Murder the Dream Guy

Chapter 319: The Illogical Woman

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Chapter 319: The Illogical Woman

Translator:Atlas Studios

Editor:Atlas Studios

The sky was dim and gloomy.

The whole sky looked like dark clouds had covered it.

As it was so dim, Xiang Wan was unable to tell if it was daybreak due to the weather.

Xiang Wan felt bored and restless lying on the bed. She also felt hungry and remembered that she had not updated her novel. Somehow, that flustered her.

"Is there internet here?" She asked Cheng Zheng.

"Nope." Cheng Zheng frowned, "There's no signal in this place."


To people who were used to modern life, places with no signal felt like a prison or hell to them.

Xiang Wan puffed a helpless sigh and took her mobile phone.

Oh, it got soaked in water.

She shook it and noticed that the phone was switched off.

"… I forgot."

When she got into the lake, she had forgotten that her phone did not have a waterproof feature.

Nevertheless, even if she remembered, what use would it be?

She couldn't be insisting to stay in the forest just because her mobile phone was not waterproof?

Xiang Wan examined her mobile phone and felt lost. She threw the phone aside and rested both hands behind her head as she looked at Cheng Zheng casually.

"How many of us are here in the village?"

"There's a group of us," said Cheng Zheng who took a glance at her, "Bai Muchuan will certainly make sure everyone is safe."

A group… that meant he did not bring a lot of men with him?

Xiang Wan's heart started to feel uneasy again.

"So all we can do is to stay here and wait?"

"Otherwise?" Cheng Zheng asked in return, as though he realized something. "Or, maybe you wanted to eat something first?"

"…" Xiang Wan suddenly felt a little frustrated.

Besides waiting, there really was nothing to do.

Nothing to do! Nothing she could do.

That feeling was depressing.

"Besides eating, there really isn't anything to do!"

She saw Cheng Zheng's concerned gaze which made her mind went blank for a moment and puffed a sigh. "Fine, we shall eat something first! But this place—" She furrowed her eyebrows at the house that had barely anything. "Are there food?"

Cheng Zheng pursed his lips as he nodded his head. "Wait for me."

Xiang Wan saw his expression and frowned a little. "You're going to cook?"

Cheng Zheng nodded calmly, but his expression seemed a little stiff. "Is there a problem? I thought you are convinced of my culinary skills."

Culinary skills?Xiang Wan laughed, "Captain Cheng, if there are no ingredients, how are you going to cook?"

Cheng Zheng paused. "…"

This was indeed a strange village.

The villagers hardly go to the market to get food, especially not during this cold season. Their fields in this cold season were empty. When she looked out of the window, it seemed as though it was bare outside, many places were already filled with weeds…

Pickled radish, pickled cabbage… these were the "online celebrity" grade of dishes in this village—popular.

Want some meat? It does not exist.

Cheng Zheng rubbed his temples. "I'll see what I can do!"

Ten minutes later, Cheng Zheng came back.

He was holding a bowl of porridge, as well as a perfectly-cooked omelet that looked delicious.

"You shouldn't eat oily food with your condition. It's better for you to take some porridge."

Xiang Wan looked at him, she sort of guessed what happened with a knowing look. "You cooked this?"

"The villagers cooked the porridge." Cheng Zheng puffed a sigh. He wanted to whip up something nice, but in the end, all he could do was only an omelet. He was powerless too. "Try it, the omelet's not bad!"

Xiang Wan did not say anything.

She took the porridge from him and took a sip.

It tasted bland without any flavor.

She didn't feel like eating it, and she even had an urge to vomit.

"Bai Muchuan also ate this earlier…" Cheng Zheng saw her uncomfortable expression. "There's indeed hardly anything in the village. They took the porridge and ate some rations. The moment it was daybreak, they took off."

"… Oh please!" Xiang Wan got agitated. "That's not 'took off'."

"Then what should it be?" Cheng Zheng was actually smiling; there was somehow a mischievous glint in his eyes.

Obviously, he was joking with her.

Such an expression was quite common, but it wasn't often seen on Cheng Zheng.

He was not someone who loved to smile, and it was much rarer to see a smile where he showed his row of white teeth.

Xiang Wan was stunned. "You're actually smiling?"

Cheng Zheng was dazed for a moment. This time, he showed a little pure and bashful smile. "I also know how to smile and laugh."

Pffft!Xiang Wan did not manage to control her laughter.

Fortunately, she had swallowed the mouthful of porridge, otherwise…

She cleared her throat. "Please don't mind me… I'm just surprised."

Cheng Zheng's smile froze on his face.

Xiang Wan lowered her head and continued to eat her porridge.

Even though it was not to her appetite, it was still something to help her regain her energy, which she needed badly…

As she ate the food, her stomach felt better. She heaved a satisfied sigh.

"Did Bai Muchuan mention anything about when he will be back? How will he keep in contact with all of us here while he's in there?"

"Nope." Cheng Zheng gave a sidelong glance. "He's someone who knows when to stop. He won't be in a disadvantage."

He was right.

If Little Bai was willing to plunge into disadvantageous situations, how could he survive till now?

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Xiang Wan remained quiet as she looked at Cheng Zheng.

Slowly, as she ate the omelet, she started thinking deeply about something.

Cheng Zheng was standing still while looking at her.

"Do you still remember back in Jin City, you lied to me that you wanted to prepare breakfast yourself?" He suddenly blurted a question.


The atmosphere suddenly changed.

Those days in Jin City. Back then… they were even each other's blind date.

There was a ticklish sensation at her throat. She cleared her throat and looked up. "How was that lying?" She said seriously, "Didn't I prepare breakfast?"

"You only did that once." Cheng Zheng recalled and smiled; his eyes got brighter. "At that time, you clearly disliked me, right?"


Dislike? It was not that.

Xiang Wan didn't want to get herself into an ambiguous situation with him. That was all.

"Uh… I'm a lazy person. I will only make breakfast when I feel like it."

She did not want to talk too much about this. After taking a glance at him, she quickly diverted his attention by switching to another topic.

"My leg, I can walk with it, right?…"

"Don't! You should rest on the bed."

"Why? Isn't my injury a superficial wound? My nerves are not hurt and my bones are certainly okay, right?"

Before Cheng Zheng could reply to her, there were sounds of footsteps coming towards the house.

The door was open.

Since there were only him and Xiang Wan, even though he was her doctor, he didn't want anyone to gossip about him and Xiang Wan. Hence, the door was left open ever since he entered the house.

The two of them turned towards the footsteps and saw Cheng Xin.

Cheng Zheng frowned, "Why are you here?"

Cheng Xin smiled but did not reply to him. Instead, she walked directly to the side of the bed…

The cold air that was brought into the house because of Cheng Xin affected Xiang Wan's nose.

Out of reflex, Xiang Wan sneezed.

… She was sitting on the bed and was holding the bowl of porridge. This sneeze had come at the wrong time.

She did not want to sneeze onto the bed; she could not direct the force away from the bed.

Hence, the moment Cheng Xin stopped in front of her, she got 'drenched' in Xiang Wan's sneeze.

"Are you sick or something?" Cheng Xin yelled at her and flapped her clothes. Her face was scrunched up in annoyance, and she glared at Xiang Wan. "You did this deliberately, didn't you?"


Xiang Wan sniffled.

Just a second ago, she had felt apologetic towards Cheng Xin.

However, the moment this Young Missy yelled at her, all the apologetic feelings were gone.

"Even a moron can tell that this is not deliberate."

This woman actually dared to sneeze at her and even scolded her that she was worse than a moron?!

Cheng Xin's face turned dark as charcoal. "Hey, I'm here to see if you're doing fine out of goodwill. Why do you have to do this to me?"


Oh gosh, this person got a problem with her sense of logic.

Xiang Wan's brain was ringing in an alert. She rubbed her nose; she was no longer interested to eat.

"Captain Cheng!" She held out the bowl. "I can't eat anymore."

"Not eating already?"

"Yes, I can't finish it!"

Cheng Zheng saw that Xiang Wan's expression was now cold. He frowned and stretched out a hand to take the bowl. However, his behavior triggered Cheng Xin.

"Why are you letting her have her way?" She was feeling enraged and was waving her arms about. She accidentally knocked down the bowl of porridge.

Her anger had come out of nowhere.

The bowl of porridge got knocked down in an inopportune moment as well.

However, what made Xiang Wan puzzled was that—where did this woman pop out from?

When they were struggling with their lives in the forest, she was definitely not there. Now that they managed to make it out alive, she appeared in such a haughty manner?

She was certainly more annoying than Lima!

Lima still knew how to tell a lie and behave herself. This Cheng Xin was totally truculent and unreasonable!

"Are you bullying me because I'm now a patient that I can't kick you since my leg is hurt?" Xiang Wan asked.

"Me, bully you?!" Cheng Xin got so mad, her face reddened. "All your spittle is on me and I haven't even done anything to you?"


Her irritated, angry face was as though a cat who was forced into an alley, hissing and showing her claws. That amused Xiang Wan so much that she laughed.

Xiang Wan knew exactly how to deal with her. If Cheng Xin was angry, then all the more she should remain calm.

Xiang Wan smiled indolently at her. "Yeah, who's bullying who? I'm a patient who is resting here quietly, yet you came here and 'received' my spittle… Who can you blame? Miss Cheng, do you know that even spittle are beneficial too? I don't want them to land on a piece of trash either!"


Cheng Xin was really infuriated this time.

She had quarreled with others before.

However, never before had she met someone like Xiang Wan. She could scold others with a smile without even spouting a profanity, yet she was able to exasperate someone so much…

Xiang Wan was smiling away when she saw Cheng Xin's angry red face. The Young Missy seemed a little at a loss of words.

"On account of Captain Cheng, I won't bother with you! But please, don't come to visit me again… Otherwise, who knows if I'll sneeze on you again…"

She laid down on her bed. It was clear that she did not want to bother with Cheng Xin anymore.

Such an attitude of hers irked Cheng Xin further.

"Who do you think you are? Who are you to talk to me like that? Do you think you are better than me?"

"… Do you really think so?" Xiang Wan looked at her coldly. "Thank you for misunderstanding then."

"…!" Cheng Xin gasped and she suddenly calmed down. "Do you know who I am? Is it because you have Bai Muchuan to back you up that you're behaving so arrogantly, right?"

Her words surprised Xiang Wan and sat back up on the bed as she looked at Cheng Xin.

"Is there something wrong with your sense of logic? Miss… you asked me if I know who you are. You're the one who's relying on others' backing, right?"

"If my logical sense is problematic, then your mental state is problematic! Aren't you cheap? You're a woman trying to have a foot in both camps. One Bai Muchuan is not enough for you that you want my brother as well…?"

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