Ms. Nine Tailed Fox

Chapter 12: Chapter 12

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"Father," called a woman with a gentle smile on her remarkably delicate face.

The woman was, without a doubt, a fair lady with gorgeous pink hair and mesmerizing azure blue eyes. She boasted a splendid pale silk dress covered with intricate patterns woven with golden threads, which glided in dazzle with her every movement, showing her unparalleled elegance and sophistry. Despite being a mother of two at the young age of thirty, she maintained a stunning figure filled with youthfulness. When all is said and done, she was a beauty who possessed an enrapturing combination of coquettishness and grace.

Unfortunately, in a world that once beheld a goddess named Natalia and an enchantress such as Rosaline, not everyone is expected to appreciate her divine being.

"I advise you to watch your mouth. I was fortunate to have been called 'father' by the greatest warrior born in Khan's Land. She will be the first and last woman I recognize as my daughter-in-law," Ezekiel's calm voice fell inside the parlor while his unsettling deep red eyes fell on the woman who was calmly sipping her tea.

"It's the empire's delight and blessing to see your majesty healthy and full of spirit," Aynat commented with a gentle tone and unperturbed calmness.

"Cut your pretense. The image of you kneeling and crying in front of Amaris Callenso and begging to become his woman is still burning freshly in my mind. Even whores would be nobler than you, Aynat. What's the use of your pretentious virtue and fake sophistry in front of me now? Speak your purpose and be gone." Ezekiel stated plainly, refusing to entertain the other party even in the slightest.

Aynat's tranquil gaze and tender smile were extinguished thoroughly when Ezekiel's unforgiving ridicule fell. She was fuming inside while her hands clutching the teacup tightened, making her knuckles appear paler and more prominent.

"Your majesty's words are still as hurtful as ever. Since that is the case, I will say it straightforwardly. Give Aine back," Aynat uttered without an ounce of reverence and respect.

The parlor exploded with the loud laughter of an old man, overflowing with unconcealed mockery and scorn.

"You, a mere titled concubine, dare to order me, an imperial elder? Even your father would think twice," Ezekiel ridiculed before continuing,

"This is why you will never be half of that child. Natalia's foresight and virtue, you will never possess them. You are but a little clown."

"Please watch your mouth, your majesty. Time has changed. Your Red Army is indeed the one to be fearful of. However, the combined militia of the noble houses, which support prince Reagan, can and will vanquish your Red Army if necessary."

"Tsk tsk. If you believe that my Red Army is the only obstacle to stand in your path, I would have overestimated you."

"Indeed, I'm aware of your majesty's close relationship with the grand duke. However, house Callenso's tradition of not interfering with imperial succession will prevail, your majesty."

We will see. Throughout history, the house of Callenso had very few female descendants. In fact, that haughty little girl would be the first one to appear in the last five generations. Though she is a bastard child born from a brothel dancer, she is, without a doubt, the treasure of the Callensos. And that treasure just happened to be a very special one with overwhelming territorial and protective instincts. Ezekiel contemplated amusedly.

As soon as the royal consort's declaration ended, the doors of the parlor were opened, revealing a dashing man of middle age whose presence alone caused petrifying oppression for others. Though his golden orbs outshone molten gold and shimmering sunlight, his whole person released an icy chill that came from his raw power and ruthlessness. Along with him stood his three sons; Ihan, Aegaeon, and Deimos. 

The firstborn, Ihan, was a young man with almost identical features to his father, with golden orbs and silver hair. As much as his outer appearance was similar to his father, the feeling he gave off differed distinctively. If Grand Duke Amaris was the summit of the tallest mountain covered with ice and snow all year round, the heir Ihan was the vast ocean, full of life and wonders with its depth, unfathomable. At the young age of thirteen, he was already showing the composure and resoluteness of a lord, thus making him a worthy heir.

As for the second born, Aegaeon, he was the complete opposite of his elder brother, volatile and unrestrained. With his exceptionally light honey-brown curly locks and the same golden eyes, his outer appearance was the sunniest of all of his siblings, which contrasted heavily with his zealous personality. Being one year younger than Ihan, Aegaeon, at the age of twelve, was a swordsmaster capable of wielding auras. Though his aura could neither tame a shadow beast nor bend an element, it was immensely powerful that even the commander of the imperial knights would have trouble defending against. He was the rogue of the house Callenso.

The youngest, Deimos, was only 9. Inheriting the grand duke's silver hair and the late grand duchess's brilliant emerald green eyes, he was a fascination to behold. However, those close to Deimos, especially his elder brothers, understood that this angelic outer appearance was the face of the devil. Being born the youngest of the family and having elder brothers whose accomplishments could awe the heavens, Deimos had met many wily men and women aiming to make a puppet of him, a Callenso. Inferiority makes men blind. And nobles understood that. Many believed that the little boy consumed by inferiority would be the perfect puppet to hold. Unfortunately, all those who fancied such thoughts were now rotting six feet under the ground. The reason was simple. This child, Deimos Callenso, was the proudest son of all, brimming with tenacity, cunningness, and acuity. As much as others called him the devil due to his scheming and merciless tendency, he was a kid who gave love to his family and received one back equally.

Aynat hastily rose from her seat with fluster and startle. It was obvious, that the unannounced arrival of the grand duke was not within her expectation, as the assertive twinkle in her azure eyes was now replaced with tension and vigilance.

Amaris walked into the room without caring to greet either the imperial elder or the royal consort, whereas his sons stood at the door, Ihan upright, Aegaeon leaning on the door frame unscrupulously, and Deimos yawning unreservedly.

"Your grace," Aynat curtsied even though she was well aware that her greeting would neither be accepted nor returned.

Aynat was the eldest daughter of the prime minister, born with beauty and power. From childhood to maidenhood, she was the flower of the upper society, invincible and unmatched. However, her supremacy did not last long as the one and only dual bender, Natalia Heroux, dismantled her from her unrivaled fame and glory.

The defeat was difficult to swallow, and Aynat was almost crazed by jealousy. The only thing that soothed her rotting heart was the hope that she would marry a man of the highest caliber, Amaris Callenso. Compared to a puppet emperor who lacked power, the young grand duke, renowned as the king of the north, was far more brilliant and desirable. Unfortunately, she failed to realize that the one to shatter her only salvation would be her father. When Aynat was told to enter the palace as an imperial concubine, she begged the young grand duke's hand in marriage, discarding her dignity and honor. However, the response she had received at the time was only two indefinitely cold and ruthless words.

'Get lost.'

Amaris walked past the curtsying royal consort and stood in front of the imperial elder, who was carelessly drinking his tea as if unaware of the uninvited guest.

"I see you are not dying anytime soon, old man."

"Indeed, I am happy to see you too, uncultured brat."

"I believe you have some explanations for me," Amaris's cold deep voice fell inside the parlor while his notably calloused hand picked up the teacup straight from the imperial elder's hand and put it on the table with a loud clank.

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If I say I have your little treasure, would you believe me? Ezekiel thought amusedly before replying,

"What is the point of asking me when you can go and see with your own eyes? I was told it was quite lively in the back forest, especially with your son's shadow wolf present." 

The moment Ezekiel's words ended, Aynat's sharp gasp followed. Her hands tightened, clutching her exquisite dress while her lips trembled with each word.

"What, what did you say?"

"Oh, did the rat you placed in my palace not tell you? Well, let me tell you then. I allowed your children inside the forest despite knowing what they, especially that daughter of yours, were up to. It was not because I do not care for that child, Aine, but because a shadow beast is roaming there. If your children know how to behave and not touch the things that should not be touched, they will be fine," the imperial elder said nonchalantly.

Aynat fell to the floor when the calm yet provoking words of the old man fell. Her shoulders were shaking with fury, fear, and worry because she knew how fatal a shadow beast could be.

"Pull back your beast. Call it back!" She shouted at the young heir Ihan, whose eyes were turning disturbingly alert as each second passed.

"Shut up," Amaris's frigid voice fell, silencing the parlor.

In no time, his golden irises, which were already glowing, to begin with, gradually turned frighteningly brighter, dripping with danger and ferocity. His body stiffened, and his hands were clenched tightly with protruding veins conspicuously blooming on them.

"Father," called Ihan, noticing something was not quite right about his father's condition.

Almost instantaneously, a bright golden aura started swirling out of the grand duke's body, causing a wrenching pain and suffocating pressure for the people inside the mansion whilst his shadow grew bigger and darker with each passing second. The aura of a master of a shadow beast could be lethal to outsiders as it carried the pure beastly energy of the beast itself.

The moment Amaris's aura surged out, both the imperial elder and the young swordsmaster, Ezekiel and Aegaeon, released their auras spontaneously. Their aura circled the grand duke, surrounding him while sealing and preventing his aura from escaping.

"I have never heard of father's aura going berserk before," Deimos said while observing the situation worryingly.

"It's not his aura that is going berserk, but Ratuna is," Ihan responded.



Ratuna, Amaris called in his consciousness.

Release me. Release me, Amaris. A low voice replied.

Your energy is going rampant, Ratuna. I cannot release you unless you calm down.

Release me, Amaris. You have to release me.

Why? Why are you raging like this? The grand duke asked, thoroughly baffled.

Blood, Amaris. Blood. I smell it. She is bleeding. Ratuna's low voice fell.

What blood? Who is bleeding, Ratuna?

Your blood. Your child.



The instant Amaris opened his spine-chilling golden eyes, the whole palace shook with force, and the thundering roar of a lion erupted, causing hearts to tremble in terror.

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