Multiverse: He Who Seeks All Pleasures

Chapter 9: Dora’s divine d*cking. (R-18)

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“So tell me Tonks, what is it that makes you act out of character?”

He was peering at Tonks over his cup filled with Earl Grey and milk. The drink was sweet just how he liked it. He was sitting in an armchair opposite of the couch Tonks was seated in, looking utterly relaxed. Meanwhile, Tonks was the opposite of him after hearing his question. Her face scrunched up as if she tasted a vomit flavoured jelly bean.

“L-Love.” She answered hesitantly after some contemplating, seemingly not knowing how to communicate her troubles to him.

“Love…” He tasted the word in his mouth for a moment, a nostalgic look overcame his face. But it quickly vanished and excitement welled up in him. “How exciting! But I assume with your current state that not everything went well regarding your ‘love’?”

Tonks nodded, looking like a kicked puppy.

“Hm… That is unfortunate, but I think I can help you here.”

“What, you can?” Tonks asked, perking up. She looked surprised.

The corner of his mouth went upwards. “Despite my disinterest in forming relationships, I’m quite the romantic.”

“No way! I’m sorry, but you just don’t seem like that kind of person.” Tonks said.

“But it’s true. I even have a… friend that is well versed in the concept of love. I’ve learned a lot from her, so I’m sure that I can give you some answers regarding your problems.”

“You really think you can help me?” She asked, still with some doubt in her voice, but he could see the hope building in her eyes.

“I’m sure. And even if I can’t help you, I will at least make you feel better about it. That I can guarantee.”

Tonks went still for a moment to gather her thoughts. “You see, after Remus and I went to missions together, we realised we enjoyed each other's company and became fast friends. After a while, I built up feelings for him, and I’m sure he did as well! Everybody could see that we had the hots for each other… But he never said or did anything! So I took charge after almost a year, because I was sick of playing around the issue. But he turned me down! And to make things worse, it was over stupid reasons. Stuff like how a werewolf should date no one, or him being old and poor.” She said, her frustration visible.

It was the typical pathetic and whiny behaviour he expected from Lupin. Here, he had someone perfectly willing to accept his countless shortcomings, but he was still too cowardly to accept it. Merlin forbid he will ever conceive a child. He would probably run in fright. Zephyr wanted to sneer in derision, but he held himself back. Lupin’s action benefited him greatly after all. Tonks claimed she loved him, but love came in many ways. It could be deep and strong as the ocean, or weak and brittle like the character of Lupin. Zephyr decided to test that love for himself… thoroughly.

“While I know it hurts to get rejected, maybe he had a point? You can’t deny that there are many things that hinder a relationship between you, so maybe you should truly look for someone else?”

“No!” Tonks shouted suddenly, startling him. “His problems are what connect us. They are not a hindrance! They are the reason he can understand me. And… nobody besides him would want — me — anyway…”

He raised an eyebrow at her outburst. Zephyr had to admit, he was getting more entertained by the minute with the building drama. Disgust should have welled up in him, thinking like that about Tonks’s misfortune, but he couldn’t stop. He wasn’t excited like this in a long time. In fact, his body felt like it was getting filled with fresh energy. Wait. Could it be…

“Now you are being silly. There are more than enough people out there that would be swayed by your beauty.” He said, not giving away his inner turmoil.

“W-What?” she asked, taken aback. Her cheeks were getting filled with heat, but it was quickly replaced with a glare. “You don’t have to lie to make me feel better! I know I’m not attractive, or else he wouldn’t have asked me to change my appearance! After all, that’s what I am to most, just a freak that can conveniently turn into whatever you desire.” She said, slumping down after her tirade, out of breath.


Zephyr was silent, surprised by what he just heard. He smelled an intriguing backstory!

Seeing his silence, Tonks sighed tiredly. “I guess I have to explain some stuff?”

He just nodded.

“Well, you see, school wasn’t always easy for me. In my earlier years I couldn’t control my powers, which often let to embarrassing situations. Coupled with my horrid first name, I was picked on by the other kids. It was… a bad time, but thankfully the more my control and magical abilities grew, the more I gained confidence. So in the following couple of years, I was having a blast hexing all those gits.” She chuckled in remembrance, but her face suddenly turned sad and her lower lip twitched dangerously.

“Then slowly, when I was getting older, I started to get a different kind of attention. Suddenly many boys were vying for my interest, and girls were jealous of me. Honestly, it felt great. It was a complete reversal of the earlier years. Back then, people were mocking me, but now they were running after desperately. It made me feel powerful… and beautiful. Eventually, I even managed to end up together with a guy I really liked for some time. For a moment, Everything was fine in my life.” By now, tears were running down her cheeks. “One day when we were being… intimate as usual, he suddenly asked me if I could change my looks… First I couldn’t understand what he meant, b-but then he clarified he was looking forward to me changing through different appearances ever since we got together, but he gave me some time to get familiar with him. But now he was getting impatient. I-I was, of course, shocked and asked him if he was s-serious. A-And then he — he said that the only reason I got all the attention, the reason why he even became my boyfriend in the first place, was me being a Metamorphmagus uwahhh!” The floodgates were now fully opened.

“Pff…” Zephyr had a hard time controlling himself after he heard that. That guy really just said to her — Hey, I don’t like how you look, please change your face —. That was just so shameless… and hilarious! Thankfully, Tonks wasn’t paying attention to him, too busy bawling her eyes out, or else she would have noticed the laughter he was trying to smother.

“T-This is the reason why — why Remus is the only one for me. W-When I told him he understood! He knew how it felt to be abnormal and to be treated differently because of it. H-He never would ask me to change myself!” Tonks said between sobs racking her body.

“I see…” Zephyr got finally became serious again. He understood now what the problem was. Basically, she got traumatised in her youth by her first boyfriend, then just assumed that everyone was like that, because, in her mind, trying to disprove that notion might harm her further. At the end, she found Remus Lupin, a poor and basically homeless werewolf that was ostracised by almost everyone. A person who would have tremendous problems to find a partner. Meaning he would most likely not show similar behaviour to her ex, because he would be content to get anything at all to begin with. The perfect target to latch on for Tonks. Honestly, it was quite selfish and demeaning of her, but that was just how most humans were. He doubted she was even aware of her behaviour.

Zephyr nodded to himself. Well, as a good friend, he simply had to help her now. Having such low self-esteem was never good after all. And he just knew the right method!

He suddenly stood up and walked over to the sobbing woman, and sat down next to her. Tonks, finally sensing a shift in her situation, turned her body towards him, looking questioningly at him with tears still streaming down her eyes. He simply shot her a disarming smile and pulled out an unused handkerchief from one of his pockets. He gently started to wipe her tears from her slowly reddening face.

“There, there. I know it hurts to get rejected by people, but you are being unreasonable. I can assure that there are people that like your real self.” He said.

“Liar… how would you know?” She whispered, looking at his close face in a daze.

“Because…” Having cleaned her tears, he rubbed his thumb on one of her cheeks. A faint pink glow was emanating from it. Tonks let out an unconscious moan. “I’ve always liked everything about you. Your bright personality, your clumsiness, your colourful hair, and especially your beauty. You could turn into any woman, yet I would never be satisfied. None of them are you, after all.” He said, looking at her while she exploded in red, her hair included.

To think he still had some abilities from his last life. It was way weaker, but the pink light and reaction proved it. He could still transform his desire into pure pleasure and transfer it with touch. Did that mean he had some other sex-related abilities left? He needed to do some testing…

“W-Wow, I never knew… D-Does that mean?” She said, looking everywhere, just not at him.

He nodded. “Yes, I had a huge crush on you.” He lied as naturally as he breathed.

“Zephyr…” Tonks gaped at him in astonishment. Yet he could see the desire forming in her eyes. She slowly leaned closer towards him… But suddenly, some clarity returned. “Zephyr… I’m sorry, but we can’t… I am…”

He nodded solemnly. “I know. You wouldn’t date a kid like me. I realised that early on. Back then I felt like you, heartbroken because I couldn’t be with the person who I desired. It felt like the entire world was ending. I thought I would never recover.” Suddenly, he moved away from her and gave her a cheerful grin while creating some distance between them. “But then I managed to move on and even found a new girl I like! That’s the reason I thought I could help. So chin up and don’t beat yourself up so much over a rejection. If I could do it, so can you!”

Zephyr was delighted when he saw Tonks change her facial expression so rapidly and drastically without even needing to use her powers. He honestly never expected her to be so entertaining. It was just too easy to play with her. He wondered how many new faces he could make her do before the day ended…

“Well, that’s great… I’m so happy for you!” She said with a fixed smile, after she finally composed herself.

She obviously wasn’t.

Why would she? She believed for a bit that she was the centre of Zephyr’s attention, getting complimented and, pretty much, confessed to. Just to be slapped by reality and be told that he liked someone else now. It’s like being over the moon because your hot crush was flirting with you, just to find out later that they only did it to get closer to your friend…

“So… who is the lucky girl?” She asked. She was showing signs of resentment.

Now, one would ask himself, why was he doing this? If he wanted to seduce her, wouldn’t making her mad be counterproductive?

The answer was simple. He needed a fast solution to bypass her inhibitions. He fed her an illusion, where she believed she had his affection. She was flattered but also satisfied at the moment. Therefore, she had no problems with leaving and playing it safe. For her, it was simply enough to have his attention for now. Someone like her would not throw her morals away that easily. But Zephyr didn’t want to waste all his limited time to slowly seduce her. So he stimulated her selfish and competitive nature, that all humans possessed, by ripping away something she thought she possessed and giving it to someone else. People really didn’t enjoy giving stuff away they thought were valuable. They also liked taking valuable stuff from other people. There was a reason that men in relationships were more desired than single ones.

“Eh, you wouldn’t know her.” He said, dismissing her with a shrug, much to her annoyance. “By the way, I came up with a special massage technique. I plan to use it on her to make her fall for me. It took a lot of work. I really hope I won’t mess it up, though. If I only could practise it beforehand…”

“You mean the glowing pink light that came from your thumb?” She asked. Oh, so she noticed. “That actually felt pretty nice! Say… do you want to practise it on me?” She asked with a determined look on her reddening face. Whatever concerns she had before seemed to have vanished. Only a desire to prove herself better was left.

Zephyr smiled inwardly at the predictable answer. He got up and walked behind the couch. Facing the backside of her head, he put his hands on her shoulders. Her breath was getting more noticeable. A faint pink glow emanated from all his fingers. He then used them to work his magic on her shoulders and neck, sending shocks of pleasures through her body. For a while the only thing that was heard in the room were the faint but heated moans Tonks was trying to suppress, which made his cock slowly harden. He felt her body relaxing more and more, but it wasn’t enough.

“Tonks… this massage was meant to be a full-body one. The clothes are also getting in the way…” He said. Which was true, but he also made sure to intentionally tone down the effectiveness of his ability.

“What do you think? Should we take this to my room?”

At this point it was obvious to both where this was leading, but after all the up and downs today and the pleasure she was now receiving, Tonks seemed to not care anymore. She always wanted this to happen anyway. Zephyr just had to loosen her up.

She nodded shyly. Zephyr walked up to her and took her hand. After that, he led the blushing woman to his room, thankful that everyone was away at the moment. The silence between them was interrupted only by the squeaking of the staircase. Finally, they arrived at his room. The sound of the closing door seemed to make Tonks realise the gravity of her decision. She looked nervously at him with her dark eyes.

“So… how are we going to do this?” She asked.

He shot her a smile. One of comfort, but also full of promises. “Just take off your clothes and lie down on the bed. I’ll do the rest.” Her hair turned red like fire and he could see her squeezing her legs together, but she obliged his request.

He observed her shedding her clothes down to her underwear, roaming his eyes over her big tits and bulging ass, wide hips and shapely legs. Faint abs were forming on her stomach. He had to admit, while she didn’t have the most beautiful face out there, her body was smoking hot. Perks of an auror learning under Moody, he guessed. She could have done with less plain underwear though…

“What is it?” He asked, looking at the clearly embarrassed woman still in her underwear.

“Can I keep the underwear on for now?” She asked in a strained voice while looking down at the ground.

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“Are you still worrying about the things your ex said? You don’t have to worry about me finding you ugly. In fact, I have to hold myself from skipping the massage entirely after looking at you.”

She blushed even more deeply, if that was possible, but then perked up with a bright smile. She still looked hesitant, but she seemed to have gathered enough courage to take off her bra and panties. After that, she laid down on his bed, clearly exposing her hard nipples and slightly swollen cunt, already releasing some fluids.

“Turn on your stomach.”

As Tonks did that, Zephyr took his own clothes off until he was only wearing his boxers, showing a massive bulge from his now painfully erect cock. He kneeled down beside her on his bed and slightly traced his fingers over her back, which caused her to shiver.

“I’ll begin now. Is that okay for you?” He asked smoothly.

He saw her stilling for a moment, but then she said with clear desire in her voice. “Y-Yes.”

Zephyr was immediately pleased hearing her surrendering to him. He asked himself what Lupin would have thought if he saw this. His dick was pulsating almost painfully now.

His fingers glowed brighter than before, and he worked them on her body, which elicited a sudden gasp from which then turned into sweet little cries as the massage went on.

“By the way… do you make everyone use your last name or are there exceptions?” He asked her curiously after a while, as he put his hands on a more sensitive area for the first time. Namely, her behind. He dug his digits into her pale and fat ass and kneaded it like dough, getting loud and needy moans for his efforts. Despite her being overwhelmed at the moment, she still managed to answer.

“Ohhhh… yes I do. I let nobody use that horrible name.” She breathed out.

He stopped caressing her butt and turned her on her back. Hearing her answer and looking at her desperate and lustful eyes gazing at him, a devious idea formed in his mind. He kneeled between her splayed legs. Picking up one of them, he started to gently massage it, starting from her dainty foot and all the way down to her thighs. Repeating it with her other leg, he carefully avoided to touch her engorged clitoris and the now gushing pussy lips, staining the sheets under her fat ass. Musky scent was wafting up to his nose, making him smile wickedly.

“Oh? Does that also count for your future husband?”

Nodding distractedly in agreement, she parted her red lips and asked him in a needy tone. “Zephyr… please.”

Having figured that he teased her long enough, and getting impatient himself, he took action. A loud moan echoed through the room as Zephyr inserted a pleasure laced finger inside her wet snatch. Breathless grunts were assaulting his ears while he was furiously finger fucking the tight tunnel of the auror, feeling it clenching around his digit. Looking at her, clutching the sheets under her, mouth wide open, desperetaly trying to control her shaking body, he couldn’t help but marvel at the passionate sight in front of him. But it wasn’t enough.

“You look more beautiful than ever Tonks, but you are still away from your true potential. Let me help you…” He said heatedly, observing her quivering form with a smug smile.

There was no chance of retorting as he suddenly attacked her eager clitoris. There was a breathless gasp, followed by screaming. Being teased for so long, it didn’t took long for Tonks to be close to her first orgasm caused by someone other than her.

“Oohhh sweet Morgana! Don’t stop Zephyr, please don’t stop!” She gurgled out, getting lost in pleasure.

But just before the climax, with a sadistic smile on his lips, he just did that. He stopped.

“W-What are you doing?” She asked, horrified, while trying to get her wild breathing under control. She looked like he just killed her puppies in front of her. It was a delicious expression. “Why did you stop?!”

“What? Do you expect me to make you orgasm without even being on a first-name basis? Seriously, I feel disrespected here.” He asked nonchalantly. He briefly got up from the bed to remove his boxers, not content with rolling over like everyone else, and giving into her demands. Zephyr realised that he wasn’t a man that liked to play by the rules. He wanted to see what would happen if he went past the various boundaries of life.

The words of protest died in her throat when she spied the massive, throbbing beast that was freed from his underwear. Mouth drying up, she couldn’t help but be in awe at the appearance of his tool. Seriously, how can a cock be this beautiful? This couldn’t have come from a human. Maybe the rumours about him being a male veela were true? At the same time, despite her adoration, she felt threatened. No way, this won’t be painful, especially with her current lack of control over her abilities.

But before she could voice her concern, Zephyr pounced on her like a hunting lion and claimed her lips roughly. It was clear that the time of being gentle was over, as he was manhandling her breast while he was bruising her mouth with his passion. The fire inside her roared to life again, stronger than ever before, trying to reach the heavens that were cruelly denied by him. Clawing at his smooth back, she lost herself in his ferocious roughness. Feeling delighted that she couldn’t fight back against him, even if she wanted. For now, she was his, and he could do whatever he pleased with her. The voices of guilt that were telling her to not do this to Remus were getting quieter and quieter…

Suddenly, Zephyr, who was laying above her, positioned himself between her legs. Abandoning their kiss, he fell back on his knees, grabbed her legs firmly, and placed her feet on his shoulders. Their eyes met for a second, one pair amused and almost condescending, and the other feverish and pleading. And then he entered her weeping and warm cunt with his burning hot rod with no concern, knocking her breath out.

The pain she expected never came. Only pleasure on a magnitude she never expected. It made the few pathetic pumps of her ex feel like a great insult in comparison. For a short moment, she wanted to get on her knees and kiss Zephyr’s feet in gratitude for the sensations she was feeling. The rumours about him were wrong. He wasn’t a veela, nor was he a mere handsome boy. No, the man that was currently plundering her insides, and making her feel like her heart would stop anytime, was nothing less than a deity. And she realised that this was a rare blessing for a woman like her. A woman that gave up on pursuing happiness, pathetically afraid of the hurtful words she once heard. She decided to put all her future hopes on Remus, thinking that they were made for each other because of their circumstances. How foolish she was. Today she almost ran away from this unimaginable bliss, for a man that rejected her because of his cowardice…

Coiling her legs around his hips, she dug her heels into his ass to force him even deeper down into her silken cunt that was squeezing down on his raging cock. She felt the round head of his dick kissing her womb, but she didn’t feel any discomfort, only mind-numbing gratification.

The movement of Zephyr’s hips went faster and faster, producing an obscene squelching sound every time he entered her battered lower lips with his glistening rod. The air was filled with filthy sounds she never thought she could do, the screeching of the bedsprings underneath, and the poignant smell of sex.

As usual, she couldn’t cope with the pleasure for too long. Burying her face in to his shoulder, peppering it with heated kisses, she felt something build up in her again. So close… she was getting closer and closer… any moment…

And Zephyr stopped moving again.

He got up from her and sat down on the edge of the bed. A relaxed smile was on his face as he looked completely unbothered. But his eyes… they revealed just how much he enjoyed watching her suffer. Watching his face, she realised that this man couldn’t be a virgin. Who was he fooling? How many women did he seduce in secret while pretending to be a shy boy on the surface? Was she really someone he had a crush on? She doubted it. That smile was telling her everything. Hurt should have filled her, anger should have boiled in her body, tears should have fallen. But strangely enough, a tremendous weight fell down from her shoulders. And for the first time since her traumatic experience, she felt free and content. There were no hurtful expectations of her, no demands to change herself. No urge to get into a relationship. It now felt silly to have placed so much stress on herself, and for what? The opinion of some pathetic men? It meant nothing anymore after she tasted the pleasures of today. There was nothing holding her back anymore. She was finally free…

Looking into his mouthwatering green eyes, she knew what she had to do. Knew what he wanted. She got up from the bed with her shaky legs and walked towards the seated Zephyr. Plopping her meaty behind on his lap and nestling his still hard cock between her buttocks, she laid her hands on his face. She stared at his divine features, as if she saw them for the first time. Zephyr said nothing, opting to stare at her curiously. Finding whatever she was looking for, she closed her eyes and deeply kissed him. She put all her emotions and gratitude into it. More emotions than she ever felt for Remus.

After a delightful while, she pulled away, excitedly looking at his confused face. She enjoyed breaking his cool for the first time immensely. Giddy from today’s events, she caressed his cheeks gently.

Zephyr chuckled. “I didn’t expect this reaction from denying you another orgasm Tonk-”

“Thank you for today, Zephyr…” she whispered, her breath tickling his lips. A beautiful and bright smile formed on her face after a brief hesitation. Suddenly her cheeks turned red, alongside her hair, and she eyed him shyly. “By the way… you can call me Nymphadora from now on.”

Tonks would never forget the look he gave her after he heard her words. One moment she was sitting in his lap, the next she was laying face down on the bed with Zephyr hammering her from behind, his bigger frame crushing her underneath him. She felt his aggressive grunts through her body as he was savagely beating his pelvis against her now bright red ass-cheeks. She felt so small at the moment and she loved it…

“Keep going… do me harder! Mess me up!” She screamed herself hoarse. By now, some neighbours must have heard them. But she didn’t care one bit. Nothing would make her care when she was so close to achieving heavenly relief. And this time, she knew she would receive it.

The movements of his hips were getting faster. He felt her getting close. This time, he wouldn’t deny her. He got what he wanted after all. Luckily, his pleasure touch was not the only ability he had left. He could still control his arousal, making him get hard or orgasm whenever he wanted. So he decided to reward her and cum together.

Feeling the build up about to finish, he drove his swelling cockhead straight into her womb. He remembered the one rule his mother had asked him always to remember…

“Cum for me… Nymphadora!” He whispered into her ear in a husky voice. A loud, muffled scream came from beneath him as he was filling her shuddering cunt with his semen.

Never pull out.
That’s what his mother always told him, and he wouldn’t deny her only wish.

Feeling Nymphadora’s body stop spasming, he removed himself from her back. He wasn’t tired one bit as he dragged his ass to the edge of the bed. In contrary, he was full of energy, a content smile on his lips. Just now realising how much he missed this. He felt happier than he ever was in his new life. It felt like a missing limb returned to him...

Green eyes gazed at the still unmoving form of Nymphadora. Nymphadora… getting the permission to use her first name, made him feel impossibly giddy. A privilege she didn’t even gave the woman that gifted her the name in the first place. Something that was not supposed to happen. It went against the rules. And he just realised how much he loved breaking them. To cause chaos with his actions, and create unforeseeable ramifications.

What would now happen to the relationship between her and Lupin? Would Lupin find out and get even more depressed? Maybe they would get into a fight, destroying their close relationship? Or they still could get together. Just to later fail, because Nymphadora tasted the forbidden fruit, and wouldn’t be able to enjoy anything else anymore.

Or maybe Nymphadora would fall for him? Honestly, this was the least thrilling way this could go. Outside of her morphing ability, which he definitely will ask her some questions about later, he was simply not interested in her. So he hoped that she won’t develop some foolish ideas. After all, he didn’t knew how to deal with lovers that he didn’t want anymore. The only advice he got from his mother regarding that topic was how to kill them…

Regardless, Zephyr was ecstatic. His life suddenly felt way more colourful. What else could he do? How much more chaos could he cause? Suddenly, a sneering, aristocratic face came to his mind. Maybe his next step should be Narcissa Malfoy? Fucking that arrogant look from her face and make her kneel in front of one of those half-bloods she looked so much down on. And then tell Draco. Zephyr wondered what the ferret would do after that. Whatever it would be, he was sure that it would be entertaining.

Suddenly, the disturbing smile on his face froze. What was he doing? After tasting the smallest bit of pleasure, he forgot about his goal and turned back into a completely selfish prick. He didn’t have time to pursue such frivolous things. His sister needed him. This wasn’t about him anymore…

He suddenly stood up and stretched his body. Wanting to dispel the negative feelings, his gaze moved to Nymphadora. He focused on her gaping cunt that was still leaking his seed and smiled.

“I hope you are ready for round two Nymphadora. There is still much frustration in me that needs to be vent…” He said.

No answer.

“Huh?” His eyes moved up and then rested on her face that now laid to the side. It was set in a peaceful expression, and there was drool leaking from her mouth. Deep and calm breaths run through the room.


Was she serious? He made her cum once, and she decided to pass out?! Zephyr felt cheated. Damn that clumsy idiot! Nowhere was he close to being satisfied and she just abandons him… Well, at least he can now pluck some of her hair out.

But seriously, he was now in the mood and reluctant to just stop. Yet he didn’t know what to do, it’s not like he knew any women in the area beside his aunt and sister. A shiver passed through him as he imagined his aunt anywhere near his dick. Disgusting! He’ll rather fuck that vulture Madam Pince than his horse-faced bitch of an aunt.

Camellia, on the other hand… was another matter. Zephyr wasn’t naive about matters concerning love, so he realised for a while now that his sister loved him more than it should be allowed. With his upbringing in his last life, he wasn’t really bothered by her feelings. In fact, more than once did he think about returning them. She was the person he loved the most in his new life, and they forged a tight bond while living under the Dursleys bad upbringing. It was a no-brainer.

That’s where things got weird.

Every time he even considered getting closer to her, his entire being screamed at him. Telling him that it would be a huge mistake to do that. Whenever that happened, he felt like a fish that was about to jump into the maw of a shark. Safe to say, any desire for his sister always dried up pretty fast. So he only could subtly reject her every time she alludes to something intimate.

He always felt guilty and confused about it. Why was he repulsed by his sister? She never did anything that warranted such feelings towards her. Yet no matter how much he pondered about it, he never found an answer…

You can find story with these keywords: Multiverse: He Who Seeks All Pleasures, Read Multiverse: He Who Seeks All Pleasures, Multiverse: He Who Seeks All Pleasures novel, Multiverse: He Who Seeks All Pleasures book, Multiverse: He Who Seeks All Pleasures story, Multiverse: He Who Seeks All Pleasures full, Multiverse: He Who Seeks All Pleasures Latest Chapter

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