Multiversal Shenanigans

Chapter 3: Chapter 3:Man’s greatest fear

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  I am ripped from my sleep by the innkeeper. "Sir please wake up. Miss Silhoueska wants to see you." I roll over, still half asleep "mmmn five more minutes. The innkeepers face darkens and the room develops a chill  "Wake up you lazy fuck." I bolt up, sweating bullets. (The fuck was that?! Mmmkay, adding her to the list of people not to piss off.) Seeing me up, the innkeeper gives a radiant smile "Good, please get ready. Miss Silhoueska is waiting for you." She stops in the door and looks back with a darkened expression "Please don't let me find out that you kept a girl waiting." (Scary) I'm out of that bed and down the stairs as fast as humanly possible.

  Elze is waiting in the lobby of the inn. The innkeeper comes down the stairs "He'll be down soon." Elze smiles and is about to thank the innkeeper when I come flying down the stairs, almost tripping. I manage to maintain my balance and make it to Elze. Elze looks at me with a curious expression "I just came to a conclusion, but do you not own any other clothes?" I rub the back of my head and awkwardly laugh "Unfortunately, I in fact do not have any other clothes." Elze looks me up and down "...It isn't good for someone your age to not have clean clothes." I start laughing and clutching my sides. Elze looks at the innkeeper with a face of 'the fuck did I say', but even the innkeeper is giggling. Elze pouts and stamps her foot "What's so funny?" I try to speak in between wheezes "I'm....ahaha oh hell my sides, (breathe in, breathe out) Elze, it seems you're mistaken about my age...I'm 17." Elze takes a few minutes to process what I had said, but eventually her face turns scarlet "I'm sorry,'re just so small. I thought you were much younger. I'm sorry if I treated you like a child." I laugh again "It's fine it's fine. Anyways is there something you needed?" Elze cleared her throat, trying to hide her embarassment "Ah, yes...Touya asked my to find you. Apparently he wants to talk to  you about something. He's in a meeting right now, so he couldn't come himself. But first we need to get you some new clothes." My brain stalls (No! god no! nooooo!) I see the smirk on her face (This little...she knows what she's doing, and it's all to spite me for laughing. Okay I'll play your games...don't play with fire if you don't wanna be burned.)

  After what feels like hours, I have a bunch of pairs of clothes. (Never can someone be so picky about slightly different shades of white?) Elze and I stop by the inn so that I can drop the clothes off. I then follow Elze as we go to meet Touya. We walk in and Touya, Yumina, and Linze are talking. Touya sees us and waves "Just the people I wanted to see." Elze jogs over "Sorry we're late, he didn't have any other clothes. So I took him shopping." Touya's smile twitched when he sees the evil grin she had. He then looks over to me "Well, I hope you had a good time at least." I chuckle "Yeah, it's been a while since I laughed that hard." The color drains from Elze's face. Touya realizes what happened "Oh, did something funny happen?" I laugh "Yeah, Elze had looked at me when she asked if I had no other clothes and said 'It isn't good for someone your age to not have clean clothes.'" Touya tries not to, but ends up clutching his sides and laughs. Elze's face turns red. Linze is also clutching her sides. She looks at Elze "Sis, I'm's just too funny." Elze's face turns absolutely crimson and she runs out of the room "You all suck!" Yumina who had also been laughing, wipes the tears from her eyes "That was pure evil." I stick my tounge out "Ha, she wanted to spite me...well two can play at that game." Yumina chuckles "You're so petty." Linze walks over and hold her hand out "That was amazing. I'm Linze by the way, I'm Elze's sister." I shake her hand "Nice to meet you Linze, I'm Jason." I turn my attention to Touya "So you wanted to talk to me about something?" Touya glances around the room "Yeah, but it's best if we go to my study so that this stays secret. I don't think you want this to be out there."

  (A/N Smells near cliffhanger: "Smell that...smells like shit" I'm just a poor author, please put the pitchforks down.)

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