Muse of Maven

Chapter 3: Chapter 2 – Not Like Us

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The room was smaller than she had expected, considering the large armored exterior of the wagon, still it was larger than her previous dwelling. Three chambers stood closed, The room held the capacity for two more to be slotted in. "You don't need to wear that." Overseer Agatha said standing behind her, she didn't wear a rebreather on her face, showing Lotef the truth of her statement.

Lotef shook her head, "I don't want to break the habit." Using her eyes to convey the smile hidden beneath her rebreather.

Yet the Overseer threw a smirk at Lotef, "I'd be a fool to discourage such good behavior." As playful as she was being, the mocking still stung. It was always the same, for some reason following procedures always got her that response, from eye rolls to a condescending comment, to the words she had began to dread, 'Lighten up.'

Each capsule wore a number overhead, 021, 863, and 398; each looking like a flower waiting to bloom, Lotef's breath hung in her chest, waiting for them to open.

Lotef stood waiting for Overseer Agatha to make the first move, only for a thought to cross her mind. /Was Overseer Agatha waiting for me to begin?/ She swallowed the stone in her throat, "How about we meet them." Overseer Agatha reassured her, slapping Lotef on the back before making her way towards the three capsules.

Without hesitation she pressed the key-notes on each capsule in a succession and speed that Lotef found beyond human. Lotef's filter went to work as each one slowly peeled itself open, revealing three figures, one resting within each rosebud like capsule, two men and one woman.

The first one looked younger than her, round face and a button nose, her eyebrows thick, beneath her eyes two sets of freckles. If Lotef had a marker she could easily have linked them to make two pairs of diamonds. But what pulled Lotef's attention was her hair, a mane of pure white. /A blanc./ Lotef swallowed, she could handle this, she was chained up anyway, it's not like she could hurt her, right? Her collar etched with G021.

At the center was a bigger squat man, his face pulled out making him look like he was constantly squinting. Though Lotef could barely focus on his face when she noticed the large muzzle fastened to his mouth. It was so large she couldn't even see his collar, though she didn't need to, to know this was G863.

The final one emerged this one wearing an intricate helm custom made, shaped to look like a gazelle. Not that he was able to wear it long, Overseer Agatha removed the helm, placing it on a section next to his capsule. She noticed the genie wince, "You honor us with your presence, Luminous." His voice sounded distant, like a pin being dropped. What really bothered Lotef was the large O branded on his face, was she really unfortunate enough to be assigned an odiumite along with a blanc? Unsurprisingly his collar was etched with G398.

What each of them had in common, was a pair of glass eyes in place where normal eyes should have been, they were jinn alright. Their eyes gleamed reflecting the light, they looked like living poppets, the small orbs struggling to look natural. Most people claimed to be put off by the glass eyes. Lotef couldn't understand that mindset, they were so endearing and unique, something that easily separated genie from human.

"Listen up, Enjinseer Jamie and I have grown to busy to babysit you, this will be your new handler, you will treat her with the respect that is expected."

"Yes Luminous." Two said in a kind of unison, the one in the middle, G863 kept silent his mouth clenched shut by his muzzle.

"Call the beacon." Overseer Agatha ordered, Lotef nodded, making her way towards the large flower-looking panel decorated with petals. Some wooden and carved, the others looking more like decorations. A crystalline sphere as big as Lotef's fist held together resting at the center.

Lotef plucked one of the decorative-looking petal, energy beginning to build in the crystalline sphere, a face manifesting.

"Luminous, how can I be of service?" Beacon Hakumei's voice was another welcome reassurance, she needed all the help she could get right now.

"Could you please get the arbor warmed up?" Lotef said with a smile.

"Of course." Beacon Hakumei said, her smile able to put Lotef at some sense of ease.

Lotef noticed Overseer Agatha cross her arms from the corner of her eye, did she do something wrong already? Before she could ever ponder what's going on, Beacon Hakumei had already began running stirring the arbortech to life.

A hum sew throughout the vines, unlike most arbortech this one was powered by a ember stone. Large spheres capable of reaching thresholds of heat when ignited properly, while much safer than amberite it's much harder to use, due to it's tendency to melt most arbortech that was forced to use it. Amberite just occasionally exploded and emboldened the nightmares. That was preferable to needing to replace hardware every few weeks, apparently... Obviously it would be a bit counter productive to use amberite for this process.

Each harvester whirled to life, the manacles producing a faint shimmer, before spewing out soft amber light. No that was just what it looked like, the manacles weren't shooting lightning, instead it was coaxing the energy out of the genie they were connected too.

Each reacted to the whirling of the generator, G021 pulled away, attempting to escape her bindings, like a hound pulling at it's leash. G863 merely laughed through his muzzle, G398 on the other hand sat calmly, breathing softly.

"This will be a light generation, your new enjinseer merely wishes to speak with you." That did little to calm them. G021 was still shaking and attempting to escape and G863 continued to laugh.

"Calm them." Overseer Agatha said.

Lotef nodded she just had to-,

"Wait, you want me to?" Lotef asked pointing to herself. How was she going to calm them, she didn't even know these jinn.

"This is your wagon now, you need to learn to handle them, begin with Orphan, she should be up your alley."

Lotef swallowed, making her way towards the girl, her unnaturally white hair still bewildered Lotef. She could have sworn it shone, though that was probably just the aether the genie was emitting. She struggled with all her might, wheezing and huffing in an attempt to get free. Poor girl she had seen jinn like this before, it was usually a behavior they grew out of when they left the larva state.

"Hey now, just relax, we're not here to harm you."

"P-please! I don't-, I mean I can-, Not that I don't want to help, I- I-, It just hurts so much, please, I don't want to run anymore, I'm sorry, I'm-" Lotef began to tune out her begging, her hollow glass eyes shimmering with that amber glow.

"Orphan," She interrupted, "I want to help you, but I need you to breathe with me." Lotef breathed in deeply, giving an example for the genie to followed. Breathing in and out, she continued her example until the girl went from open weeping to frantic sobbing. /Clearly this wasn't working.../

"Orphan huh? Why don't you tell me why you have that name?" This was a good idea to go with, not only did Overseer Agatha openly name her, most likely a hint. But Lotef also found that genies usually held their nicknames covetously.

"Because everyone keeps leaving me." So much for easing her...

Lotef merely blinked, pressing her hand on Orphan's shoulder, ignoring the light shocking sensation biting through her gauntlets. "Why do you believe that?"

"B-because, it always happens, my family, my mother, Luminous Jamie, and even Master Agatha is leaving me!" Lotef shuttered, maybe that hit a little to close to home. She would have sworn Overseer Agatha would have deliberately set this up if she hadn't known her Overseer better. She forced those thoughts out of mind, she could nurse that weakness when she was not being evaluated.

"Luminous Agatha and Luminous Jamie are not leaving you, they are merely required to fulfill their obligations. Just as you are, behave and I will attempt to have them come visit you as a reward." Orphan nodded. That seemed to work, tears were still flowing but at least she stopped the whimpering. "Now how about you take a step in the right direction and help me out, what can you tell me of the other two?"

As if a switch was flipped Orphan scrunched up her face, wrinkling her nose, she bared her teeth like they were fangs. "Wretched." She wore the same attitude Lotef had seen a few people back home wear when it came to the jinn.

"Care to elaborate?"

"They are wretched, Luminous, they don't care about the well being of others, not like you and me." Orphan took a slight pause, pulling at her manacles once again. "I didn't mean to be as vain as to compare ourselves. I merely meant we both strive to be good, not that you need to strive to be good, I am certain you are as-, more virtuous than me of course-"

Lotef held her hand up signaling to the genie to stop, "Orphan, take a deep breath, I wouldn't want you suffocating yourself." G863 began chuckling at that, Orphan scowled towards her associate with a hate so powerful Lotef thought the genie's glass eyes were about to shatter, could that even happen? They always looked so fragile...

"Yes, Luminous." She said, nodding her head forward, poor girl, it was obvious she had been through a lot. She had seen jinn like this before, people who had been the target of the ignorant or foolish, those who believed they ushered the arrival of the Philistine and not the other way around.

"I'm sorry Luminous!" she winced once again, clenching her eyes shut tightly, abortion, she must have let her thoughts seep out to the surface, either that or Orphan was an empath.

"No, no need to be sorry Orphan, you have done nothing wrong," Lotef reassured with a smile, "Nothing I have noticed." She added, /never let a genie think they are flawless,/ Lotef reminded herself, /They were made of hubris like we are made of water./

"But I need more than 'wretched' if you want to be rewarded, so how about you tell me what you can about your fellow jinn."

Orphan made a scoffing sound, "They are not fellows of any kind, both are horrid creatures. I didn't bother learning anything about them Luminous, I wouldn't want their misdeeds to drag me further." Of course that would be too easy.

Lotef let out a sigh, "Ok, how about you tell me their names, starting with that one?" Lotef asked pointing towards G863.

"Oh, that's Chef, all he does is talk about food, nothing else, just food and being hungry, but I don't even think he's ever cooked a thing in his life, just using his power to make food, or whatever."

"From scratch?" Lotef blinked at that, a food generation wish? Was that even possible? She knew some genies developed unique wishes. From as harmless as changing colors of object to wishes as dangerous as taking others living flesh and making it into body armor. Lotef still felt nausea when remembering Overseer Agatha telling her about that genie.

But if a genie was actually just able to make food from nothing, this could change combat largescale, forget combat this could benefit the entire clan! Their had to be a reason Overseer Agatha hadn't attempted to use this resource.

Orphan crinkled her nose, it was how jinnerators shrugged, "All I know is he doesn't cook and he relies on his powers to eat."

"You know anything about the last genie?"

"He's a horrible conversationalist."

"What about his name?"

Orphan crumbled at the question. "I don't know, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Whoa, whoa calm down," Lotef softly reassured, "You're not in trouble for not knowing."

"You promise?"

"I promise." Lotef forced a wide eyed smile, it was probably time to move to the next one, Chef.

Making her way to the genie in the middle she smiled, greeting the large unwieldy man known as Chef. "Hello Chef, I am your new Enjinseer, it is a pleasure to meet you." Lotef reached to remove the muzzle.

"Careful now he's a biter." Overseer Agatha warned.

Once Lotef was able to keep her hands from shaking, she timidly removed the muzzle, a large toothy grin greeted her. "I hope we can-," He spat a wad right on the bridge of Lotef's nose.

Whatever Lotef was going to say was lost as the wad pegged her between the eyes. She couldn't comprehend what had just happened. All her experience with Jinn, jinnerators, and Enjins all went up as if it had meant nothing.

To add insult to injury the entire room filled with laughter as Chef and Orphan laughed in a chorus of amusement. Even Beacon Hakumei let a chain of chuckling escape, her hand pressed in front of her mouth.

Lotef was mortified, made nothing more than a fool, why? Because she made a solitary cardinal mistake. A mistake that got most of her profession killed or maimed. No matter how frighten they were, no matter what pleasantries they favored, she had forgot the most important fact...

["They aren't human."]

Without hesitation She took over, Chef's laughter halted in an instant, replaced with a curdling howl, he pulled like a feral animal. She kept her hand on her lantern, making certain the lash, the stick all enjinseers favored when the need for discipline arose, wouldn't end. Chef struggled to break freely from the grasp of his bindings. Lotef kept her eyes intently on the genie as She slowly reminded him of his place.

His howls were like music, a better chorus at the hand of professionals too replace the amateurish group that was rightfully booed off the stage. She would act as composure and ensure nothing fell out of place again.

"Lotef!" The Overseer's voice broke Lotef out of her trance. Regaining her composure Lotef shook her head, pulling her hand away from her lamp. The entire wagon went silent, all eyes locked on Lotef, she could hear nothing but her heart pounding like a fist to her chest.

She could not believe she let her escape, right in front of Overseer Agatha, with hesitation she turned to face the Overseer awaiting some form of castigation. Instead

Overseer Agatha wore a sharp grin.

Had she really thought that impressive? That violence? That cruelty? Lotef felt dizzy, her stomach curdling on the edge of vomiting. She looked at the others surrounding her, Orphan had broken into tears once again. Chef was breathing heavily laying slack in his capsule, Lotef rolled her eyes, no way the lash was that bad. Beacon Hakumei looked at the whole scene bewildered, her easy going act cracked apparently.

Blissfully the silenced was halted the moment Beacon Hakumei hymned, apparently adopting her carefree act again. "Apologies Mistress," The calm playful voice felt like a slap to the face considering what had just happened. "But G398 is needed." Orphan let out a scoff.

Overseer Agatha pulled a sphere out of her pocket, Hakumei gave off a thousand yard stare for a moment before shaking her head and focusing again. "Tell Enjinseer Usha I am on my way."

"Yes Mistress." Hakumei said, her voice much smaller pitched, instead of the Hakumei who was projected from the large panel, this one was projected from the sphere in Overseer Agatha's hand.

"Get the energy then you are relieved, if you run into trouble Enjinseer Koket is in the wagon next too you." Overseer Agatha said, as she released G398 from his bindings. "Don't need his help."

"Yes Overseer." Lotef forced herself to answer, despite the dryness in her throat.

"Take this as a lesson children, do not underestimate what is presented towards you, this new Enjinseer is not adverse to the lash," She said, placing the gazelle helm on G398, "She was brought here because I know she can keep you in place, misuse that trust and you will be wishing I had watched after you personally."

Lotef swallowed, that was a lot to live up too, "Gather the amount of energy necessary, Hakumei knows everything you would need too." Lotef nodded again, as Overseer Agatha made her leave with G398 in tow.

Lotef took a deep breath, turning towards the two of her new charges, she could have sworn Chef wince, /good./ Orphan once again began jerking around and pulling her wrist in an attempt to escape her chains.

She made her way towards Orphan who threw into a fit, as she should. Laughing at her misfortune only to now play an innocent child.

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No, that wasn't right, that's what made her, what made every enjinseer worth their coat, different from the genies they were charged to look after, they did not lord their power over those weaker than them.

"Orphan, calm down," Lotef cooed, brushing beneath her neck, "I'm not angry, it's expected of your kind..."

"Expected...?" Orphan asked dryly.

"Yes, now you still want to help me don't you? You want to get your reward right?" Orphan nodded weakly. "Now how about you tell me about G398, why do you know so little about him? Is it because he is new? Also does that happen often?"

"Yes..." She pouted, "It's not fair, why does he get to walk around... I'm a good girl, I promise..." Orphan's scornful laugh replayed in Lotef's head, the knife still stuck in her back.

"I'm certain you are," Lotef said waiting for her to continue her explanation, instead she was greeted with the glass eyed genie's fit once again. Weeping and sobbing wildly enough for tears to escaped her glass spheres, Lotef had seen it on occasion but she still couldn't understand how the glass eyed jinn could weep. "Why don't you know about him? Is he new?"

"No! Y-yes, he is new, but I don't know his name, because he's a jerk who doesn't speak." She whined turning her nose up. Making Lotef wonder if she had ever met a genie so childish? Lotef fought the urge to sigh, just letting the genie continue her rant, at least she wasn't mewing like a 2 year old with a broken poppet.


Lotef made her way into her room, it was a long and exhausting first day but now she had the rest of the afternoon to herself. The room was larger than she thought, and what she was used to, what was she going to do with all this space? Tossing her bag on the chair, taking in the atmosphere, this was her space, her space! No roommate to split the room with, no getting used to Kikilah's obnoxious requests, no fetching coffee for her like she was a aborted secretary, and the snoring! Most importantly, whatever mess she cleaned up would only be her own!

Before she celebrated she needed to put it preform the all important test, without hesitation she leapt on the bed without any abandon. Lotef loosed a string of excited giggles as she embraced her bed like a lover, oh yes, she was going to like it here.

After cuddling in her bed longer than she would have liked to admit, Lotef finally forced herself off than wonderful mattress. Lotef also needed to introduce herself to her beacon, a flash of Hakumei's laughing played through her mind once again.

There was a time she would have hoped for someone like Hakumei, she took a sigh and made her way to the large sphere on the wall. Lotef placed the sphere on the furrow, letting it lock into place, plucking at one of the artificial petals.

The blossom closed itself, a new petal forming before her eyes, opening itself a pool of energy shimmered producing a large translucent figure. "Yeah, yeah, what is it you want?"

"I'm Lotef and it's good to meet you."

"Well Lotef," He said her name in a shrill mockery of what better not have been her voice, she didn't sound anything like that at all... "Was wasting my time all you wanted? Or did you have a request needed?"

This must have been Meloketh...

Lotef blinked for a moment, opening her mouth to respond only to stop, what could she say? "You know, when greeting someone new, you usually open with your name, I get that being pulled away from your oh-so busy lounging around can be overwhelming, but work with me here, or else I could find myself needing a lot more help than I expect. Now lets begin this again, I am Lotef Jyoto, and you are?"

"What do you need me to tell you my name for, you can find it in the charter."

"Oh yes I could, but that would include leaving this wonderous room, and I have grown quite accustom to my new bed," Lotef sat on her bed, crossing her legs. "So if you wouldn't mind and just tell me yourself."

There was a long pause, the energy at the center of the gem of the blossom shimmering irregularly, finally he let out a prolonged sigh. "You're going to be like aren't you?"

"Perhaps if I help you out," Lotef made a big deal of clearing her throat, "I will help you out, 'Hello Enjinseer, I am,' You then put your name here, 'I am looking forward to working with you.'"

"If I tell you my name will you leave me alone?"

"Yes I will."

"For the rest of the day?"

"Hello, 'For the rest of the day,' It is nice to meet you, if Lotef is a tad too difficult, you can also address me by my nickname, 'I can do this all day.'" She greeted with a smile almost naive enough to commit to the bit.


"Now was that so hard? Remember my Beacon first impressions are important, and you obviously need work on yours, I hope this new partnership will be beneficial for both of us."

"Will you let me go now?"

"Nope, I still need you at least until Marshmallow gets here."

"Marsh... Mallow?"

"My pixcee of course," It was her top name if he turned out being male, she kind of hoped he would be male she still couldn't pick between May, Lulu, or Missy. "I should have one sent over to me eventually and I need you to act as my reader until he or she gets here."

"One second..." He flickered for a moment, "Yeah, she was already sent." He said, his tone getting as excited as she felt, maybe he wasn't going to be so bad after all.

"What! Where is she?"

"That box on the table, that her."

A box? They placed her poor pixcee in a box? Lotef was hit with equal part panic and fury. Without hesitation she grasped the box and tore it open. Lotef looked franticly attempting to find her new companion, only to find a simple creature made of wood, felt, and stitches.

Lotef looked at the pile with disdain, she had expected a cute companion. A pixcee to call her own to help her out.

"Bwahahaha" Maloketh, bellowed with laughter, she was getting so fed up with that laughter!

She attempted to push her beacon's teasing aside, focusing on the little poppet. Such shoddy quality, they could have at least let her fashion the nette herself.

["You're merely getting a taste of your future if you continue down this ridiculous path."]

Lotef rushed to her bed, and pulled her rebreather free, what was she thinking, letting her guard down just because she was alone!?

She took a few deep breaths of her incense, closing her eyes and letting the smooth mixture calm her. Lotef slowly counted to ten, taking another huff of the mixture after counting two numbers. When she opened her eyes, she was relieved to see, that creature was gone.

"You going to let me leave anytime soon? Or do I have to wait for you to finish watever this was meant to be." Maloketh said, crossing his transparent arms.

With a sigh she turned the poppet to it's back, looking at the small bloom extending from the back of the head, why the back of the head? Placing the authenticator at the neck not only looked better aesthetically but also allowed for better circulation of the roots.

With a sigh she placed her finger on the blossom-like authenticator, letting it squeeze at her finger, instead of feeling the vines she had come to expect their was instead a stone-like flat surface. She waited for a prick against her finger, but it didn't happen, instead she felt a pressure and a... instinct to pull her finger from the authenticator, Was that all?

It was bizarre not to feel the prick of a thorn to pull blood, curiously this new irritation didn't need blood, but just a press against the center of the blossom? Would she have to repeat this process every day? How would it act if the aborted thing would forgot her. /Why couldn't it be hair authentication?/ She thought, tapping her foot.

In her hands she could feel the poppet link itself with her, her will extending to it, the little poppet springing to life. She couldn't help but smile, what amazing advancements had been made in such a little amount of time. What was the weirdest thing was she could feel a connection between her and the poppet, something unheard of with a bloodbond.

"How's this going to work instead of a pixcee?" Lotef asked, holding the poppet by the leg.

"Apparently it reads for you."

Lotef blinked, flipping the poppet right side up, looking it in it's buttoned eyes, "Let's give you a test run, shall we?" She said absently looking towards the end her her desk. What Lotef didn't expect was the poppet leaping from her grasp, and move on it's own, making it's way towards the table, walking with a spring in it's step.

Lotef would have whacked the poppet if she had been near a broom, instead she settled for a shriek. Instead she followed the poppet, she had to admit it was cute to watch the thing leap on her chair and climb up on the table before she could even help it.

Lotef was impressed as it grasped the book she was thinking about and leapt towards her, letting the book use her as a cushion as the two of them clattered to the floor. Before Lotef could ask if it was ok, it was already on it's feet, making it's way back to it's master, it was a fast little critter.

Lotef seized both book and poppet, making her way back to the desk, Lotef opened the book. Blissfully it was still as illegible as always, Lotef placed her finger on the first line, brushing it against the first passage.

"Read." She commanded, as she brushed her finger against the text, the poppet grabbed the book on both corners.

Lotef felt a flick at the back of her head, it was a weird buzzing sensation, before:

Do not fret, do not fright, I will always be by your side.

Rest your head and close your eyes

I'll see you, next Morning Light

I'll be here waiting, next morning light.

/Amazing!/ Lotef blinked with excitement and dread, this was almost heretical, with a smile she grabbed the little poppet and looked it in the eye. Before the little poppets were only good for fetching tools and holding objects, now she could actually read without bothering Orlic and the others. Would read-glyphs become obsolete? She found herself getting a little heady at the thought of not needing to ensure they were charged. Most importantly, she would now be able to make sure beacons like Maloketh wouldn't 'extrapolate' when writing her notes. She heard a long exhalation of breath from the sphere at her side, the same thought must have crossed his mind as well.

"Ok, I will admit, you'll probably have your uses." Lotef said, looking the poppet up and down, "But will I really need to keep you hanging on my side like a Lottman's torch?" She asked, the poppet merely looked back at her with it's blank expression.

Maybe she could repurpose a rebreather strap and tie it around the poppet, maybe sew it into the poppet. If she kept this oversized jacket she could probably just keep it there? Maybe she could find a place in her backpack. Now she really wanted to open this thing up and see how the lattice network was laid out, maybe she could-

The poppet faded in her arm, turning into motes of energy before fading away, Lotef's hand stayed open, her hands cupped as if the poppet was still in her grasp. The poppet faded away, just like... Just like... Just like...

A genie.

"Get out! Get out! Get out!" Lotef howled, ripping her jacket open, tossing it too the floor, she pulled at her shirt and scratched at her chest—As if that would do anything. She needed it out now!

Opening a drawer she pulled a knife, turning it downward, pointing towards her chest, she was not one of them, she was not one of them, she was not-,

The poppet manifested into thin air, falling on the floor once again, Shakily Lotef let the knife slip from her hand, falling to the floor soon after.

What happened? How was she able to recall a poppet? Was this some kind of trick? Was Overseer Agatha planning to lock her up like the other jinn? It all made sense, why hand a pixcee to someone you were planning would make a jinn?

["You play with such trinkets but ignore me? Why must you be so hurtful?"]

/No!/ Lotef squelched and curled on her bed, her knees pressing to her chest, /Why was she here of all places?/

["You're being very rude right now, after everything I've done for you."]

Everything she done for her? Lotef was in this mess because of her! "You killed my mother!" Lotef snapped, tossing the poppet at the creature, too her misfortune it went through the creature.

Her lips curled into a little too wide smile, ["Guilty as charged."] Lotef felt nauseous, ["You are meant for so much more, and this is all you want? This is the extent of your ambition? A single room slightly better than the last and a single poppet?"] Lotef's poppet made it's way back to Lotef, much to her disgust, until it rested against her lap.

The bed sunk from her weight at least it did in Lotef's mind, she was well aware that creature had no impact on the real world, not without-,

["You have two wishes left, do you really want to be left with nothing when you use those other two."]

/Getoutofmyhead!Getoutofmyhead!Getoutofmyhead!Getoutofmyhead!Getoutofmyhead!/ Lotef grinded her teeth wildly, trying to drown her out.  Her rebreather, why wasn't it working? She needed it!

She could still recognized the aroma of her incense. Why wasn't it working? Maybe she needed more? She had an extra bundle in her jacket just on the floor, she had to get it! Her muscles wouldn't respond, she sat crouched in a ball, barely able to keep herself from sobbing.

["Fine."] She said with a sigh, crossing her arms, ["You're no fun when you're like this, anyway."] Blissfully that was it she was gone, Lotef could feel she was no longer around, aborted creature.

Lotef was still petrified, curled up in a ball, she spent the entire night curled up until slumber claimed her.

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