Märchen For A Villain

Chapter 3: 3

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Chapter 3

“To refer to the prince of the Neveland Empire as the punk is ……….” (Snow)

“The second request is….” (Isabelle)

Snow asked back, but Isabelle quickly cut him off.

“I want to meet with Grand Duke Bashke. I intend to propose to him.” (Isabelle)

Snow’s mouth dropped open as he was about to ask if Isabelle had humiliated the Prince of the empire.

It was probably the stupidest expression he had made this year.

“Propose to my master?” (Snow)

‘Why is she trying to get involved with my master of all people?’

‘Oh, come to think of it, I once sent a portrait of master to a foreign royal family who said they were looking for a groom.’

‘I don’t think that’s this Princess, though.’

“Maybe the Princess didn’t hear about our Grand Duke..…………” (Snow)

“I am well aware of the fact that brides die on their wedding night.” (Isabelle)

Again, Isabelle answered, cutting off Snow’s words.

‘People don’t normally cut me off like this.’ Snow had no reaction to the surprising, but worse request.

“Please help me to meet the Grand Duke as soon as he arrives.”

“All right. Shall we wait here for a moment?” Snow pointed to the tower near the dock.

Isabelle shook her head.

Strangely, when she tried to go near the tower, her body trembled and she hated it.

“I’ll just take a walk.” (Isabelle)

“It would probably be an hour or so before the ship arrived.” (Snow)

“Can’t a man walk that much?” (Isabelle)

“Huh?” (Snow)

“How can you have seven lovers if you’re so weak?” (Isabelle)

Tsk tsk, Isabelle scanned Snow’s body and clicked her tongue.

Puhaha, Snow blew out. She even had tears in her eyes, and she raised her glasses a little to sweep them.

“I’m afraid you have some terrible misconceptions about me, but I’m stronger than I look, Princess.”

Snow naturally advanced toward the sandy beach beyond the wall.

“Will the Princess be able to handle my stamina?”

“Don’t worry about that.”

No sooner had they left the walls than the crunchy sand was stepped on. With each step, Isabelle’s pointy heels sank in the sand.

Isabelle took off her red shoes without hesitation and laid them on the sand, revealing her slender feet in white stockings.

“Shall we walk then, Lord Snow?”

Isabelle held out her hand.

Was that a surprise? With his eyes opened wide, Snow looked at Isabelle’s hand and feet alternately and smiled pleasantly.

He took Isabel’s offered hand as carefully as he could and raised it up onto his arm.

“If you leave it to me, I’ll show you the best escort you’ll ever have, Princess.”


The ship of Grand Duke Bashke arrived in the Kingdom of Desar.

The majesty of the ship, with its back to the slowly falling sun, was amazing.

The expressionless soldiers moved in unison on the ship.

There was one person who disembarked with the greatest of ease. It was Grand Duke Karl Bashke.

Under his short-brimmed military cap, dark hair and cold eyes appeared. His purple eyes were slow and graceful, grasping the movements of the soldiers, and the hundreds of them became nervous at his gaze.

The admiral’s jacket fluttered on his shoulders as he walked slowly and modestly. Tall with a strong physique, his military uniform without a single wrinkle, even his shadow was intimidating, showing that he was the ruler of this sea.

“The Prince?”

The word spat out slowly, and one of the naval officers quickly ran over and whispered.

The Grand Duke’s brow wrinkled slightly.


“Yes. I have received a telegram that the sixth Princess of the kingdom has requested a private meeting.”

“Tell her I refuse.”

It was a rejection without a moment of thought. The soldier hurriedly reported the following situation.

“Already in the care of Aide Snow White.”

Oh, he’s just over there, isn’t he?

The soldier pointed to a sandy beach where he saw two rather odd-looking people. Snow was wearing a large-brimmed women’s hat to block out the sun.

Isabelle, on the other hand, was walking barefoot, enjoying the sunshine.

In one hand, she was holding a bunch of wild flowers she had picked on the beach.

“Why did you pick so many?” (Snow)

“Just in case I have to use them.” (Isabelle)

“I am not a man to be fooled by a bouquet of flowers.” (Snow)

“I’m afraid they’re not for you.” (Isabelle)

“I’m ashamed to say this, but………. Oh, there’s my master!” (Snow)

Snow hurried his steps as soon as he saw the Grand Duke.

Isabelle was being dragged by his arm as he strode.

‘You crazy punk, you said you were going to show me the best escort.’ (Isabelle)

“My Lord, you’re here.”

Snow bowed his head and greeted the Grand Duke politely.

Isabelle’s hat, which he was wearing, fluttered beautifully with his nod.

“…… What’s that?” (Grand Duke)

“I borrowed it because I thought my white skin would burn under the sun.” (Snow)

“From whom?”

“The Princess. Oh, I’m late. This is Princess Isabelle Desar.”

Snow introduced Isabelle, pointing to the hat he was wearing. Isabelle, who was out of breath after being dragged by him, finally greeted the Grand Duke with a pained expression.

“Phew, ha ha. Nice to meet you. Grand Duke.”

The choking voice sounded like a breathless beast rather than a Princess.

‘Oh, it’s hard to even stand.’

Isabelle clutched at her chest as the pain tore at her lungs.

“It is an honor to meet you, Princess. I’m Grand Duke Karl Bashke.”

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Any other man would have been puzzled by the Princess’s undignified greeting, but not the Grand Duke.

With an expressionless face, he glanced once at Isabelle’s bare feet and then at Snow again.

Snow didn’t say anything, just shrugged his shoulders.

“I heard you requested a private meeting, Princess.” (Grand Duke)

“Hm, ha… it doesn’t have to be private.”

‘Oh, I can’t talk anymore, ha ha.’ (*ha ha= heavy breathing)

Isabelle’s body was weak, so even if she walked a little fast, she was out of breath.

And she just had almost run, following Snow.

“Are you okay, Princess?” (Grand Duke)

It was a cold voice with no emotion whatsoever.

Isabelle waved her hand instead of replying.

Silence fell for a while.

As the glowing sunset hit Isabelle’s face, the Grand Duke pointed with his chin at Snow.

Ah, yes. Snow took off the hat and put it back on Isabelle’s head. Finally regaining stability, Isabelle straightened her body and raised her chin proudly. It was as if nothing had happened.

“Thank you for waiting, Grand Duke.”

It was interesting to see she had a completely different attitude than before.

Snow, who burst into laughter, quickly covered his mouth with his hands.

Isabelle glared at him.

“Lord Snow’s escort was so passionate that I was out of breath.”

“I’m sorry. Please be careful with him, Princess.” (Grand Duke)

“Wait a minute. Why did the arrow fly at me?”

Snow interrupted the conversation as if it was unfair, but the Grand Duke ignored him and asked Isabelle.

“Why did you ask for a private meeting?”

“It’s okay if you’re not alone. The content is short.”

Isabelle raised her head and stared straight into the Grand Duke’s face.

His features were not visible from a distance because he was wearing a military hat deeply down his face.

However, looking at him closely, she could see why her sister Maria had praised him.

His eyes were elongated under his pitch-black hair, and the purple eyes were like rare jewels.

The high, strong nose and lips that look stiff were in perfect harmony.


“Oh, I’m sorry.”

Appreciating the Grand Duke’s face, she couldn’t help but be mesmerized. Isabelle quickly brought up the main topic.

“Well, the reason is simple, Grand Duke Bashke. Marry me….”

“That’s not what you want to say here.”

As soon as the word marriage was mentioned, the Grand Duke cut off her words at once.

‘’I will show you to the commander’s office, Princess.”

A sharp look from his eyes reached Isabelle and turned to Snow. With no way to avoid the complicated gaze, Snow shivered warily.

“Shoes, Snow. “


The Grand Duke looked at Isabelle’s feet as Snow asked back.


Snow took off the shoes he was wearing as he twisted his lips as if annoyed.

“I’m fine. I feel comfortable barefoot, Grand Duke.”

“I’m sorry, Princess.”

His purple eyes circled around her and he quickly made eye contact with Isabelle.

“ As you can see, this place is full of men. Please put on your shoes.”

It was a coercive tone that came out due to his habit. It had the power to make the listeners yield. Isabelle almost forgot her status as a Princess and obeyed the order.

‘Wake up. I’m here to make a deal.’ (Isabelle)

There was no need to listen to the Grand Duke’s orders like a dog. She pulled up her skirt to her knees and lifted one foot.

‘If you want me to put on my shoes, you do it.’ (Isabelle)

Isabelle turned away and smiled. The Grand Duke, realizing her meaning, let out a long sigh.

‘Hmmm, annoying.’ (Grand Duke)

He wanted to ignore this woman. However, a princess is still a princess even in a small country. The Grand Duke slowly bent down on one knee. The sound of the soldiers who were watching the scene and swallowing their saliva could be heard all the way here.

‘I didn’t notice from a distance, but he’s a bigger man than I thought.’

Despite his lowered posture, the strange oppressive feeling his body gave her was still the same.

The man, who had a broad back that wouldn’t collapse even if he put a lump of steel on top of it, carefully helped Isabelle put on her big shoes.

His hands were delicate, unlike his body, as he firmly fastened the shoelaces so that the shoes would not fall off.

“Thank you, Grand Duke.”

Isabelle held out her hand with a smiling face.

At the same time, she did not forget to wiggle one eyebrow.

‘You wouldn’t be as rude an escort as your aide, would you?’ With that meaning, the expressionless Grand Duke took her warning lightly and clasped her hand. The Grand Duke’s escort to the commander’s office was impeccably perfect.


“There’s no need to offer tea. My business is simple enough.”

Isabelle opened her mouth as soon as she sat down on the couch in the commander’s office.

“I didn’t intend to serve tea in the beginning.” (Grand Duke)

The explanation continued, “Tea time is not allowed on a warship because time is important.” He was a man who didn’t even smile pretentiously the whole time he said that.

‘Wow, how annoying.’

The only interesting thing about him was his face. Isabelle clicked her tongue inwardly.

What was she going to do if even his face wasn’t interesting? Oh, his body looked a bit interesting too. The Grand Duke spoke first to Isabelle, who was thinking about something else.

“What can I do for you?”

“Oh, marriage.”

Isabelle had uttered the noun “marriage” all too easily.

“…… Marriage? With whom?”

“With you, sir.”

Isabelle pointed right at the Grand Duke.

It was really interesting to see the frown on his expressionless face.

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