My Bad Co-Author Ruins the Story

Chapter 6: Chapter 6 – I’m About to Die, Also MC’s Name Was…

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As a large dark metal bullet hurls towards me, I think about what led to this as a feeling of wanting to cry overwhelms me.


WHAT JUST HAPPENED. Is the only thing I could think of at that moment. One moment I was in a chair confused about that piece of paper, the next moment a blue circle TELEPORTED US TO AN OPEN FIELD. I really don’t want to think about this, surely, there’s some weird scientific explanation for all of this. This IS a legendary school after all, and of course-

My train of thought got cut off as Ms. Searle spoke again, and I just now noticed that everyone around me didn’t seem the least bit surprised either, instead, they even looked excited. Why do I feel that this is going to be a running theme?

“Alright everyone! I’m going to separate you all into two teams so let’s see…” Ms. Searle started to name off names, I’d try to remember them, but she’s speaking so fast I can’t really catch up. This continued until she called on me.

“And then Yvette go to that side.” She said, pointing towards the right side of the field, or at least, my right side.

Complying silently, I nodded my head and walked towards the general area. It just so happened that I was the last one called and I felt an extreme sense of awkwardness when I arrived with my team. Like always, they seem to know each other already and were having a fun chat about strategies to beat the other team. Before anyone could greet me, Ms. Searle already began explaining what the activity was to be.

“As you know, everyone here has gifts, and to get to know each other better, we’ll be using them in this isolated field!” She continued, “With that said, we’ll be playing what I like to call…” 

There was a dramatic pause, “[DodgeBullet]!”

“Each team will take a turn going inside the middle of this circle,” Ms. Searle tapped her foot and suddenly the green field had glowing blue lines. “And the other team will have these bullets that they’ll throw,” She showed us a bullet that looked vaguely plush-like. “If you get hit or knocked out you’ll go to the side, the time limit is ten minutes, two tries each, the team with the most people left wins!”

Well that seemed alright, it was just dodgeball but with plush bullets right? Kind of a weird aesthetic but it made more sense than anything else. 

Later on I would sorely eat my words...but the present me only looked at their watch to see there was twenty-six minutes of class left.

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