Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Chapter 16: Chapter 16: Awakening

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[Damage Taken: 40 Points]

[HP regeneration -30% because of Blood Loss]

Kai got thrown backward, flying through the corridor like a twig amid a storm. His entire body ached, skin torn, and tiny squirts of blood kept bursting out. It felt to him as if he was blowing up from inside out. He could sense it, the taste of Death.

Hard to forget such a taste once experienced before.

The door at the end couldn’t stop him either. A creaking boom took over the entire shop as he broke the door and finally landed on the floor.

Cough! Cough!!

Blood and spit came out in a quick burst of endless coughing. The corridor had been dark, but this room was darker. The pain made Kai shiver, the cold of death creeping over him, trying to take over his mind. This wasn’t the first time for Kai to experience such a state.

I must not close my eyes, Kai swore. He could feel the wetness in his ears, the thick liquid thinning as it ran down his face, reaching his neck. His vision was blurry, but he could see her. The light highlighted her kneeling figure in front of the stairs. She was vomiting.

Desmond… Kai remembered the name. He cared little about the middle-aged man. But if he had survived, Kai could have used his help to heal. Or better, run away.

I can’t die here, Kai told himself, struggling for breath, seeing the red HP bar flashing, dwindling like a dying candle’s flame.

Kill! A voice told him. Kill her!


The sudden familiar sound broke Kai’s welling concentration. There was a time when he understood this sound. Now it was just an animal’s snarl. A snake?! Where? Kai used whatever strength he had left to lift his head and look around.

There! The voice told him when Kai looked to his left. A tall box of glass was erected, leaning against the wall, and something was slithering in it. Something huge. Thick and round. An instinct told Kai to approach the cage, urging him to hurry. Kai felt his toes pressing them against the floor as he turned towards his left. He pushed, and sometimes he pulled using his chin.

Blood never stopped abandoning him.

He could feel his attacker rising, and he could feel her anger, which was hidden from him before.

Time was running out!

The notification appeared out of the blue, brightening his eyes with that stony-gray color.


Beast Proximity: 3 meters

Glitch Condition matched

Contestant Kai Stormborn is qualified to awaken his Glitch

Do you want to awaken it now?


“Yes.” Kai didn’t know why he said yes, but he just didn’t want to say ‘No’. The notification flashed and changed, hearing his response.


Calculating Worth

Glitch ‘Blood Devour’ is now awakened for 30 minutes in this World



Glitch: Blood Devour


  1. Devour a beast’s Blood Essence upon contact (Limit: 3 Beasts)
  2. Regenerate HP based on the size of the devoured beast. If HP is full, give a temporary boost in Strength, Agility, and Stamina
  3. Imitate Natural Abilities and Skills of Devoured Beasts (with constraints and requirements)
  4. Only one Beast’s Abilities/Skills can be used at a time, for 30 seconds with a cooldown of 5 minutes
  5. Skills acquired through Glitch can’t be upgraded using Mission Credits


Sudden hotness took over him, originating from his chest. Kai felt as if there was something alive, buried deep there, moving towards his heart. His blood boiled, and his skin became scalding hot, vaporizing the thin liquid all over his body.

The sound of approaching steps came through the door.

Kai stood up, injected with this sudden hotness. The burning sensation took over his senses like a drug. Water… Kai’s throat felt dry. But it was the Blood he desired, not water.

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The longsword was still in his hand, like a drowning man’s last straw. Kai tightened his grip over it, ignoring the stats hovering above the Item. One quick slash and glass rained down, broken in hundreds of tiny shards like raindrops.


It hissed at him for breaking the silence. And then it lunged. Kai felt dozens of sharp needle-like teeth digging into his neck, and its thick muscles wrapping around his torso, squeezing him, breaking his ribs.

Kai felt alive, after a long time, as if years had passed since he had died.

Blood Devour.”

The hotness exploded like a volcanic eruption. A Crack appeared over his chest, unseen to Kai, and something wriggled inside. It was starving, raving for the beast outside.

The snake sensed danger. Too late. A force, unimaginably stronger than the creature, broke it down into tiny pieces. Then more, until it became a bloody paste and entered Kai’s chest.

Only a hissing sigh lingered when Kai opened his eyes.

The round hazels had become slits once more.


Blood Essence: Blue-tailed Boa Constrictor (rare non-magical beast)

Grade: E

Abilities: Elementary Snake Instinct (Proficiency: 10%), Elementary Snake Language (Proficiency: 0%)

Skills: Light Neurotoxin (Grade: E-), Heat Sense (Grade: E)


His sight was occupied by the words, and the red HP bar started to refuel.

10, 20, 40… Up to 70.

The heinous wound on his shoulder healed first, then the tears of skin vanished, along with the pent-up tiredness.

“What… What are you?” A tired voice came from behind.

Kai turned and faced the woman, the sword still in his hand. It felt too long for his taste, but it was more like a saber than a dagger. She saw it, he could tell. His eyes, like that of a snake.

Her hand lifted the wand, and Kai disappeared out of her sight.


Elementary Snake Instinct Activated.

Time Limit: 30 Seconds


Something moved in the corner. The wand followed.

A crunch of broken glass, and the wand couldn’t hold on any longer.


Whatever was left of the glass cage got blasted in the dust. The witch paled, her face becoming the color of a rotten lemon.

Death slithered down from above.

Kai pressed the longsword against her chest. Her skin was tough, but she was weak and defenseless. He looked into her eyes as he kept thrusting the sword into her, slowly, taking his time.

Blood escaped first before muffled words could come out of her mouth.

“You… Glitch… He lied.”

 Kai only replied with a goodbye through his eyes.

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