Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Order or Chaos

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[[Welcome to the Primordial Tower, Kai Stormborn.]]

The voices echoed within the room, for voices they were. Kai could distinctly hear two different voices saying the same sentence. The strange thing was that he didn’t find it odd. It seemed perfectly natural for these voices to be together, as if they were meant to be like this.

“Who is this?” Kai shouted, now warily. “Where am I?”

Trust was a word Kai had erased from his mind long ago. He certainly had died. But the condition of his body told a different tale. He had revived, in a condition he could scarcely remember himself to ever in the last two years. He could feel the strength, for the first time, his peak.

All the more reason to be cautious, Kai told himself. Is it the fabled Resurrection?

Kai waited, remembering what he could about a senseless topic he had never cared about, and the voices replied.

[[Kai Stormborn, you have been found worthy to be a Contestant of the Primordial Tower.]]

Worthy? Kai already doubted whatever was coming next. He had heard such tones and words many times.

[[The Primordial Tower is a battlefield where men and women put their lives on the line for the System they serve. It is also the means to gain unmeasurable power and strength. In Primordial Tower, either you die a cruel death or get to live and become an overlord. There are only two paths. And it will be YOU who decide which path to choose.]]

Two paths, Kai wondered if it was really so. But he restrained himself from voicing out his doubts.

“System? Unmeasurable Power? I don’t understand any of it,” Kai said. The big words sounded cool to him, and the prospects of gaining power which solely belonged to him were mouth-watering. But Kai had learned that every rise in strength comes with a price.

What price will I have to pay this time? Kai asked himself, remembering his sweet mother.

As if answering his thoughts, the space in front of him twisted and a hologram appeared. It was an immense tower, more like a spire than a cylinder. It hovered there, rotating on its axis, shining brilliantly in red and blue like an exquisite gemstone.

Kai couldn’t take his eyes off it. Something about made him uneasy, but not in a bad way. The feeling leaned more towards the expectancy than the fear of the unknown.

[[The Primordial Tower has 7 sets of 3 floors each, every 3rd floor is a roadblock filtering out the worthless, who were once worthy for them to become Contestants. The Contestants of the two Systems battle each other on each floor from time to time. They are given their individual Kill Count per floor to be completed before they can ascend to a higher floor.

    Contestants can gain Mission Credits for completing a mission and Attribute Points to increase their strength along with many Skills and Items in the Random Worlds. If the mission is not completed in the specified time limit, then the Contestant will be judged unworthy.]]

Kai needed not to be told what the voices meant by the word “judged.” From the example and the emphasis on the random World, Kai could tell that the only way to become stronger was to complete the missions in the random World. The battle within the tower was nothing but the price for that power.

A world where strong becomes stronger, and weak becomes weaker, Kai thought, his expectancy turning in elation. I like it.

He didn’t understand the idea of random worlds, and credits and attribute points, but he was sure when it came to killing, he could hold his own no matter where he was to go. When he was young, Kai had believed knowledge was supreme. Seeing his mother and father, whose face he didn’t even remember, surrounded by people with happy faces, he could see himself as a scientist then. But the coming years had brought him to reality.

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Those who only seek knowledge will be slaughtered like animals, Kai told himself. Power, it is power that rules the world, and I will have it.

Kai looked at the tower, like a precious treasure made only for him, when he noticed something odd. 7 sets of 3 floors each, Kai counted, but there are 22 floors on it.

“What is on the 22nd floor?” Kai asked, not doubting even once that he might not be answered.

[[The Primordial Tower has 21 floors for mortals. Those who aspire to become more than that, can do so on the 22nd floor. If one can complete the top floor, then the Contestant can ask any wish. Immortality, wealth, lands, and honor, all can be granted with a single wish. Only the GOD has this power, and hence, the 22nd floor is called the GOD Floor.]]

GOD? Kai never believed in such things, no one did in his previous world. If people died, they died because of themselves. If they lived, it was certainly not because of some God. There is God here, a real one?

Kai’s mouth felt dry all of a sudden. The world and its people had made him a man well before his years, but he was still a 16-year-old boy, who longed for the love of his mother, and presence of his father. Immortality was all and good, but it was a term too distant to him.

Resurrection was much closer, he had already seen it, felt it.

“Any wish?” Kai asked, his voice breaking. “Can my parents be revived?”

The voices didn’t take even a moment before replying. The answer came as fast as the question.


One word and Kai was already looking at the hologram again. But now the tower had disappeared from his vision. There was only one floor, the 22nd, the GOD Floor.

His mother’s face passed by his eyes, full of smiles. And blood.

Once he had become a Demon to avenge her; he can become a Demon once more to revive her.

[[All Contestants are divided among the two Systems of the Primordial Tower.

Now you must choose, to which System you will give the authority to judge you, Kai Stormborn.

Order or Chaos.]]



  1. Two Voices - belongs to two systems
  2. A Gentle Explanation - For example - If the Kill Count for the 1st floor is 100, then a Contestant must kill 100 Contestants in total from the opposite System to ascend to the 2nd floor. Let's say the sub-Kill Count is 10 for the 1st floor (always less than total Kill Count). Then, a Contestant must kill at least 10 Contestants before he can use the service of teleportation to go to the various worlds. If one only kills 5 Contestants, then one must wait to kill 5 more in the next battle before becoming eligible for teleportation. In this way, the 1st floor will have 1 Kill Count (of 100 Contestants) and 10 sub-Kill Counts (of 10 Contestants each)
  3. Some readers would find MC's goal of reviving his mother as mediocre. I don't deny it, but I found it much realistic. Also, if you decide to continue, you will find it more justifiable with progression. The thing is, MC will focus on gaining Absolute Power. So, I hope it won't trouble us curious ones too much. She won't come back before the last chapter of the novel, anyway, if she comes back at all. That's like over 2000 chapters. Phew!
  4. For those considering if MC's arch-rival Brock Valeheart will come back in the Primordial Tower as an arch-rival again. HE WON'T.
  5. Thank you for reading these points. :)

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