Murim : Struggle of the Weak

Chapter 14: Jade Amulet

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[ Black Lotus Cult - Demon Prison Cave ]

[ Trail of Kodoku ]

A few months had passed since we were brought to this mysterious place.

There were absolutely no rules here.

We could eat whenever we want, sleep whenever and wherever we wanted, and play when we wanted.

Everyone had their servant that attended to their commands.

( ~ Crunch ~ )

Taking a bit of my green apple, I let myself enjoy the crunch, the texture, and the taste of the fruit while I slowly listened to the conversations going on around me.

" Hey, when is the training going to start ?" A grey-haired boy, named Wang Fu asked.

" Oh, who cares? As long as we get to live like nobles." A girl in the group replied causing me to roll my eyes.

Even now after all this time of being treated like royalty, I don't trust these people.

They have some kind of agenda.

No one in the world gives just out of the kindness of their heart, they always have some kind of purpose behind their actions.

Either it is to appear kind or something else entirely but there is always a purpose.

If we are being given such lavish lifestyles then there is a price we must have to pay.

" Hey, do you miss your family ?" 

Hearing the question, I glanced to the side where a girl who appeared to be around a year older than me, meekly asked.

Many of the people sitting around the table replied, " No, why would I go back to my hard life of farming ?"

" Hmph, looks like you don't know how hard it is to live when your mother works in the red light district."

" I don't want to talk about it."

" Yeah right, I finally escaped from that bastard of a father. Now he can't hit me anymore."

I blocked out the sound from all around me.

This was a normal occurrence within this place.

Some of the victims told tales of their horrible life on multiple occasions. I found these people pathetic.

Why tell such things just for something as insignificant as pity from others?

Maybe this was their way to cope with the horrors that they experienced in the caves.

They would tell themselves of the riches they will be rewarded while enduring hell in prison and now when they have all of that in front of them. They now want validation for it.

Maybe it was sad, maybe it was pathetic but who am I to judge?

" What about you?" Lee Min asked.

" I never had a family." I replied before standing up," I am going to sleep."

" This early ?"

" Yes." 

I answered before leaving with a cup of rice wine in my hands.

While sipping on the bitter drink, I gazed up at the jade amulet hanging around my neck.

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A few weeks ago under the pretense of playing, I approached the more extroverted people to play with, and with that excuse, I would sneak around this place.

It took me a few weeks of looking around this new prison which was just a group of buildings guarded by a forest from all sides but I managed to find one clue linking back to Alexander.

I didn't know why I spent so much effort on this, maybe it was my fascination with the reincarnation or maybe it was just a coping mechanism I was subconsciously using as an excuse to cope with my trauma. But my search had led me to find this strange jade amulet which holes carved into them. 

The only clue that related this strange amulet to Alexander was the words engraved onto it.

[ Don't Forget, 3, Oct. 10 ]

I didn't know why Alexander wrote this into this amulet but it was the only clue that linked Alexander's stay in this place.

Sometimes I wonder if Alexander's words were even right about this place since everyone was so nice but I still perceived this simulacrum of luxury as a sham even if Alexander was talking about something else.

" Master, I am glad I found you."

Hearing the words, I looked up to see the demi-human, Xu Wen'an.

" Hmm "

Xu Wen'an smiled and answered," I bring good news, tomorrow a celestial will come to give you his/her teachings."

I just nodded back. Seeing my lackluster response, Xu Wen'an looked down as she saw Alexander's amulet.

" Where did you find this ?" Xu Wen'an question.

Noting Xu Wen'an's shift in tone and attitude, I answered back," Oh, I just found it while I was playing with my friends."

Xu Wen'an nodded causing me to ask," Do you know who this belongs to ?" 

Xu Wen'an answered back," This belonged to someone who I used to previously serve while in this place. I think that was about 500 years ago." 

Xu Wen'an's answer left me in shock.

500 years ago ?!

The shock of her words caused me to blurt out," How old are you ?"

" Now, now that isn't very nice. You shouldn't ask a lady her age." Xu Wen'an replied while pinching my cheek.

Her gaze went towards the amulet causing her to pinch down even harder on my cheek. Realizing what she did, Xu Wen'an immediately let go as she said with a forced smile," Please rest up, tomorrow will be a great day for you all." 

Xu Wen'an turned to leave causing me to ask," Don't you want this back." I said while dangling the amulet.

Xu Wen'an's indifferent face greeted me as she replied," No."

" Why? Didn't this belong to someone you know ?"

" .... "

" Come on, who was it? Was it your friend or maybe a lover ?" 

I asked while coming towards her a little too close to her face.

Hearing my questions and seeing me entering her personal space, Xu Wen'an blurted out in a moment of annoyance.

" No ! I don't want anything that has to do with that bastard."

Xu Wen'an said before leaving with an annoyed look on her face while she mumbled to herself.

" Didn't think I would see that bastard's key here ?"

Hearing Xu Wen'an's words, I looked at Alexander's amulet and thought.

' A key, huh? A key for what exactly? '

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