Murim : Struggle of the Weak

Chapter 1: Chapter no.1 Prologue

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[ Author Note: This Chapter is not the beginning of the story rather it covers the events that take place 16 to 3 Years before the start of the story. So enjoy! ]


[ 16 years ago]

[ Chen Dynasty - Imperial Palace]

The storm raged on outside, the winds howling and the thunder crashing as if the gods themselves were bellowing out in anger. The Imperial Palace, a grand and imposing structure, was bathed in the light of the lightning strikes. The sound of the rain and the wind were almost deafening as they beat against the walls and windows of the palace.

Inside the palace, the servants, guards, imperial scholars, and ministers all waited in silence outside the Empress's chambers. They stood there, looking up at the sky in awe as if they were waiting for some sort of sign or omen.

( ~ Huff ~ )

The Empress, a beautiful woman with long black hair, lay on her bed in a state of exhaustion, her body covered in sweat and tears. She gazed upon the imperial physician who held onto her two bundles of joy, a prince and a princess.

"Congratulations, Empress Jing, on the peaceful delivery of the prince and princess," the physician said, a smile on his face.

The Empress smiled weakly as she held onto her children, tears streaming down her face. The physician exclaimed, "The birth of twins is as auspicious as a blessing from both a dragon and a phoenix."

( ~ Waaa ~ )

The physician looked upon the two children and said, "The prince has a cinnabar mole between his brows. He doesn't cry or fuss; it's rare to see such a quiet and solemn child. Once His Majesty looks upon this child, he will adore him."

But as the physician examined the princess, he noticed something unusual. "Empress, your daughter has six fingers," he said with a terrified look in his eyes.

The Empress's expression hardened as she touched the small hands of her crying daughter. "Under the previous dynasty, a regent princess attempted to seize power, and in doing so brought chaos and disaster upon the imperial court. The princess had six fingers. Ever since then, the royal family has viewed such girls as bringers of calamity," she explained to her daughter as if she was to justify what she was going to do next.

The Empress had melancholic look in her eyes as she said," Had you been born in a peasant family, it wouldn't have mattered at all. Unfortunately, you were born into the royal family."

The Empress turned towards the physician with tears in her eyes as the servants kowtowed to her.

They had understood the Empress's commands even if nothing was said.

Dispose of the princess.


Emperor Chen stood tall and regal in his black robes, embroidered in gold with the symbol of the dragon. The afternoon sun cast a warm glow on the palace, illuminating the intricate carvings and designs on the walls and towers. The wind blew gently, causing the Emperor's robes to sway as he walked through the palace gardens, accompanied by his servant.

"Look at this unusual sign from the heavens," the servant exclaimed as he pointed to a bright ray of light that had just shone on the palace. "That must be a great omen."

The Emperor glanced at the servant with a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Since when did you befit the office of an imperial astronomer?" he asked, his voice deep and commanding.

The servant hurriedly bowed and stammered, "This servant dares not, Your Majesty. This servant will..." But his words were cut off by a voice calling out to the Emperor from behind.

"Your Majesty! I, General Wei, bring joyous news!" A red-haired man covered in armor knelt before the Emperor, his armor glinting in the sunlight. The Emperor's eyes widened in shock as he saw the two entities standing behind General Wei.

An old man wearing blue robes and holding a white cane smiled as he tapped the big burly man beside him. The burly man had a thick red beard and was smirking, a giant gourd strapped to his back. The presence of the duo caused everyone, even the Emperor, to bow in reverence.

"Elder Daoists, it is an honor to have you here. May I ask, what is your purpose for coming here?" The Emperor asked with a deep bow.

The old man brushed his long beard to the side as he answered, "This Old Daoist witnessed the Ten Thousand Sunbeam Blessings upon the towers of the palace and I knew that good fortune had befallen your majesty. I have come to bestow upon you several treasures."

"Treasures?" The Emperor asked in confusion.

"Please back up a little," the Old man said as he slammed his white cane into the floor with a loud thud. Azure aura flowed down the cane, causing a miracle to happen in front of everyone's eyes. White veins broke out of the floor, wrapping around one another, creating an enormous 20-foot-tall tree in the middle of the imperial palace.

"A branch filled with spiritual energy plucked from the tree whose roots have grown deep in the heart of Kunlun," the old man said with a twinkle in his eye. The sound of rustling leaves and creaking branches filled the air as the tree continued to grow, its branches reaching toward the sky.

The Emperor and his servants stood in awe, their mouths agape at the incredible sight before them. The old man's words echoed in their minds as they realized the true meaning of his gift. This was a symbol of prosperity, a sign of good fortune to come, and a reminder of the power of the Dao.

The imperial palace was alive with wonder and awe as everyone gazed upon the magnificent tree that had appeared out of nowhere. The branches of the tree were white, with delicate flowers blooming upon them. The leaves rustled gently in the breeze, creating a soothing melody that echoed throughout the palace. Emperor Chen stood in the center of the crowd, his eyes wide with amazement as he took in the sight before him.

The old man, dressed in blue robes and holding a white cane, stepped forward and gestured to the tree. "It will produce fruit three times more, and consuming one will increase one's lifespan by 60 years," he said in a loud and commanding voice. "Thus this is the first treasure."

The Emperor stepped forward, his robes rustling as he approached the tree. He reached out and touched one of the branches, feeling the spiritual energy flowing through it. He looked back at the old man, who had now revealed a small drum that expanded out in size as he held it up.

"From beyond the eastern sea, the hide of a thousand-year-old white flames alligator was used to craft this drum," the old man exclaimed, his voice filled with pride. Everyone looked up at the giant drum with blank expressions on their faces, their minds still trying to process the magical scene that had just occurred.

The old man's robes swayed in the wind as he continued, "A single beat will thunder across the world and fill your general's hearts with loyalty. Thus the second treasure." The Emperor's eyes widened as he realized the power and potential of such a gift. He fell to his knees and kowtowed before the old man, exclaiming, "Great Celestial, this mortal is grateful for these treasures but I do not understand what deed these mortals do to cause this generous act."

The old man smirked and brushed his mustache as he replied, "These treasures mean nothing as long as you bring them to this elder." The Emperor's confusion was interrupted by a servant running down from the palace, panting and out of breath.

"Your Majesty! A quarter of an hour ago, the empress gave birth to the fourth prince," the servant exclaimed. The old man and his companion smiled at the news, their faces lighting up with joy. The Emperor's face broke out into a wide grin as he realized the significance of this moment. The gifts of the old man and his companion were not just treasures, but blessings for his kingdom and his family.


Emperor Chen stared in shock as the old man held his newborn child in his arms, the crystal inside his robes glowing with a soft light. "Great Celestial," the Emperor exclaimed, "Is my child the reason for your visit?"

The old man smiled as he looked upon the child with a look of fondness. "Spiritual energy permeates through this child's body. He was born flawlessly and with such great potential," he said in a gentle voice. The Emperor's face contorted in shock as he heard the old man's words.

"This child was born holding the fate of Heaven and Earth in both hands. This mortal world is not fit for him," the old man continued, his voice now serious and commanding. The old man's body then began to glow and a white cloud formed beneath his feet. He and his companion vanished into thin air, the baby in his arms, as the Emperor could only shout out "Great Celestial! Great Celestial! Please wait!"

Outside the imperial palace, two children sat upon the clouds, watching the scene unfold below. The boy, dressed in a white robe and holding a sword, exclaimed in frustration, "Looks like we were too late. Well, it is a matter of luck, but to think that the member of the Mount Hua Sect would get to this mortal country before us."

The girl, dressed in a pink robe and holding a jade flute, looked at her companion and asked, "Senior, is this allowed? This country falls under our Penglai sect."

The boy replied, "Junior Sister, I think you might be confused. This mortal country is located at the intersection of multiple sects. We can't demand anything from those two."

The girl, with a click of her tongue, said, "I know but to think a Heavenly Yuan Expert would disguise himself as a conman to trick a mere mortal to get a mortal born with spiritual roots."

The boy, in a hushed tone, said "Don't be so loud, Junior Sister. We were too late to react once the spiritual detector went off and it's not like those two were from an evil sect, so that child would grow up to be a fine cultivator if a Heavenly Yuan Expert personally came to get him."

The sound of the wind blowing and the distant cries of the Emperor could be heard as the two children sat on their clouds, watching the palace disappear into the horizon.


Outside of the Imperial capital, south of the grand imperial court, lay a sprawling delta connected to the mighty Yangtze river. The water of the delta flowed peacefully, reflecting the rays of the sun that shone down upon it. The air was thick with the scent of wet earth and the sound of the water as it flowed through the delta.

A burly old man, dressed in a simple yet sturdy set of clothes made of rough, brown linen, and a wide-brimmed straw hat perched atop his head, trudged through the delta. He carried a large basket on his back, and his feet were caked with mud from the delta's soggy terrain. As he walked, he reached into the basket and pulled out a small child, no more than a few hours old.

The old man examined the child, his weathered face creased with concern. The child's hand was bleeding from a wound that looked like it had been inflicted by someone who had mutilated her sixth finger. The old man's eyes narrowed as he wondered whose daughter this was, and why she had been abandoned in such a manner.

He gently patted the child's back, and she coughed up some water before crying out loud. The old man's face softened as he heard her cries, and he held her close to his chest. "This little one is a fighter, just like me," he said with a chuckle.

The old man then adjusted the blade of his weapon, a large, curved sword that was strapped to his back. The sword's blade was honed to a razor-sharp edge and the hilt was adorned with intricate carvings of dragons. The old man said, "You'll take Grandpa Chen's name from now on and we'll call you, A-Ting."

With that, the burly old man, Grandpa Chen, set off into the delta with the abandoned twin princess, A-Ting, cradled in his arms. The sound of his footsteps and A-Ting's cries filled the air as they journeyed through the delta, toward an unknown future.


The sound of a cough broke the comfortable silence as the birds flew in the clear blue sky. The sun was high in the sky, casting a warm glow over the lush green landscape.

Chen A-Ting, now a young girl of 12 years old, stood beside her burly grandfather, Chen Yansheng. Her dark black hair swayed in the breeze as she looked on in awe as her grandfather stood over a downed man. The man's clothes were torn and dirty, and he was covered in blood from a recent battle.

"Cough, cough," the downed man coughed as he looked up with fury in his eyes, "Old bastard, if you don't kill me now, sooner or later I'll kill you."

Chen Yansheng, the old man, looked down on the downed man with a calm expression. He replied, "I only killed your father that year because he had tens of lives on his hands, being a bandit and a murderer. You haven't done anything yet, so I'll spare you."

Chen Yansheng then turned around to his granddaughter, while saying, "Your father wasn't as skilled as me, so he died. If you were able to kill me, well, I wouldn't be able to say much about that." He patted A-Ting's head as he said, "Let's go."

With fury-filled eyes, the downed man, Ming Fei, shouted out, "Who cares if you're the best around?! You're already so old! Your body will soon collapse and fail you! While I'm in my prime with plenty of years ahead of me! When the time comes, all you'll be able to do is wait for me to cut your head off!"

Ming Fei's words caused the 12-year-old Chen Ating to exclaim, "You lowlife, when the time comes, you'll be fighting me."


The water flowed down the small creek, creating a soothing symphony of sound as it flowed over the rocks and pebbles. Chen Ating sat on the edge of the creek, rubbing her forehead and crying out in pain. She looked up at her grandpa, who was blowing on a hot potato in his hands.

"He insulted you first, why did you hit me?" Ating asked, her voice filled with confusion.

Chen Yansheng, the burly old man, glanced at Ating before saying, "He's not my grandkid, so why would I give a damn?"

Ating huffed and took a bite of the potato her grandpa had given her. As she ate, she noticed her grandpa was busy carving something.


The sound of woodcraft filled the air as Ating realized her grandpa was carving another wooden sword.

"Another wooden sword! Ating doesn't need another wooden sword!" Ating whined as she pointed at the dao sword on Chen Yansheng's back. "Ating doesn't want a wooden sword! Ating wants a metal sword," she said, trying to pull her grandpa's dao sword from the sheath.

Chen Yansheng hummed a happy tune as he continued to carve the wooden sword for his granddaughter, who was still trying to pull out his sword. Suddenly, he stood up and pulled her into a hug. Ating, confused, tried to pull away as her grandpa's bushy white beard irritated her face.

"Grandpa?" she asked, her voice filled with confusion.

"Shhh," Chen Yansheng said as he waited in silence. Ating also went quiet as an eerie silence engulfed the forest they were staying in. The wind swayed the grass and leaves in a beautiful dance as Chen Yansheng and Ating stood there in silence beside the fire.


Suddenly, a gigantic goliath of a brown bear appeared behind Chen Yansheng, whose eyes widened in surprise. Without hesitation, he pushed his feet onto the ground and launched himself into the air as the bear's paws sliced through the spot where he had been standing just moments before.


Chen Yansheng twisted his body midair, holding Ating in his arms. Throwing her upwards, he pulled out his dao sword, and using the momentum of his previous turn, he turned his sword towards the bear's neck.


The sound of flesh tearing echoed throughout the forest as blood splashed into the creek beside them. The bear let out a final roar before collapsing to the ground, dead. Chen Yansheng landed gracefully beside the bear's body, his sword still in his hand. Ating, who had landed safely on a nearby tree branch, looked on in awe as her grandpa had just saved her life.

A few minutes later, Chen Ating stood a few meters away from the corpse of the bear as she watched her grandpa collect its blood in a jar. The sound of wolves howling in the distance caught her attention. As the wolves got closer, she saw that they were men in their late 20s wearing cloaks made from the hide of grey wolves.

"Old Hero! Yer our village's savior!" one of the men called out.

"Quick, go tell the village chief t' prepare a feast!" another exclaimed.

"Old Hero! No, Old Saviour!"

"Hahaha, this bastard finally met his end!"

Chen Ating looked on in confusion as her grandpa, Chen Yansheng, greeted the men with a nod. They then led the way to the small rural village of Gaoling, east of the imperial capital.

In the village, a celebration was occurring. The village chief, Xu Bushi, declared that the bear deserved to die a painful death, as it had already taken so many lives. Roasted duck and pork dumplings were laid before Chen Yansheng and Chen Ating a woman in her late thirties said, "Ya got a good appetite hero! There are still five more courses on the way."

Meanwhile, Xu Bushi looked at Chen Yansheng with a melancholic look in his eyes. "To kill that scourge, so many of our hunters Sigh I was afraid that Bear would turn into a demon beast."

"Well, I am sure a celestial would have appeared if that thing were to turn into a demon beast," Chen Yansheng said while eating a dumpling.

Chen Ating, who was sitting beside her grandpa, asked curiously, "Grandpa, what's a celestial?"

"Well, if ya want to know then, celestials are the true rulers of the world," Chen Yansheng answered.

"Isn't the Emperor the ruler?" Ating asked.

"Nah, even an Emperor would bow to a celestial. Celestials are beings beyond our mortal understanding. A mortal could only gaze upon a celestial when the celestial needs something from them," Chen Yansheng replied.

"Did you ever see a celestial, Gramps?"

"Yeah, my father was a celestial or as he called himself a rouge cultiva....."

Chen Yansheng's words were cut off by a young woman in her early 20s shouting out as she held onto the hand of a 14-year-old child.

" Old Saviour!"

The woman and child suddenly kowtowed in front of Chen Yansheng, exclaiming, "Zhou Liu Shi and Nuo'er are grateful for your great and honorable deed. Please accept this gift."

Chen Yansheng looked at the mother and child in confusion. Xu Bushi took this opportunity to explain, "None more suffered from than this mother and child. Nuo'er's father and grandfather were victims of the bear. Nuo'er's father was our village's best hunter."

The woman cried out while saying, "Should you insist on refusing our gift? Please allow us to host you for a time. Please allow me to repay you on the behalf of my father and husband."

Chen Yansheng quietly gazed at the woman as he ate his dumplings. He then turned to his granddaughter and said, "I suppose we'll be troubling ya for a time then."

As the feast and celebration continued, the villagers showered Chen Yansheng and Ating with gifts and hospitality. However, what Chen Yansheng didn't realize was that this decision to stay in the village would result in great suffering befalling his precious granddaughter. Little did they know, their stay in Gaoling village would change their lives forever for the worse.


( ~ Sizzle ~ )

The sound of the hot steaming dumplings filled the air as Zhou Liu Shi placed the plate on the table. "Old Hero, try some and see if they're to your liking," she exclaimed, turning to the side and asking, "Ating, if there is anything you'd like to eat, just tell Auntie."

The aroma of the dumplings wafted through the spacious kitchen of the Zhou residence. The walls weren't adorned with anything showing the simplistic life of the residence, and the floor was made of polished dark wood. The large windows let in the warm sunlight, casting a warm and inviting glow throughout the room.

( ~ Faint rustling ~ )

Zhou Liu Shi looked back towards a room and exclaimed, "Nou-er, have you finished tidying up? It's time to go to the teacher's."

From inside the kitchen, a small black-haired child answered his mother, "I am almost done. I just need to finish preparing his medicine."

Hearing the child's words, Chen Yansheng asked, "Lil' lady, yer family runs a pharmacy?"

"Yes, our family has been practicing medicine generation after generation," Zhou Liu Shi replied as she poured a cup of jasmine tea for Chen Yansheng. "Nou-er has always preferred to gather medicine and learn the craft with his grandfather. They were the first to cross paths with the bear while they were on the mountain. His grandfather told Nou-er to run but he wasn't able to get away. Later on, his father went to the mountains to look for Grandfather Shi, but, he too never returned."

Tears escaped Zhou Liu Shi's eyes as she spoke, dropping into the tea below. Chen Ating looked at the lady in sadness, while Chen Yansheng sighed and got up, causing Zhou Liu Shi to look up.

"There's some hunting to do around here right?" he asked.

"Huh?" Zhou Liu Shi replied in confusion.

"This old man can't do much else but I can still bring in some meat 'n hides for the family ter use," Chen Yansheng explained.

Zhou Liu Shi stood up exclaiming, "Old Saviour, I thought we agreed I will be taking care of you!"

Watching all of this, Chen Ating nibbled on her dumpling. "Jus' call me Uncle Chen," Chen Yansheng said as he put on his straw hat. Zhou Liu Shi had to stop Ating from going after her grandfather. "The two Lil' ones are growin' and this old geezer also has a big appetite. Yer the doctor, ya need to take care of yourself first," he added.

While Chen Yansheng said this, Chen Ating pouted and said, "Nooo! Ating also wants to hunt bears too!"

"Uncle Chen ..... " Zhou Liu Shi said in a daze while holding onto Chen Yansheng. "Mom, I'm going to head out," Nuo-er said as he finished preparing his medicine.

Chen Yansheng smiled and patted Nuo-er's head, "Don't worry, I'll take care of the hunting. You and Ating focus on your studies."

Ating nodded in agreement, still pouting but understanding the importance of their studies. Zhou Liu Shi smiled and nodded, grateful for the help and grateful for the company of the old hero and his granddaughter.


The small, unassuming house on the outskirts of the rural village was surrounded by lush greenery and the sweet scent of cherry blossoms. Inside, a pale young man with long black hair sat in front of a group of children, reciting the trimetric classical text of the dynasty song with a kind smile on his face.

"People at birth," the teacher, Bai Li, began, his voice filling the small room. "Are naturally good." The children repeated after him, their voices dull and bored. Bai Li, however, was undeterred and continued, "Their natures alike."

But before the children could continue, the sound of the front gate opening interrupted their lesson. "Teacher Bai Li," Nuo'er, one of the students, greeted as Chen Ating, the granddaughter of the old hero, walked into the room.

"Sorry, I am late."

"And, who is this?" Bai Li asked, his warm smile still in place.

"This is Grandpa Chen's granddaughter, Chen Ating," Nuo'er said, introducing Ating as he handed Bai Li a small bag of medicine.

"Ah....the Old Hero's granddaughter?" Bai Li asked, intrigued.

"Yes sir, my mother will send the tuition fees tomorrow," Nuo'er said, bowing politely.

But Bai Li raised his hand, "Don't worry about it, the cost of everyday medicine is already ..."

"Sister Ting, this is Teacher Bai Li, you should greet him," Nuo'er exclaimed, pushing Ating forward.

"Is Teacher Bai Li Ji .... super strong?" Ating asked, her curiosity evident on her face.

Bai Li's eyes narrowed as he thought, 'Interesting!' but before he could respond, Ating's fist shot out and connected with his face, causing him to cry out in pain as blood gushed from his nose.

"Teacher! Are you ok?!" Nuo'er and the other children exclaimed in shock and concern as they rushed to Bai Li's side.

Meanwhile, Nuo'er stopped Ating, "Stop! Not that kind of strong!"

Ating, however, was unfazed, her eyes still filled with curiosity as she looked at the wounded teacher. 


( ~ Thud ~ )

Chen Ating held her forehead in pain as she pouted at her grandpa who glared at her.

Nuo'er spoke up," Grandpa Chen, don't blame her. It's my fault for not stopping her in time."

Chen Yansheng didn't bother replying to Nou-er as he glared at his teary-eyed granddaughter.

" Ating, why did gramps teach ya martial arts? Are ye going to beat up everyone out there just ter the best? If yer going to blindly swing yer fist at everything ya see, ye'll become a menace sooner or later. Ye better settle down n' study, ye hear me ?" 

Chen Ating sniffed as a few tears escaped her eyes as she looked down.

" Uncle Chen, A-Ting's still young and she'll naturally become sensible when she grows older."

Zhou Liu Shi's words caused Old man Yansheng to sigh.

" I just hope I'll still be around ter see it."

Chen Yansheng's words Chen Ating ran and hug her grandpa as she shouted out.

" No! Grandpa, you promised Ating you'd be with her forever."

Chen Yansheng sighed as he patted Chen A-Ting's head.

" Don't worry, ya gramps is still alive and kicking. I still have to scare the first guy you bring in."


[ Gaoling Village - Zhou Liu Shi's Home ]

As the leaves of the cherry blossom tree outside the small unassuming house began to turn golden and red, signifying the arrival of autumn, Chen Ating sat in the cozy living room of Zhou Liu Shi's home. The room was adorned with various autumnal decorations such as dried gourds, corn husks, and pumpkins. The soft flicker of candlelight danced across the room, casting a warm glow on the faces of those present.

Chen Yansheng sat across from Ating, carefully examining the piece of lightning-struck wood that Zhou Liu Shi had gifted him. The wood was dark and dense, with a rough texture that seemed to be resistant to both fire and water. He couldn't help but marvel at the rarity of such a piece of wood.

"Grandpa, can we make a sword out of this wood?" Ating asked excitedly, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

Chen Yansheng smiled warmly at his granddaughter, "Of course, A-Ting. This wood is perfect for a training sword. But, it's not going to be easy. It's going to take a lot of hard work and patience."

Ating nodded eagerly, eager to start working on her new sword.

As the days passed, Ating spent her time studying the thousand-character classic and learning how to write under the tutelage of Teacher Bai Li. Despite the struggles she faced, she always had Nuo'er by her side to help her through the more difficult parts.

As the seasons changed, Ating found herself enjoying the simple pleasures of life. She spent her spring days picking peaches with Nuo'er, and her summer days swimming in the nearby river.

Before she knew it, winter had arrived, and the village was covered in a blanket of snow. 

Walking through the snow-covered lands of Gaoling Village, Chen Yansheng removed his straw hat at a house he has come to call home.

" Welcome back, Uncle Chen."


Sitting beside the crackling fireplace, Chen Yansheng gently rubbed the head of the sleeping Chen A-Ting as she lay on his lap, cradling a thick tome in her arms. The warm glow of the fire danced across their faces, casting flickering shadows on the rough-hewn walls of the small cottage. Zhou Liu Shi, dressed in a simple linen dress, tended to the fire, expertly prodding the logs with a long iron poker.

"This piece of wood seems to be getting harder to carve out," Zhou Liu Shi said, her voice tinged with frustration as she examined the rough-cut piece of lightning-struck wood on the nearby worktable.

"Yeah, it has broken a lot of knives over the past year," Chen Yansheng replied, his gaze fixed on the stubborn piece of wood. "But it should be enough to last her a few years."

As he spoke, Chen A-Ting began to stir, her soft whispers filling the room. "Heavens... The heavens were black, the earth yellow;....."

"Is she talking in her sleep?" Zhou Liu Shi asked, turning to look at the sleeping girl. "You should bring her to her bed."

But Nou'er, a young boy with a thick head of hair, who was reading a book nearby, shook his head. "No need, Sister Ting is memorizing the passages in her sleep. Don't wake her up."

Chen Yansheng and Zhou Liu Shi exchanged a look of incredulity as Chen A-Ting's whispers continued to echo through the room, "Space..... was limitless."

Chen Yansheng asked, "Speaking of which, Teacher Bai Li isn't from this village, is he?"

Zhou Liu Shi, who was now hanging pieces of meat in the kitchen, replied, "Our village hunters found him on the mountain trail and brought him here. He was drenched in blood and at death's door; he said it was because of bandits. His home is too far and his injuries too severe, so he is recovering in the village for now. He is quite pitiful, with a weak constitution so even after resting for a year or so, his condition hasn't improved much."

Nou'er added, "Teacher said he has to fully recover before he could go home. He also said his relatives are scarier than any bandits."

The sound of sizzling meat filled the room as Nou'er's words left his mother and Chen Yansheng silently pondering. In the background, Chen A-Ting's whispers continued, "Sun, Moons....."


[ Gaoling Village - New Year ]

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Pop ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

( ~ Pop ~ )

( ~ Boom ~ )

The sound of fireworks filled the night sky as Chen Ating, Nuo'er, and Teacher Bai Li walked through the streets of Gaoling village, taking in the festivities of the New Year. The villagers had come together to create a feast, with tables laden with delicious food and drink. Chen Yansheng sat with the other elderly villagers, sharing stories of their youth and enjoying the company of their loved ones.

The children of the village ran and played in the snow, their laughter and shouts filling the air. Even though the village was small and not particularly wealthy, the people had each other, and that was all that mattered. Nuo'er held up a lantern as he watched the fireworks with Chen Ating, who was munching on a stick of tanghulu.

Teacher Bai Li smiled as he released a breath of cold air and said, "Another year has passed."

Hearing the tone in his teacher's voice, Nuo'er asked, "Teacher, are you homesick?"

Teacher Bai Li looked down with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "Yes, I miss my elder brother. He might be worried, having not heard from me ever since I left home. He's the only person in this world that cares about me."

Chen Ating put her hand on Bai Li's cloak and said, "Ating cares about the teacher too! Auntie, Grampa, and Brother Nuo also care a lot! The whole village cares about Teacher!"

Teacher Bai Li didn't say anything in response, but Nou'er exclaimed, "Sister Ting, don't get candy on the teacher's cloak."

Placing a hand on Chen A-Ting's head, Teacher Bai Li closed his eyes and said, "To have met all of you is my greatest honor. But it's time to return home."

But little did they know, their peaceful days in Gaoling village were about to come to an end and their lives would be forever changed by the events to come for the worse.


As the days of spring blossomed, the petals of the flowers fell over the small rural village of Gaoling. The streets were filled with the sweet scent of blooming flowers and the sound of chirping birds. A group of middle-aged women was gathered in front of Teacher Bai Li's cottage, discussing the news that he was leaving to return home.

"So Teacher Bai is going home.....? Just like that," one of the women said, her voice filled with shock.

Another asked, "Will you come back? When are you leaving?"

Teacher Bai Li tried to answer, but was interrupted by the village chief, who said, "How silly! Who are we to separate him from going back to his family? We should be preparing the supplies and travel expenses for his journey instead!"

The village chief, dressed in traditional robes and a wide-brimmed hat, had a look of determination on his face as he spoke. Teacher Bai Li's expression was strange, a melancholic look that seemed forced as if he was hiding something. The village chief assumed it was just the exhaustion from the long journey ahead.

"Come over here, all of you," the village chief said to the children gathered around Teacher Bai Li. "Stop bothering him, let him rest properly."

Teacher Bai Li's melancholic look disappeared as soon as everyone had left. Sitting down on the porch, he gazed out at the beautiful spring day. A small sparrow perched on the edge of the porch, chirping merrily. Raising his hand, the sparrow immediately flew to him and transformed into a floating glass orb with an eye inside it.

"Looks like my traces have been discovered by the Mount Hua Sect," Teacher Bai Li said with a sigh. "And just when I had finally recovered my elixir field. If worst comes to worst, I'll take this whole village to replenish my powers."


The sun was shining brightly as the villagers gathered in the home of Zhou Liu Shi, discussing the plans for Teacher Bai Li's journey home. The village chief, dressed in traditional robes and a wide-brimmed hat, turned to Chen Yansheng, who was sitting on a stool and said, "You're a skilled fighter, Chen. Could you escort Teacher Bai Li to the city? We all pooled together to get some money to hire a carriage and a bodyguard to take him home."

Chen Yansheng, replied, "Sure, just so happens I've stocked up on medicine and hides I could trade for household goods in the city markets."

While washing vegetables, Zhou Liu Shi, dressed in a simple linen dress, added, "Teacher Bai Li hasn't fully recovered, make sure his condition doesn't worsen with all the jostling around. In any case, he will recover once he returns home." Zhou Liu Shi ended her words with a tired smile.

Suddenly, the door burst open and a villager shouted, "Chief! Chief! Bad news! One of Zhao's kids was stolen by a wolf!"

Chen Yansheng, the old village chief, and Zhou Liu Shi rushed toward the man, asking, "What happened?"

"His sister was giving him a piggyback ride when she was herding sheep in the mountains. When we found her crying, the wolf was gone," the villager replied.

Chen Yansheng immediately knew that this was no ordinary wolf, it was an Amarok, known for its abnormal behavior. "I am going after the beast!" Chen Yansheng shouted, before running off toward the mountains.

Zhou Liu Shi said to the old village chief, "Chief, I'll support you on the way there." But the chief replied, "No, stay at home and look after the children."

Chen Ating, a young girl with long hair, holding a wooden sword exclaimed, "Ating's sword is made of lightning-struck wood. Ating is going to protect Auntie and Brother Nuo!"

Zhou Liu Shi replied with a worried tone, "Ating's cool, but wait till uncle Chen has carved it out before playing with it, okay."

Nuo'er, a young boy with a thick head of hair, added, "This thing won't break easily, go ahead mom, we'll be fine."

Following the trail of blood, Chen Yansheng and a few hunters suddenly heard a noise. "Did you hear that? The kid's still alive," Chen Yansheng said, as they followed the noise. The sound of barking and huffing grew louder as they made their way through the dense forest.

"Give chase!" Chen Yansheng shouted as they ran toward the sound.

"We're getting closer. The sound is coming from the east," one of the hunters said, as they followed the trail.

Suddenly, one of the hunters in the back said, "Strange, it seems to be carrying the boy in a circle. Is it playing with us?"

Chen Yansheng picked up a stained piece of cloth, his face set in a determined expression. "As long as the child is alive, keep chasing!" he exclaimed.

[ Gaoling Village - Outskirts ]

The afternoon sun was setting, casting a golden glow over the small village of Gaoling. Nou'er and Chen Ating sat alongside Teacher Bai Li on the porch of his wooden house, surrounded by a field of tall grass.

"Teacher, my mom said that while your body's mostly recovered, you should be careful while traveling. Watch out for changing weather and don't catch a cold," Nou'er said, his long brown hair blowing in the wind.

"Brother Nuo, you nag more than Auntie does," Chen Ating said with a chuckle.

As they sat, the wind picked up and dark clouds began to gather in the sky. Nou'er looked up and said, "Oh, I was talking about the weather. Look at the sky now." Teacher Bai Li also looked up, his eyes narrowed as he surveyed the sky.

"Teacher, did you bring an umbrella? Should we bring you inside?" Nou'er asked, concerned.

But before he could respond, Teacher Bai Li stood up and said, "No need."

As he spoke, the dark clouds began to swirl in the sky and Bai Li's coat fluttered in the wind. Suddenly, Bai Li's body began to hover in the middle of the field as he said, "Looks like the time has come. I, thank you for your sacrifice."

[ Gaoling Village - Forest ]

The sound of a child's screams echoed through the forest as Chen Yansheng held the child in one hand, his blade in the other. "Uncle Chen, did that monster ambush us with wolves?" the child asked, tears streaming down their face.

"Something doesn't feel right. What should we do?" one of the hunters said, as they looked around at the pack of wolves surrounding them.

With a fierce roar, a massive wolf, an Amarok, charged toward them. Chen Yansheng quickly threw the child towards the hunters and shouted, "Cut your way back to the village!" as he prepared to fight the beast.

The sound of clashing blades filled the air as Chen Yansheng fought off the wolves and the Amarok, his muscles straining with the effort. The hunters fought their way back to the village, the child safe in their arms as Chen Yansheng faced the beast alone in the forest.


The sky above Gaoling Village was dark and ominous, the clouds swirling and shifting into the shape of a skull. The villagers looked on in horror as the sky seemed to come alive, the dark clouds twisting and writhing as if they were alive.

[ Gaoling Village - Bai Li's House ]

Chen Ating's eyes widened in horror as she saw Bai Li hovering in the air with a weapon. It was an eerie jet-black staff, adorned with a black skull at its top. Hanging from the staff was a flag-like cloth made of human skin, decorated with skulls and white ribbons with esoteric symbols. The sight was enough to send shivers down anyone's spine.

You are reading story Murim : Struggle of the Weak at

" Brother Nuo! Wake up!" Chen Ating screamed as she desperately tried to shake Nuo'er awake, who had collapsed to the floor.

"It must be hard for you. Though you're an Earth-grade mystical weapon, you were only allowed to claim the souls of mortals," Bai Li said to the nether staff before glancing at Nuo'er," Even if mortal souls are not as good as a cultivator's. Endure it this once."

With those words, Bai Li channeled spiritual Qi into the staff, causing the decorative skulls on the skin flag to rise in the form of dark ghostly apparitions.

The villagers were filled with a sense of dread as they gazed upon the skull-shaped clouds above. "What is the...." One of them, Xiao Long, couldn't even finish his words as a black ghostly apparition of a skull went through his body. 

( ~ Thud ~ ) 

All that remained on the ground was a cold corpse.

"Demon! A Demon! Help!" The villagers ran for their lives, but some chose to help, desperately trying to find the children before it was too late. "Go find the children!" The Village Chief ordered Zhou Liu Shi before a ghostly skull went through his body.

"Chief!" Zhou Liu Shi screamed out before her legs gave up as she crashed kneed-first into the ground due to the chilling presence behind her. A giant skull loomed over her, its demonic mouth opening wide as it let out a blood-curdling screech. 

( ~ Screech ~ ) 

The sound of crunching bones filled the air as the villagers watched in horror as Zhou Liu Shi was devoured by the ghostly apparition.

( ~Sniff~ )

" Brother Nuo! Wake up !" 

Chen Ating shouted while trying to force Nuo'er awake.

Glancing back at Chen Ating, Bai Li said with utter indifference," Don't bother, his soul is after all right here." 

Chen A-Ting's eyes widened as she saw a green Will-o'-wisp in Bai Li's hand.

Launching towards Bai Li, Chen Ating clasped her wooden sword.

( ~ Thud ~ )

Chen Ating crashed into the ground with Bai Li's swing.

Wiping the blood from her burst lip, Chen Ating jumped into the sky before using gravity to her advantage as she swung her sword down.

( ~ Wham ~ )

Chen A-Ting's face was greeted by Bai Li's palm immediately causing her to swing at the arm holding her.

A talisman flew out from Bai Li's sleeves causing Chen Ating's wooden sword to be blown away.

" Don't be naughty, the teacher has some matters to attend to." Bai Li's words were followed by echoing screams of souls collected by the Nether Staff.

( ~ Whom ~ )

The dark ghostly mist parted as Bai Li glanced at Chen Yansheng's back as he held onto his granddaughter.

" Never thought I'd see a mortal with a Martial Skeleton. You aren't affiliated with a sect, are you." 

Bai Li exclaimed with a creepy smile as his nether staff glowed with Spiritual Qi.


Bruises covered Chen A-Ting's face as a tear escaped her black eyes.

" Grandpa, he is a bad guy; beat him up."

Chen Ating managed to get out despite her injuries.

" Run." 

Chen Yansheng said before placing her down.

Chen Yansheng's blade glowed with traces of Spiritual Qi as he looked at Bai Li.

Looking at her Grandpa's back, Chen Ating couldn't help but exclaim.

" G, Grandpa?"

( ~ Whom ~ )

Chen Yansheng's body was enveloped in a silver aura as the tattoos on his arm began to glow with a fierce intensity. As the tattoos spread throughout his body, his hair began to grow longer, and his eyes turned a piercing shade of grey. His muscles bulked up as he let out a fierce growl, emanating spiritual energy.

Bai Li's eyes widened in shock as he felt the presence of the Amarok, emanating from Chen Yansheng. He took a step back, unsure if the man before him was a demon spirit realm expert or just a mortal with an incredibly powerful martial skeleton. As he felt the energy radiating from Chen Yansheng, he immediately dismissed the thought of him being a demon spirit realm expert, realizing that the power must be coming from his martial skeleton.

( ~ Roar ~ )

The bestial Chen Yansheng lunged forward, ready to tear Bai Li apart with his fangs.

' His aura isn't that of a Deity Spirit Realm expert then it must be an effect of his Martial Skeleton. ' 

Bai Li thought while sending ghostly apparitions of skulls toward the beastial Chen Yansheng who growled.

( ~ Boom ~ )

Shooting out like a bullet, Chen Yansheng's foot stomped the black apparition out while going into a one-inch punch on Bai Li who answered by blocking with a staff.

Throwing Bai Li into the air, Chen Yansheng lunged at the demonic cultivator with his fangs towards Bai Li's trapezius muscle.

( ~ Creeee ~ )

A sound of metal grinding against one another echoed through the desolate land as Chen Yansheng's fangs were stopped by a barrier projected by a talisman.

" Pity, if you were a true cultivator rather than a mortal with such a powerful martial skeleton, I would have died." 

Bai Li's words were followed by his fist blasting a hole through the old man's chest.

Chen Ating looked at this scene in absolute shock.

Chen Yansheng in his last breath sent a needle toward Chen Ating.

( ~ Thud ~ )

Bai Li snorted as his nether staff ripped Chen Yansheng's soul out of his body.

" What a commendable fool! You spared your granddaughter a fate worse than death by killing her." Bai Li said as he looked at Chen Yansheng's soul.

" Truly, your soul rivals that of cultivators. It is going to take some time to refine it." 

Bai Li's eyes shot open as the Cloud skull, a massive formation of dark clouds that loomed above the Gaoling Village, parted with a loud crackling sound. Silver streaks of lightning shot down from the clouds and smashed into the ground where Bai Li stood, sending debris flying in all directions. The air was thick with the smell of ozone as the lightning struck the earth, leaving a gaping hole in its wake.

As the dust cleared, a young cultivator emerged from the wreckage, standing tall on the hilt of a sword made entirely of ice. His long hair flowed behind him, whipping in the wind as he surveyed the scene with a cold, calculating gaze. He wore a black robe adorned with silver trim, and his eyes were a piercing blue. The sword in his hand was a work of art, its blade glinting in the light of the lightning that still flickered in the air.

The cultivator's name was Dong Wei, a member of the prestigious Mount Hua Sect. His expression was one of anger as he glared at the corpses of the people of Gaoling Village, scattered across the ground in the wake of the attack. He muttered a curse under his breath before disappearing into the night with a whoosh, leaving behind only the sound of his sword slicing through the air.

As the last echoes of Dong Wei's departure faded away, a strange sound caught Bai Li's attention. He turned to see the corpse of Chen Ating, a villager who had been killed in the attack, twitching and convulsing on the ground. Her heart began to beat once more.


Chen Ating's eyes fluttered open as she found herself in a misty, white void. Standing over her was her grandfather, Chen Yansheng. He was dressed in traditional clothing, with long, flowing robes and a wide-brimmed hat. His eyes were kind and filled with concern as he looked down at her.

"How long are you going to stay asleep?" he asked, his voice gentle. "Have you forgotten what day it is?"

"Gramps?" Chen Ating exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes. "Gramps!" She threw her arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.

"Hahaha," her grandfather laughed, patting her back. "What are you talking about so suddenly? Did you have a nightmare?"

"You promised me!" Chen Ating sobbed. "You promised me that you would stay by my side!"

Her grandfather's expression grew serious as he grabbed her shoulders. "That's why I came back for you," he said, his eyes becoming a hollow void. Suddenly, blood began to pour from his face, covering his clothes and her hands.

"Ahhhhhh!" Chen Ating screamed as she woke up, only to find herself in a dark prison. The sound of her screams echoed off the walls as she looked around in confusion.

"Looks like you're awake," a voice said from across the room. Chen Ating turned to see a young man, around the age of 20, sitting in a prison cell opposite hers. He had black hair and his complexion was pale, indicating that he hadn't eaten in some time. But what stood out most to her was that he was missing an arm.

"W-where am I?" Chen Ating asked, her voice cracking. The young man sighed.

"It would have been better if you hadn't woken up," he said. His words left her in a state of confusion.

(~ Creek ~ )

The sound of the door opening filled the room as a masked man walked in, followed by an old man dressed in the clothing of a noble. The nobleman approached the one-armed man's cell and spoke, "Li Yuan, your grandfather refused to engage with the enemy to gather more war funds, and embezzle provisions and weapons from the army. This act of treason has brought chaos and the death of tens of thousands of soldiers. Your entire family has to be beheaded and have your households ransacked, but should you be willing to testify..."

Li Yuan cut him off, "Has the Emperor started governing and losing his obsession with those scammers he calls the Great Celestials? Weren't you the one who oversaw provisions and concluded with the Di Army, Minister Ciao?"

The nobleman, Minister Ciao, sighed and replied, "Should you persist in refusing your grandfather's crimes, you will be sold to slavery to repent."

"Minister Ciao, aren't I already in slavery?" Li Yuan asked.

Minister Ciao turned to leave without answering as Li Yuan shouted, "Why has the imperial council forsaken my family? Weren't we loyal to you?"

Minister Ciao stopped and replied, "Loyalty can be bought, Li Yuan. The Emperor's obsession with the Celestials has left this dynasty weak."

"So you side with the Di?"

"I side with the side who will win," Minister Ciao answered before disappearing, leaving Li Yuan looking at the ground in frustration.

Glancing at Chen Ating, Li Yuan exclaimed, "You asked where we are? Little lady, we have been sold into slavery." He leaned back against the wall of his cell, his one arm crossed over his chest as he let out a deep sigh.

Chen Ating's heart began to race as she looked around the prison, taking in the damp stone walls and the sound of the water dripping from the ceiling. She noticed that her clothes were torn and dirty, and her hair was matted and unkempt. She couldn't help but feel a sense of despair wash over her as she realized the gravity of her situation.

"Don't worry," Li Yuan said, sensing her fear. "We'll find a way out of here. We just have to be strong and stay together."

The sound of crickets filled the air as the night grew darker, the light from the moon shining through the bars of the prison cell. Chen Ating and Li Yuan sat in silence, their thoughts consumed by the reality of their situation, but also the hope of a better future.

The sound of footsteps filled the air as the door of the prison opened again. This time, it was a group of soldiers sent to escort them to their auction house.


[ Chen Dynasty - Slave House ]

The slave house was a dark and gloomy place, with damp stone walls and a musty smell that seemed to linger in the air. The sound of chains clinking together and the muffled cries of the slaves echoed through the halls, adding to the eerie atmosphere.

An old man, dressed in a long, flowing robe and a wide-brimmed hat, stood in the center of the room, surveying the scene with a cold, calculating gaze. He had a wrinkled face and a crooked smile that gave off a creepy feeling, making Dethel, a notorious captain of the imperial guards and supplier of slaves, feel uneasy.

"Dirty Money" Dethel, I hope you don't play around with me," the old man said, his voice cold and menacing. "If it is like you say, you will be paid well if the quality is like you say."

Dethel couldn't help but curse under his breath as he looked at the old man's face. He had dealt with a lot of scum in his line of work, but this old man was something else entirely.

 The sound of footsteps filled the air as the old man led Dethel through the building, wandering to the back where the guards were organizing the blindfolded kids' group and the adults' group. Behind the guards were some bandits from Dethel's group, assisting the guards with the kids.

When the old man got to see the kid's group, he only nodded his head after giving some orders to the guards on how to deal with the kids. He slowly turned from the kids, looking at Dethel, and only said, "100 gold coins, that's how much I'm willing to give for this batch. Do we shake hands, young man?"

Dethel thought for a while and analyzed the money on stakes, he could only agree. Compared to the trade he did four years 

ago, the human market price was the lowest. Only female humans sell well as sex slaves, 

maids, or whatever the desire of the buyer.

"The sum is good enough, old man. Hope you a good night in selling those goods out."

After he agreed he took his leave, not wanting to stay too much in this part of the capital.

"Good, it seems we have a deal, kid. Go to my accountant the next door to my own office and tell him the deal with the price, he would give you the money, not missing a coin."

Dethel went to get his money and later on left the building with the rest of his group seeming to go out of the zone of control the old man had. They probably went to the Forsaken District of Sagletius to spend some money on booze or gambling.

On the other hand, Chen A-Ting's situation was far from simple. She didn't even have to negotiate for a single thing. She still had the blindfolds, but for a reason why, she didn't bother knowing and could care less about the surroundings that were foreign to her.

'These people are doing business so easily 

over slaves. They even have auctions to deal with this sort of stuff. Almost like a bazaar, but it deals in uncommon things. Is this the value of life in the eyes of humans? Just as with everything else in this world.... profit is to be exploited. I miss you, grandpa!'

The staff members at the Slave House began to take care of the girls, unfolding their eye folds, washing them, and giving them more food to at least recover a bit. From what Chen Ating heard, they took care of the kids, but for a reason, probably much more profound than doing it out of kindness. As long as they presented the kids well, especially the girls, for sure, they would sell better.

Otherwise, why would they even bother? 

The boys were still dirty, wearing tattered clothes. Some were skinny whereas part with the older kids like Li Yuan who looked a bit fuller would most likely be slaves somewhere where force would require them.

As the sunlight seemed to go down, people in the building started to get busier. It was the feeling of an ant nest being stirred.

The working men went straight for the boys. He lashed some of them that didn't comply to get in order.

"Little shit, do you think you're some high noble to act like this here, people here wouldn't give a single damn on shit like you. Even if I smash you to pieces, the manager would say nothing, because you guys are not the ones that would bring us profit." The Man said while lashing out at Li Yuan.

They got gathered somewhere high. Chen Ating got this, though, from walking up some 

stairs, the platform wasn't by any means 

elevated. However, it was just high enough for people to see from a better view.

From the other side of the room, people's 

voices were heard. In moments there was 

laughter in the room. Later some people 

were mocking each other. The typical stuff 

a wealthy person would do when gathering inside a single room. The debauchery was at high ends. This time the old man outdid himself, managing to pick the interest of some big spenders.

Chen Ating was there waiting, thinking of 

nothing at that moment. Simply waiting to see what was to come for her since she already prepared her plans last night, that regardless of who was buying her, she would just heal her injuries and escape. But could she achieve that?

She hasn't thought about this so 

deeply, going with only one plan in mind.

Soon, the people voices dropped to a low 

quiet. The old man finally took over the 


Soon, the people voices dropped to a low quiet. The old man finally took over the 

stage. He was wearing a black suit, with the 

usual black monocle of his left eye, and having 

his hair slicked back, which made 

him look good for once. The only bad aspect was the wrinkles he had. With a straight back standing in the front of the stage, he welcomed everyone.

"Welcome everyone and thank you for taking time from your precious schedule to attempt this auction. "

The old man ended the welcoming ceremony after explaining the rules of the auction to the participants.

"I'm your host Graham and I can only hope that the items we have for this night will take hold in your esteemed eyes."

"We know that already old Darrel. Now start the auction we have other things to do besides standing here and smelling our 

sweat." added a fat man in the audience holding a number placard on his greasy hand.

"Then if you wish so, guys bring the first items for today."

After some seconds passed, the old man's assistants brought out Li Yuan who was beaten today for not complying with 


"A young man that is full of spirit, around 

18-21, the bruises on him are a mark of his spirit, a troublesome kid if you ask me, but for some of your needs probably he would 

be perfect. Starting price 500 gold coins." 

The old man looked at Li Yuan who glared in response as said that.

Some people in the audience started to laugh a bit, but the room's order was soon to be restored.

"Haha, I like this kid. I bid 520 gold for him. I'll take care of him in a special place." 

Added the fat man while playing around with his rings.

"Stop jesting you greedy prick, I need this young man to start learning to build ships. 

700 gold coins." added a middle-aged guy with a clean shave.

"You just called me a greedy prick, have you? I dare you to say it again! I bid 1000 gold coins." retorted back the fat man with a more red face.

"Come on fatty, do you want to spill blood from bidding more than your little heart can handle? I bid 1000 gold coins for this fine man." the middle-aged man outbid the fat guy again.

The fat guy stopped and thought for a second and finally conceded this bid.

" 1000 gold coins, twice, final bid won by number 27." Said, Darrel.

The night just started for the audience. 

The next item was Chen Ating that walked out with an emotionless face. Unlike regular people why would Chen Ating feel afraid of people who she knows she could kill?

Chen Ating was guided by Darrel's assistant to the podium.

With the makeup on, Chen Ating looked like a doll in all the senses of this word. Her big grey eyes, small mouth, with clear and delicate skin. 

The audience was in an uproar. Some crazy ones even whistled a little bit. For such creeps to be attracted by little girls, Darrel could only sigh by himself when he heard the people in such a frenzy.

'Animals, to react in such a manner because of a little girl. Such animals. Sigh, I pray for your safety little girl but you bring in too much money for me. May your luck and fate show their light to you too.'

The bidding was too exorbitant compared to the boys. The people who fought for Chen Ating seemed to be regular nobles and beautiful ladies wearing wealthy dresses. Her 

face emanated the allure of a mature woman, her brown eyes together with her styled black hair made all the bidders' guys salivate over her.

The bid finally stopped when the price 

reached 10,000 gold coins. Even some of the nobles were shocked by the number. Still, for some, the money was just a number. 

What mattered was how much one was willing to go.

"Just let me take this child, she will do a great maid for my little princess waiting at 

home. I bid 12,000 gold coins." bid the noble again, while swinging his arms in his seat, smacking an assistant over his head angry that the beautiful lady couldn't let him win the little slave girl.

"Are you sure that this poor child will be just a maid for your girl? No one believes you! I bid 13,000." outbid the lady.

"Old hag, are you willing to go this far just to piss me off, do you still think that I will not intervene in your sweet "Pink District" in the capital. You damned commoners, how dare you embarrass me a noble in such a manner? Just wait until I get home, the imperial council will discuss with regards to your guilds, having too much monopoly over things!" said the noble in anger.

"Yes, yes. Go to minister Ciao and suck his cock before crying about your lost honor. Stupid noble."

" Xiao Mei you whore. Don't you dare tarnish his Grace's name with your dirty mouth? Haven't you sucked enough dicks that you want to do his Grace?" retorted back the noble feeling even more offended by what the beautiful woman commented.

"Haha, don't worry tiny Baron, I don't have to see him naked to know how small his dick is. Or even yours, so you better piss off. Don't offend me you stupid Baron without even the slightest power to be noticeable inside Sagletius."


Then before the two could even continue on their jabs of insults the delight of the participants, especially of those who were staring at Felicia's body.

"ENOUGH! STOP YOUR INSULTS YOU TWO! Lady Fei enough. Your beauty and reputation aren't worth destroying in this place. Same for you Baron Tyrrell, do you wish to be viewed by the other nobles as a sore loser, mind your language." said the old man in a high tone that stopped Xiao Fei and the noble from their word fight. Finally, after the spirit calmed down, 

Darrel stopped for the final countdown

"Final bid 13,000 goes once … twice..."

The sweaty fat bastard suddenly shouted," 25,000 gold coins."

An absolute silence echoed throughout the hall as Xiao Fei looked at the stoic Chen Ating with pity.

She would be losing money if she bid any further.

My apologies but I can't save you, little one.

Old man Darrel, sensing that no one would outbid the fat man concluded the auction. 

"The item is sold to number 23 for the sum 

of  25,000 gold coins. Enjoy your item, Sir."

The old man looked at Chen Ating's supple skin as he licked his lips.


The sound of clapping echoed through the air as the grand carriage came into view. The carriage was pulled by a team of white stallions, their powerful hooves pounding against the ground as they galloped forward. The carriage itself was a magnificent sight to behold, decorated with gold and intricate designs, a clear indication of the wealth and status of the nobleman inside.

Chen Ating sat inside the carriage, her chains clinking while the fat noble had a look of absolute lust as he gazed upon Chen Ating before his patience went away.

Lunging at the black-haired teen, the fat nobleman tried to force himself upon her.

In response, Chen Ating immediately bites the fat noble's nose.

" Ahhhh !" 

The scream of the noble stopped the carriage as the door broke apart with the fat nobleman being thrown out while Chen Ating was biting his nose.

" Kill that peasant !" The baron screamed at the guard who slashed his sword onto Chen A-Ting's body but Chen Ating was quick enough to dodge.

( ~ Slicch ~ )

The guard's sword cut through the fat nobleman's stomach as he gurgled out a bone-wrenching scream.

" Ahhhhh! You bastards! Kill this bastard! Rape that bitch !" The Fat nobleman screamed out before a white streak flashed by the nobleman's ear.

( ~ Dhh ~ )

The fat nobleman's ear was dismembered from his head and landed on the grassy plains with a thud, causing a moment of silence amongst the onlookers. Suddenly, the sound of a horse's hooves filled the air, drawing everyone's attention to a figure riding towards them.

As the figure got closer, it became clear that it was a woman, her long white hair flowing behind her in the wind. She was riding upon a majestic grey horse, its mane made of blue flames that seemed to dance and flicker with each step it took. The woman rode towards them with a sense of grace and elegance, making her seem like a moving statue of a goddess.

To everyone below, the woman's beauty and presence were surreal. Her white hair and the horse's blue flames made her stand out against the green grassy fields, making her look like she came from a different realm. The way she rode towards them, her posture and the way she held herself made her look like a warrior queen, ready to defend her people.

" What gives you the right to act as God ?" 

The woman's voice echoed through the field as she questioned the screaming nobleman and his guards," If you want to protect yourself, pick up the sword." 

The guards were suddenly on alert as they saw Chen Ating pick up the sword on the group.

Steam began to rise from Chen Ating's body as the blood of the fat nobleman began to transform into tattoos covering Chen A-Ting's face.

This was all due to the Beast Blood Martial Skeleton she had inherited from her grandfather, Chen Yansheng.

( ~ Clang ~ )

Chen Ating in one swift motion freed herself from her chains as she lunged towards the guards who could only defend but Chen Ating's strength was something these mortals couldn't handle.

Blood of the Baron and the guards soaked the land as the fat nobleman tried to crawl away.

Walking towards him, Chen Ating separated the man's head from his shoulders.

( ~ Clap ~ )

Chen Ating looked at her bloodied hands.

She hadn't killed a human. She had killed a beast.

" That is quite the powerful martial skeleton you have there." The beautiful woman said as Chen Ating pointed the sword at her.

" Is this how you repay someone who saved you ?" 

With a glare full of fury, Chen Ating asked," What do you want ?" 

" Join me." 

The woman's two words were enough to stun Chen Ating.

" Thanks for the help but Ating has other places to be." Chen Ating said as she began to walk away.

" Do you think you'll find the soul reaper Bai Li just like that? " 

Chen Ating immediately turned around and shouted.

" How do you know that name ?!"

" My dear, Bai Li is quite the infamous criminal. Many people are after him and his weapon." The woman said while throwing a small handbook towards Chen Ating that depicted a bounty poster of Bai Li.

" How do I find him ?" 

" If you want to find him then join me." 

Chen Ating's sword lowered a little as she looked at the woman's clear blue eyes.

As if they were reflections of the sky itself, pure and untainted.

" If I join you, when will I get the chance to kill that bastard !" 

The woman responded with just a smile. 

Chen Ating stabbed her sword into the ground and said," I am willing to join you as long as I can kill that bastard but if you get in my way then I'll kill you." 

" I am sure you won't regret this." The woman said as she outstretched her hand out causing a red pill to shoot out that exploded in an aura covering Chen Ating as her injuries vanished.

" How did you do that ?" 

" You have much to learn if you want to kill Bai Li." 

" Don't worry Ating is a fast learner."

" I am sure you are. Get on my stead." 

" Where are we going ?" 

" The Black Lotus Cult "

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