My Alternate Saber

Chapter 8: Link in or out

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Shiro lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling with a worried look on his face, his sigh were enough for a depressed person to find his kind.

 After they won the battle against Kris, they were handed the reward price of 300,000 Sels, considering his predicament, Shiro didn't really feel good about it.

He was able to buy a small apartment that cost around 50,000 ainz, leaving him with 250,000 Sels and 50,000ainz.

Although the money wasn't exactly on his mind, he couldn't help but think back to the fight, the raging look on Kris' face when he came out of the hole only to meet Berserker's body on the ground.

"I didn't really think about it, but I might have to kill some masters along the way, can I really go through with it?" He asked himself,l looking at his hands with doubt.

"No no, there's no way I can do that" Shiro screamed jumping up from the bed and kicking the table to the ground, "Uuu, too much".

Saber ran out of the bathroom with her blade in her hands while covering her body with a white towel.

"Master! Are you okay?" She asked stretching her sword outward while looking around to see if there was any enemy around.

Saber heard the sound of the table hitting the ground which led to her conclusion that they were being ambushed.

"Master? Is something the matter? you look rather pale" Saber said, looking at Shiro who was on the floor with his mouth wide open.

"B-boo-" Shiro kept stammering with his face completely beet red from seeing Saber wearing nothing but a towel.


"Your boobs," Shiro said in her calm voice, pointing his finger at Saber's chest.

Saber looked down to see that her cleavage was exposed, her face immediately turned red as she felt embarrassed.

"Pervert!" Saber started running towards him ready to strike Shiro with her blade.

"Hold on. Saber damn it… they are just boobs!" Shiro yelled, dragging his butt on the ground as he desperately tried to get away from Saber.

When she was close him, Shiro had no choice but to get to his feet and run, but that didn't go as planned.

When he stood up he immediately fell right back to the ground, his entire body was weak, he couldn't even lift a single muscle.

Saber dropped her sword and watched as Shiro struggled to get back to his feet, "Master. I think you should call off the skill" Saber uttered.

Since the battle last night, Shiro had kept the skill on, he was sure his hands were broken but to what degree?

He wasn't sure about how much damage Berserker did to his arm and his Rewrite skill was the only thing keeping his hands together.

He stood to his feet with the help of the desk that was beside him, "I'm fine. I just need to maintain enough Magic power and I should be fine" He uttered.

"That's not the point, if you are too busy sustaining that with your magic, how will you defend yourself against an enemy?" Saber asked, moving closer to him.

Shiro closed his eyes, "look, I've only spent two days here, there's no way I'll get an enemy unless I go looking for one".

The panel suddenly appeared in front of Shiro with a notification that showed he had new mail.

"Pretty random," Shiro uttered.

"Looks like you have a mail" Saber said, moving to Shiro's side to see the message clearly.

Shiro clicked on the mail and the message popped out, showing a chibi female wearing a pink gown and leather boots dancing.

{Shiro Tenma… your first slot has been open for battle, I am here to officially tell you that the battle for the Holy Grail has begun.

You are reading story My Alternate Saber at

 from all over the world have begun preparing their servants against any and all opponents that they might face.

Lancer, Saber, Archer, Caster, berserker, assassin, rider, Fighter, mage, summoner, Hunter. Each of these will bear witness to the power of the holy Grail.

Your first opponent

Ainak Golzik


Class: summoner

Location: Novelin

Time: 4th of November 2016, 4:00 pm}.

Shiro just stood there, shocked as he read the message aloud, "We are so screwed, it has started already, 4th?" Shiro ran over to his desk and slammed his hands on it.

A panel appeared above the desk, showing Shiro the time and date.

Shiro screamed, "it's tomorrow!" He slowly turned to Saber with a look of defeat on his face.

"This is what we've been waiting for, you should be thrilled master" Saber said, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Shiro looked at his arms before giving out a loud sigh, "Link out" He said.

After uttering those words and disabling his rewrite on his arms, Shiro fell to the ground screaming in pain as his hands dangled on the ground.

Saber stood up from the bed, running to her master's side, "Hang on!" Saber panicked running out of the room to get something to help.

Shiro kept turning on the ground, screaming his lungs out before barely uttering, "Syncro" The panel showed up in front of him.

{Please choose the servant you would like to}

Again, he picked the first Servant that appeared on the panel, "Come to me… Rider!" Shiro yelled.

There was a sudden flash of light and breeze before Rider appeared in front of him. She had long purple hair and wore a short purple dress accompanied by a purple blindfold around her eyes.

As soon as Rider appeared, Shiro's hands went back to normal, it was no longer broken but were completely healed instead.

He stood up to his feet, thrusting his hands around as a reliving smile made its way to his mouth, "I don't want to ever feel that hellish again" Shiro uttered.


Shiro turned to see Rider standing in front of him, she stood still with her hand behind her back.

"Are you perhaps… my master?" Rider uttered, looking around as she tried to understand where she was.

Saber walked in with a book in her hands, "Master… I think I found a way to'' She paused when she saw Rider standing close to the bed.

"Oh, boy" Shiro froze up.

 . . . . . 


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