My Bad Co-Author Ruins the Story

Chapter 1: Chapter 1- A Small Step

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I was right here, the place I've wanted to be all my life. For over a decade, she has wished to be at Schrodier’s University for the Spectacular. One more step and she was officially on campus.

Ever since the start of its existence in the early 2000’s, it has been the cause of rumors. Even though nothing has been seen or proven, they say the extraordinary and mystic dwell here. I myself have never believed in those rumors, but this place feels like it calls to me like I must go. They even have to reach out to you in order to be able to start the tedious sign up phase. I swear when my parents first told me, I almost had a heart attack.

I think I will let the wind blow on me for longer while I admire the school. The school uniform I am wearing really feels off. For the past 15 years of my life, I have never worn a skirt to school. It's not like I did not own any, but I always felt like it would draw more attention than I wanted. The gym clothes are even shorter than my old schools, and are made of some weird clothing material I have never heard of. ‘Expensive too,’ It was double the amount than my old gym clothes, and you were required to buy it.

A cold breeze snaps me back to reality. Everyone seems to walk in, and almost everyone seems to have a friend or two they are talking to. How do so many of them know each other? Not like it is important, but something about it shouts “LOOK OVER HERE!” Well not that it matters, I always got in trouble for delving too deep into situations like this. Everyone here is normal just like me. It was likely they just met on the way here. 

I will take out my phone to check the time. 8:03, that is bad, class starts in 17 minutes and I still need to find my homeroom. What if I forgot something? I only have 17 minutes. At this thought I instantly start rummaging through the bag. Textbooks? Check. Pencils? Check. Notepads? Check. Everything seems to be in line. 

No more stalling, I try to tell myself. No use in being nervous, everything tends to work out. Breathe in. Breathe out. I take my first step to my new life.

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