My Afterlife is a Lesbian Magic School?

Chapter 23: 22. Checks & Balances

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"What makes you so sure Becky wouldn't have fifty mana points?" I asked Candi. "I'm not saying you're wrong, like I know Evie doesn't have anywhere near as much as me based on observing her over the past month. I'm just wondering what you're basing it on for Becky."

She sighed, "Right, this is more stuff you can't read up on because your interface is broken."

After a moment to collect her thoughts she went into her lecture mode again, which I honestly found kind of cute. "As far as I know, everybody starts with ten mana and ten health. Then -"

I interrupted, "Every human maybe. I'm pretty sure non-humans have different starting numbers."

Candi rolled her eyes, "Fine. But you're the first and so far only non-human I've ever met, so we'll just go with this for now. Anyways, like I was saying..."

She explained that according to the system, ten and ten was the base health and mana for every human. Then when we received a class and got our first level, those figures went up. And every subsequent level they'd go up again. It was all extremely familiar to me of course, but I didn't interrupt as she was explaining the basic mechanics of just about every role playing game in existence.

"So I don't know how it works for other classes, like knights or healers or administrators or merchants? But for those of us in the magic classes, like witches, wizards, and sorceresses, every level bumps up health and mana by typically between five and ten points. Or in other words, folks will get an average of seven and a half points per level, plus the base ten. So a level four sorceress like Evelynn or Becky would have an average of forty health and forty mana points. And the maximum would be fifty."

My eyes widened, "Huh. Is that, like... That's a universal fact or something?"

My girlfriend smiled, "That's average, and that's only for folks who aren't in the system. Remember, we get bonuses and stuff. So I'm not going to tell you my stats and I won't ask yours, but I will say that people who are in the system are probably going to have higher numbers than 'average'."

She added, "From what you've already said I'm going to guess your maximum mana is around sixty. That's about what you'd expect for someone who's level seven. Or put it another way, you probably have about the same mana as the average girl in year three here."

"Wow," I frowned. "On the other hand, my health is really...not good. Like I guess based on what you've just said, my health is more like average for level two or three."

I added, "Actually last time I levelled-up I only got one measly health point!"

Candi grimaced, "Damn. That's actually really bad."

"It's because of my low constitution," I sighed. "Which in turn is because I'm half sprite. Though I suppose it balances out, right? I get advantages and bonuses with magic, but I've got limitations and drawbacks with almost everything else."

"Yeah true enough," she nodded. "And it's kind of the way the whole thing works, right? Like ok you've learned some powerful spells and shared those with me, but the price of using them on strong students is very high. We can use them on weaker students, but I'm sure you've already figured this out, we don't advance that much from using our magic on weaker students. That also protects us from the third-year and higher girls, they don't get enough benefit from messing with us to make it worth their while. So while they probably know some terrifying magic, they don't waste it on us because it won't benefit them. But they can't use it on each other indiscriminately because it's too expensive to cast it on each other."

I thought that over, then finally nodded "Ok yeah. It's like there's lots of checks and balances built into the system, to keep things running smoothly and to prevent the whole school from descending into chaos."

She agreed, "It does mean when we graduate, we'll be pretty damn powerful compared to the rest of the population. Like it says in the handbook right, respected and or feared."

That left me frowning thoughtfully for a few moments.

"Candi?" I finally asked her. "Why'd you enroll here? What made you want to be a sorceress?"

She hesitated. "Like I said way back when? My folks sent me here to get me a good education."

My truth spell lit up red, and she'd know I was still using that spell so she had to know I'd know she was lying. But I wouldn't probe and I wouldn't push her. We both agreed there were secrets we still needed to keep. There was definitely stuff I kept from her, so I couldn't blame her for keeping stuff from me.

"Ok," I nodded. "While we're on the subject of school and learning, how about I teach you those new spells?"

Candi grinned while I got out my notebook, and the two of us got started. It took about a half hour to teach her the Obedience spell. And I didn't just teach her how to cast it, I also warned her about the way I turned it against Evie through a fluke of luck. I told her what I was using for the 'act of submission' thing, like I could never lick myself that way so it couldn't be turned against me.

When we were done with that, I tried to teach her the Transformation spell but it turned out you had to be level four or higher for that one, so my girlfriend would have to wait before I could share it with her.

Candi pouted, "As soon as I hit level four I'll be back to learn that one! Even if it is too expensive to cast most of the time."

"Of course," I smiled. "I haven't even tried using it myself yet, I only saw Evie demonstrate it last night."

She grinned and asked, "So what did Evie do? What'd it look like when it happened?"

It was an innocent question, but it brought the images back to the forefront of my mind. I grimaced and for the hundredth time today I was suddenly dripping wet and very horny again. We were still naked too and Candi definitely noticed how my body responded, along with the way my cheeks flushed.

Candi's eyes flicked up and down over me and she gave me a sympathetic smile, "Becky really messed you up huh? I take it whatever your roommate did with that Transformation spell, it set you off last night?"

I blushed and sighed as I leaned against her, "I lost control of myself and went down on her. I'd been resisting her all month, but last night I couldn't hold back anymore."

"Sorry Abby," she sighed as she pulled me into a hug. "What did Becky actually do to you? Do you want to tell me about it?"

I cuddled against her and shrugged slightly, "That stuff I told you this morning? I thought that was stuff Evie did to me last month that was still sticking around? It turns out Becky's been reinforcing it all month long. She figured out the same stuff you did, about using the spell in my sleep? So once or twice a week she's cast it on me in my sleep and she's been making this reaction stronger and stronger. And like I said, last night I couldn't fight it any longer."

She gave me a sad smile and said, "I don't know if this'll make you feel better or worse, but you look even cuter when you're all flustered and trying to pretend you're not horny as fuck."

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"Thanks Candi," I mumbled as my cheeks burned even brighter.

She grinned and held me a little closer as she gave me a kiss. She kept grinning as she added, "If you did want to tell me what it is about Evie that sets you off, I totally promise I won't use it against you except when I think it would be really really fun."

I kissed her back then rolled my eyes, "I'll think about telling you...some other time."

Candi pouted but it was obvious she was just teasing.

We ended up just relaxing together cuddling in bed again for a while. She eventually asked "How long till your roommate comes back? And have you figured out how you'll handle Becky? Once your Control spell wears off she's going to be out for blood."

I sighed, "I told them both to come back after three hours. And I still don't know yet what I'll do. If you're right about her Mana being under fifty then there's not much she can do to me regardless. We're the same level, I have more mana available, and that plus-five bonus."

"You're starting to sound cocky again," she warned me. "And considering she's been in your head all month, you don't want to risk making any mistakes with her."

"I know," I told her, as I tried to set her mind at ease. "I'm pretty sure it'll be ok though. I might have another trick or two yet."

She was quiet for a few moments, then finally sighed. "Ok Abby. I get the feeling you don't want me to know what you've got up your sleeve. And you probably don't want me around when you deal with her, right?"

I gave her another kiss, "Sorry Candi. Like you said, we've still got secrets we have to keep. There's stuff I want to tell you, when I'm ready."

She kissed me back "It's ok Abby. I understand, I really do. And I'm not upset, so don't worry about that."

She finally let go of me and got up out of bed, "Let's meet up at dinner ok? I'll leave you to deal with Becky and your roommate. Maybe I'll see what Brianna's up to, or Mia."

I got up as well and we both put our dresses back on, then we exchanged another hug and kiss. Finally she slipped on her sandals and headed out, while I stayed in my room.

There was still a while before Evie and Becky were due back, so I spent the time reviewing my notebook and staring at my Status screen.

When the three hours were finally up, Evelynn and Becky returned. They were both a little flushed, their hair and clothes were messy, and they were both breathing hard. They'd obviously cleaned up quickly before they got dressed again, but even so it was easy to tell what the two had been up to.

I grinned at the tall blonde and asked, "Did you enjoy all your gifts Becky?"

She gulped but nodded, "Yes... Thank you."

"Good. Before I work on your next gift I want you to do something for me. Cast your Telepathy spell on Evelynn."

Both of them looked surprised but neither protested. When my detection picked up the spell I used my dispell / scrutinize combo, and a moment later I'd gained another new spell.

'Dispell successful! New spell acquired!'

'Telepathy (3): Active spell (cost: 3 mana/level). You can establish a mental connection with another sentient being that allows you to communicate with them. One way (they hear you) or two way (you hear each other). Casting range: 5m. Maximum duration: 15min/level.'

I smiled, "Very good Becky. Now I'm going to work on your next gift, but I want it to be a surprise. Lie down on Evelynn's bed, close your eyes, and enjoy her scent on the pillow as you fall into a deep sleep."

Becky looked torn as she lay down on the bed. Like she was obviously scared of what was going to happen while she slept, but she was still happy for the past three hours she spent with her crush. Once she was laying on the bed she closed her eyes and a few moments later she was asleep.

My attention turned to Evie and I asked her quietly, "You told me you've inspired unthinking obedience in Becky. Can you use that to give her to me? So she'll obey me, rather than you?"

Evelynn looked thoughtful for a few moments, then nodded "Yes Abby, I think it should work?"

"Can you do it while she's asleep?" I asked. "While she's still under my Control spell? And how does it work?"

She shook her head, "I don't know if it will work while she's enspelled? But it will work whether she's asleep or not. It works when I hold her hand in a certain way? Anything I tell her when I hold her hand like that she'll take as an absolute command."

That reminded me of what I'd been doing with her and Alice, when they're laying down with their eyes closed.

I smiled, "Please try it now Evie. Give her to me, and I'll forgive you for letting her enspell me."

Evie nodded, then moved to sit down on the edge of her bed. I watched as she took Becky's hand in hers, and held it so her thumb was gently pressing into the back of Becky's hand. Then she leaned over and started speaking softly as she gave her friend a new set of orders, which would put me in charge of Becky in Evelynn's place.

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