My Afterlife is a Lesbian Magic School?

Chapter 29: 28. Team Building

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"Trina this is my roommate Absinthe," Evelynn said as she introduced me to the tall brunette standing next to her. "Absinthe, this is my friend Trina."

"Hello Trina," I replied politely as I sat on the edge of my bed and looked her over.

She was frowning slightly as she looked down at me, but responded politely as well "Hi Absinthe."

'Trina, Human, Sorceress, Level 3'

I already knew who she was of course, and she knew me. But this was the first time we'd been formally introduced. In a way it was probably overdue. Evelynn had been mine for nearly two months now, and it was more than three weeks ago that I started having Evelynn and Becky cast Obedience on themselves again.

About ten days ago I added their friend Rosie to my team, and today it was Trina's turn.

Trina was tall, around the same height as my roommate. Probably five-foot-seven or maybe five-eight. More than a foot taller than myself anyways. She was slim but had some nice curves on her, and her wavy dark brown hair hung down just past her shoulders. She had brown eyes, and a slightly tanned complexion.

She was wearing a simple but pretty blue dress with white accents. It looked expensive, and I was sure Trina's family were just as rich and powerful and important as everyone else around here. She wasn't in her uniform because it was another rest day today. It was mid-morning, and for a change I wasn't hanging out with Candice.

My girlfriend was actually up to similar shenanigans as me today. One of our classmates, a cute busty blonde named Cynthia had just reached level two, and to celebrate Candi was going to add Cynthia to her own little collection of girls.

Not that me and my girlfriend were in any kind of a race or contest, but she was almost at level five and I was nearly at level six. She was trying to catch up with me, and I was trying to stay one level ahead of her.

After looking at Trina for a few seconds I glanced at Evelynn and nodded slightly.

She was already holding her friend's hand, with her thumb positioned in the right spot. Evelynn applied some gentle pressure then said, "Trina you're going to undress then kneel before Absinthe and lick her pussy till she's satisfied. Understand?"

Trina dutifully repeated the order, then when Evelynn let go of her hand the tall brunette started to disrobe.

I addressed my roommate, "Thank you Evelynn, you can get on with the laundry now."

"Yes miss," she replied meekly. She quickly gathered up the dirty things then hurried from the room, leaving me alone with Trina.

The tall brunette slipped down to her knees and I pulled the hem of my dress up to my waist and spread my legs for her.

I could have just ordered her to use Obedience on herself, but I'd already figured out you get more benefit from casting these spells yourself. Not a lot more, the biggest boost always seemed to come when you actually exercised control rather than just having control. But every little bit helped, and by using the spell myself I'd eventually get it maxed out at grade five.

The downside was the cost of casting, but Trina was only level three, same as Rosie. And I could burn forty-five points without too much discomfort, as long as my mana was high enough.

As Trina's tongue started running up and down along my labia I closed my eyes and focused on the spell. I could have planned it so I didn't have any distractions while I was preparing the spell, but I figured this was good exercise. Like being able to focus on complicated magicks while being distracted by other things was probably a good skill to have.

It took me a minute or so, and I used the same 'act of submission' trigger as always. All it took was a single lick of my pussy, and as soon as the spell was prepared Trina triggered it.

There was definitely a bit of a head rush from dropping more than half my mana on a single spell, but I stayed conscious and didn't even get a headache or anything. It did take a minute or two for the room to stop spinning though. Meanwhile Trina was still lapping away at my labia, which honestly helped get me grounded again. It wasn't getting me off, but that was never the point of the exercise.

Once everything had stopped spinning and my head was on straight, I ordered the brunette "Stop. Lie down on Evelynn's bed, and sleep."

She obeyed immediately, and I let the hem of my dress fall back into place. I let myself rest for another ten or fifteen minutes just to be sure I was fine, then I moved to sit on the edge of my roommate's bed. I leaned closer to Trina and began whispering her new instructions.

I was still doing that 'voice of god' thing with all my girls. I figured like Evelynn did the hand holding deal, this was my thing. I was positive Candi had a system she used with her team too. So while Trina was laying down and her eyes were closed, anything I told her came directly from the Goddess herself. My words were absolute and all that stuff, and she wouldn't consciously remember what I said.

I was also being a lot more strict nowadays, since the whole thing with Becky and Evelynn last month. So no more being friends. In private Trina would be submissive, obedient, quiet, and respectful. Even in public she'd be respectful and polite. And of course she'd never do anything harmful or hurtful towards me or Candice. And if she found out anyone else was doing or planning to do anything against me or my girlfriend, she'd warn me immediately.

Apart from all that basic stuff, I didn't bother doing anything nasty or mean, I didn't even give her any amusing new kinks or quirks. Honestly I wasn't really comfortable doing any of this to begin with, but according to Evelynn it was basically part of the curriculum. It was also the quickest way to level-up in this school. Do this to others and level-up and get stronger, or someone else will do it to you.

Between my level and my Obedience spell being at grade four, Trina was now mine for the next fifteen days. The rest day after next one I'd repeat the spell, and just keep doing that every other week until I stopped getting boosts from her. Then I'd order her to start casting it on herself as required.

With the spell and my orders all in place, I let her wake up and just had her wait there until my roommate got back. Then she and Evelynn could have some fun together if they wanted.

And with Trina, that made five. I had Evelynn, Becky, Rosie, Trina, and Alice. The first two were level four, the next two were level three, and Alice was level two. I figured that wasn't bad for a year-one girl who'd only been here for two months.

'New level achieved: Level 6!'
'New natural ability unlocked: Stealth'
'New special ability unlocked: Mana Mastery'

My eyes lit up. Candi told me level six would unlock another ability, but I wasn't expecting to get two of them. I immediately opened my Status screen to check it out.

A wide smile settled on my face. My health finally got a decent boost, it went up seven points this time. It was still embarrassingly low for level six, but I wouldn't complain. My mana went up by twelve, that wasn't too shabby either. I focused on my two new abilities to see what the system had to say about them.

'Stealth (1): Natural ability, passive. You can move silently on smooth or hard surfaces, and vanish into shadows at night.'

Ok that actually made sense. I remembered the system said sprites were elusive and sneaky or something like that, and half-sprites were obviously small and light. As a grade-one ability it seemed kind of lame compared to my arsenal of spells and stuff, but as a free passive I could use it non-stop and grind it till it got better.

'Mana Mastery (1): Special ability, active (cost: *). Once per day you can attempt to replenish your mana by taking it from your enemies. Recover up to 20 mana points from a single target. Cost is 10% of mana transferred (rounded up to the next whole point, minimum 1 point). Note: will not work if your mana is at maximum, cannot take more mana than needed to reach your maximum, cannot take more mana than target has available. Range: 2m.'

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The smile on my face got even wider. That had to be a cheat. My 'specials' had to be cheats, they were too good. Letting me instantly learn spells from other people was wild, now I could replenish my mana from folks too?

I couldn't resist, I focused on Trina and tried it out.

'18 mana points restored!'

There was a brief head-rush, and for a few seconds Trina looked light-headed and dizzy. Considering she was level three I probably just took more than half her available mana, but I got back almost half what I spent to enspell her in the first place.

A happy excited giggle escaped my lips.

I had to go see my girlfriend, to let her know I levelled-up and see if she'd done the same. I jumped to my feet and using my new Stealth ability I dashed silently to the door. Opening and closing that made noise, but once I was out in the hall I ran silently to the stairs, then up to the third floor and finally right up to the door to Candi's room.

As I approached her room my magic detection lit up amber. There were multiple alerts and I glossed through them. Cynthia was being enspelled, Candice was enspelling herself. I had no doubt my girlfriend was enjoying herself, and when I got to her door I waited quietly until the amber warning went out. I figured that meant she was finished what she was doing.

I waited another minute or so to be sure, then knocked lightly at her door.

After another brief wait, the door opened and Brianna motioned, "Come in miss Absinthe."

I wasn't surprised to see my girlfriend's roommate was stark naked. I had a feeling the girl simply didn't wear clothes in the privacy of her room. Candice and Cynthia were also nude. My girlfriend was sitting on the edge of her bed and for some reason she had her blanket discreetly placed across her lap. The busty blonde Cynthia was on her knees on the floor in front of Candi, and I couldn't help taking a moment to admire her curves.

She was about the same height as my girlfriend, so shorter than most of the other girls around here. She wore her blonde hair in a cute short bob, and she had pretty blue eyes. Her face was attractive and rounded, and her body leaned towards curvy rather than athletic. She probably had the biggest boobs out of anyone in our class, and they were a sight to behold without her uniform in the way.

I finally shifted my attention back to Candi and asked, "I hope I'm not interrupting? Are you done?"

The pink-haired cutie grinned at me as she nodded, "Done is a relative term, but I've finished what I was doing a few minutes ago. I was just about to have a little fun with my latest conquest."

'Candice, Human, Sorceress, Level 5'

I smiled widely after checking her Info. So she just levelled-up as well, cool. And she obviously planned to celebrate by making use of the newest addition to her team.

"Do you mind an audience?" I asked. "I might like to stay and watch."

Candi bit her lower lip then said, "You're welcome to stay love, but fair warning. I don't think you'll be able to just watch."

Her eyes flicked down to the blanket over her lap then back up at me, and suddenly I knew why she had that there. Between the blanket and the knowledge that she'd enspelled herself a minute or two ago, I had a pretty good idea what she was hiding. And that thought was all it took to get me dripping wet.

It took me less than five seconds to get out of my dress, which joined Cynthia's clothes in a pile on the floor.

My girlfriend grinned and pulled the blanket aside then ordered, "Back to work, Cynthia."

Watching another girl take Candi's big beautiful cock into her mouth was the most exquisite kind of torture I could imagine. I wanted it, needed it for myself but I had to watch someone else getting that honour first. I moved as close as I could and kneeled on the floor beside the lucky blonde who's head was bobbing up and down on my girlfriend's majestic shaft, then busied myself by burying my fingers deep in my wet folds as I waited my turn.

After six or seven agonizing minutes, Candi moaned "Yesssss!" as her hips and groin jerked and spasmed. Cynthia swallowed the first blast but pulled back as another four or five shots of my girlfriend's beautiful seed ended up in her face and over her big bouncy breasts.

That's all it took to push me over the edge and my own happy cries soon followed as I came a second or two after Candice. It did almost nothing to quench my need though, and my eyes stayed fixed on Candi's huge glorious shaft.

She'd slumped back slightly after her climax, but she was watching me and knew what I wanted.

"Give me a minute Abby," Candi said with a grin. It shifted to a smirk as she added, "You know what might speed things up? Watching you lick my jizz off Cynthias boobs."

I wasn't under any kind of control spell or anything like that. And in the two weeks since Candi shifted my compulsion from Evelynn to herself, she'd continued helping me learn to resist and keep control of myself. Though to be fair most of those lessons did end up with me on my knees and her big beautiful cock in my mouth.

Anyways, the point was despite my need, my head was still clear enough to know she was teasing, and it honestly made no difference whether I did that or not. Which actually made it kind of hotter when I did it anyways, because it was my choice rather than something I was forced to do.

So I turned to face Cynthia. I reached out and cupped her huge pillowy boobs in my small hands, then wrapped my lips around her right nipple as I sucked my girlfriend's come off it. When I pulled back her plump pink nipple stood out hard and glistened with my saliva, then I did the same with the left one. I made a show of it, and by the time I was finished Cynthia's soft voluminous boobs were nicely clean, the blonde was horny as fuck, and Candi was ready with my reward.

I moved in between my girlfriend's spread legs and started planting kisses up and down her long thick perfect cock as she told Cynthia and Brianna to get comfortable and enjoy themselves and each other. Then all her attention was finally on me.

I wrapped my lips around her glorious perfect shaft and took what I could into my mouth. My tongue twisted and danced around the tip while I stroked the rest of it with one hand, and my other found her pussy and began rubbing her soft wet folds.

Candi's fingers ran through my hair as she moaned softly. I glanced up at her and our eyes met. The look of love and joy in hers was met with just as much love and lust mine.

My girlfriend was happy. I was happy. Life was good.

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