My Afterlife is a Lesbian Magic School?

Chapter 19: 18. New Spell

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After all the excitement on rest day, returning to classes was oddly relaxing and peaceful. Neither Candi or me had any trouble from Alice or her cronies. For some reason Alice was very nice to me after that day, which Candi noticed but didn't question.

And my best friend didn't have any problem with her uniform, which made me wonder if she was just playing things up a bit on rest day. Not that I minded either way. About the only thing she did that seemed out of the ordinary was she folded over the waistband of her skirt two or three times which raised the hem up several inches.

So rather than a knee-length plaid skirt it was more like a plaid mini-skirt. It showed off more leg while she was standing or walking, and when she sat down it meant there was a good chance she'd be flashing anyone who happened to look.

I had no doubt our fellow students noticed that, as did the teachers, but nobody said a word as far as I was aware.

Me and Candi continued to have all our meals together and we hung out in her room after classes. She had her roommate pretty well-trained even without the benefit of the Obedience spell which impressed me, though I realized Candi was probably using the Control spell quite a bit on the girl. I wouldn't be surprised if she'd upgraded it a couple times since she learned it from me.

And with her roommate's help, me and Candice experimented and figured out how to recognize the Mirror and Barricade spells when someone was using them. It required our magical sight, and we needed more practice to get better at recognizing it. The spells were sort of visible as bands of energy that wound around the person using them. They had a particular pattern, and we could even tell which spell was in effect, between Mirror or Barricade. So if we got into another fight with people using either of those spells, we wouldn't be caught out like we did before.

Speaking of spells getting upgraded, I got Detect Truth up to grade two by simply running it nonstop as long as I was awake. It worked like my Detect Magic ability, I got a little warning light in the upper-right corner of my vision when people talked to me. When a statement was true I got a green light, if it was a half-truth the light was amber, and when they lied the alert was red.

I didn't get much use out of the Seek Truth spell, because it turned out almost nobody lied to me. Evie never did, Candi did rarely but I wouldn't probe her since she didn't use hers on me. And the other people I interacted with either didn't like me and avoided talking to me, or were too scared of me to lie. Alice's friends and Candi's roommate fell into that last category.

And speaking of roommates, I was still spending evenings in my room with Evie, but there hadn't really been anything new she could teach me in a while. She did keep me informed on what was going on with the year-two girls, and when I told her I was using the Obedience spell against one of my classmates she was really proud and happy I was putting her teaching to good use.

Despite being the same level as Evie, I continued to resist the urge for sex with her. For now. I still got wet whenever I thought about her big beautiful cock, and the sight of it made me horny as fuck but I coped with it the same way I had all month. I took care of my own needs under the blankets while Evie eagerly performed for me.

A couple days after that busy rest day it was time for the fifth and final application of Evie's Obedience spell. It was pretty much routine by that point, I just waited till she was in bed then told her to do it. And when she was done I gave her the last set of instructions.

I hadn't changed things up very much the last few times. If it all worked the way she originally told me then she'd remain my loyal trusting devoted friend. She'd always put my well-being ahead of her own. There was some unthinking obedience in there, and in Candi's words, I left Evie with a couple more kinks than she had to begin with. The main one was she got off on having me or other people watch her when she masturbated or had sex.

The last thing I did was reinforce that thing about talking to her while she was laying down with her eyes closed. By the end I had her convinced my voice was the actual voice of god, that anything I told her was absolute and undeniable, and she wouldn't remember those conversations and all that stuff. I didn't really have any great plans for that, but I was curious to see if it would still work after the spell finally wore off.

After that it was basically an eight-day countdown till the spell wore off, then Evelynn would be free for the first time in over a month.

If the stuff she originally told me was true then she'd remain friendly and submissive and obedient towards me. If not, she and I would probably get into a fight then start the whole thing over again. At least by now I was the same level as her.

One other thing I noticed after having her redo the spell was I didn't seem to get any boost to my level counter. I was about ten-percent of the way to level five before, and I was still about ten-percent after. I figured the diminishing benefit I was getting from that process was maybe tied to the way the spell or my instructions were affecting her. And if that guess was correct, then the fact that I got no benefit this time suggested the process really was complete.

And finally, the day before my spell was due to expire on Alice I made arrangements to meet her in her room after class. I was careful not to use much mana that day so I still had over fifty points available when I joined her. Renewing the spell on her wasn't quite as easy as it was with my roomie since Alice couldn't cast it herself, she didn't even know it existed, but I managed it ok. And I didn't pass out the second time, probably because I had enough mana in reserve and I wasn't already worn out from being her plaything first.

Since she was still under the effects of the first spell I didn't have to mess around, I just pulled up my skirt and sat on the edge of her bed then had her kneel between my legs. I prepared the spell, then had her lick me once and that was all it took.

I was a bit lightheaded after dropping thirty mana points at once, but after that Alice was mine for the next twelve days. Then I had her lay down on the bed and close her eyes, while I whispered her updated instructions. It was all basically a repeat of the stuff I told her the first time, I just dialled it all up another notch to help reinforce it. I also had her forget about having to lick me and stuff, so she wouldn't remember anything out of the ordinary happened.

Unlike with Evie, I still got a boost to my level progress when I renewed the spell on Alice. I went from fourteen percent to fifty-two percent of the way to level five.

That was about all the notable stuff that happened during the week. Things were quiet again today, and we had rest-day again tomorrow. I spent the afternoon with Candi then had dinner with her as usual, and we finally parted ways in the dorms as I went to my room and she headed up to hers.

We had plans to spend most of tomorrow's rest-day together working on our extra-curricular activities, and I was already looking forward to that. I was also thinking about maybe revealing some more of my secrets to her.

I lay back on my bed as I thought about maybe even bringing Candice to my room tomorrow and introducing her to Evie, and letting her see what was really going on with my roommate. That might be fun, I could almost imagine the shock on Candi's face when she saw how the mighty second-year student did whatever I told her.

That thought left a smile on my face, until my thoughts drifted.

Today was day thirty, a full month since I died, reincarnated, and found myself in this new body, new life, new world, and new school. I figured I'd done pretty well for myself, all things considered. Level four sorceress, halfway to level five.

I'd been paying attention in the dining hall, the year-two girls were a mix of levels three, four, and five. My roomie, the former queen-bitch of year two, was only average among her peers. And the year-three girls had a few level-five stragglers, most were either level six or seven, and there were two who stood out at level eight.

I was glad none of them had anything to do with unimportant year-one girls like me.

A half hour later I was still laying on my bed thinking about the last thirty days when Evelynn came in. She had an excited smile on her face as she put her books away, but she left her notebook out on her desk.

"Abby," she said eagerly, "I learned a new spell today, you're going to love it! I really want to show it to you!"

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I sat up and smiled back, "It must be a good one, you sound really excited about it."

She nodded, "Oh it is! I don't want to spoil the surprise though. Can I demonstrate it?"

I had enough of a paranoid streak in me that I wasn't going to let my guard down around her even now. I asked, "On me? Or on yourself?"

"Either," she replied. "I can cast in on either of us, I just want to show you."

"You then," I told her while I watched.

She got a thoughtful look on her face for a few seconds, then a sly smile appeared on her lips as she asked, "Is there anything about my body that turns you on?"

"Your big beautiful cock," I replied before I could stop myself. I felt my cheeks colouring, but I still felt a little paranoid about what might be going on. I cast that Mirror spell on myself just to be safe.

The sly smile stayed on my roomie's face as she unbuttoned her skirt and set it aside. Damnit now I was curious, paranoid, and horny.

She sat down on the edge of her bed and gave herself a few strokes as she watched me. She quickly got her shaft good and hard so it stood up tall and proud between her long slim attractive legs. Just like I always pictured it when I was fantasizing about her.

An amber light came on in the lower right corner of my vision, followed by a now-familiar alert.

'Magic detected: Evelynn is enspelling herself.'

I activated my magical sight just in time to see lines of enchantment coil and wrap around her gorgeous shaft like a pair of ethereal hands getting ready to stroke it. There was a surge of magic, then it grew.

My eyes widened as her big thick beautiful cock became bigger, thicker, and even more beautiful. It had to be at least twelve inches long and almost two inches thick. There was no way it'd ever even fit in me but I was practically dripping wet at the sight of it. I doubted I'd get more than the tip into my mouth but I found myself licking my lips as I stared. Even her balls were bigger, like the whole package had been scaled up by about fifty percent. Not that I really cared much about math at the moment.

Evelynn seemed almost oblivious to the effect it was having on me, she just grinned and announced triumphantly "It's a transformation spell! Isn't it amazing Abby?"

"Amazing," I agreed as I nodded slightly. "You'll have to teach me that spell...later. Right now I need to see how that works... Kneel on your bed and show me Evie."

The beautiful brunette nodded happily, she quickly got into position and got busy. She hadn't removed her blouse or sandals, and I was still in my uniform as well but neither of us were thinking about clothes. I pulled my blouse up to bare my breasts, and pulled my skirt up out of my way too. I also forgot about bothering to cover up, I just sat there on the edge of my bed watching Evie as she kneeled on hers.

I had one hand rubbing and squeezing my boobs, pinching and tugging at my nipples while my other hand was between my legs. Two fingers were as deep inside me as I could reach, while my thumb was on my clit, rubbing and circling it between pumps and thrusts with my fingers.

And my eyes were locked on my roommate's awesome cock, I kept licking my lips and imagining what it would feel like to have that monster in my mouth, how amazing it must taste, how much I wanted to kiss it and lick it and find out.

Evie meanwhile had one hand stroking up and down her amazingly long wonderful shaft, while her other reached further down, rubbing and fingering her pussy. She swapped hands frequently, using her dripping pussy to get her amazing cock slick and glistening.

In the end she came first, and even that was more impressive than usual. My eyes widened as her muscles twitched and spasmed while she blasted rope after rope of thick hot white come into her own face and over her breasts, soaking into her tight pink blouse.

That sight was all it took to send me over the edge and for a few moments I was seeing stars as my body rocked under the force of my own orgasm.

Evie ended up slumped sideways across her bed, her head and shoulders resting against the wall with her legs splayed apart hanging off the bed as she slouched back panting. Her huge beautiful cock slowly went limp and settled across her belly.

I was in more or less the same position. I scootched back on my bed so I had my back against the wall, still facing my roomie. We were both fully displaying ourselves to each other as we came down from our orgasms.

My eyes were still locked on her awesome shaft as it lay limp across her tummy, but once I found my voice again I told her "You have to teach me that spell."

"Of course Abby," she replied in a tired happy voice. "I knew you'd like it."

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