Multiverse Simulator

Chapter 4: Chapter 4

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By: Child of Fate 



" There are no good-for-nothing spirits, only good-for-nothing spirit masters. "

Said by a good-for-nothing Spirit Master who was never able to reach 30th rank for half of his life.







Is this real?

A question she used to ask herself when she was welcomed to a new world after she died in the Abyss of Nothingness. 

A world where she had an elder brother who took care of her, even though she had never spoken to anyone. 

She used to ask herself if some higher entity was once more controlling her fate, decisions, and choices. But the next moment her Nine Profound Exquisite Body and Heart of Snow Glazed Glass would tell her everything is real and she is free.

Free from the heavens. Free to express her own emotions. Free to take care of her only sibling. 

But like a ghost, her past would haunt her in her dreams after going to sleep. 

The favoured son of heaven….death of her 'real' father and her birth mother….destruction of her sect….demise of her Moon God Realm….and Heaven….

And everything disappears like a puff when she finds herself in the arms of her elder brother every morning. 

Her awakened Heart of Snow Glazed Heart would always remind her that her elder brother will always protect and won't harm or force her. But there would always be a shred of doubt in her mind and many what-ifs.

But all those insecurities vanished away when she saw the sheer resolve and sincerity in the words of her elder brother. 

" Listen, I don't know if you have memories of your previous lives or not, I don't care who you were or how you were in your previous life. What I want to tell you is that in this life you are my little sister and I won't let any harm fall on you and protect you. But if you betray my trust in you I won't remain kind enough to spare your life."

For the first time, Xia Qingyue felt warmth in her heart. The same warmth in which she used to sleep with her mother till four in the previous world.

Xia Qingyue experienced a variety of emotions in this world for the next year. Joy, happiness, curiosity, embarrassment, and many more.

With this, she made a new decision in this new start. That she wanted to experience a free life with her brother. A life where she can make her own decisions. 

With this as a motivation, Xia Qingyue was able to handle all the harsh training secretly done by the brother-sister pair. Training mostly included physical exercise and meditation to improve the state of mind. 

But what nobody knew was that these siblings were able to manipulate their soul power and spiritual power before awakening their martial soul. A feat that would shake the foundations of the Ten Great Spirit Competences, the best spirit theory in Douluo Dalu or Soul Land, if it was known to the world.






Is this real?

Same question but in a different situation. 

" Was she hurt anywhere? "

" No. I was careful and was able to do it in one sweep. Both of them are kept in separate cages. But it was the first time for me to see two brats not resisting and getting poisoned by my Sleep Powder Spirit Ability. "

" Heh. I knew at that time that your Martial Soul will greatly help in our business. And I was proven correct. But her suggestion might also increase the value of our 'products' this time. "

" What suggestion? "

" To sell the brat in Ladies' auction, while selling the cute girl in Noble's auction. "

" Hahaha. You are right. Those bitches will bid a lot for that cute brat and those bastards will drool at the beauty of this girl. "

As the conversation continued outside the carriage, unknown to them, the girl they were talking about heard the whole chat and for the first time felt pure hate in this life.

If not for her elder brother's warning she would have already ripped apart the bitch of that orphanage who sold them.

But what hurt the most was the separation between her and Izumi. And soon tears started to form in her eyes when she heard that Izumi was going to be sold in the Noble Ladies' Auction.

Just the thought of some random bitch touching her brother was infuriating. 

' Calm down, Qingyue. I'm still here. ' 

Using a little bit of spiritual power she replied in telepathy which they were able to make after awakening their martial souls.

' But why? Just why do we have to suffer like this? Is it because we are currently weak? Or- '

' There are many reasons for that silly girl. I will tell you all of them when the sky turns dark and everyone outside is asleep. '






So in the end everything came back to this huh? Experiencing this back in the Aeaea world was worse than this. Sure fate is a bitch…

I was not surprised when that Lady of the orphanage sold us to slave merchants when she found out that Qingyue and I had spirit powers.

But what surprised me most was the martial souls awakened by both of us.

As mentioned in the books, I awakened the Fire Phoenix martial soul but the harsh training which I went through helped me to manipulate soul power and spiritual power easily, suppressed my Phoenix soul, and awakened my other martial soul. 

But unlike Evil Fire Phoenix, I was able to awaken Fire Phoenix which had an affinity with Absolute Fire. But due to my suppression of soul power and spiritual power, it awakened in my spiritual sea and baptized my spiritual sea with its Absolute Fire. 

With this, I was able to gain a lot of advantages and disadvantages. If my fire phoenix martial soul was awakened, then the pressure which would come with its announcement would have been enough to alert all the powerhouses living in the Douluo Continent. 

And knowing well how much the danger is deep in this continent, I don't think I can handle them at my age. From Spirit Hall to the Sea God Island, then the dormant Silver Dragon King with her drama of Divine Realm.

But the most relieving thing is that my second Martial Soul was able to hide the presence of my first Martial Soul. My Second Martial Soul had appeared in the form of a long simple black sword.

But I knew that it was not awakened completely and would show its true power when I reach the 40th Soul Rank. 

Just like me, Qingyue also awakened twin Martial Souls. Not to my surprise, she was able to properly hide her first Martial Soul with the help of her Heart of Snow Glazed Glass and the Nine Profound Exquisite Body.

While her second Martial Soul was just like mine, a partially-awakened Martial Soul, a broken Mirror. But due to my knowledge of the ATG novel, I dare to guess that it is the Mirror of Samsara.

The Mirror of Samsara is the seventh of the seven mysterious heavenly treasures. Although ranked last among the Seven Heavenly Profound Treasures, its power is the most mysterious of all. It can pass through the cycle of rebirth and distort cause and effect, the time and conditions for its activation are unknown.

And from the surprised face I saw on Qingyue, I guessed correctly.

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And just as I thought I won't be surprised anymore, new information was transferred into my spiritual sea which almost felt like this world was going to literally fuck me.

Jerome, I think I underestimated your warning…






*Sniff* *Sniff* 

" Qingyue, I already said that even if we are separated from each other physically, we can still meet here. And this place will be our only private meeting place."

" This whole floating palace will be our only…place? Then what about my Frozen Cloud Asgard Palace? "

" Hmm. How about this during the daytime, we will meet at my Hanging Gardens of Babylon, while during the night time we will meet at your Frozen Cloud Asgard Palace? "

" Hmm. "

Two teenagers were talking to each other as the girl hugged the boy from the side with little wet eyes.

Both of them were enjoying the view of the large forest spreading down below. And saw a huge and beautiful ice palace at the end of the forest, situated in between a winter-filled forest. From the high place they were situated, they saw their side of the green forest filled with the brightness of day, while the opposite side of the ice-filled forest was going through a little snowfall and nighttime. 

The girl closed her eyes which had the world's essence deep-laid within, as a small smile formed on her tender lips which were astonishingly beautiful. Her soft and shiny black hair fell gently behind her shoulders. 

As both of them were sitting near a window, one can see a pair of exquisite and slender legs dangled playfully from the girl as she looked at her brother, who also had a small smile on his face. 

The boy had kept his hair tied up into a small ponytail with a few bangs framing his face. While his handsome face, attractive long eyelashes, and deep blue eyes were always able to awaken a new type of fluttering feeling in the heart of his sister.

Turning his face towards the girl at his side while ignoring her dazed expression, he said " You look beautiful, Qingyue. " 

Without thinking properly the girl said in a daze " Thanks. "

And then as the realization dawned upon her face, red tints started to form on her cheeks but her smile didn't leave her face as she enjoyed the compliment she got from a close person.

As Xia Qingyue turned her face toward her brother, she saw a mesmerized look on his face.

Unknown to himself, Izumi stared a little at the perfect arcs of Qingyue's waist, breasts, and buttocks, which were indescribably lovely. 

" Peeped enough? "

The teasing voice of the beauty was able to awaken Izumi from his stupor. 

Not to concentrate on his previous thoughts, he coughed and turned around with a little red face and muttered, " If possible I wanted to stare at you forever. "

Hearing the unexpected reply from her brother, made her whole face go red, and tried very hard to ignore the pure feelings of love and care radiating from him.






After their weird (or flirting) conversation ended, the main topic was brought up. 

" So your Fire Phoenix Martial Soul and my Ice Phoenix Martial Soul resonated and resulted in this…type of common spiritual sea between us? " 

" Yes. And I think due to our past lives and the baptism which we both got from our Phoenix Martial Souls, our spiritual sea managed to form this type of scenery. "


Izumi said as they both were quietly sitting in one of the gardens of his floating palace.

" And our current spiritual form of youth in this place is because we managed to reach the Spirit Sea Realm in spiritual powers, right? "

Qingyue said as she put her head on the lap of her dear brother. While Izumi slowly caressed her head and hair, not surprised that she could act like this, as these types of things became normal for them. 

" Yes. And even if we are physically a continent away, we can still meet here. So take care of yourself okay? "

With a slight annoyance, Qingyue asked, " But why do we have to separate? Can't we just run away together?" 

" Sorry. But it is necessary to separate. After we awakened our Martial Souls, I was able to gain some ancient information about my Fire Phoenix Martial Soul. According to that information, humans gained Martial Souls of Divine Beasts after the fall of the said Divine Beast in the Divine Realm. So when the Phoenix Clan mysteriously got extinct from the Divine realm, different elemental Phoenix Martial Souls started to awaken in humans."

" But similarly with the awakening of those types of Martial Souls among humans, the tradition and bloodline powers were also passed down in humans. And one of the taboos of the Phoenix Clan mentioned that if two siblings of different elements are born, then they should never grow and live together, if not then an unknown Curse will befall them, which will slowly kill them…"

" Bullshit…" A mutter interrupted Izumi.

" …Where did you learn that word? " He asked with little annoyance. 

" Hmph. You used to mutter it a lot of times, so technically I learned it from you. But do you think it is …real? " She asked with a frown.

" Unfortunately, yes. Because when our Phoenix Martial Souls were awakened in our spiritual sea, I felt a sudden and unknown probe to my life energy and soul power. After we were kept in separate cages it became weak. So I think the curse is real. " He said in worry.

" But you have a way to cure that curse right? If not you wouldn't have mentioned this worrisome matter to me right? " Qingyue said with a grin.

Izumi just shook his head and felt how much of a difference was Xia Qingyue mentioned in the novel compared to the person in real life. Using her unique body constitution to sense his emotions and using them against him has become a normal occurrence between them.

" Yes, in the given information, I was also provided with a solution to each of those curses. And this curse had only one solution and that was to keep the siblings of different elements away from each other and at the age of fifteen make them….copulate to completely cure it. " Izumi muttered the last words in a soft tone.

But Qingyue who heard the last word was shell shocked not because of the wording but because every single word said by her brother was true. 

She swiftly shook her head away from his lap and directly looked into his eyes and asked " What do you think about it? "

Izumi just shrugged and said in full sincerity, " I already said that I will protect you. But that doesn't mean I will force you. If you don't want to cure the curse in this way, then I will be okay with living far away and protecting you from the shadows. " 

But what happened next, will always be stuck around in both of their memories forever. 

Izumi's lips were pressed by the soft pink lips of Qingyue. Even though the kiss remained for a few seconds, both of them felt like an eternity. 

" I think we will cure it at the age of fifteen. "

After saying those words and giving a cute smile on her red face, she vanished from the spiritual sea to return to her physical body.

Izumi, who was passive in his first kiss, muttered, " Damn… I knew that she would agree but to take our first kiss like this….should I be happy that I gained a potential yandere..? "

With short laughter, he also returned to his physical body in a happy mood. He already knew that his sister would agree to have sex with him because just as she can sense his emotions, he was also able to sense her obsession for him and his love, which he found quite cute.






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