Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Chapter 105: Chapter 105: Chaos’ excitement

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Kai almost forced down the wine in Jon Arryn’s mouth.

His encounter with Simon had left him with less than a minute, and seconds were notoriously faster than minutes when one needed to haste. Kai held the old man with one hand, opening the low hatch serving as the entrance with the other.

10 9 8 7…

“Well met, my lord,” Kai said, hissing the last words in Jon Arryn’s ear.

3 2…

He flung the old man up like throwing a stone. The sound of Jon Arryn’s frail figure striking the ground had just entered Kai’s ears when the mission finally ended.


The world stagnated. Kai could feel it in his bones. He could also tell he was not a part of this world, even though he was standing in it. A blue shine covered him, slowly at first, then it gave out a blinding flash.

Kai disappeared.

Outside the sewers, Jon Arryn fumbled to his feet. It was high noon, with guards patrolling like bees, and in the open area, the Hand looked like a dying rotten rat standing upright. Not a sight everyone wanted to look at, and not a sight anyone could miss.

“Who’s there?” a tall, white-cloaked knight demanded. His helm was in his hand, and his face was of an old man. But he looked strong, incredibly strong. There was a power in his every stride, like an old elephant, charging among the young stallions.

He was Ser Barristan the bold.

Jon Arryn looked at him and smiled. Finally, finally, he was at home. He took a step towards the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, but then his entire body stiffened. It was like he was becoming a block of ice from the inside out. There was horror on Jon Arryn’s face, realizing what was happening.

Ser Barristan saw that horror more clearly. More guards had come out, rushing towards Jon Arryn in their red cloaks and gold cloaks, each trying to outdo the other.

Too late.

The old knight held Jon Arryn’s hand and felt the rocky stiffness. Jon Arryn’s lips parted, letting out the last breath. Duty. Honor. Hate. All became the source of an unimaginable strength for him, and he said, “The seed is strong.”

Jon Arryn’s tale ended there.



Kai materialized into the White Room.

He was naked, obviously, and all tiredness had vanished out of him. There was an anxiousness in Kai’s heart, thinking if he had succeeded or not.

The notification appeared then.





What the? Kai gaped at those words. He could almost imagine a man shouting out his lungs, his arms outstretched, beaming and roaring. The ecstasy in this notification wasn’t unreal, he could tell.

The notification continued.


One should take a page out of your book to learn

This is true chaos

But you must be eagerly waiting for the result. Here it is then


A long list exchanged the previous words.


Congratulations Kai Stormborn

You have completed the Main Mission

Mission: Thwart the Assassination of Jon Arryn

Mission Status: Completed

Mission Time Limit: 1 week

Mission Difficulty: E

Side Missions Attempted: 3

Side Missions Completed: 2

Hidden Missions Attempted: 2

Hidden Missions Completed: 2

Calculating Mission Clear Rate

Mission Clear Rate: 45%

Mission Rewards:

  1. 600 Mission Credits
  2. +3 Attribute Points

Warning: You can only get 20 Attribute Points in the 1st Set of the Primordial Tower



Hidden Mission: The death of Jon Arryn

Hidden Mission Status: Success

Hidden Mission Rewards:

  1. 300 Mission Credits
  2. +2 Attribute Points

WARNING: Attribute Points gained by completing Hidden Missions will be counted within the 1st Set’s Points quota.


Kai took a deep breath.

He felt the taste of victory and power in his mouth. Sweet. Savory. Kai liked this feeling of being rich. But he also knew what would follow this flux of rewards.



You have done an outstanding job of spreading Chaos, Kai Stormborn

Let’s check if you are worthy as well, shall we?

Analyzing Contestant’s actions in the random world…

Analyzation Complete

You are reading story Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower at

Judgment: Worthy

Reward: +5 Worth


This was a huge increment from last time, Kai knew. He had got only 1 Worth Point after his Initiation Mission. He still wasn’t sure what benefit his highest Stat would bring him, so Kai decided to clear this doubt as well.

But first, he would assign the Attribute Points.

Kai had been thinking about it for the last few days. With his Intelligence soured up by 3 points already, and the experience of his last mission, Kai knew exactly what he needed. There was no point in wasting Mission Credits when he could use them for important questions.

“Assign 2 Points to my Stamina,” Kai commanded. “And 1 each to my Strength, Perception, and Intelligence.”

This will help me stabilize the discrepancy between my Stats, Kai thought, completely ignoring the Breath. I will concentrate on close fighting and Mana based Skills for now.


Very well.

It isn’t what Chaos would have recommended, though.


Damn! Kai cursed, but he didn’t change his choice. Fucker playing with me.

“Bring up my Stats,” Kai said, controlling his emotions.


Status of Contestant: Kai Stormborn

Code Name: Blood Demon

System: Chaos

World: Game of Thrones (latest)

Mission Status: Completed

Mission Time Limit: 1 week

Mission Difficulty: E


  1. Traitor: Unequippable (Status: 2/10)
  2. Poacher: Unequippable (Status: 2/10)
  3. Novice Collector: Unequippable (Status: 1/10)
  4. Adulterer: Unequippable (Status: 1/5)

Mission Credits: 1325

HP: 120

MP: 110

SP: 60

Active Attributes-

     Strength: 13

     Agility: 16

     Stamina: 12

     Perception: 13

     Intelligence: 11

     Breath: 6

Passive Attributes-

     Defense: 7

     Charisma: 23

     Luck: 2

     Worth: 106


  1. Elementary Slither Footsteps (Proficiency 60%)
  2. Elementary Twin-Saber Style (Proficiency 65%)

Skills: Not Applicable

Glitch: Blood Devour (hibernating)

  1. Blue-tailed Boa Constrictor (rare non-magical beast)
  2. Koffing (magical beast)


  1. Pokeball - Generation 1
  2. The Tales of Beedle the Bard (Original)
  3. Black-Steel Sabers (3)
  4. Steel-Bone Brigandine (armor)
  5. Mass Produced Dagger
  6. Miscellaneous Rent Box
    1. 1 glass jar of filth + remaining blood of Great Redshank
    2. 1 wooden chest of filth + remaining Great Redshanks’ flesh
    3. 1 Vial (capacity 50 ml) for Light Neurotoxin (current volume: 49.5 ml)
    4. 1 pack of condoms
    5. 3 ordinary gas masks

Pain Factor: Not Applicable

Inventory: 1 Cubic Meter-1000 kg



Blood Essence: Blue-tailed Boa Constrictor (rare non-magical beast)

Grade: E

Abilities: Elementary Snake Instinct (Proficiency: 25%), Elementary Snake Language (Proficiency: 5%)

Skills: Light Neurotoxin (Grade: E-), Heat Sense (Grade: E)



Blood Essence: Koffing (magical beast)

Grade: E+

Abilities: Elementary Filth Manipulation (Proficiency: 17%)

Skills: Levitation (Grade: E), Smoke Screen (Grade: E+)


Kai stared at the long list. It felt good seeing the result of the risks so openly. His Filth Manipulation proficiency had also risen by another 2%. Losing a Pokeball and a saber pained him, but Kai wouldn’t mourn them more than he already had.

There’s always a next time, he thought. I must focus on the things that I have gained instead. Now

Now was the time to get some answers.

AN: Do read---

  1. Well, two missions are over, guys. We have been on a rollercoaster ride so far, what with all the mass release. From now on, I will lower the publishing rate from 6 chapters a day to 3 chapters a day (occasional mass releases of 4 or 5 chapters). I will not ask you to go to the Webnovel to read ahead. Nor I will stop you if you want to do so. I am doing it because, as of now, I am only publishing 1 chapter a day due to some financial and job related issues. If we were to catch up to the main publication website, then it will not be good for the novel here on the scribblehub, considering the views and all. Still, 3 chapters aren't low, lower than 6, of course. lol.
  2. I will request to the readers, however, to consider supporting me on Patreon, if you are liking the work, and planning to be the novel for quite some time. There you will be able to access up to 10 chapters ahead, exclusive discord channel, and short and side stories related/unrelated to the ongoing work when published. Any help will be much appreciated. thank you, and believe me when I say it, much bloodier, mystical, and horrifying things are awaiting us in the future. Enjoy!!! :)
  3. If possible, please rate the novel based on your experience, and a detailed review would be the most welcome.
  4. I have uploaded a detailed timeline of the last mission on Discord. I will only show Kai's full stats after returning to the White Room from now on (i.e. after a mission end)

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