My Afterlife is a Lesbian Magic School?

Chapter 26: 25. Love & Trust

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"So what happened last night?!" Candi asked quietly. "Are you ok? You look tired."

I sighed as I sipped some juice, "It was uh, interesting. Things went mostly according to plan, except she knows I have a weakness for a certain part of her body and she made full use of that weakness. I probably spent two or three hours on my knees, then I needed a shower. I didn't actually get into bed till well after midnight."

My girlfriend gave me a worried look. "I don't understand? Is she still friendly or is she acting like a bitch again?"

"She's acting friendly," I replied with a shrug. "She was very nice and polite about it, while she triggered my weakness and made full use of my inability to resist."

That brought a frown to her face and she asked, "So what are you going to do? You can't just leave things like that, can you?"

"I don't know," I shrugged again. "Even if she doesn't deliberately try to use it against me I'm still stuck in the same room as her. It's going to happen over and over, and maybe it'll even get worse. And if she does keep doing it deliberately... I don't know. It's not awful, I really like it while it's happening? But the rest of the time it's annoying."

Candi continued to frown at me, then finally asked "I don't suppose you'll tell me the details about this stuff? Maybe I could help?"

I sighed as I thought it over for what felt like the twentieth time. I really wanted to trust her, but this was something that could easily be used against me.

After a few more seconds I finally sighed "We'll talk more this afternoon, after class. We can't do anything about it right now anyways, and I really need to be able to focus during class."

Candi gave me a hug and replied quietly, "Ok Abby."

She didn't ask any more questions, and the two of us were quiet as we ate breakfast together. Morning classes went by ok and I was able to focus on my studies, and at lunch me and Candice just talked about the morning's lessons. The afternoon went by slower, but I managed to keep my mind on my assignments.

It wasn't till we were finally out of the last class when I started worrying again. I'd more or less decided I was going to trust Candi and tell her all the details, even if it did mean she could take advantage of the situation.

As we walked back towards the dorms she put her arm around my shoulders and asked quietly, "Do you want to talk about that stuff now? And do you want to go to your room or mine?"

I leaned against her and replied, "Your room. We'll send your roomie away, then we can talk in private."

She nodded and the two of us continued walking quietly. Before going up to her room on the top floor I visited my room long enough to put my books away in my desk. Then a few minutes later I was sitting with Candi on her bed in her room. Brianna wasn't around so we had the room to ourselves.

"Ok Abby," my girlfriend said quietly. She sounded worried, but curious. "Do you want to tell me what Becky and Evelynn did to you?"

I took a deep breath and warned, "Talking about this is probably going to trigger it. Part of the reason I wanted to talk about this here is we know she won't show up partway through the conversation? I should be ok if she's not around."

Candi nodded quietly as she watched and waited for me to get on with the explanation.

After another deep breath I dove in. "So there's something unusual about Evelynn's body. She's got all the usual bits in all the usual places, but in addition to that, she's also got a penis..."

The expression on my girlfriend's face shifted through a few different emotions in short order. Surprise, disbelief, amusement, then back to disbelief again.

"Really?" she finally asked. "Like the real thing?"

I nodded, "Yeah. It's definitely real. And that's what they've got me infatuated with. Evelynn started it that first night. Before she did it she told her friends what she was going to do with me? So after that first night, Becky decided to keep doing that, reinforcing it. And when I finally gave in last week I think that sort of sealed the deal or something?"

There was a pause while I tried to settle myself down again because just discussing the situation was definitely having an effect on me.

"Anyways, so last night the Obedience spell wore off and Evie was still friendly and calm. She kind of even conceded defeat? Then she pulled her blankets aside and started stroking herself, like she knew exactly what it was doing to me. I lost control of myself and like I said this morning, I spent a couple hours on my knees with my head between her legs."

My thighs were pressed together and my nipples were standing up tall, poking at the fabric of my blouse. I tried focusing on some magic formulae to distract myself, while Candi remained quiet as she processed all that.

She could see the effect this conversation was having on me, and she seemed to have gotten past her initial disbelief. Now she had a serious look on her face as she thought through everything I just told her.

After a minute or two my girlfriend asked, "I assume you've talked to Becky, about getting her to reverse what she's done?"

"Yeah," I nodded. "She said if it was one or two weeks, maybe. But after a month she doesn't think it can be reversed. She said maybe the uh, target or trigger or whatever could be changed? That might work, but it might just be trading one weakness for another."

She thought about that for a few moments then grinned, "If we could change it up from uh, a part of Evie's body to a part of mine, then at least you wouldn't be lusting over an enemy."

I grimaced, "Not that I don't trust you, but wouldn't that be an awful temptation for you?"

She blushed and bit her lower lip, then admitted "I'm already really tempted Abby. Will you forgive me if I give in to that temptation for a few minutes?"

I glanced at her then rolled my eyes, "Let me get out of my uniform first, I don't want to be up half the night doing laundry."

Candi watched as I stood up and slipped off my skirt and blouse. I left them folded on the foot of her bed, then sat back down next to her. She was biting her lower lip again. Once I was seated she pulled me into a hug and whispered, "I love you, but you really are cute when you're squirming Abby. So um... How big is Evie's cock? What's it look like when it's hard? How long would you say it is? How big around?"

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"You're evil," I groaned as I really did start squirming. Despite my best efforts, her questions quickly got me thinking about it and picturing it. Just like that I was dripping wet and horny as fuck again.

I didn't answer any of her questions, but I didn't have to. She probably wasn't even interested in the answers, she just wanted to make me think about it so she could watch the results.

Candi kept an arm around me as she grinned and asked some more questions. "You said you've gone down on her, how much of it can you get in your mouth? What's it taste like? Was it good? I bet she looks hot when she's naked and it's standing up hard. How long did you say it was?"

That was all I could take. I spread my legs as one of my hands darted down between them and I ran my fingers along my wet folds, while my other hand moved to my chest.

Memories from last night were replaying in my mind, I started sucking on my lower lip as I pictured Evie's big beautiful cock in front of me, standing up hard and proud between her long gorgeous legs, towering above her wide luscious hips next to her cute little belly. I could practically taste it again as I pictured running my tongue up and down along her perfect hard shaft. My lips parted and I opened my mouth as I pictured getting ready to take as much of it as I could.

I felt a little drool on the edge of my lip and imagined it was some of Evie's addictive precum that I missed while kissing her. A couple of my fingers slipped inside me and a moan escaped my lips.

The feelings and urges and memories were so strong I was barely aware of my girlfriend as she watched me squirm and writhe. I was finally able to focus on her when she slipped down to her knees and leaned in between my legs. She pulled my hand out of the way, and her tongue took the place of my fingers.

I brought my hand to my mouth and sucked my fingers clean as I tried to imagine I was sucking Evie's awesome cock, while my other hand continued rubbing and pinching my nipples. My girlfriend's tongue probed deep inside me then slid out long enough to circle my clit before plunging back into me once again. I was actually so wound up it only took a few minutes for her to get me off, and I was sure my happy cries were probably loud enough for every other girl on the third floor to hear me.

Candi didn't let up right away, and it didn't take long for her expert tongue to bring me to a second orgasm. I lay sprawled on her bed, my arms splayed out to either side and my legs hanging limp off the edge. There was a wide happy smile on my face as she got back up and sat down next to me. She smiled down at me then leaned over and gave me a deep passionate kiss, and I tasted myself on her lips.

Finally she apologized, "Sorry Abby. It was just too tempting. And I get how serious that is, it's almost like an Arrousal spell but without any magic so you can't dispell it. So we really need to fix this."

After a moment she added in a harder tone, "And I think we should make both Becky and Evelynn answer for doing this to you. I don't trust them, I don't know how they did it but I'm sure they conspired somehow. Both to do this to you, and to take advantage of it."

I frowned as I pulled myself up to a sitting position, "But how? Evie was under my control until last night. She couldn't have been involved."

Once I was sitting up my girlfriend pulled me into another hug. "I don't know how, but I still don't trust them."

She frowned as she thought to herself, then finally said "I think you should get Evelynn to start casting that spell on herself again. Just order her to keep refreshing it before it expires. It won't cost you anything in terms of mana. Becky too if she knows it. If nothing else it'll mean you don't have to worry about them doing anything against you while we work on getting Becky's tampering out of your head."

I sighed as I thought all that over, "I guess. I don't really want to have to keep doing that..."

Candi stated firmly, "As your girlfriend I'm telling you Abby, better safe than sorry. And I know you said Becky said her tampering couldn't be fixed, but I don't trust her to be honest about that."

She held me closer and gave me another kiss. "I know this is a lot to ask Abby, but do you trust me? You know I've been learning a lot about the Control spell, experimenting and stuff. If you'll let me, I could try to fix what she's done to you."

I kissed her back but found myself grimacing again. "I don't know Candi. I mean, you're talking about fixing Becky's tampering with my head by replacing it with your own tampering with my head."

"Yes," she nodded. She looked and sounded serious as she stated "I'm asking you to trust me, to let me enspell you. All I can offer in return is my promise I have only your best interests in mind, and in my opinion you're better off in the hands of your girlfriend than the hands of a couple enemies."

I thought about it for a minute or so, then my expression shifted to a wry smile. "You remember when we first got together, I kind of hinted I'd be ok with you enspelling me? This isn't quite what I had in mind but... Anyways, being serious again what are you planning to do?"

"I'll use the Control spell," she replied. "I have it up to grade three. It'll cost me twenty-five mana to cast on you, and I'll have an hour to work."

It took me another minute to think it over and come to a decision.

"Use the Mirror spell," I told her. "That'll only cost you six mana. I'll cast Control. No need for you to burn twenty-five mana on this."

I blushed as I added, "I have it at grade five. It'll last for five full hours, unless you let me end it earlier. Please don't ask me to explain how I have it so high, and please don't ask me any other questions along those lines."

Candi stared at me for a few seconds, then nodded "I promise I won't ask any questions about your magic or your stats or interface, or any of those other sensitive topics."

My detection ability told me when she had her Mirror running, then I cast Control at her. My detection lit up green and a moment later it was done and I was hers for the next five hours.

She gave me a kiss and said quietly, "Thank you for trusting me Abby. Lie down on my bed and get yourself comfortable."

I kissed her back then as I got comfy on her bed I told her, "I love you."

"I love you too," Candi replied with a compassionate smile on her face.

As my head nestled into her pillow the last thing I heard was my girlfriend's pretty voice telling me to slip into a very deep sleep.

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