Muse of Maven

Chapter 5: Chapter 4 – Majestic

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Lotef woke too a pounding headache, last night was far too vivid to be written off as a dream unfortunately. She was all the proof Lotef needed, that whatever happened last night was most certainly real.

Lazily Lotef brushed her hand down her forehead, until her hand pressed against the rebreather on her face. On instinct she inhaled the contents, only to have bland filtered air returned to her.

Lotef sighed, craning her head she met the empty gaze of that poppet. "Agh!" Lotef shrieked, tossing the aborted poppet to the corner, pulling away, nearly falling off the bed. "Stay away!"

To her horror and dismay the aborted poppet obeyed her and kept to the corner, it really was bound to her, /Like a genie./ Lotef forced herself to sit up, crossing her legs, she appraised her room, giving it a good look. The woman at checkout was right, the gentry did a good job of personalizing her room with just the contents of her travel bag. If she didn't know better she would have sworn she had made the arrangements herself.

Lotef returned to her crisis when she noticed her beacon orb resting within the panel, now inert, a failsafe to prevent an excessive waste of amberite. There was no need to fear Meloketh revealing anything, beacons couldn't remember much when not possessing the proper sphere. Lotef didn't really know how or why, that was one of the other enjinseer's area of expertise, Enjinseer Ejia from what she remember?

It didn't really matter right now, she scratched her head in a very unlady-like manner before sitting up and looking at herself in the mirror. She saw the poppet standing where she left it at the corner of her eye.

Lotef didn't like the idea of turning her back to it, looking around she grabbed a few cords she had left behind. Timidly she made her way towards the poppet, fearing it would leap at her, or worse... fade away like last night.

Lotef closed her eyes and took a single breath, then acted, leaping at the poppet snatching it off it's feet. Wrapping each limb in a cord and tying them to four separate places. Making certain to tie the legs to fixtures close to the ground, it felt wrong to make the little thing hang in the air, especially when it was wearing a skirt.

"Stay put!" She hated how much more confident she was in those words to keep the poppet in place.

Lotef forced herself to push the whole ordeal from her mind, making her way back to her wardrobe. Looking at the mirror she met the gaze of the scruffy-looking vagabond who had made her way into her room. Trails of messy blue hair almost long enough to confuse her as a mane fresh from her training, ready to make life hard for a bunch of lottmen.

Lotef would correct that, with a practiced hand, she tamed her messy hair, binding them into two pigtails thicker than her arms. The two cobalt weaves rested on her chest, as she gave both a good look. /Perfect./

Lotef pulled her jacket off the coat rack and garbed herself in her symbol of her authority, honestly she felt like a child wearing it. It was so big, and absurd, were higher seats really meant to fight in this?

Giving herself a single look around she made her way out of her house, enjoying the fresh scent of a new day, before snapping on her rebreather. Lotef made her way to floor level, greeted by a figure she had not seen in a long time.

He rested in a subtle position one paw on top of another, his back made up of multiple ridges, completely made up of a arboreal hide. "I've been wondering when I'd get too see you again! How have you been?"

Her long lost love rested passively as if she wasn't even here, but the ears gave it away, they twitched with a frantic pattern she recognized as excitement. "How has my Judgement been?" She wasn't his obviously, but it was a small concession along many he allowed considering her rescue of him. "You're kind to keep quiet, we both know the answer would be rude."

"Did you sleep here to keep me company, safe, or both my first night?" She asked, scratching her hand between his third primary ridge, he loved it when you scratched there with all your soul.

Judgement craned his neck, then yawned, yeah, he loved it. "Too exhausted to be my escort?" Judgement turned his head, his tail swaying. "I will let our mother know you said hello." She said, kissing him on the nose, an act of intimacy a floraplate would not tolerate from anyone but it's wearer, or someone as charming as Lotef.

The camp teemed with energy, that fresh grass aroma mixed with that slight nectar scent that most arbortech emitted. Lottmen jogged along paths and gentry guided people who carried and moved crates.

The wealds towered above like great oaks, each one wide enough to provide comfortable shelter for it's inhabitants. Roots burrowed in the ground, the amber energy pumping beneath the underground network.

Lotef found herself glancing at the roots of each weald, the enjinseer in her checking for any obvious problems, well obvious to her at least. She stopped at the sight of one of the wealds, it had somehow dislodged eight of it's twelve roots.

Lotef nearly sprung into action only to notice three leafseers instructing and guiding the lottmen and their own personal work staff. They were moving the weald, /Maybe I could offer a hand./

No, she was just attempting to put off the inevitable confrontation with Overseer Agatha, she needed to get answers, she needed to push past the hesitation that kept her cowering.

One of the leafseers noticed her and offered her a greeting salute, before elbowing her comrade and gesturing towards Lotef. Lotef returned the salute and watched them get back to work, though he threw covert glances at her between every order or instruction.

/They are afraid of messing up in front Lotef was at a loss, she was so used to being ignored and passed over, or at least looked past when she was with Overseer Agatha. She had not realized how much she preferred being the unknown girl at the Overseer's heels, the Overseer's pet they had called her.

["Time for the pet to heed her masters call."]

Lotef ignored that chiding remark and made her way to greet her 'master.'


Lotef made her way towards the meeting spot Overseer Agatha had designated, getting there with five minutes to spare. She was talking with a woman dressed in green robes, a gothel. /Not one of them right now./ Not after what happened last night...

She wanted to rush toward Overseer Agatha and demand what she planned, was everything she said before all a lie?

["You could go ask her."]

Lotef took a deep breath, she needed to focus, she needed to keep Her from pushing her actions, She fanned the fury of this apparent betrayal, attempting to get Lotef to slip up no doubt. The problem... Lotef wanted to be angry.

"Note-Kith!" Harmonic tones greeted her as the creature fluttered around her, before, slowly falling knowing Lotef would grab her on instinct. "Mama said you would be here, I should never have doubted!" She said, wrapping her pale light pink mane against the back of Lotef's head.

She was wondering how long it would have taken for Melody to slip away and greet her, when the little pixcee learned of her arrival. "I've missed you as well Little Note," Just like that, the fury faded to embers, barely able to keep a light. She could have sworn it was a power Melody had, it had been too long since she had seen the little pixcee. Using her hand to support the playful pixcee, holding her like a newborn babe. "Overseer Agatha hasn't allowed you to get lazy has she?"

"No..." She said puffing her cheeks crossing her thin arms, she was so adorable, it was nice to see a familiar face. "Have you gotten over your..." She looked around conspiratorially. "Moodiness?" She whispered softly into Lotef's ear.

"I mean I'm always moody when I have to part with you, my Little Note." Lotef brushed the question aside with a sense of faux jovialness, no reason to burden Melody with her problems.

Lotef could spend hours playing with this little cutie, if she was being honest a pixcee was one of the prime reasons she wished to join the Enjinseers. A personal pixcee of her own to love and care for, instead, she was handed a poppet. Just like that, the betrayal stung anew, she could feel Her trying to use that to get a hold of her actions once again. Instead she focused on Melody, she was so adorable, it was nice to see a familiar face.

"I wanted to surprise you," Lotef said, /Focus on the good, your new room, a chance to spend more time with this little cutie right here!/ "But I guess you're just too smart for me." She said, brushing her fingers across Melody's mane.

Melody shook her head, "No, it was Mama, she told me you were hiding here," Wait, hiding here... then that would mean, "But I was like, 'No that can't be, Note-Kith wouldn't be silly enough to try and sneak attack.' But... Then you showed up here..." The disappointment in her voice was palpable enough to shame Lotef, powerful enough to... Shame Her even? Was that even possible?

"So I decided to teach you a lesson!'" Melody said with a smile, Lotef returned the smile, seeing Overseer Agatha and the gothel looking towards her.

/Guess theirs no more putting it off./ Lotef swallowed and made her way towards the Overseer and whoever she was talking with, attempting to look as natural and prompt as she could. Holding tightly too Melody in an attempt to foster some kind of strength.

["I can be your strength, if you let me."]

"It's good to know you are punctual." Overseer Agatha greeted, Lotef smiled at the complement, "Though if you're a bit early," She flashed a knowing smile. "Just show up."

Lotef felt her cheeks flush, feeling even weaker as Melody fluttered towards Overseer Agatha, who brushed her fingers beneath the pixcee's chin. "This is Gothel Ruby Lysall, she is our resident redeemer." She was garbed in the emerald robes of the gothels, the order of women who acted as caretakers for the youth. They also offered guidance and helped maintain social cohesion. /You're introducing me to a redeemer of all people?/

Lotef swallowed, redeemers were gothels who specialized in keeping jinn from being exploited, what other reason could Overseer Agatha ask her to join them other than confirming her fears? The thoughts of absorbing that poppet played through her head once again. /At least it wasn't a warden./ She reminded herself, a gothel could be bad, a warden, she would have ran and not looked back.

"Lotef Jyoto" Lotef made a simple greeting gesture, she hated to admit she didn't have the most experience at interacting with a gothel. 

"Hopefully we can get along better than Agatha's last... choice." She was already being compared to someone unpleasant, great.

At that Melody made a hacking sound, before Lotef could even parse what that meant Overseer Agatha interrupted, "You will, I am sure of it." Was that good or bad?

"Matron abort that girl." Overseer Agatha said with a scoff, "I swear, she pulls this to see how much she can get away with." Maybe this was the person Mother Ruby considered a poor choice? No she couldn't have, not with that fond look on her face, unless... It wasn't uncommon for gothels to keep their dispositions under complete control.

"I can introduce the two, go ahead." Mother Ruby said, waving Overseer Agatha away as if she was a stubborn child finding any way to get out of her first witnessing. Lotef stood, barely able to breathe, she was legitimately afraid Overseer Agatha was going to harm the poor gothel.

"Tell her I won't forget this." Overseer Agatha said walking away, Melody trailing behind waving and yelling goodbyes to Lotef, who happily returned the gesture to the energetic Pixcee.

"Of course," Mother Ruby said, waving Overseer Agatha away, waiting until she was out of sight. "So... Welcome to our little home, hopefully Luminous Agatha hadn't scared you too bad?"

Lotef shook her head, was Overseer Agatha really that bad? "W-what are my next orders ma'am?"

"Just relax right now, Eija will show you around the base, while I prepare your audience with She Who Morns With Laughter."

"Audience!?!" Lotef's knees went numb, the scar on her wrist beginning to throb, how could she earn the ire of one so hallowed, so quickly. "I didn't mean to voice my disquiet with Agatha's methods!" She blurted, out, stumbling to keep to her feet. Only then did she realize she had broken etiquette! Before she could correct herself Mother Ruby continued the conversation.

"And she still let you live?" Mother Ruby asked with an obvious snark, clasping Lotef's shoulder softly, steadying her, so she stood straight. "Lotef relax, every enjinseer has a meeting with the Elderchild, you are not in trouble, this is merely a preamble."

Lotef found her breathing steady as color began to return, "Oh... ok." She stumbled, the words out, like a child new to the capability.

"But more importantly, what did you go against Agatha, on the first day no less?" Lotef looked around fearing if anyone else had heard the offensive casualness in Mother Ruby's words.

"It wasn't anything that bad..." Lotef defended herself, twiddling her fingers, "It just felt wrong, the treatment of the genies, that is." Maybe a redeemer would understand such a mindset?

"You refused an order on your first day? There are easier ways than insubordination if you didn't want the position, you know?"

"No! I didn't refuse an order," Lotef's hands were shaking, insubordination? She was anything but insubordinate! "I just made my distain of the whole thing clear, after she asked me."

Mother Ruby let out a chuckle, "Oh sweetie, you need to loosen up, we are far from the main land, formality is a tad lax here."

"What made you become a Redeemer?" Lotef asked, she needed to chase away the silence that began to fill the area as the two of them waited.

Mother Ruby shrugged, "No one should be ignored, not even the jinn, wouldn't you agree?"

Lotef nodded, and she really did agree, probably not to the extent Mother Ruby felt, she merely disliked, how people easily abused them.

"What made you want to be an Enjinseer?"


"My facilitator." Lotef said, forcing a smile.

"Ah too be talented, I was only found fit for the robes, unfortunately, or fortunately for the jinn I guess." She said coyishly.

"Ruby!!!! Ruby!" A voice called out, huffing and puffing, her hair, a mess, a genie, G519 branded on his collar and identification plate, made his way behind her. "Oh good, she's not here yet." This was probably Luminous Eija.

"Oh no, you missed her," 'Eija' looked like she was just accused of apostacy. "She also wanted me to tell you she was not finished with you yet," The woman, she assumed was Luminous Eija bucked at the update before letting out a chuckle, like water off a duck's back.

"Oh, yeah you must be the new girl, welcome." She said, producing a greeting Lotef returned. "I'm Eija Fujioka Fifth chair."

"Lotef Jyoto, Tenth chair, I guess."

"No, you are the tenth chair, with how much Agatha talks about you, you are a shoo-in to getting the seat." Lotef couldn't help but let out a smile, noticing Mother Ruby quietly making her exit, leaving her with Eija. /Just relax girl, you belong here./ Maybe if she told herself that enough, it would be true.


Enjinseer Eija began her tour with the 'boring' locations, boring being weighed on the ear of the speaker. The Armory, Goblin Chambers, Lantern Vault, Arboretum, and Lott Barracks. Which was fair on that last one, but it at least housed interesting subjects at least.

"Your first time at a warcamp?" Lotef sullenly nodded she was so overwhelmed, men ran across the field, in a hurry to reach their next destination. Chanters and goblins heeded no mind as they competed with on another to fulfilled their work. All of which Lotef expected. What she didn't expect was the number of civilians and shops littered around the camp.

"What are shops doing here?"

"Soldiers need entertainment," Enjinseer Eija shrugged stopping in front of one of the stalls, holding two fingers up before placing a few leaves on the counter.

Lotef wanted to say something the moment she pulled a pile of leaves free, only for the merchant to beat her too it. "C'mon, You know that's no good here," his tone a bit more playful, than Lotef expected.

Lotef looked for the charter, but didn't find it at all, nearly losing her nerve, when she met his eyes. "Who's your new friend?" He asked, brushing a rag against one of the bowls, leering at her without any attempt to hide it at all.

Lotef covered herself like his gaze had the power to shred her uniform, her face glowing a bright red, she felt like a pig on a spit. "Off limits." Enjinseer Eija said, cheerily plucking the two round patties, before whisking Lotef off.

"Luminous Eija, we need to go back, we didn't fill out our requisition."

"You heard him, we didn't need too."

"He said our leaves were no good, we can't just take from him without our community-"

"Lotef relax, enjoy your bun." The statement had a finality too it.

Lotef eyed her patty intently, a nice savory smell emitted from the round ball of dough, "It's not going to bite you." Enjinseer Eija said between loud smacking. With a resigned sigh, Lotef took a large bite, chewing as if she had been forced to eat poison.

That did not last long, pretty soon Lotef had swallowed the first mouthful only to take another bite. Barely able to keep her composure, as she ate more. It was somehow sweet and savory, melting in her mouth as she continued to smack greedily and loudly.

"Good isn't it?" Enjinseer Eija asked, her mouth full of food, it was almost enough too ruin Lotef's appetite... Almost. Lotef only nodded, unlike her senior, she knew how to properly eat. She also feared her new love escaping if she dare open her mouth.

"Yeah..." Lotef said meekly after swallowing, it would have tasted sweeter if she didn't feel like such a thief, even if he did creep her out a bit.

["Don't, after what he did, this is the least he could do for payment."]

That only made her want to find a way to make it up even more, she would just need to find the shop later and-,

"You still fretting over Oric?" Pretty casual to a person she just robbed from.

Lotef nodded.

"You don't need to worry about his chart, he doesn't have one."

"What do you mean he doesn't have one?" That made no sense, it was like having a torch without an embercore, a golem without a knight, a goblin without a nest, a genie without a lamp, or a... enjinseer without a Pixcee.

"He doesn't have one, it's not that kind of shop."

"We need to tell the Overseer she should know-,"

"She already knows."

That was absurd, "The Overseer would never allow something so exploitable."

"You'd be surprise, the Overseer isn't as harsh as her reputation makes her out to be." That was Lotef's point! "Even if she was half the monster people believed her to be, she would still let people like Oric set up shop and look the other way, so long as they didn't make too much noise."

"Why is that?"

"You're really adorable, no wonder she wanted me to look after you." Enjinseer Eija said, pulling Lotef in an embrace, Lotef was more focused on keeping the bun from falling from her grasp. Enjinseer Eija went back to eating at her own bun, seemingly content not to continue the conversation.

Lotef wanted to push the subject further, but stopped herself, the question was going to eat at her for at least a week, but she couldn't push the subject.

["Ask her, ask her, ask her."]

Curiosity was the feed of his children, the joy of starving this thing that haunted her, it was the small ounce of power she had over it. Besides she could learn from Overseer Agatha much later, a few obfuscated questions, asked properly would lead the Overseer to the subject she wanted to know about.

"How did he get it so sweet?" Lotef asked instead, the tanginess of the fried sweetness still on her gums.

"You know how cooking is, with some salts, some tastes happen, and with other... less salt-like spices, we get other tastes."

"You did not just give me su-"

Eija pressed her hands against Lotef's mouth to silence her, "Let's just leave it at we don't know how he get's his meal so sweet and leave it at that."

"And he offers it to women and men?" Enjinseer Eija took another bite of the bun, Lotef took that as a yes.

Lotef looked at the round patty, a single bite taken out of it, sugar, the yoke was openly feeding sugar covertly to both men and women. "If you don't want it I'll have it." Eija said holding her hand out expectantly.

Driven only by a childish spite, she took another bite, followed by one more, matron it was so good, why was the bad stuff always so good?

["I can show you, all you need is to ask."]

She sounded so jovial, abortion what did Lotef do to galvanize Her so much? /Get out of my head!/ Lotef clenched her eyes so tightly she summoned a tear, her breathing quickening despite her best efforts. /Breathe... Breathe.../ She ordered herself, struggling to keep the throbbing near her left hand out of her mind.

"Hey Lotef chill, you're not going to get in trouble," Lotef finally remembered she was in the middle of a conversation with someone else, she didn't have the luxury to breakdown right now. "It's a grey area here, we let the boys enjoy a few grams of sugar and we get to enjoy something cheaper than wine. Just make sure not to make too much noise about it and their won't be a problem." She said with a reassuring smile, Lotef let out a sigh, at least she didn't notice Lotef's episode.

Lotef looked at the patty in her hand, her fingers buried deep past the doughy shell, it's contents spilling out of the teeth shaped wound, crawling down her fingers. "Oh no!" Lotef howled, smacking against the snack, motivated to ensure nothing was wasted.

"Good to see you turned around so quick." Eija said with a giggle.

"You son of a-," A voice called out, Lotef went pale at the sight, two men wearing the garb of the Lott no less! They crashed on the table with a thud, knocking the plates and glasses to the floor. Both struggled vainly to get the upper hand, muscles bulging as sweat glistened from their exposed skin, her heart quickened again.

Worst the men around them cheered, she was certain some were even wagering among one another. "Luminous Ejia, we need-,"

"C'mon Smith! Melissa taught you to block better than that!" Lotef was left speechless when Luminous Eija joined in the chorus of cheers. "Use your right! Your right! Else you're going to end up on your left side!" What was going on? Did a genie get loose, was everyone glamoured? Lotef turned making a run for it, she had to get to Overseer Agatha, maybe she could-

Luminous Eija's arm firmly clenched around her neck, "Hey now," Panic filled every last fiber of Lotef's being, it had to be a genie, now that she figured out Luminous Eija was not going to let her escape. "You don't want to miss what's coming next!"

"Luminous Ejia are you mad!?! We have to put a stop to this, before-"

"Before Smith humiliates me entirely? Just sit back and relax, before we miss anything-," A loud cheer erupted, "Wait? What I miss!? Abortion! What did I miss?" Luminous Eija howled, dejected she wrapped her arm around Lotef before she could slip free, and led them into the crowd.

Lotef did not stop struggling not that Luminous Eija's seemed to notice. Eventually she tired herself out. Muscles strained from pulling away, Lotef accepted the futility of escape and looked towards the fight. One of the lottman was no on the ground, the other on top of him, his fist flying against the other person's face. Blood splaying from his fist into the air, it was horrific, it was brutal, it was visceral, it was...


Lotef swallowed intently, her tongue glossing across her lips, she couldn't believe the scene unfolding. Each time he struck the other man she felt it reverb through her very core, swallowing so sharply she feared her saliva would cut her throat open.

Just then one slipped, positions exchanged, the bloody man, Smith was it? Was now on top, red ichor raining on top of the other man's once pristine face. It was now Smith's turn to begin drum drumming. With each successive strike Lotef feared the man's head would burst like a melon at any moment. Feeling something whenever his melon kept intact, she couldn't decipher the clenching in her chest, the heavy breathing, sweat building on her brow.

["You already know this feeling my girl, don't pull away, embrace it."]

"N-No! No!" Lotef shouted, attempting to break from Luminous Eija's grip once again, "We have to put a end to this before-"

"Enough!" A voice, called out pulling her tone sharp enough to break everything, even the two fighting, Lotef felt a tight irritation at the whole ordeal. "Have the two of you lost your faculties?" She said, it was easy to identify her with her long flailing hair, and uniform, a lioness.

"I said stop..." Lotef murmured, a bit childishly, thankfully no one heard her, except Luminous Eija, she could feel the smile fixed on her face.

"Next time be a bit louder." Enjinseer Eija said, patting at her like she was a pet.

The Lioness crossed her arms, her eyes narrowed at the two of them, in an instant the two men became children, found with their hands in the cookie jar. They tripped on one another to pull away and stand properly, needless to say both looked ridiculous.

"I-, Lioness Bridget, Ma'am he started-,"

"Did I allow you to speak Smith?"

"N-No ma'am."

"Let's get going..." Enjinseer Eija said, guiding Lotef away from the verbal lashing, "I take it that was your first fight?" Lotef nodded, "Exciting wasn't it?" Lotef could feel her cheeks flush, the sound of flesh on flesh still rang in her ears. She swallowed and gripped at her jacket, her fingers felt so numb, as if she had been the one punching. "It's ok, you can admit it." She chuckled, "No one would fault you."

"How is that even possible? How could that even happen? Why didn't you stop any of it?" The questions spat out so quickly she barely concerned herself with etiquette.

"Relax Lotef, we're not at the capital anymore, fights are bound to break out, especially with all the men around." Lotef swallowed, "Oh you don't need to worry, none would dare to harm a Enjinseer." She reassured brushing gently at Lotef's arm.

Lotef pulled away, brushing at her shoulder, "How is that even possible, the Elden-,"

"Is young ironically, and busy with more important fish to fry."

Lotef merely chipped at her meal, attempting to look as reserved as she could, it wasn't her fault she was raised properly, you didn't waste food, it just wasn't right. "You still didn't answer my question." Lotef struggled to state clearly with food in her mouth.

"What question?" Was she really being this coy?

"You know exactly what question!" Lotef smacked the last ounces of the bun, picturing it as her companion. "Why are so many civilians here?" She asked, wiping the crumbs on a napkin. "Aren't we putting them at risk keeping them with us?"

"Oh you are such a sweet little fawn." She said, patting Lotef on the head, "Civilians always follow an army, not only is it profitable but it keeps the boys from loosing their minds."

"We aren't an army."

"Of course." Luminous Eija made an effort of rolling her eyes, "They follow peaceful Exodus as well." It bothered Lotef, was it really wise to let such an opportunistic bunch so close to a vital mission? "You have nothing to worry about, most of them work with Harmony." Lotef blinked, she had no idea harmony worked this close with a exodus it seemed a bit too dangerous for a charity. They were more likely to patch a heartless up only to have their kindness returned with a knife in their gut.

"Is it really alright leaving them so-" Lotef was interrupted, a ball soaring right towards her, she was surprised she possessed the dexterity to actually grab the ball.

"Hey!" A voice called out, a child, his hands waving to get Lotef's attention, obviously he wanted his ball back. A smile brushed against Lotef's face as she passed the ball back magnificently, watching with pride as the ball landed in the child's grip.

"Nice pass."

"Don't change the subject." Lotef said with a smile, it was a horrible pass, her footing was off, her follow through was sloppy, and worst of all-

["Just take the complement."]

"Quit talking!" Lotef muttered.

"What was that?" Thankfully Enjinseer Eija didn't hear her beneath her near whisper.

"N-Nothing..." Lotef said, removing her hands from her head, she had to really get her under control...

"You really should learn to take complements better."

"What was that?" Had she heard her? How? Why?

Luminous Eija just smiled, "You seem like a girl who seems to shirk at a 'good job,'" Eija placed her hand against Lotef's back, she had a pleasant smile, one that Lotef sorely needed right now. "That prim shit works at Cazmagar but here being useful is a bit more important than manners."

"If it wasn't mistress would have been removed from the overseer's employ long ago." Lotef nearly fell on her behind at the somber voice. Her genie who had basically blended into the background brought the attention of both Enjinseers directly on him.

Lotef could feel the gaze of his master on him, she would have backed away herself if Eija hadn't kept her hands gripped tightly around Lotef.

Then Enjinseer Eija broke the unsettling silence... With a laugh, she laughed so hard, so long, she began hiccupping. "I guess I deserve that." Eija said, wiping a tear from her eye, "Someone's a bit mad he didn't get an introduction." The genie merely lowered his head. They were regularly taught not to attract much attention, usually resulting with many manifesting stunted emotions. Lotef always thought that was a shame.

"This is Knuckles, he usually doesn't involve himself in the affairs of the lowly, does someone has a crush?" She said, placing her hand beneath the chin of the genie, lifting his head to meet him in his visored eyes. "Oh yeah, he really likes you."

Lotef became beat red, "W-will you knock it off!" She said pushing at her superior, knocking her out of her grasp. "And keep focus on the subject!"

"You really need to learn to loosen up Lo," Great, she was already beginning with nicknames. "Look at those two, notice anything about them?"

How could she not, one of them was traveling, was the referee blind or, wait their was no referee. The other one on the other hand... what could she say? He was running around shirtless, sweaty, and- "No, nothing at all." Lotef finally said, her eyes still trailing the man trying to catch up to the traveler.

"Mhm," Lotef could hear the smirk on her face, "Did you know one of them was from the Ashen Wake?" Lotef stopped and did a doubletake. The Ashen Wake? Those people were bigger sticks in the mud than she was, than people thought she was. "Which one?" /Please don't let it be the hot one, please don't let it be the hot one./

"Does it matter? What's important is they are on the same field and not attempting to kill one another." She had a point, Lotef had been instructed about the bad blood between the Mane Blossoms and Ashen Wake, when she was appointed as an enjinseer.

"It's one of the reasons we always have a charity with us, one that can remind the lott and the mane what they are fighting for, and who is harmed if we dissolve to petty squabbles."

"Huh that was pretty profound, was it something Overseer Agatha told you?" Eija broke into another loud fit of laughter, even knuckles broke into a smile.

"You are going to fit in here fine Lo." Enjinseer Eija said between her laughing fit, locking her arm against Lotef's, once again pulling at her to follow.

"Go and get the cargo." Enjinseer Ejia said, Knuckles nodded and made his way off, was that a thing? Sending ones genie off like a pixcee? "No need to worry about him, he's well behaved." Enjinseer Ejia said as if reading her mind.

"Why not send a pixcee?" Lotef asked, attempting to keep step with the long legged Enjinseer.

"Don't have one." Enjinseer Ejia said, that was at least something the two of them could empathize, "Thank the matron."

"Oh," Lotef said, so much for making her case for letting the overseer provide her with one.

And then Lotef saw her, a beauty that demanded her attention, it towered above all others making them look like toys. A perfect fusion of stone and foliage, a living embodiment of the matron's will. Lotef had to see what-,

Enjinseer Eija tightened her grip on Lotef, "Careful now, Princess is a bit ornery." She said with that knowing smile.

Princess huh? A name befitting such a majestic beast, Lotef had to snap her open and see how she ticked, she just had too.

"She's locked up." Lotef said, lightly tugging her shoulder a subtle nod for Enjinseer Eija to let her go.

"Needless to say, the overseer would have my hide if I let you wonder off and get crushed by Princess."

Lotef scoffed, "I'm not a child."

"Most adults don't need to declare their adulthood." Lotef walked into that one, "Besides, no way you should even go near her without your blessing."

/Blessing?/ Lotef struggled to keep her breathing steady, she had no idea if Eija was one of the trusted. It's not like she hadn't been blessed before, but those were always by lesser legna, Lotef was certain this one would be an Elden. How would a blessing go with her hunting Lotef? Would it insight some sort of retribution from the Elden? Would Overseer Agatha be punished for bringing a vile creature such as herself?

["Is it truly vile to crave greatness?"]

"Maybe... It would be best if I just resigned." All of this was a mistake, she could go back to Cazmagar, join a less integral coalition.

"That's nothing but typical nervousness, you'll be fine. I can assure you She Who Morns With Laughter will ignore you." What did that mean?

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"Lotef it doesn't matter how vile," She wouldn't be saying that if she knew how horrid Lotef was... "You feel you are, I can assure you, you're no worse than anyone else here."

Lotef nodded, she could maintain her composure, it's not like it was imposable.

"Where's your poppet?"

"M-my what?" Lotef said, /Nice job./

"You know, that poppet, the Overseer told us all about... you know."

["It was bound to happen, no matter how much close another person is, in the end you only have yourself to look after."]

"Know... What?"

"That weird read-poppet... read-pet? Yeah that's a good name for it. Enjinseer Agatha said you were the one lucky enough to try it out."

"Oh... Right." Lotef's hand ran through her hair, -try it out-? Meaning they were meant for distribution? She wasn't being singled out?

"C'mon." She said, grabbing Lotef by her hand, nearly pulling her flat on her face.

"Where are we going?" Lotef asked between pants.

"To get your poppet of course."


Lotef made her way out of her weald, Enjinseer Eija stood in her front yard waiting expectantly. Judgement was nowhere to be seen, long gone before the two of them had arrive, Lotef did not know if that was a for worse or better.

Lotef looked to the poppet between her fingertips, it was still unnerving how easy it was to make a bond, was that of her unique nature? Or was-,

"Could I give it a try?" Enjinseer Eija asked already snatching the poppet from her fingertips, "How do you-" She said, lifting the poppet above her, and twisting her around.

"Just press against the authenticator." Enjinseer Eija pushed her finger between the blossom, and then Lotef felt it, a light pulling at her chest. "When does it prick me?"

"It won't, some kind of new authentication."

"No way? Get out, it usually takes this long?"

"I... don't know?" With a bloodbond the poppet would bond with the most recent person to use the authenticator, hence the lock most came with. But this one lacked a lock, almost like it dared you to bond with it.

"Maybe... You need to break the bond? You know like when a genie hands over their poppet."

Lotef didn't like the sound of that, she didn't favor any comparison to jinn honestly. "Yeah, I can give it a try..." Lotef closed her eyes, having an idea how this could maybe work, she had ordered jinn to break bonds between their own poppets through her lantern, so maybe...

She took a long breath, and closed her eyes, before she knew it she felt a cord of some kind, link between her and the poppet. Mentally she reached out and attempted to undo the knot tied between the two of them... Instead she felt a powerful resistance, pushing her away from the cord.

["It is ours, not hers, do not let her take it!"]

Lotef's eyes snapped opened, Enjinseer Eija standing in front of her, her finger grinding in the petal of the poppet. Was She really pulling this right now?

"Having trouble?" Enjinseer Eija asked, blissfully she didn't appear to be any more the wiser.

Lotef's fingers were already going for a jog, was this normal? If she couldn't remove the bond would this cause more problems in the future?

["Demand she give it back, before it is too late!"]

Why was she having so much trouble? Even jinn broke the bond whenever-,

/I used my lantern./ Lotef focused herself, pressed her hand against her lantern closing her eyes and hoping Enjinseer Eija did not hear her, she whispered, "Break the bond."

A hiss played through her head, followed by what felt like a painful splitting at her chest, instead of undoing the knot she somehow ripped her end of the cord out.

Lotef pressed her hand against her chest, struggling to keep herself from falling to her knees. Why did it hurt so much? It wasn't a physical pain, she had little experience with that, and was certain if what she felt was physical she would have been on her knees weeping.

Instead it was a pain she was aware of, the same kind of pain that left her curled up and unmoving in her bed last night. "Ah it tickles!" Enjinseer Eija said enjoying herself far to much with /her/ poppet. This time, the pain left her feeling empty, and that unnerved her more than when it left her motionless.

"Now let's have a look." She said, pulling a sheet of paper from her bag, and placing it on the top of Lotef's fence. The poppet stood and began reading, Enjinseer Eija nodding as if she was listening to a unheard sound. Lotef fished in her bag and pulled free a bottle of water, no matter how much she drank it didn't help.

"I figured it would have been more like a read-glyph, instead it's more like having a genie read for you." Enjinseer Eija pulled another page from her bag, ready to have it read another for her.

Now that she mentioned it, Enjinseer Eija did have a point, a read-glyph would press the words into your mind, turning the strange script into a picture. But when she remembered what her poppet read last night, she had a grasp on what the words were, like it was being whispered into her ear. Why did it take her that long to notice such difference?

"Where are you from?" Lotef asked, maybe that would help chase away the aborted emptiness she felt.

Enjinseer Eija did not turn her attention away from the poppet, "I'm from Farpath." Farpath? What kind of name is Farpath, it sounded more like a description, than a name. "It's in Horse clan territory."

She was from the Horse clan? That would explain the lack of etiquette, "How long have you been here?"

"Four months."

"You became an Enjinseer? Fifth chair, in four months?" Lotef didn't even expect to be the eighth chair for three years at least. Any seat higher, she would only act as a substitute until a suitable replacements were assigned, that would only happen if the higher seats were to fall, a reality hammered into her as she made her way to the camp.

"No, I've been 'here' for four months." She chuckled, gesturing generally, "I've been in Cazmagar for... I don't know, seven years?"

"How is the Horse clan?"


"You're hungry?" That came from nowhere, Lotef turned towards her Weald, "I have some strawberries, if you-"

"No, back in the Horse clan, food was scarce, have you ever been hungry? And I mean really hungry. It's painful, your entire body mutinies on you, you get so weak even thinking becomes a effort." She took another page and placed it in front of the poppet to read.

"You try to sleep it off, but the hunger pains keep you up at night, you ever been unable to sleep, Lo? Despite how hungry you happen to be?" Lotef swallowed, she had, but that had been because of her own problems, the idea of going to bed without anything to settle her stomach wasn't even anything she could even comprehend.

"I-I'm sorry..."

"You capable of causing famine?"

"Matron no!"

"Then no need to be sorry."

"Sorry." Lotef said, before realizing that probably wasn't the right response, thankfully all Enjinseer Eija responded with was a smile. "At least for making you talk about it."

"What use are memories if we can't visit them from time to time, even bad ones have their uses. Despite everything I think the worst was the emptiness." Lotef's throat went dry.

"E-Emptiness?" Was all Lotef could muster.

"I don't really know how to explain it, it wasn't something tangible, nothing real. But lacking something so fundamental, so regularly. You begin to lose something... Find yourself lacking..." She said swallowing, with a single breath, she shook her head and in an instant she was back to her bubbly self.

Lotef fought to think of something, anything to say, should she admit she felt the same emptiness? Maybe Enjinseer Eija knew a way to counter the mental chains that at times weighed Lotef down and stopped her from acting? She steeled herself, mustering what little courage she possessed, but before she could even force out the meager words that had come to mind, Enjinseer Eija continued. "So... anymore questions you want to ask to keep me from playing with Pumpkin?"

Lotef opened her mouth then closed it before something escaped, "I wasn't attempting to distract you." She finally let free, unconvincingly. "Besides, her name isn't Pumpkin." Lotef said crossing her arms.

"Oh? What is her name?"

"She has no name." She was a lifeless poppet, Lotef only referred to the thing as a she, because of how obviously feminine it was carved.

"I'm not going to refer to her as 'Poppet,' besides if she doesn't have a name, then why do you care if I call her Pumpkin?" She had a point, but every time Lotef heard that name directed at her Poppet, she felt the emptiness in her chest mutate into what she keenly knew as envy.

"Missy." She said, and Lotef relented, she, Lotef did not want to concede this point. It felt like calling her any other name would rob her of something, something important she was not ready to give up.

"Looks like it won't recall them one for one." Enjinseer Eija said, absentmindedly chewing at her nail while placing something else for the poppet to read.

Enjinseer Eija, played with the poppet like it was actually a toy, Lotef watched her direct the toy to the next page, having it jump from one railing to another. Lotef couldn't take her eye off the thing when it looked like some of the fabric of it's dress hooked against her fence.

Thankfully Enjinseer Eija rescued the little poppet from the hook, before anything was able to rip, it's not like she would have offer to repair any tear that might have happened. The poppet slipped from her fingertips and rushed back up the fence, this time taking care to avoid the little hook that snagged it before. /Ok, that really is impressive./

It was also an experience that had been denied her, a capability of the poppet she could no longer learn on her own. Why should she care? The last experience sent her to an overnight panic, why would she want to go through that again?

"If I could just take you with me I would!" /Unfortunately for you, she's mine./ "You're so cute, I could just eat you up!" With that, the poppet faded again, leaving behind motes of light that slowly fade away. "Amazing!" She exclaimed, and then began laughing.

Something snapped in Lotef, how dare she laugh at such an ordeal! Lotef spent an entire night weeping about being leashed, and this woman was laughing. "Might want to put a leash on me and call me genie, huh?" Enjinseer Eija said too jovially, "Lotef, how do you call it back?"

"How should I know? I d-didn't even know the aborted thing could do that kind of thing!"

Lotef felt a chill, "Luminous Eija... How do you know it's not one for one?" The only way she could notice that is if she was able to read them herself.

"Because I've had Knuckles read these for me so many times, they might as well be the back of my hand." She said, not even deeming Lotef a glance, too preoccupied with manifesting the poppet again.

["Your poppet."]

"Luminous, could I have my poppet back, I wouldn't want the Overseer getting mad at me."

"Yes, yes, but first I'd need to know how to bring it back to reality." She said, slowly unzipping her jacket, Lotef couldn't help but feel a tad jealous. Her jacket cut a nice fit, like it was made for her, Lotef's oversized abomination only made her look like a child.

"Missy? Could you show yourself for-," Before Enjinseer Eija could finished, light escaped her chest and formed the poppet once again, just like a genie. Should that relieve Lotef, or should she be more worried at such a fact?

Lotef silently held her hands out, like an expectant child, abortion, what difference was she from a child? She wanted nothing to do with this toy, it had left her motionless in her bed, now she was fighting tooth and nail to keep it away from someone else, because... it was hers? What else was that if not childish?

"Of course, my mistake." She said, Lotef felt the bond between Enjinseer Eija and her poppet break, was it really that easy for her to break the- Wait, how was she able to notice when the bond broke?

["Because you are better, we are better."]

Before she could let that thought haunt her, Enjinseer Eija tossed the poppet back to her. Lotef quickly authenticated herself, letting the bond form once again. A wave of relief embraced her, like resting in a warm bathtub, or the relieving click of a rebreather snap in place.

Knuckles made his way towards the two again, a genie walking meekly behind, his hands cuffed together, leashed to a gentry's hand.

"Ladies." The gentry said with a bow, "I hope you're adjusting well Luminous." He said to Lotef, "It's good Luminous Agatha finds you entertaining, Luminous." He followed up looking towards Enjinseer Eija.

"Go die as well Marcel." She said with a grin, it was such a brash statement breaking all etiquette that Lotef stepped back on instinct.

"Is their anything else you need of me?" He said handing the leash towards Enjinseer EIja.

"No." With that Gentry Marcel presented a deeper bow and walked away without lagging.

"A little greedy to have two jinn isn't it?" Lotef said with a weak chuckle, the moment Gentry Marcel made his way out of eyesight.

"You can never have enough jinn." Enjinseer Eija said, "But it isn't my genie, it's yours."

"Mine?" Lotef said, breathlessly.

["Yes! Take! Take! We are in need of more resources."]

This was another reason she steered away from claiming what was hers by right, why on earth would She of all things want a genie? They were the embodiment of the Philistine's failure, Her failure. Lotef had hoped becoming an enjinseer and getting a genie of them would scare Her at least a bit. Instead She didn't turn away, no she became more ravenous, every day Her anticipation growing even stronger.

"Of course yours, or at least one of the ones you can barrow, you're an Enjinseer aren't you? You need a genie."

"What for, I have my poppet for reading and it's not it's dangerous out-,"

"Lotef dear, you're in a warcamp, it's always dangerous out here and you need to properly defend yourself. Can you work a torch?"


"Have you a familiar?"

"Do I look like a witch?"

"Which is why you should at least have a genie act as your guard."

"I-" Lotef clenched at the pain of her wrist, she wanted to say something anything but nothing escaped, she was having trouble speaking, matron she had trouble breathing!

"Lo, is everything ok?" When did she get so close? "I'm sorry if this was a bit, sudden, we can do this one at a time. Just breathe with me."

Lotef breathed following the instructions of her Enjinseer, in and out, this could be her future if she wasn't careful, little more than an animal guided by a enjinseer or warden. "Are you back with me?"

"Yeah." Lotef said weakly, lightly pulling away from her grasp.

"At least work with me halfway here, just claim him and take him with you for your blessing, it would be rude to appear without a genie."

/Why would,/ No, she killed that question in it's crib, she would feed this thing as little as possible!

"If you need help I can instruct you on how to claim-,"

"I know how to work a genie!" Lotef snapped, seizing her lantern, her own irritation engulfing even Her feelings. Lotef pointed towards the genie, focusing her will into the lantern.

Energy seeped out of the genie, Lotef took a deep breath and ushered what escaped into her lantern. Once consumed Lotef felt the weight of her lantern increase, it wasn't a physical change, but a heightening on a aetherial level, at least that's what was explained to Lotef.

She let it free from her hand, the lantern falling harmlessly to her side no more heavier than it was before she claimed the genie. "See?" Lotef said.

Enjinseer Eija applauded slipping off the fence she had been using as a seat. "Good, Now keep a leash on him until after your blessing, ok?"


He wore the numbers G181, and had a nice figure even through his garb, Lotef couldn't help but imagine what she would do with him, if she was a less proper girl.

"Might want to get to know your genie before you trust him with your life."

Lotef blushed bright red, "Do we have to really-"

"Yes, we do. Now quit wasting time."

Lotef rolled her eyes, "G181, what wishes can you grant?"

"I-, I am able to manipulate and shape the earth, mistress." His words fuzzed in her mind, they left her feeling nauseous.

"G181, you are lying."

"I'm sorry mistress... I-,"

"What wishes can you grant."

"Empath, I am able to see and guide emotions, Mistress." This time, the words flowed smoothly.

"Now why did you lie to me?"

"I- I was ordered by Gentry Marcel to lie to you..."

Lotef snapped her gaze towards Enjinseer Eija, this was all a test, she was getting tired of being treated like a cub.

"Did I pass?" Lotef asked, making her annoyance prominent, "Or is their any other triviality I need to endure before we can move on?"

"One more, but I'm certain he is going to be enduring it more than you." Apparently Lotef was meant to understand what she wanted from that, "You need to lash him." She elaborated sourly.

"Why in the matron's name would I do that?"

"Because a genie lied too you, blatantly."

"You ordered him to lie!" What was he meant to do? If he didn't follow through he would have been punished, if he did he would also be punished. She was aware of Enjinseers like this, those who abused their power and got away with it, the people that elicited a need for people like Mother Ruby.

["Why show compassion to those who have already committed one of the grandest sins?"]

"It doesn't matter, the rules are clear here, are they not?"

"I'm not doing it." Lotef said, making her way to G181 who shirked despite his attempts to keep the stoic presence he had been taught.

"I will report this back to Overseer Agatha, I hope you are aware of it."

"Go ahead! Just know the Overseer likes me, and I will be telling her what happened here, and what you excuse enjinseer. You don't want me as an enemy."

When Enjinseer Eija stayed quiet, Lotef felt like she could actually win this, whatever it was. Enjinseer Eija inclined her head, and the earth beside Lotef shattered.

"What by the matron's first born are-, are you insane!?" Lotef shouted, still on the floor, the crater glaringly apparent. /That could have been me./ She thought, looking towards Knuckles, he had aimed at the spot a few feet away from her left side, still far too close.

"What are you talking about?" Enjinseer Eija said, sounding convincingly clueless

"Is that your move, get your genie to bully me if I refuse? What do you think will happen when people learn what you-,"

Lotef was interrupted by another explosion of earth, once again knocking her off her feet. This time the crater was too her right. Enjinseer Eija shrugged, "Jinn, they get so restless when their handlers get... soft."

"All of this because I won't lash a aborted genie?"

"Oh so you are able to connect the dots, I was afraid the tenth chair, had been dropped on the head when she was a child."

"I'm not doing it." Lotef said, a reaction as quick as when She took hold. /But that wasn't her./ She reminded herself, this was something she felt at her very core, something she refused to give up, to anyone.

Enjinseer Eija grabbed her lantern, Lotef watched as the light at the center glowed more intently. "You aren't?" She asked, with a curiosity that appeared almost spiteful.

Enjinseer Eija, looked towards Knuckles, her hand pressed against her lantern, she was cajoling him into another attack! /What can I do?/ Lotef tried to run but her feet wouldn't respond.

["Your genie!"]

For once she was completely open to Her suggestion, a fact that still bothered her, /You can fret over that later, when you're alive!/

"G181, defend me!" Lotef howled, cajoling the genie through her lantern, the genie who had been cowering in the corner had rushed to her side, placing himself between Lotef and her assailant. He was brave at least, coerced through the lamp or not, Lotef would not deny him that virtue.

"Have fun." Enjinseer Eija said, Knuckles rushed towards G181, pressing his hand against her genie's chest. In an instant he stomped a foot on the ground, that horrid lightning escaping him. The earth opened up and swallowed his feet, rooting them like they were plants, he stood a whole foot shorter, Lotef watched in horror as it was over in a moment.

G181 was unable to pull his feet out, wobbling in place as Knuckles walked past him, slowly he encroached on her. Lotef ran, she had to get out of here, she needed to escape.

Knuckles slammed his foot into the ground, producing a pillar of earth, in a single strike he broke the pillar firing a buckshot of rocks flinging towards her.

Lotef felt them throb against her back, rocks slamming into her, the very real pain forcing her too her knees. "Stay back!" She howled, toppling backwards after barely getting herself to sit up, her knees were numb, each step moving him closer.

["Use me! Use me!"]

/No!/ Lotef told herself, grasping at her wrist tightly, besides Her wishes would be useless here, she had too-,

Knuckles grasped her by her jacket, pulling Lotef off her feet, she kicked her legs weakly, trying to break free. Was this really how it was going to end? Dying because she was merciful to a genie? It was kind of fitting she supposed.

["Do not give up you stupid girl! Fight!"]

Was she really more afraid of dying than Lotef? Now that was amusing, almost funny, Lotef couldn't help but laugh like she was told the funniest joke in the world. And it was, what else could this be other than a joke? Lotef did what felt right, she let go.

/She/ did not, with the instinct of a person about too be killed, She fought, kicked howled  reached for something anything, smearing Her hand against the helm of the genie holding her hostage. The entire time, Lotef kept laughing.

He then placed her on her feet and stepped back to give her some space, Lotef in response smacked the genie as hard as She could.

Enjinseer Eija began laughing like it was the funniest thing in the world, that was her response? To laugh? As the Enjinseer laughed the humor of the situation began to fade, Lotef wanted to scream, she wanted to do something, anything to get back at this girl for making a fool of her!

"Relax Lo, You keep shooting a look like that, you're face is bound to stay that way."

"How should I respond to someone trying to kill me!"

"First of all, I wasn't trying to kill you, I had Knuckles be as gentle as possible."

"Not gentle enough." Lotef said, straightening her robe, noticing at the corner of her eyes G181 was finally able to rip his feet free. /That could have been useful moments ago./ "You could have killed me!"

She made her way towards G181, looking him up and down, he didn't appear to be worst for ware. "Mistress, I am... Sorry..." Was he... Apologizing?

"Save it." Lotef said, honestly what did he expect? He was set up against a warjin, he was lucky to leave with minor injuries. "You did what was expected, your actions were satisfactory."

"But you are injured." There was a fright in his voice a fear of retaliation, it was understandable.

"I was just getting a feel of you." Enjinseer Eija said, "It's good to know what your enjinseers are capable of."

"Did I live up to your lofty expectations, Enjinseer?"

"Yes, quite. We could use a couple less lash happy enjinseers and a few more who care about maintaining the jinn under their care."

Lotef flushed at that comment, it wasn't often her... softness was complemented, "Th-thank you." She said, without thinking.

That coaxed another laugh from Enjinseer Eija, "It's good to know I'll have more pleasant company."

"I am curious, why didn't you mend the pain?"

"You should keep better control over that." When Enjinseer Eija did not laugh, Lotef looked for another answer, "I-I don't know..." She lied.

Enjinseer Eija looked at her as if Lotef was latched through a lantern, "Can you mend?"

"Of course I can!" Lotef snapped back that bravado wilted the moment Enjinseer Eija pulled a torch and brandished it towards her. Lotef no longer feared for her life when it came to Enjinseer Eija's antics. But she was certain she wouldn't be beneath injuring her if that could prove her point.

"Please! I can, Please, I don't want to harm him."

"You really don't? Do you? You might want to keep that quiet from the others, they would eat you up."

"I thought we needed kinder Enjinseer?"

"Yes, kinder, not bleeding hearts, if you worry more about your jinn than yourself, you'll-" The torch went off, a single lump of coal pressing into her shoulder, a hot pain searing against her shoulder. Panic ignited through out Lotef, like the lump pressed against her shoulder was about to ignite in moments. /It's going to explode and set me on fire!/

A primal fear took over, the same fear that pushed an animal to gnaw it's own leg off, using the lantern she sent the pain towards G181. She kept the lantern ready, preparing to send what was to come next.

Instead the lump fell to the floor, and rolled harmlessly, why didn't it ignite? Had her lantern already relocated the explosion? Was that even possible? She snapped her gaze towards G181, if he had taken the full blunt of that explo-,

G181 was on his knees, his hand clenching to his left shoulder, she had successfully moved the pain to the genie. She knew how to relocate pain, that had been engrained into her, at academ. But that was with a switch and not with a torch, and that after the pain had already been inflicted.

Lotef looked at G181, all she found was the bruise she should have worn from the impact, the charred flesh she expected from the following explosion was nowhere to be seen. "Are you ok?" She asked.

"Y-yes Mistress."

Lotef saw the lump at the corner of her eye, a single bead, Lotef plucked it from the ground and appraised the lump. Spent and harmless, it took a moment for Lotef to realize it was a null round, like the ones the boys used for their wargames.

"You should see the look on your face!" Enjinseer Eija said, between fits of giggles, she held the torch to the side allowing Lotef to get a better look. It was a lesser torch, the toys the boys would use for their 'wargames', other than the sharp pain, they were mostly harmless.

"You are the worst!" Lotef howled, tossing the lump at the horrid woman, it missed by a mile.

"I'm enjoying myself as well." Enjinseer Eija said, that smile never leaving her face, "Now come on, let's finish your tour, we can't keep the Elden waiting after all."

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