Muse of Maven

Chapter 1: Moreen

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Moreen Lysall covered her face, a vain attempt to guard from the intruding sunlight, she waved as Chuck, one of her lottmen made his way towards her. "Enjoying the sunlight Lioness?" He called out, to get her attention.

Moreen did not turn away from the pile, she could see the ash and soot even from her chosen perch. Blissfully it didn't take much to convince them to burn the bodies, a promise of protection from the repercussions of the Heartless Lords and their necromancers. But the people were adamant to preserve the skulls, apparently they had been taught to witness that with reverence. Her blood boiled every time she replayed the farce in her head. Well aware why the ruby-eyed bastards wanted to keep a stockpile of skulls. She could only take solus that she had convinced more than half to rid themselves of such burdens. Finally the last vestige of their family could rest, and be with the Matron once again. Hopefully this example would convince the others this is the proper path to venerate their ancestors.

Leaping from the tree she joined Chuck in his stroll, "Still think we made a mistake not bringing the Jinn?" He finally said.

"You mean I made a mistake."

"Of course not Lioness. I mean I know you had your reasons, but you got to admit, it would be much easier to convince them we had the power to keep them safe."

"You need to remember your audience lottman, a properly armed genie might bring comfort to anyone from Cazmagar to Liamoss, but here they could easily be read as trading one tyrant for another."

"I guess." He sighed, shaking his head.

"Besides we have Lilac, unless you want me to let him know you have a complaint with his handiwork."

"Hard pass." He said waving his hand dismissively.

Moreen waved to one of the native heartless as they made their way into the belly of the town, she was busy hanging laundry. Moreen found herself much more at ease walking throughout the town, it was quite pleasant, not at all what she expected considering how far past the greylands they were.

"Any news past the greyland Lioness?" Chuck asked, attempting to be as nonchalant as possible about his question.

"Careful Chuck, people might begin talking." Moreen's smirk hidden beneath her rebreather.

"Let them talk all they want," He said with a chuckle, "I'll give a shit when they tell me to my face."

"They are sending a contingent from our 53rd mother, the Mane Blossoms." He perked up at that, "What's got you so eager to split the pot lottman?"

"It's not really splitting Lioness, they are a sister Lott after all, the leaves all go back to the same covenant." He must really want to hide it if he was quoting doctrine.

"Now if you've finished stressing your 'breather," At that, he took his hand off the latch at the right side of his neck. "You going to tell me what's really got you excited?"

"Well," He said casting his head downward his ploy seen through easily. "ya'see I've got a girl attached to the Blossoms." That was odd, not many gentlemen could bare being away from their loves.

"And you're here why?"

"I couldn't let that be an excuse to leave you with the boys ma'am, no offence or anything but you're a bit of a hen." Moreen gave the Lottman a discerning look, "Her sister is also a Lioness." Chuck folded quicker than she expected.

"Yeah, that made sense." The only thing she knew for certain frightened Chuck was a Lioness. "Shame to leave her all alone."

"Nah, Kim's keeping her warm for me." He said with a smile, right Kim, she was that one Lady he had gotten close with.

"That must have cost you at least half a year's pot." Ladies didn't come cheep after all.

"Nah, she wanted to see the world, besides she owes me a few."

"Will this become a headache for me when we get home?"

"Nah ma'am." He said, holding his hands upwards defensively, "I'll have you know I didn't even have to break a nose, didn't even throw a punch actually."


"Honest, not a single punch." She didn't need to see his face to know he was grinning ear to ear.

"No doubt." Now she needed to know, "What could you possibly do for a lady that didn't involve your... talents?"

"Obviously I introduced her to my lovely gentle."

"What a gentleman." A filtered chuckle escaped from her rebreather, "Well I'll have to get a look at this gentle of yours, see how lady worthy she is."

They made their way pass the threshold, into the town itself bloomed with life. Children running and playing with one another, their parents no longer keeping them held close whenever her lott—or—more importantly she was around, that was a good sign. One even waved, Moreen happily waved back.

"It true what they say about this 'princess', how she don't like the risen?" Moreen nodded. "You really think Baron could turn, just like that?" Chuck pondered, keeping step with her.

"Not like you to care about politics."

"Just it's y'know, kind of weird, like say we do let her and her ilk in and everything, should we really trust someone who's so quick to turn on their own like that?"

"Your concern isn't misplaced, but look at it from her point of view, she was not only born here but possessed the bravery to say no to something inherently wrong, I think that is to be commended if not a little do you not?"

"I guess... Just seems wrong to let her go after all the wrong she's committed."

"War is about stomaching multiple compromises."

"I'll leave compromising to you and the girls, just point when you need something killed." Chuck was a good man, simple, but good.

Moreen made her way into the large eating hall, a plethora of aroma washed among her as her men cooked along with some of the more culinary inclined members of the town, Lilac rested to the side, purring and playing the part of a simple minded animal, letting the people surrounding him, pamper and feed him as if he was some long lost emperor.

They had even coaxed him to call upon Leshin, his nuhual. The spectral creature letting the children hang and swing on the branches at it's back. It's long outstretched limbs assisting with elevation.

The nahual was no more than a new toy or playmate to the children, the parents apparently having no problem with their children treating such a blissful creature with such... jovialness. But if Lilac, and more importantly Leshin, had no problem with it, who was she to judge? Moreen was just thankful her boys were so well behaved, a lesser lott would have probably rebelled at such needless disrespect.

The men still had problems eating among the residents. Without casks, eating was one of the few times one would have to remove their rebreathers. A request the men still had problems with, fearing a necromancer could be hiding among them.

Moreen had taken to eating among them, to ease the tension between her men and the recently liberated. The fears were valid, but it would do nothing to win the people to their side. 'We are here to liberate, not conquer.' She had preach to her men, as lioness she would lead by example. She now had Chuck and Leo sitting among her, at least. She could have ordered her men to eat with them, but that would solve nothing, nothing 'cept adding more tension.

Moreen sighed, maybe Chuck was right, maybe she was a tad too soft, no matter, those cowards didn't know what they were missing. Moreen took a bite out of the apple, crisp and juicy. She had expected foul-tasting mush, but she guess it made sense, after all the people who served the Ruby Barons still needed to eat.

But how did they end up so moist? Her boys didn't help things with their own ridiculous theories, from animal sacrifices too the food actually being dried out mush covered by illusions. It was a question that she'd admit bothered her, curiosity was always her worse vice.

Moreen took another bite, it really was better than anything they had back home, she was happy to concede that, it was something the others would need to learn to accept. The people of the feather clan were capable of doing things better than them, without the help of apostasy.

"And their he stood a hundred to one, but Joren Luxlight was not scared, you want to know why?" Emil said with a huff, looking at Moreen with a bright smile.

"Because of his holy sword!" One of the boys called out, jumping up to get the attention of the chronicler, as they would call him. Emil resisted at first, not that she could blame him, considering what the previous chronicler committed. Moreen was glad she was sent off with the magus who previously reigned. Now he had seemed to have taken a liking to the title, she would be lying if she said it didn't bother her, at least the kids got a break from the usual propaganda they were forced to swallow.

"The one that went..." The boy held an invisible sword in his hand, making a slashing sound, before accidently beheading the kid next to him.

"No lad, I don't think Joren got where he was by cutting the man beside him." The rest of the children burst into laughter, the child sitting back down, flustered but not embarrassed. "Yes Joren did possess a Hollowed Blade, you two could stand on each other shoulders, and still not measure to it's height."

The children he pointed to lifted to their feet, beginning to compete with one another on who was the tallest, both ending up on their tip toes by the end of the competition. "Yes, a Hallowed blade could cut through even the servants of the Philistine. A way to render judgment on those outside the reach of yokes like me and the chief." He said, nodding towards Moreen.

Moreen met the children's eyes when they turned towards her. Just as many projecting awe and wonder, as those reflecting fear and worry. How many had friends and family serving directly under the Ruby Barons? Matron how many of their friends and family had offered their souls for a taste of power?

Moreen clenched her fist, attempting to banish the thought, she had to keep a smile, she had to help cultivate these children, and hopefully free them of their indoctrination.

"But no!" Emil continued, his speaking voice really was getting better. "Any fool can wield a blade most hallow, even Leo!"

Moreen struggle to stifle a laugh at that, the children seemed to lighten up as well, she could always count on Emil to have the words. But she would really have to get them to lay off the boy, he didn't deserve all of their jabbing, most of it, but not all. Moreen looked towards Emil who was flashing her a smile.

"No, it was not just because of that Hallowed blade, for any fool could use a weapon, no, it was more, he possessed a heart." He said pressing his hand to his chest, some of the children slowly looked at their own chest. Moreen could see the scar peaking out of the side of one of them, hooking around his rib. Bile built in Moreen's throat, she swore she would make every baron pay for what they did to their own people.

"One that wished not to slay his foes, a desire not to spill blood, it was that noble heart that made him worthy of the blade. It's what allowed him to turn away from the inevitable fall that follows such power." He made sure not to paint a vivid picture of potential friends and families.

"Miss art Lysall!" A girl called out, her face covered in freckles, a large crown braid leading to a single braided tail on her left. She was a sweet kid by the name of June, if Moreen remembered correctly. "Leo is being mean to me again!" The child said as she pulled Moreen towards Leo's spot.

"Oh is he?" Moreen asked an entertained smile on her face. "What is he doing now?"

Looking towards the annoyed expression her subordinate usually wore when he was around children, or had to work, or had to get up, honestly it would probably be easier to list when he didn't wear such a sour expression. The real question would be if he would—yep—the trademark rolling of his eyes that was so Leo.

"He refuses to let me try on his mask!" She howled, before stomping her feet. "What if I'm glamoured?" She asked, not actually fearful of the prospect.

"You have nothing to worry about sweetheart, I can assure you, you and your family are under no such enchantments, you are completely free of any influence." She couldn't help but ruffle the child's hair, her lips puckering out into a pouting gesture, that girl was really particular about her hair.

"Are you certain?"

"Yes." Moreen forced, the truth was Moreen was not certain, while it was true that without a necromancer to constantly apply the enchantment it would have long faded by now, freeing the people from whatever hold it had over them. Unfortunately they currently had no way of stopping another Baron from sneaking within the town and placing the entire populace under such an enchantment. Not without an Elden, but that truth would only cause panic hence she opted to merely a smile and nod.

/Where was that aborted Enjinseer./ Moreen thought, Lilac did all he could to coax the Elden out of it's seed. But it was all he could manage to keep it stable and that was all he would dare ask of his nahual, and she did not wish to push that.

"As long as we have chased away the necromancers, you have nothing to worry about." It had baffled her how little the people knew of a apostate's glamor. It made sense, it would be easier to make thralls of an unknowing populace after all.

"Then why are you guys still wearing your masks?"

Moreen looked towards Leo, flashing a smirk with her eyes. "The child as a point." She said innocently. Her men's aversion to even associating with them didn't instill much hospitality.

"Because I need mine, if she wants one so bad, she can join the lott."

"Maybe she will." Moreen smiled, "Careful Leo you might be speaking to your future Lioness."

"Would you feel safer if I let you were mine?" Moreen asked gesturing towards the contraption to her side. She had enjoyed letting the kids take a turn to put on her rebreather, getting them used to wearing such an accessory was helpful.

It would make the transition easier when Mikki brings them along with the follow up supplies. Besides her scout needed something to keep her mind off of losing Yulia, they both did honestly.

"You've already let me wear, yours," June pouted, crossing her arms, "I should wear Leo's to make sure it's still working."

"You don't need to worry about me girl, my breathing's just fine." He said between scarfing spoonful after spoonful of his meal.

"What's the matter Leo? Afraid you won't be able to take your 'breather back from the "

"Leo has a point," Emil said, "That girl gets her hands on his 'breather and he'd need to run to Lioness Bridget to get it back." A few chuckles broke out across those gathered, Moreen was even certain she noticed a bit of color on Leo's cheeks. /Right words indeed./

"Fine! Take the aborted thing!" Leo said, tossing the rebreather to the floor, making his way to get more food. The cub was lucky those of the feather clan didn't have the reference of that, otherwise she would have disciplined him.

"Miss Moreen." Konrad said, he had been made village elder after the ousting of their former oppressors. "A word."

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"You know he's still angry about last night?" Lilac said his arms crossed leaning on one of the many unfinished posts. For once he wasn't just wedging to get out of work, the last request really did a number on her companion. His eyes were sunken, and he looked like he hadn't slept for weeks.

He had been pushing Leshin to pick up too much of their slack, and the nuhual in turn had lashed out. As much as her stupid gentry complained about work, he was always the one she needed to order to take a break.

"I'm hoping he will be receptive to help one more time," Moreen forced a smile through her eyes, "Or that you will be able to convince him." After this she would order him to get some R and R.

"You're lucky he likes you," Lilac rolled his eyes before letting out a deep sigh, placing his hand on his chest. "You heard her boy, got another go in ya?" A breeze erupted from Lilac jolts of energy zipping across him, the gem against his chest gleaming a royal violet.

In an instant a brilliant orange bird made of fire and soot, emerged from the gem lodged in his chest. The large creature hovered above the two of them, the moment the nuhual's shadow engulfed them, a chill followed. It always felt like being left in a room filled to the brim with rimeblossoms.

"Yes, Yes, you're majestic, just hurry up and get this over with," Lilac ordered pointing towards the steel beam, with only a mild hesitation the bird made it's way towards the beams, tying itself around the two melding them together.

His nahual rushed from spot to spot, welding each of the set metal structures, before making it's way back to nest within Lilac's gem. "Happy?" Moreen merely kissed her partisan on the cheek.

"Now I want you to get some rest." Lilac's smile faded as fast as a hand torch subjected to rain.

"You're joking."

"No, I'm not and you've been spreading yourself too thin."

"Who's fault is that?"

Moreen closed her eyes and took a long sigh, "Which is why I'm making up for it right now."

"I'm not a one of your lottmen, Reen." His voice was as cold as a rimeblossom, she hated when he got like this on the field.

"Don't push me, Lilic."

Lilac produced a sharp chuckle, "Or what?" He was really going to force her hand wasn't he?

Moreen steadied her breath, looking him in his jet black eyes, despite his best efforts she noticed the flinch. "Please... I don't know what I'd do without you."

Lilac took a step back like she had just slapped him, "Very well..." She hated using his feelings for her against him, but he was right, without that she had no way to keep him in line, as a curator he had a degree of independence. "But who's going to watch after you guiles?"

"I'll get Fuu, it's about time she put some work in." That got a smile out of Lilac.


"How much longer will it be?" Fuu, her pixcee asked wordlessly, the question rippling though her mind.

"As long as it takes." She said to her companions dismay, the pixcee fluttered itself around her, hugging it's diminutive body against her, clinging to her waist like a child. "When you said we were going to travel I thought we would be seeing the wonders of Quo, not military camps and towns." She continued to whine, purring from Moreen's playful brushing of her hair.

"You have to admit at least it's not a military camp." Moreen chuckled, "Aren't you glad to get some decent food in your belly?" Her pixcee remained unconvinced, puffing her cheeks up as she tied her long right red hair around Moreen's Left leg.

Both halted the moment they noticed the three figures in the distance, "Get the others." Moreen ordered, Fuu folding into a bird with little hesitation, the figure in the middle extending her hand, loosing a bolt of energy, Moreen watched in horror as her pixcee was shot out of the sky.

"No!" She howled, pulling a torch from her holster, leveling it towards the three firing at them with no hesitation. All the good it did, the three merely strolling into the town like they owned the place, the phantasm behind the one in the middle moving to block and deflect every bolt of coal fired.


"You got a name?" The lead one asked, lounging on a statue at the center of the town, giving the whole ordeal as much thought as one would pluck an apple. It only took three of them to completely uproot and undermind her entire lott, even with Lilac backing them up.

"Moreen" She said bitterly, at that the Necromancer seemed to look towards her.

"Finally a Lion who doesn't need me to pull teeth for the most basic information! I am Nylah, it is a pleasure to meet you." She said almost giddy, approaching slowly, ghost white hair, skin as pale as pearl, her eyes gleamed with an amber glow, she was not to be trifled with. /Matron, she's so young./ Moreen thought, she couldn't have been much younger than her sister. "Tell me Moreen, do you care about your men?"

Moreen gritted her teeth, aborted necromancer, how could she ever do her sister such a disservice as to compare the two of them. "I hope you are, because that will make this so much easier..." With a gesture, the woman wearing armor draped in an excessive amount of feathers made her way towards Leo, grabbing him by his neck.

"Let him go!" Moreen snarled attempting to leap to her feet, only to be held in place by Nylah's nahual. Though nahual was too kind a word for the poor creature, it lacked the eyes or sense of awareness of it's situation, no more than a bound slave. Worse was what they called these poor creatures...

["Oh that's a relief, this will be so much easier."] Her muse said, it's words segmented with that ghastly ringing echo.

"What are you doing here!?" Moreen demanded, still struggling to escape her captors grasp.

["What a weird question is it not Maven?"] The muse asked with a snideness that made a strong juxtaposition with the stoicism of her unmoving face.

Nylah merely nodded, "Considering this is our land, Lion. I have a few questions, answer them or..." Her phantasm slowly began bending Leo's finger, keeping him in place as he struggled.

"Ok! Ok! I will! Please, don't hurt anyone here!" Nylah merely grinned as her phantasm halted before causing any long term damage. "Where is the man who was in charge of this place." Whatever faux politeness she possessed faded in an instant.

"We did not kill him!" Moreen answered, hoping to placate the white haired leader, "We have him captive." She noticed the necromancer with the eldritch mask clench his fist at her answer.

"Figures." The apostate wearing the Eldritch mask scoffed, "Was killing him really that hard for you?" He did not hide his anger, Moreen expected him to lunge at her at any moment in a fit of rage. "You lions are obsessed with making this as hard for us as possible." Moreen wasn't surprised, she expected this cruelty from his kind.

Nylah lifted her hand and he jumped back into place, whoever she was, she was able to maintain some sense of discipline.

"Who do you serve?" She said looking towards the armored one holding Leo, he was struggling attempting to break free from her grasp, The armor-clad figure paid it as much attention as a mother keeping hold of a fussy child.

"The Matron," Moreen said, "A detachment of the Mane Blossoms lead by Luminous Julius!" She added the moment she saw the necromancer turn her glance towards the armored one.

"Good." Nylah said, "I'm glad you understand the situation you and your men are in, I wouldn't want to make an example of anyone." Moreen highly doubted her statement.

"What do we know of the Mane Blossoms?" Nylah asked, turning her head towards a floating skull, Moreen did not hide her open contempt for it.

The skull hummed and buzzed with the amber electricity her kind was known for, "huh." She said, amused, "Guess we have a chance to update our notes." She said as a grin slowly crawled against her face, it was enough to kill the hope of whatever mercy she offered being true.

Moreen spent the next thirty minutes answering the necromancer's questions to the best of her ability, without giving away any sensitive information. From who she served to what they did with the walking corpses that were here when she and her team got here, the entire time fearing her glamour would turn the towns people against her once again.

At least Lilac made his escape, she could at least find solace in, "Hey Nylah! Look! Look! Look!" A voice called out, a fourth Necromancer, how many of them where their?

"Aspects! You got him? That's amazing!" Nylah called out, like a teacher proud her student finally understood an equation.

'Got him' Moreen's eyes snapped up at surely she couldn't mean- Lilac hung dead in his grasp, his body limp and lifeless. "Lilac!" Moreen howled, "I'll kill you, I'll-" Moreen lost what composure she had, rushing towards the man with all her might, only for that accursed phantasm to manifest before her, appearing from thin air, jabbing her in the guts.

Moreen fell to the floor; winded, crying, and disarmed. A laugh escaping the necromancer wearing the Eldritch clothing. "Aspects, you just going to stand their and let her gut you like a fish?" Had her fury really been able to scare one of these monsters senseless? Not that it mattered, Lilac was dead, and so was any hope of rescue.

"Green you will not take this accomplishment away from him." Nylah chided her companion who once again fell in line. "Hey don't let Green get to you," She said turning toward the fourth Necromancer, "You were able to get the Eldritch that alluded me."

Nylah's muse plucked his corpse from the fourth necromancer's arms, holding him upright, her fingers gripping at the gem at the center of his chest. Moreen was helpless as her Lilac was mutilated before her very eyes, a unnerving pop echoed as the gem was freed from his chest. With little care she tossed his remains to the floor, handing the gem towards the bastard that killed him.

"Make sure not to lose that, ok?" Nylah ordered.

"Y-yes Ma'am." Lilac's murderer said, pocketing the gem.

She spoke so casually about ending his life, like he was the prize of some hunt, "I'll kill you... Every last one of you, I'll kill each of you, I'll kill all of you, I will drown you all in your own blood!"

"Oh, how rude of me, yes we were in the middle of a conversation..." Nylah said, with a tone of faux apology.

"You have been remarkably cooperative." Nylah said, her playfulness all but melted away

"Annoyingly so..." Eldritch masked said, his irritation was more than apparent.

"Finally a little hypothetical, you are a custom with the burdens of leadership I hope." Moreen merely nodded, not liking where this was going. "Then I guess you are aware with the tough choices a leader must make..." Her phantasm pulled her closer to the necromancer, inches away.

"You have to leave one of your men behind, to escape from us evil weavers, which ever would you pick?" Moreen went pale, only now realizing what monster she had been talking with.

"No! You said you wouldn't hurt anyone if I answered your questions!" It was hard to care anymore, Lilac was dead, what was the point of continuing on...

Nylah looked confused, "I never said anything of the sort, I was just relieved you cared about your men, because it would be easier to leverage answers out of you." The Necromancer shrugged.

["And thank you for not making it hard,"] Nylah's muse said, ["My maven is not one to tolerate those who do not sate her curiosity."]

"Hurry up and pick one," Nylah commanded, "or all of them will die."

She was a monster, nothing but a monster would play such a game like this, Moreen closed her eyes and took a deep breath, she only hoped her men would forgive her. "Ok..." Moreen said resigned in her course of action, a blade freed from her hidden compartment, finding a new home in the neck of the necromancer.

Moreen savored the sensation of burying her knife into the necromancer, the look of shock on her face, her body convulsing and stepping backwards. Moreen felt the swift retaliation of her actions, her own limb dismembered by another phantasm manifesting to protect it's master, it was too late, she had already killed the leader.

"I promised you would choke on your own blood..." She said relishing the thrill of her kill, deaf to the hot pain of her missing limb, which was mute to the choking sounds escaping Nylah, the weight of her baleful gaze nearly crushing Moreen.

One of the phantasms faded away, being more directly connected with the fallen necromancer Moreen assumed. The eldritch masked man taking command directing the phantasm still around to keep ahold of her. "You made a big mistake." He said, mirth behind his voice, Moreen wasn't surprised, these monsters had no sense of comradery, he would probably greatly benefit from her death.

A blast of amber light escaped from Nylah's body, before Moreen even knew what was going on, fear was already eclipsing all facets of Moreen's mind. The light was so bright her hands moved in an attempt to shade against the invading light.

Nylah's flesh connected and reformed, the necromancer's gargling began to slow before halting completely. Steam escaping from her mouth, as she stood to her feet, emerging as if no injury had even occurred, save a small ethereal scar against her neck.

Moreen was speechless, she had known about the apostates ability to recover, she had even seen such feats before, but so few of the jinn in their employ would be able to repair from such a fatal wound, not without being trained as a healer, and Moreen was certain this woman was no healer.

"You know..." She swallowed, staggering to keep to her feet, forcing a sigh as steam escaped her mouth. "I was hoping you'd be more reasonable..." Was she disappointed? "Now I'm going to kill you and your men..." To their credit each member of her lott kept a sense of dignity, no begging, no pleading, they would not give her the satisfaction of an honorless death. "Save one, that one will be allowed to work with us in exchange for his life."

Moreen scoffed, who in their right mind would ever-

"Me! I'll join!" Emil howled, attempting to stand at his feet, Moreen took the words like a dagger in the back.

"Noct." Nylah said as she gestured towards the heavily armored woman, she dropped Leo making her way to Emil, the other men did not hold back their disgust at his betrayal.

In a single swipe the creature known as Noct freed Emil's head from his shoulders, the entire scene was enough to silence everyone in the center.

"You should be thanking me, that guy was literally your weakest link." Was this all she wanted? To play with her? To play with them all, to show them how helpless they were in the face of four of their kind? "Besides..." She said, extending her hand, as her bound phantom was summoned to retrieve Emil's disembodied head, his expression of shame still plastered against his face. "You'll be joining him soon."

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