rainstorm, and only then did she realize that someone was coming in front of her. She raised her head and saw the young man holding the umbrella, standing tall, still with childish eyebrows, handsome and clear, the corners of his eyes were slightly raised with a bit of natural grace.

    His gaze fell on her with a gentle look.

    “Sister-in-law,” he shielded her from the wind and rain, his voice was gentle, as if he was afraid of disturbing her, and said softly, “Let’s go home.”

    Let’s go home.

    Chu Yu snapped back to her senses, that all the past seemed to be swept away by the wind, she looked at the teenager in front of her.

    Yes, this life is different.

    She didn’t marry Gu Chusheng, she hasn’t been smoothed out, she’s the young lady of the Wei House, she still has a home.

    She is soft in her heart, looking at the boy’s tough and gentle eyes, suddenly a large swath of aggression came up, her eyes were red and filled with moisture.

    “You finally came ……” she pulled a random excuse to cover up the wretched heart at the moment: “I am kneeling  here, and it hurts so much.”

    “Then you hold my hand and stand up,” Wei Yun extended his hand and spoke seriously, “Sister-in-law, I’m back.”

    He has returned alive, in this life, he will not let his family suffer from this.

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