Ms. Nine Tailed Fox

Chapter 10: Chapter 10

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Seraphina has been in a disheartened state for the last several days because the speed of her recovery was pathetically slow to the point that the month spent at Ezekiel's palace failed to fully restore one-tenth of her depleted energy. She was certain, albeit unwilling, that at least a year was necessary for her to fully recover her energy and shift into her human form.

However, today, her state seemed to have worsened to a freezing point, as the little maids, who often stole peeks here and there to admire the fluffiness, adorableness, and aloofness of the white fox did not even dare to sneak a glance in her direction due to the burning golden eyes, which were constantly spitting bloodthirstiness. Her hackles were rising and falling continuously, and her tail was curling up and loosening, displaying her agitation.

"Are you that mad?" an old man with a pair of deep red orbs and white combed hair asked amusedly.

Unfortunately, the little fox did not give him any answer nor spared him a glance, openly ignoring his presence. She sat on the window couch and continued to stare into the far distance in the direction of the imperial palace with a contemplating and almost reminiscing gaze. If the imperial elder had caught her gaze, he would not have missed the spooking predatory glint in those beautiful eyes.

"Where is Aine?" she asked after a long silence.

"She ran off to the back forest after receiving the news. The knights are following closely, so no need to worry about her safety," Ezekiel replied with a heavy sigh.

"I understand that it was inevitable to accept Aynat's request to visit sooner or later. The upper society must be buzzing like a hornet's nest due to your generous gift to her, wondering whether it was your last diablerie before death or the declaration of resurgence. However, you could have told Aine sooner about their incoming arrival, Ezekiel. You did not even give her time to prepare herself. She is not ready to meet them. You know that."

"I do. However, fear is to be overcome, Red. Only by confronting and conquering one's fear, relief and freedom will come."

"She is only a six-year-old child who lost her family."

"I know. But you have to remember that she is a legitimate imperial princess, Red. She has to stand up against Aynat and her children sooner or later. If her elder brother does not return, she-"

"You want to establish her as an heir to the throne," Seraphina interrupted his words with conviction and seriousness that contradicted her young age.

"Yes. If Reyan does not return," the imperial elder confirmed her statement.

During the whole conversation, the little fox was not looking in the direction of the old man and continued staring into the far distance. However, when Reyan's name left his mouth, her furry ears twitched adorably, and her frighteningly bright golden orbs landed on him with a swift turn of her head.

"Listen well, old man. You could have been someone important to my predecessor, but that does not make you one to me. I did not give you life and, certainly, did not bring Aine here to let you treat her as a bargaining chip to the imperial succession. Treat her as your granddaughter, neither as an imperial princess nor as a prospective heir. Believe it or not, I can take her away with me, and you can spend your long life with loneliness and gloom." Seraphina warned him.

"You are one fearless child," Ezekiel laughed aloud with admiration and interest.

"Of course, I have my fears and weaknesses. You're just not one of them," the haughty fox harrumphed disdainfully.

"So, speak little one. Are you telling me to let Aynat's children succeed the throne?"

"When did I say that? In this life, even if the sky was to collapse, her son will never become the emperor."

"How can you be so sure? If Reyan does not return and Aine does not participate in the succession battle, the throne will be left for the illegitimate children."

"Why do you have so many ifs, old man? Just let fate do its work," she shot back before jumping off the couch and striding elegantly towards the open terrace.

"Are you going to Aine?"

"Yeah. So, pull back your men. I don't like extra tails except mine."

Seraphina jumped over the railing and vanished into the forest, leaving only a mirage of white fluff.


It was still late spring, and the forest had yet to completely shed its chilling cold breeze and sleepy countenance, making Aine shiver occasionally.

"Let's go back, it's still too cold for you," Seraphina's voice fell, startling the little girl, who was sitting on a big flat rock next to a gurgling stream while hugging her knees.

The startled child raised her blonde head jerkily and stared at Seraphina for a good few seconds. After having their little staring contest, she raised her short arms toward the awe-striking white fox and held it in her embrace tightly before snuggling her face against the soft silky fur.

"Aine, you sure are gutsy, huh? Using my venerable self as a heater," Seraphina complained, albeit with no intention or indication of withdrawing or pushing the girl away.

"Red, you are so kind," Aine's chuckle erupted like a clear sound of bells in a silent forest, to which Seraphina responded with a light snort.

"Feeling better?" she asked after accompanying the little girl with her silent comfort and warm snuggles for a while.

"Mmm, better."

"Then shall we go back?"

"Red, do you also think I should meet them?" Aine voiced her hesitation.

"Your grandfather's words had some truth in them. Some things can only be overcome with experience, while some can heal on their own with time. In your case, I'm afraid it's the former."

"But, I'm afraid. Afraid that, even after meeting them, the fear won't go away."

"What is your fear, Aine?"

"My fear... is not being able to meet my brother again. Also, my maternal grandfather."

"Do you think Aynat can make that happen?"

"She can, Red. She sent away my elder brother to the Ruleless Land. And my mother, she, she-"

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"Aynat did not kill the empress, Aine. It seems you have no faith in your mother, elder brother, and grandfathers."

"What? No, Red. That's not-"

"Aine!" Seraphina's voice hardened with intimidation and authority, which shocked the princess into a mute because Red had never spoken to her in such a tone.

"Aine, listen to me well. Your mother, Natalia Heroux, was an extremely powerful aura wielder, a brave warrior, and an empress who ruled her subjects with kindness and virtue. Do you really believe that Aynat was the one who took her away?"


"That's right. The answer is a NO. Now, tell me why it's a no, Aine."

"... be, because, Aynat, she, she is weak."

"There you go. Remember those words. She is not the one responsible for your mother's death because she is too weak to do so. But look at you, a daughter born to Natalia, cowering in front of such a person."

"But, Red. I'm not my mother. I'm-"

"Yes, I know. You are not your mother. But you are the legitimate imperial princess whom your mother created with her flesh and bone. She is in you, Aine. The same applies to your elder brother, Reyan. Your mother, Natalia, is inside the both of you. As long as you are breathing, she is living through you. She has never left your side because, all along, she was with you. Do you understand what I'm trying to say, Aine?" She asked the little girl, who was trying to hold her tears as if clutching to her dear life.

"You can cry, Aine. You can cry. There is only you and me here," she comforted her friend while licking the tears away from the delicate face covered with sorrow.

The little girl cried long and hard. Her lovely eyes were beet red, and her pretty nose was runny by the time her cries turned into soft sniffles and hiccups.

"I'm sorry for making you cry." Seraphina apologized softly.

"No, it's not your fault. It's because I'm too cowardly," Aine answered sniffingly.

"I can't tell you why or how, but I promise that your elder brother will return to you. He will grow up into an exceptionally powerful man, more powerful than anyone you have ever met before. And, he will have loyal subordinates like Ezekiel has Juan and Jayce and good friends like you have me. Your maternal grandfather, Lord Heroux, is also doing very well."


"Mmm, your grandpa. Don't worry about him because he should be doing just fine."

"Have you met my grandpa before, Red?"

"I did not meet him, but I left him an extremely valuable present. A treasure I cherish a lot."

"Is it also a secret?"

"Yeah, a big secret."

"Okay, then I won't ask what treasure it is."

"Don't fret. When the time comes, you will also know."

"A promise?"

"Mmm. A promise."

"Okay, I believe you."

"Believe me? Which one? The one about your brother or the treasure?"

"Both. Because, you are really amazing, Red."

"Well, then, shall we go back? Your amazing friend will protect you."

"Yes, let's go back. This princess will also protect my friend."

The sight was comical, nonetheless. The little girl, who was too pitiful to look at with swollen red eyes, messy hair that resembled a bird's nest, and a dress covered in mud, was carrying a breathtakingly beautiful but lazy fox. It was obvious at a glance that she was struggling to hold her little friend without dropping it because their weights were not much of a difference. The long fluffy tail that shone its silky fur was dragged along on the dirt the whole time because the child carrying it was too short and small. Though her struggle to firmly hold the fox was seen from her every movement, her pinkish-red orbs were brimming with undisguised hope and expectation for the future, and her small mouth was beaming a wide smile full of happiness.

Unfortunately, this peaceful yet comical picture was destined to be short-lived as Seraphina's exceptionally well-developed senses caught the nearing presence of the nonlocals.

"They're coming," Seraphina affirmed to her friend as the carefree laziness displayed in those shimmering golden fox eyes changed into scorn and rage in an instant.

"'They' means..." Aine uttered with a somber expression, her beautiful blooming smile completely wiped clean.

"Right. Your half-siblings."

Seraphina jumped out of the warm embrace of her friend and stood in front of her in a protective stance. She was brimming with an unresolved vengeance and the determination to protect her little friend and was waiting vigilantly for those chilling azure eyes, which she once longed and cherished, to appear in front of her sight once again.

However, before her eyes could catch even a glimpse of those hateful blues, her small body was snatched away by an enormous black creature with an inhumane speed that its movements were imperceptible with naked eyes. Both Seraphina and Aine were thrown completely off guarded that one forgot to shout after her 'kidnapped' friend while the other failed to decipher what was happening until the tingling sensation on her scruff woke her from her shell shock.  

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