Mountain and River Pillow

Chapter 29: 28.1: 28.1

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There are times when you know that something is a lie, but you can’t help but say it.

    People can disguise their emotions and pretend to be sad as happy, but it is difficult to control their emotions and let sadness become happy.

To like is to like, to be happy is to be happy.

    However, when Chu Yu handed him the flowers, he would try his best to do what she said.

    When she saw Wei Yun take the flowers, Chu Yu’s heart was soft and her voice became extra soft: “Don’t worry,” she said, “your sisters-in-law and I will accompany you to the funeral of father-in-law and your brothers.”

    Wei Yun lowered his eyes and nodded his head.

    After the day of the burial was set, Liu Xueyang arrived home the next day. The old lady had difficulty with her legs, so she did not follow Liu Xueyang back.

    The night Liu Xueyang returned, The Wei House was crying again, Chu Yu couldn’t sleep in this crying.

    After crying for a long time, the sound finally died, Chu Yu breathed a sigh of relief, and only then she closed her eyes.

    When she woke up the next day, Chu Yu went to the funeral hall and saw that Wei Yun had stayed in the funeral hall early.

    Liu Xueyang cried all night, and was not in good spirits, so Wei Yun was with her, gently comforting her. Next to her was Zhang Han and Wang Lanhong, it seems that they had been crying for a long time, the two of them used to accompany Liu Xueyang, they have always listened to Liu Xueyang’s words, and now that their mother-in-law has come back to cry for a night, they naturally had to follow.

   Chu Yu went forward, supported Liu Xueyang, called the doctor over, and said busily: “Mother-in-law, are you okay?”

    “A Yu ……” Liu Xueyang, supported by Chu Yu, wiped her tears and stood up: “They are gone, leaving us orphans and widows, what will we do in the future?”

    “There are always days to live.” Chu Yu helped Liu Xueyang sit to the side, had someone twist the wet towel over to let Liu Xueyang wipe her face, and said with relief, “there are still five little male children below who have not yet grown up, but also still rely on mother-in-law for more care, the future is still a long road, mother-in-law should take care of her health, do not give Xiao Qi added worries.”

    Listening to Chu Yu’s words, Wei Yun raised his eyes to look at her and breathed a sigh of relief.

    He had been here all night listening to Liu Xueyang cry, at first Liu Xueyang, Zhang Han and Wang Lan cried together, crying so hard that they could be heard all over the courtyard, and only after he rushed over to console her did she feel a little better. Now Chu Yu rushed over, Wei Yun subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

    The development of this dependence was unaware of it, and did not even feel there was anything wrong.

    After the women had been tidying up for a while, the housekeeper found Wei Yun and arranged for the day’s itinerary. Wei Yun nodded and ordered it down, and when the hour came for the gentleman to calculate, he asked the Chu Yu to lead the people to kneel in front of the gate.

    The Wei House did not notify others of the funeral of the Wei House, yet when Chu Yu went out the door, she still saw many people standing at the door.

    The closest to the entrance of the Wei House were those officials who usually came and went in ordinary times, and then a little farther, were the people who came to hear the sound. Since the fourth generation of the Wei family, not only in the frontier conquest, but also extensive righteousness, in the capital to save countelss people.

    Chu Yu looked up and swept over, and saw those who were the leaders, Xie Taifu, the Princess, Chu Jianchang ……

    In this group of people, a middle-aged man dressed in white held a folding fan in his hand, and quietly watched the funeral procession.

    Chu Yu only took a glance and recognized the person coming.

    It was Chun De Emperor.

    However, she didn’t look more, as if she didn’t know that the monarch was here, she just folded her hands in front of her body and bowed slightly in that direction, then turned her head in the other direction and bowed to the people.

    The young lady in the door led the young grandson out one after another and stood at the side of Chu Yu and Liu Xueyang respectively. The attendants put the futon under the knees of the Wei family, Chu Yu and Liu Xueyang led several young ladies to stand on one side each, and then heard a singing voice: “Kneel -“

    Hearing this sound, the Wei family knelt down respectfully, and the officials standing on both sides of the Wei House gate, also lowered their heads. I don’t know who started, from the officials, the people knelt down one after another, and in a moment, the long street, they knelt to a large area.

    “Open the door to welcome the coffin–“

    Another chant, the Wei House gate creaked, the door slowly opened, revealing the appearance within the gate.

    Wei Yun stood in front of the coffin, dressed in mourning clothes, hair tied in a high white hair band. The seven coffins behind him were lined up in four rows, and he stood alone in front of the coffins, standing tall, obviously a teenager, but as if he could also stand on the ground.

    The official once again sang and drank, Wei Yun spread out the long scroll in his hand, lowered his eyes, and recited aloud the sacrificial text he had written for several days.

    His voice was smooth, between the tone of a teenager and a young man, but because of the calm and steady nature of it, people did not dare to think of him as just a teenager.

    His literary skills are not good, just quietly reviewing the lives of the seven people behind him.

    His father, his elder brother, his brothers.

    These seven men, born in the family of the Protectors, died in the battle for the Protectors.

    Even if they were stigmatized, in the eyes of the clear-eyed people, they can still clearly see how clean these people really are .

    He looked back on the lives of these people, just plainly recounting the battles they had experienced, but there were slowly sobs around them. And then he recalled some daily life, the sound of crying spread more and more.

    “On July 27, the eldest brother got married, but he heard of the border emergency, Jun and his family ran to the border and sleeplessly fought for seven days to repell the enemy army. That night, Jun and all the brothers were drunk on top of the city tower, and looked at the stars at night.”

    “I was young and did not understand this life, so I asked my brothers what they wanted to do in life.”

    “The eldest brother replied that he wished for a peaceful world and a clear world.”

    “The brothers praised each other, so I asked again, if there is peace, where do the brothers want to go?”

    “The eldest brother replied with a smile, “In spring to look at the willow by the river, in winter, to wait for the snow to turn white. Three glasses of wine with friends, drunkenly lying in the spring wind building. The battlefield is life and death, and Huajing is the most popular.

But an ordinary man, the wind and rain and warm home lights are enough.”

    “The wind and rain and warm home lights are enough.”

    When these words came out, the young ladies finally could not hold back, those suppressed, subdued grief burst out in an instant, intersecting with the surrounding people’s cries, the whole long street was buried by the sound of crying.

    Chu Yu dumbfounded knelt on the ground, the mind also does not know how, but it recalls those Wei family teenagers who were either wanton or brazen on the day of the wedding.

   “The battlefield is life and death, and Huajing is the most popular.”

    Chu Yu trembled and closed her eyes, and in such an emotion, she felt something wet in the corner of her eyes.

    When Wei Yun finished reading the sacrificial text, his voice was also mute. But he did not cry, he put the sacrificial text into the fire bowl, after burning, he raised his hand and shouted out: “Raise the coffin -“

    The voice was loud and clear, as if it were on the battlefield and the general shouted, “Battle!”

    The coffin left the ground with a creaking sound, and with the long light in his hand, Wei Yun walked out of the Wei family gate with the coffin.

    And then Chu Yu stood up, picked up Liu Xueyang, who was crying her heart out, and took her with her, leading the other young ladies and the young grandson together, and followed the coffin.

    They were followed by the Wei family’s personal soldiers and household servants, a long line that filled almost the entire street.

    Everywhere they passed, there were cries, shouts, noisy people, and scattered shouts of “General Wei”.

    General Wei, who is called, no one knows. Because the people lying in the coffin were all General Wei.

    White money paper fluttered all over the sky, and the officials automatically followed the long procession, and the people also followed.

    They walked out of Huajing, climbed over the mountains, and came to the Wei family cemetery.

    Wei Yun’s leg was still wounded, and the climbing made his leg hurt a lot, but he did not change his face, as if he was a person with no problem. He led the people to the edge of the cemetery that had been dug beforehand, and according to the rules, let the relatives see their last side before burying them in the earth.

    Seeing that last side is probably the most cruel time. But Wei Yun remained calm and smooth during the entire process.

    Everyone was crying and making a scene. He stood there, as if he was the needle of the sea in the torrent, no matter how big the waves were, no matter how stormy, he stood here.

    When you can’t walk, you rest on him; you do not know where to go, you just look up in his direction.

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    This is the pillar of the Wei family..

The rain fell, the surrounding people came and went, Wei Yun numbly stood in place, watching their family members sink one by one into the yellow earth.

    Until finally, Wei Jun was buried.

    Chu Yu stood beside him, watching Wei Jun’s coffin open.

    The corpse had been specially treated, except for a greenish-white face, it didn’t look too different from being alive.

    He was lying in the coffin, as if he had slept, and there was a light smile on his lips.

    He was used to being a gentle person, and would subconsciously smile whenever he could, so even when he wasn’t smiling, he felt a smile.

    Chu Yu quietly looked at him, this husband whom she had only met once.

    The first time she saw him, she promised him a lifetime.

    The second time she saw him, he had already ended this life.

    She looked at him for a long time, she wanted to remember him, this young man was very good looking, there was nothing stunning, and she was afraid that the future will be too long, and she would forget him.

    He was engaged to her at the age of nine, and for this engagement, he waited for her to reach maturity and for her to grow up. All other Wei family sons have loved ones to remember, he shouldn’t be without.

    She may not have love for him, but she will not be less of this wife’s responsibility. So she gazed at his face for a long time. After a long time, Wei Yun finally couldn’t look at it anymore and made a hoarse voice: “Sister-in-law, it’s time to fill the coffin.”

    Chu Yu came back to her senses and nodded her head, a bit confused, and only after a long time did she come to her senses and slowly said, “Yes.”

    Wei Yun ordered the coffin to be loaded, and he and Chu Yu were the only people in the whole picture who could still hold themselves together. They calmly sent the people away, and when everything was settled, they took everyone who was crying down the mountain.

    Walking to the foot of the mountain, the sound of crying gradually reduced. When they reached the doorstep, the cries were completely stopped.

    No one’s tears will stay forever for anyone, all wounds will eventually heal.

    The voices that roared and cried out were wounds exposed to the sun, and they looked hideous, but they also recovered the fastest and easiest. The hardest ones are the wounds that are licked in the dark, hidden by people, silently festering in the dark, pus, red and swollen repeatedly, and do not know when it will end.

    Back home when it was night, the crowd dispersed, leaving only the Wei family back to the Wei house.

    Everyone was tired, and Chu Yu had the kitchen prepare the evening meal, so that the family could come together to the dining room for dinner.

    Because there were few people suddenly, the dining room seemed extraordinarily empty. Chu Yu left the seats of those who had passed away, and poured wine for everyone once the banquet started.

    “This is my father’s buried daughter, and it has been fifteen years now.”

    Chu Yu got up and poured the wine, smiling: “My father buried many when I was born, and they all drunk on the day I got married, only the best two altars remained, today they are all for you.”

    Saying that, she returned to her seat and raised her cup, “Today we drink a night of pain, after this night, the past is past.”

    You and I, go our separate ways.

    All did not speak, but a moment later, Yao Jue fiercely stood up and shouted: “Drink, drink up, tomorrow is tomorrow!”

    Saying that, Yao Jue raised her cup, tilted her head and poured it down, roaring, “Good wine!”

    After Yao Jue started, the atmosphere was lively, and everyone ate the food while playing around, as if it was an ordinary family dinner.

    Wang Lan was pregnant and could not drink, so she watched with a smile. Yao Jue, who looked the most heroic, was the worst drinker and started to drink like a madman in a short while, pulling each other’s fists and drinking. Zhang Han was pulled over by her, and the two were drunk together, talking nonsense.

   “Shiro, don’t look at the broken finger, but it’s terrible, that copper coin is so big that he can nail the copper coin to the tree a hundred steps away!”

    “Shiro ……what’s the matter?” Zhang Han was confused and burped: “My husband, that is powerful. The first time I saw him, at the lantern festival, someone teased me, he held a folding fan in his hand, and put a dozen people with swords in his hand, snapped,” Zhang Han hand danced in the air for a while, muttered, “all shot into the lake.”

    Jiang Chun, who had been drinking, heard them praise their husbands, and was a little unhappy, so she joined the organization, and began to praise their husbands: “Our Erlang ah ……”

    Chu Yu and Xie Jiu drunk a lot of wine, just quietly listening from the side.

    In some ways, Xie Jiu and Chu Yu have a bone similarity. For example, the matter of drinking, Xie Jiu and Chu Yu both drank sip by sip, as soon as they noticed a slight intoxication, they stopped, rested for a while, and then continued to drink.

    However, this night, they elegantly drank wine, but lost that control. Xie Jiu’s face was tinged with red as she turned her head to look at Chu Yu and said with a smile, “Sometimes I think we are the same people, but later I found out that you and I are not the same people.”

    “You,” she raised her hand, her jade-like fingertips pointing at Chu Yu’s heart, “you are still hot in your heart, still like a child.”

    Chu Yu laughed lightly, but said, “You think, you are not?”

    Xie Jiu did not reply, she suddenly turned around and said to the maid behind her, “Bring the Zither!”

   “In the past, Aya liked to listen to me play the Zither, but don’t look at his birth in a family of warriors like the Wei family, but he is an even more elegant person than the prince of the family.”

    Xie Jiu said, seeing that the zither was being carried over by the maid, she straightened up and said, “Now I’ll play the zipper for him once more.”

    She said, and went to the center, took the zither from the maid’s hand, sat on the ground, and after plucking the strings, she gently played.

    This is a small tune, the tone was mild and shallow, and couldn’t tell where the song was from, gentle and quiet, as if it was following the moonlight trickle flow.

    “The wolf’s smoke points to Kyushu, the general with Wu hook, I hold apricot wine, send you to the bridge ……”

    “March spring warmth, hairpin marquis city gate, and ask the return of people, the general’s name can be heard ……”

    Chu Yu quietly looked at Xie Jiu, when her zither sounded, the crowd stopped the sound, and it did not take long for everyone to sing along.

    They were all very good years, Chu Yu watched them sing this little tune, for a moment she was a little confused, she walked out the door with the wine, and saw Wei Yun sitting on the long corridor, quietly looking at the moon.

    The wine made her feel a little hot, so she walked over to Wei Yun and sat down, saying, “Why hasn’t Xiao Qi gone to bed?”

    Wei Yun could not bear it any longer after a long day with injuries, so Chu Yu let him go to bed first.

    However, she didn’t expect that the man had been sitting outside and hadn’t left.

    It had rained a little in the afternoon, but at night the sky was clear, the moon was in the sky, and the air was filled with the wet smell of the rain and the freshness of the earth.

    Wei Yun quietly looked at the moon, but said, “I used to listen to these tunes.”

    Chu Yu did not say anything, Wei Yun continued: “I used to love it, and every time I listened I felt as if all my efforts had meaning. I don’t have as big a heart as my brothers, I just felt that the reason I was fighting for my life in the sands with a spear in my hand was for these people at home. I want to see them happy like this every day, singing and dancing, pondering which rouge looks better.”

    “But I don’t know what’s wrong today,” Wei Yun smiled bitterly, “I’m listening to these tunes today, but I feel ……”

    He paused in his voice, pondering the next words, Chu Yu took a sip of wine and slowly said, “Feel what?”

    “I didn’t …… protect them after all.”

    Wei Yun turned his head to look at Chu Yu: “Sister-in-law, am I too useless?”

    Hearing these words, Chu Yu tilted her head and finished the wine in the bowl in one gulp, then stood up and pulled the plain white hairband on her head, then the hair fell apart, she then tied all the hair behind her with a hairband and walking to the courtyard weapons rack.

    And then she jerked off the spear from the weapon rack violently, and stroked the spear with  her hand.

    “When I was a child, my mother always wanted me to learn to dance, play the piano, write, and sing those babbling Jiangnan ditties like my sister. But I didn’t like any of it, I couldn’t do anything right, except for this long gun in my hand.”

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