My Afterlife is a Lesbian Magic School?

Chapter 21: 20. Confessions

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Candi and I were still sitting on my bed. Her back was resting against the wall and her arm was around my shoulders, while I was leaning against her side.

We were both quiet again after I told her about the lingering effects of Evie's Control spell last month and she pointed out my roommate might still be enspelling me in my sleep.

After a few minutes of awkward silence Candi finally spoke up. "Abby? Maybe this will help get your mind off that stuff about Evelynn. Can I ask you a personal question?"

"Um, sure, ok?"

She turned to look at me again as she asked, "Control spells and evil roommates aside, do you normally like girls? Or guys?"

Her tone and expression were both sort of serious, but I couldn't help myself.

I giggled, "If I liked guys then I sure picked the wrong magic school! Yes I like girls. I mean, I exclusively like girls. Why?"

She hesitated, then asked softly "Do you like me?"

Her voice was still kind of serious, but she also sounded a bit nervous too. Like she was almost scared to hear my answer, incase it wasn't what she hoped for.

My grin vanished instantly as I looked up at her in surprise. I gulped slightly then nodded, "Yes, I like you. I was interested in you pretty much from the first time I saw you in the break room last month. And that day Alice and her goons attacked us, I was really worried about you."

Candi's expression wasn't giving anything away yet, but she was still holding me against her so I figured whatever she was feeling it couldn't be that bad.

She asked, "That day they attacked us and I ended up spending most of the afternoon undressed, why'd you insist on getting naked too?"

I blushed, "I don't know? I guess I wanted you to see me too, maybe I was hoping you'd like what you saw."

With a nervous gulp I asked softly, "Why are you asking me this stuff? Are you... Do you like me too?"

Her serious look finally crumbled as her lips twitched and curled up into a smile, and she let out a sigh of relief, "Yes I like you! I spend all my spare time with you, I have all my meals with you, I just wasn't sure you felt the same way!"

She added, "And that day I spent half of it naked, you didn't say anything? Even after you stripped as well, you just sat down beside me to study. I don't know, it made me think you weren't into me, or maybe you weren't into girls. So I never said anything."

"Sorry," I grimaced. "I guess I was afraid of making it weird? And a lot of this stuff is new to me, and I didn't want to say something to upset you or risk our friendship and -"

The rest of my sentence was cut off as she leaned in and planted a kiss directly on my lips. My eyes went wide but I kissed her back immediately, while somewhere in the back of my head I was shouting happily, 'My first kiss!'

And before I had a chance to get over the shock and joy of that experience, I got my second kiss, then my third. Candi and I wound up laying on my bed in each others arms as we shared more kisses than I cared to count. My body pressed up against hers and I could feel her warmth, along with her increased heart rate and the rise and fall of her chest with her breathing.

In a way, hugging and kissing seemed really basic and tame compared to some of the other stuff I'd done and witnessed over the past month. But it was just as good as all that. Better even, because we were doing this with each other out of mutual attraction and desire.

I found myself laying on my side with my head on her shoulder and her arm around me as I cuddled up against her with my arm draped across her belly.

"That was really nice," I said quietly.

Candi smiled and pulled me a little closer, "Yeah. Though I'd like to do more than just kiss. But it was a really good place to start."

I smiled as well, "I'd like more too. But you're right, that was a perfect way to start."

The two of us continued cuddling quietly for a few more minutes, till I broke the silence with a sudden inappropriate giggle.

"What?" Candi asked with a confused frown on her face. "What's so funny?"

I blushed, "Sorry. I just had a silly thought."

She stared at me with one eyebrow raised, "Well you can't just leave me hanging, tell me what it was!"

My cheeks grew brighter as I admitted, "I've never done this stuff before, I've never had a girlfriend before. I have no idea what I'm doing or what I'm supposed to do next? And it just sort of crossed my mind, all this stuff would be way easier if I was under your control. Then you'd tell me what to do, when you wanted me to do it. And I wouldn't have to worry about doing or saying the wrong thing and messing it all up."

Candi continued staring at me for a few more seconds, but her expression slowly shifted to a bemused smile. "What are you saying Abby? You want me to cast Control on you?"

"No!" I protested, though my cheeks were probably so bright she'd need to avert her eyes soon. "Just that I don't know what I'm doing and I'm afraid of doing something wrong."

In a very soft voice I added, "Though I might not fight back if you did try and enspell me..."

She was still staring at me with that funny look on her face, but her bemused smile slowly shifted to a smirk. Finally she suggested, "How's this sound instead? Why don't I just tell you what I'd like to do, and you can decide whether or not you want to do it? No need for magic."

"Ok Candi," I nodded. "That sounds really nice actually."

"And if there's anything you'd like to do," she added, "Then you just tell me, and I can decide whether or not I want to do it too."

That sounded a little more perilous, but I gulped "Ok. We'll see."

I waited a second or two then asked softly, "So what would you like to do?"

She gave me another kiss and replied, "I'm enjoying cuddling with you, but it might be even better if we didn't have clothes in the way. Want to get naked?"

That was exactly the sort of decision I was hoping she'd make for us both. I nodded and let go of her long enough to get out of my dress and panties, and I slipped my sandals off. Everything wound up in a little pile on the floor next to the bed.

Candi's dress took a little more effort to get out of, with all the buttons and everything. But she wasn't wearing anything underneath it so as soon as the dress was off she stepped out of her sandals and she was done. She was a little more tidy than me, she left her dress folded over the back of my chair and her sandals tucked under the chair. Then the two of us slipped back into my bed together and quickly resumed our cuddling.

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This time my head rested against her bare shoulder. My arm lay across her bare belly, just under her naked boobs. And my own small breasts pressed against her right side, my pelvis was against her right hip, and my small slim legs parted slightly to wrap around her right leg. Her right arm was wrapped partially around me, with her hand at my lower back just above my behind.

"You were right," I grinned at her. "Naked cuddling is much nicer than the other kind."

She smiled back and kissed me again. "You're very cute, you know that?"

I enjoyed the kiss, and the compliment, so I returned them both.

"And you're gorgeous," I whispered as I kissed her back. Then I smirked, "Careful though, you might convince me to put my next stat-point onto charisma again."

Candi frowned, "If you do then I really will enspell you and..."

My giggling cut her off, and I teased "This is sounding better and better!"

She shut me up with another kiss. While our lips were together she held tighter with her right arm, then pulled me up ontop of her. Her left arm wrapped around me as well, so I ended up with my whole body on hers. Our lips were still together, her right arm wound around my back just below my shoulders and her left hand was on my butt.

For a moment I was temporarily overwhelmed. Not just from the physical sensations of my naked body laying atop hers, but also the fact that she so easily moved me into that position. It was a reminder of how small and light and weak I was compared to everyone else. Candi wasn't even that big herself, she was small for a human girl. But she was still nearly a foot taller than me, probably forty pounds heavier, and a whole lot stronger.

"Abby are you ok?" Candi asked, suddenly concerned. "You got a funny look on your face. I didn't hurt you did I?"

It took me a few more seconds to finish processing the thoughts and emotions. I finally shook my head "You didn't hurt me. I'm ok. It was just... I guess the realization that with me being so small and weak, my girlfriend can literally pick me up and do whatever she wants with me. It took me a few moments to figure out how I felt about it."

She was quiet for a few moments as she stared at me. Finally she asked, "And how do you feel? If you're uncomfortable please say so, ok? I don't want to do anything that upsets you or makes you uneasy..."

"I'm ok with it," I stated. "Just be gentle. And um, be careful not to drop me or something? According to the healer I'm a 'delicate little thing'. But apart from that um... Yeah. I trust you. And it's kind of exciting, knowing you're that much stronger than me..."

That last part maybe came out as a whisper, and maybe my cheeks were bright red again.

Candi's lips twitched slightly into a smile, and she gave me another kiss. "Ok Abby. I can be firm and forceful, while also being gentle. And definitely careful. And now that I know you like that sort of thing..."

My eyes widened and I felt a little thrill of excitement right before her hands grasped my waist. She half-lifted me up off of her as she moved me around into a new position. I didn't resist, but I didn't exactly go limp either. I just went along with it. I was confident if I had tried to fight back she'd have let go or something, I trusted her not to hurt me.

And there was a kind of thrill of letting her move me around and do what she wanted with me. It was like she said earlier, that she'd tell me what she wanted and I could choose to do it. This was the same but without words.

When she finished moving me around, I was kneeling on the bed straddling her face, with my back to the wall so I was looking down at her naked body laying below me. There weren't any more words, there was no need for them.

A couple seconds after I was in position I felt her lips on my sensitive flesh as she planted a few tender kisses on my inner thighs. The kisses quickly moved closer to the goal and a moment later her lips were on my labia. She kissed me a few more times before her tongue slipped out and gave me a long slow sensual lick.

My eyes closed as ripples of pleasure ran up and down my body. Some of them settled in my boobs and my nipples quickly became rock-hard. She licked me again, and I moaned softly as my body trembled slightly in anticipation.

I leaned forward and placed my small hands on her chest, then gently started to caress and massage her breasts. They weren't the biggest I'd seen, but like everything else they were impressive compared to my small form. My fingers brushed over her nipples as they contracted and stood out, and I started gently pinching and flicking them.

The happy noises my girlfriend was making let me know to keep doing that. And a moment later her happy noises were joined by my own, as I felt her tongue push its way inside me. Despite all the magic-fuelled shenanigans I'd experienced in the past month, I'd never actually had anyone do this before. And it was even better than I could have imagined.

Candi took things slowly, she was gentle but determined. And her full-sized human tongue inside me was a hundred times better than my own fingers.

"Aaaaahhhhh," my eyes rolled back for a moment as I felt her probe even deeper inside me with her tongue, then when she slipped it back out she ran it along my lips and the tip circled my clit. More shocks of pleasure echoed back and forth through my body.

I leaned forward and crouched down, and managed to get my face to one of her boobs. It was the size of my face, all warm and soft. My lips closed around her nipple and I started licking and sucking at it. It was bigger than the tip of my thumb, and a lot more fun to play with.

My girlfriend obviously appreciated my efforts as she plunged her tongue deep inside me again. I let out another loud happy moan, which was muffled somewhat by the fact that my lips were still locked tight around her nipple.

The sensation of her probing around inside me sent wave after wave of pleasure through me, and the waves were starting to build towards a peak. I was sucking and tonguing her nipple in time with the licks and thrusts she was giving me, and I could feel my body starting to tense like a spring slowly coiling up tight.

She obviously felt my rising tension and she picked up the pace again. I started to lose myself to the pure physical sensations, and just when I thought I couldn't take any more Candi's tongue hit a spot inside me that was like a direct line between my pussy and the Goddess herself. All the tension that slowly built up let loose at once and my vision went white. For a few long glorious seconds there was nothing but pleasure that washed over my entire body, but I felt it most vividly in my clit, my nipples, and my mind.

When I came down I found myself still laying atop Candi, still straddling her face. I was crouched over, my head nestled between her boobs like a pair of warm beautiful jiggly pillows.

Her tongue ran along my labia once more, sending a dozen happy little aftershocks rocking through my body, and I moaned incoherently.

"I take it you liked that?" Candi asked, and I could hear the smirk in her voice.

I mumbled into her boobs, "I think I met the Goddess... Her name's Candi and her tongue is magic."

My girlfriend giggled softly, but didn't say anything else for now.

She let me have another ten or fifteen minutes to fully recover, before I felt her hands on my body once more. She picked me up and moved the two of us into a new position, and I found myself laying back on the bed, pinned under her straddled legs.

"My turn," she said as she looked down at me with a wide grin.

I smiled back as I looked up at her, but before I could respond she shifted her position enough to bring her beautiful pussy right up against my mouth. I forgot about talking for now, as I started kissing and licking her already-wet lips.

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