Multiverse of Real-Life Manhwas

Chapter 19: Jimmy Bae vs Felix Shin

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'___': Thoughts

"__": Speaking

(1531 Words)


(1st Person POV)

Now, let's see what will be my plan against Jimmy Bae. From what Ben has told me, Jimmy's fighting style mainly depends on landing hits.

His strong point was to minimise his stamina loss and accurately calculate the trajectory of his punch to hit his foe.

My strong point is to dodge punches. My weak point is that I don't have the power to one-shot my opponent except for some parts of the body.

He is also an experienced opponent. He is covering his chin properly to prevent any sneaky hits, there is not many chinks in his defence.

I should dodge his punches and hit him skulk beyond his reach.

(A/N: Imagine playing a dark souls boss battle or any battle other than the mobs.)


(3rd Person POV)

Both Jimmy and Felix had a stance and were, first of all, analyzing each other.

Jimmy executed the first attack by attempting to hit Felix's face.

Felix dodged the punch easily by tilting his head slightly. Felix was concentrating on minimising the stamina loss.

Then came a short blitz of strikes by Jimmy. Felix also dodged them cleanly.

Jimmy's face contorted and he shouted," You are only dodging like a weasel, you fu**er!!".

"Hah...Do you think I will take your punches straight on? You can dream later in the night." said Felix while smiling.

Then, came an abrupt and unexpected punch by Felix. Felix showed a kick feint but hit his other hand in the jaw of Jimmy.

Jimmy's vision turned awry due to the sudden hit, Felix took this opportunity to hit elbow Jimmy in the chest and deprive Jimmy of the air from his lungs.

Jimmy started choking due to the sudden shortage of air. Using this opening, Felix kicked him in the leg which lead to him getting imbalanced.

After that, Felix grabbed the leg in his air and pushed Jimmy to the ground.

This was followed by a kick straight on the face by Felix. Felix knew that giving an opening to the opponent is the gravest mistake a person can do in the fight.

Felix used the opportunity given by the foe easily and didn't let him gather his thoughts.

After then a bombardment of blows was slammed into Jimmy.

Jimmy tried to counter-attack but the first assault by Felix was too overwhelming and drastic to recover from.

Jimmy was bleeding from most of the parts of the body. He fainted after a first few minutes of blows or so.

After the fight, Felix was the only person standing in their fight, totally exhausted but unscratched and not injured at all.

(Felix Shin wins)

(A/N: What did you expect?)


(1st Person POV)

"Haa... Haa...."

I look around and see all of my friends standing while leaning on the wall and Yoosun High Students on the ground except Jackie boy.

I just smile and flash them a thumbs up.

I can see Jackie being horrified and terrified on seeing the massacre of Yoosun High. This was out of his thinking. He felt that all of them can be defeated but Jimmy can't be beaten ever.

Jimmy had the unshakeable position in the mind of Jackie and it was understandable why he was so shell-shocked.

I whistled and called," Hey! Jackie boy! Come here.". I order him to come in front of him.

He trudges to me slowly while trying to make sense of the situation. Then stands in front of me with his eyes on the ground due to extreme fear.

"Listen, Jackie boy. I know that you may have not realized this but your band of wannabe hooligans has been crushed but you have to understand this." I said while keeping my hand on his shoulders.

I forcibly turn his head towards my friends and say," Drill the image of those guys in your mind. If I ever see any single one of Yoosun students, even trying to threaten or fight them, I will visit you guys personally. Tell this to your boss. Make sure you make him understand that Felix Shin himself will visit personally and will see to make sure that you guys won't repeat your mistakes. Do you understand?".

He nods his head frantically. 

"Now, for a reminder, show me your hand."

He forwarded his trembling hand.

"Make sure, you don't scream. If you do so, I will do this again." I said with a serene smile on my face.

His expression shows a hint of confusion, then suddenly-

I just grip one of his fingers and fold it backwards.

A cry starts to originate from his throat but remembering my earlier words, he stops uttering any sound.

"Wow, I am genuinely surprised by your willpower. Didn't think you will be able to but a promise is a promise, so you are free to go with others...Take Care!!" I said.

While he is gathering his friends, I walk towards my friends who are currently standing there.

Ben said with a concerned face, "Hey, didn't you go too far with that breaking finger? I mean.. he clearly surrendered."

"No, you have to make sure your enemies never rise back again. That forgiving mentality might be at the cost of your friend's injuries. If they had won, do you think they would have allowed us to go scot-free?" I replied in a serious voice.

His face had a thoughtful expression on hearing this.

'Ben should definitely think about the repercussions of his happy-go-lucky attitude after defeating his enemy.'

I asked the rest of them with joy," Hey! How did you guys do, huh? By the looks of it, you guys weren't hurt too much."

Stephen replied," Nah... Didn't face too much of a problem. Gerard and I mesh well together." On hearing this, Gerard nodded towards me.

Gray replied in his usual stoic voice," It was predictable. Not anything went out of my calculations."

Alex replied angrily," Damn, I wasn't able to finish Jack alone. I wish I could have defeated him properly."

Ben just smirked at me with a carefree expression.

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"Ok, so for our first win together, a party at the pool room?" I asked them.



(3rd Person POV)

Jimmy was back at his hideout with all of his fragile ego crushed by an unknown person.

He knew that he couldn't report this to Donald Na or his fate would be like that of Myles Joo. He wouldn't want to get excommunicated from the Union.

He asked Jack," Hey? What is the name of the person who defeated me?"

Jack informed Jimmy what Felix threatened them to do. 

"He said his name was Felix Shin."

Jimmy after knowing that, ordered the rest of his gang," Don't mess with Eunjang now. Make sure to keep yourselves and your lackeys away from Eunjang students. And keep this fight or ourselves, if I hear this news in the Union, that will be the day I will show why I am Jimmy Bae." 

Though Jimmy didn't know, one of the members of his group was planning to snitch to the union.....


(Behind Yeo-Il High School)

Harper Ha/Helmet was going to Donald Na to report about Jimmy.

He felt that he couldn't be pushed around by the psychopath Jimmy forever. He felt that he should report to Donald Na about unreasonable misconduct.

When he went to the building, he met Kingsley Kwan, secretary of Donald Na.

Helmet muttered with a terrified expression," Kingsley Kwan..."

Kingsley Kwan replied with an impassive expression," ...What do you want?"

"I...I have something to report to Donald Na regarding Yoosun."

"....Go to Yeouinaru. Donald Na. He's at the office."

But as soon as Harper Ha started walking, Kingsley scoffed and said in an amused tone," But what do you even have to report alone, without Jimmy Bae, Hehe. I am telling you, Damn dysfunctional Yoosun, isn't it?".


(In the office of Donald Na)

Helmet entered the office and stood silent while Donald Na was talking.

After Donald Na ended the call, he said," What message brings you all the way here, Harper Ha?"

Helmet replied in a low voice," Y-Yoosun is running like a shitshow now. It's also weighing on me how Jimmy Bae is disregarding all the established rules of the union, And I am a member of the union first, so I couldn't look the other way."

"I feel like you are missing a point, what are you trying to say?"

"Jimmy Bae took an independent commission from Eunjang's Phillip Kim and attacked Eunjang on his own."


"He lost." 

"Hahahahahaha, it hasn't been that long since Hyeongshin's Myles Joo was kicked out, And now Yoosun's pulling this shit? I gave a street thug who lived off stealing kids' lunch money a taste of better life, and now... It's always the fu**ing raggedy ones that are hypnotised by the first taste of money and forget their place..... Anyway, I got the message. You can go now."

Helmet hesitates for a bit and then said,"Also, it was a different person who defeated Jimmy Bae. It wasn't Ben Park."

"Who was it?"

"Felix Shin...."

'Hmmm...So it wasn't that hooligan, there was someone else strong in Eunjang?"


(End of the Chapter)

Hope the fights are diverse enough. I don't have any experience in hand-to-hand combats. The only thing with me is my imagination.

A quick question - Are two love interests considered a harem or not? 

I am preparing for another fanfic which I will post after the first world is finished in this fanfic. It will have two love interests.

If you like this story, I will really appreciate a review.

References -

Jimmy Bae » 

Helmet » 

Kingsley Kwan »

Donald Na »

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