Multiverse Systems: Demonic Resurrection in the Primordial Tower

Chapter 88: Chapter 88: Prophecy

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There was a monstrosity about Kai’s face.

The protrusions on his face seemed to pulse, secreting a thin trail of mustard-colored gas. His eyes looked vacant, but they weren’t dead anymore. There was a cunningness in them, and anticipation lingered in his hazel pupils.

And, yes. Anxiety!

Kai had transformed himself after leaving Jon Arryn to his thoughts. Koffing’s blood essence was becoming an endless source of energy for him. HP! MP! The Elementary Filth Manipulation converted even the stench of filth for him, accelerating all regeneration rates. But like his other natural Abilities (-slither steps and twin-saber style-), Kai was having trouble increasing his Proficiency.

Soon, Kai told himself. If I am right about Proficiencies, then soon.

Kai had only a guess to work with. The Proficiencies only advance under extreme situations, Kai had concluded. Either that or by investing time, like the old grinding in video games. It took Kai some time to find another clearing where he could sit down. Kai took out a candle and lit it up. The flame brightened the dark tunnel as well as it could, reddening the moist walls.

It will be very dangerous, Kai thought, his heart thumping like a hammer striking on an anvil. But this risk I must take. If Kai hadn’t some issues with trust, he could ask someone to watch over him. If it would have come to losing his entire HP accidentally, the second person could have forced Kai to cancel his skill. Alas…

Impossible! A voice screamed in Kai’s mind. I would rather die than make such a blunder of trusting someone again. Not with my life, at least.

Kai took a deep breath, shaking off chaotic thoughts. The stench entered his nostrils, turning into nothing but pure vigor and Mana with him. The change was minute, but enough when his HP and MP were already full, like having light snacks before the main course. Tasty! Appetizing!

Kai could still distinguish between the stench and normal air. He could still tell that what he was breathing was nothing but foul air. Yet, Kai wasn’t averted by it. It was odd, but reasonable at the same time.

Let’s do this, Kai narrowed his vacant eyes, taking out the Book. The runes over the cover seemed to ripple under the dim glow of bright flame. Flashes of a thousand moments! A promise to himself! His goal! Emotions after emotions passed by his mind; his heart. And Kai flicked the book open, the fire playing a murderous game with his many-colored pupils.

“The Lioness of Casterly Rock,” Kai muttered, coming to the only story he could read. “Primordial Theater…”

The two words didn’t echo, but melted into the world, blurring the boundaries of reality. For a moment, Kai couldn’t help but remember the Mirror he had seen in the White Room. He had failed to tell what was real and what was false then. He failed to do so now, too.

Kai looked down at the story. The words were turning into runes, but there was an uncanny mysteriousness about them. They glowed with the seven colors of the rainbow, and then the colors exploded in a brilliant shower of white. Something seemed to have left the book. Something bodiless. Shallow! A higher power!

The dark space in front of Kai blurred as if a dense smoke had come there. No, Kai thought in awe. It is smoke! The smoke churned, undulating unto itself. And then a figure walked out of the smoke as if the smoke was nothing but a veil to her. She had light golden hair which blazed dark red in the tunnel. Her eyes had an innocence even the stench couldn’t destroy, and her garments were that of a child.

Indeed! Kai gawked at her. Why did I not think of it myself?

This child was Cersei.  A Cersei of the past, when she was younger. A young girl who had yet to become a queen. Even then, Kai could see the pride in her eyes. An unquenchable thirst for power and authority.

Authority is Power, Kai reminded himself. Two faces of the same coin.

Cersei looked at him with a questioning gaze. Then her head bobbled, noticing her surroundings. Kai’s eyes squinted. She isn’t real, is she? He asked himself. How can that be possible? The young girl’s bright green eyes landed on the book in Kai’s hands then.

She smiled.

Kai’s heart almost gave out. What is this? What is she? How can she show such emotions? The questions bombarded Kai’s skeptical mind. And these questions would have wreaked havoc, making him mad, if it weren’t for the notification.


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Skill Primordial Theater activated

Character Cersei Lannister is ready to play her act

Act Available: 1


“… Blood…” an ethereal voice came out of Cersei, directly entering his mind. Kai had no desire for this one. She was but a child, only a few years younger than him, but Kai felt himself attracted to that smile of hers. It hasn’t changed, Kai thought, remembering his last encounter with the queen. She still smiles, as if the entire world is her playground.

Kai nodded. He took out one of his sabers and slashed at his thumb. Blood dripped out before the skin could even part.

“Blood Prophecy!” said Kai. And following an instinct, he extended his bleeding thumb towards the girl.

Cersei giggled. She stepped forward and held Kai’s hand by his wrist. Her lips parted wide. And under Kai’s widened eyes, she put his thumb inside her mouth. Kai felt his strength abandoning him as he felt the moistness of her tongue. He could still see a playfulness in her eyes. It was the last thing he remembered seeing.

The young Cersei sucked. And Kai melted away along with his blood.

If it was a dream, then it was disgusting. The entire world reeked of blood, and when Kai looked around, he realized it wasn’t imagination. It was blood. A blood ocean!

Suddenly, gigantic towers protruded out of the blood ocean. They were blurry too as if many layers of semi-transparent red veils had covered them. When the towers reached a height, the blood ocean regained its calmness. Only for a moment, though. Little blood pools churned again, and a figure rose out.

It was walking stealthily. Along the walls, it slithered, and from time to time, this figure kept looking in all directions. It was Kai Stormborn. It was him, he could tell. And then, out of the blue, this Kai’s head jerked. This jerk had such a force behind it that half of Kai’s head exploded.

The towers and the blood figure melted into each other, then. The blood ocean engulfed them back as anything else was just a drop.

Kai’s eyes snapped open. There was a tightness in his chest, and the stony-gray notification in front of him had never glowed so red before.

A menacing glow of death!


WARNING: Contestant’s HP is below 10% of its max value.

HP regeneration rate is reduced by half


AN: A few things I must clear before proceeding with these characters. First, this ritual of sucking blood to prophesy is written in the books. That's how it was done in the books, so I am going with the same. Second, readers must not forget that in the world of Game of Thrones, a girl can be married off after she has her first period. Generally, marriage is consummated later in life (after the girl has become old enough around 16-17) but it depends on husband and the family. This is exclusively for GOT world. So, if I mention such things later in novel, please have an open mind. Thank you!

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