My Blood Refinement Technique

Chapter 1: Soul summoning

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“You dare drag me here? Who are you? Which sect was it?!” A malevolent, imposing looking soul looks down at 2 other spirits. One of them managing to run away without being seen.

“Y- you are under my command! How dare you talk to your owner like this! Kneel!” A spirit, supposedly the one that brought them here, in this void like plain, shouts back. Only this one sounds afraid.

Unwillingly the imposing spirit is brought down to his knees. “You bastard! You dare do this? To me?! I am the leader of the 4 heavenly dragons cult, Zou Yi, the greatest demon cultivator of the cultivation world! Not even those righteous sect leaders could touch me!” 

“Fuck! Why is he resisting?! This isn’t supposed to happen!” The weaker spirit seems to panic as the malevolent looking spirit seems to be breaking free. 

“St- stop! You’ll shatter both our souls!” The weaker looking spirit starts to shriek in fear.

“This damned technique! How can I not escape?! Is there someone else here apart from me?” Zou Yi shouts furiously.

‘Eeek! Did they notice me? What the fuck is going on?! I swear I just took a nap in between university classes. Did I die?! Where on earth am I?’ Sylvan questioned in his mind.

“Th- that’s right, I summoned two spirits. Where is the second one?” The timid spirit starts to ask himself, questioning if he failed the spell.

Zou Yi seemly couldn’t take his own anger anymore and starts to forcibly break the restrictions holding him down. “I won’t let .. A mere mortal without cultivation step on me!” As furious as he is, he struggles to speak.

“Stop! Both our minds will be shattered!” The timid spirit seems to gain some confidence to speak when he realises he’s really about to die. A deathbed struggle, maybe? However Zou Yi doesn’t listen.

Suddenly a massive shock wave pierces the mind of Sylvan. After a few seconds of immense pain, he passes out, hoping this to be a nightmare.


After some time, Sylvan opens his eyes and a flood of memories hit him that isn’t his. “I’m Zou Yi? No I’m Angus Blackwood.. No, Sylvan Chambers.”

After a few minutes of identity crisis, he confirms that he is the one in control instead of the other sets of memories. Apart from an insanely painful headache, upon checking his body, he seems to be completely fine.

Laying down for another few minutes to wait for the headache to stop, he sorts though some memories. Firstly, Angus Blackwood;

Angus Blackwood is an absolute nobody simply put. He has no family alive, no friends, and even in his academy he is ranked 536th out of the 600 students. If he didn’t get bullied often, he would pretty much be a ghost.

He has dark brown hair, 17 years old, 176cm in height, extremely average looks, and his potential in magic is absolutely trash.

He can only look up to the geniuses of his year and never even think of reaching them. Although one day he bought an “artefact ” a dodgy merchant was selling. 

This led him to using this so called artefact in hopes of him “stealing” the potential of 2 souls, keeping them trapped within him for his own power. It is said that potential for magic comes from one's soul.

However, one of the souls was extremely strong. This lead to Zou Yi to destroy the minds of them both by trying to break free.

Currently both the souls still exist within Sylvan's soul, however they are without consciousness. They can only be described as memories and potential waiting to be taken ahold of by Sylvan.

Zou Yi on the other hand is the greatest and most feared demon cultivator of the cultivation world. He climbed from being a commoner to the leader of the greatest demon cult known in his world by using a technique he was given by a dying evil deity.

This technique supposedly turns even the most normal person from a man into a god if they do not lose their minds first. While practicing he obtained a blood thirsty nature. Physically however he grew in height and also became more handsome, to some men in his world they would happily take the risks for this benefit alone.

The benefits are just too much, the technique however was only known by that deity and Zou Yi. Although even if common people knew of it, a lot of people would not go through with it since you had to refine blood. This includes his own blood, animal blood, and even other's human blood. 

While Zou Yi was about to break through to his first steps to become a god, his soul had been dragged to another dimension through sheer bad luck! 

The third soul, Sylvan Chambers was a normal young man who was trying to pass university for a degree. Through out one of his classes he passed out from working his part time job too much.

He was never too popular and didn’t really speak to his family that much either. He only had one relationship in his life and that was when he was in high school. A forgettable person to many. 

By chance, he was dragged into the other dimension by the artefact along with Zou Yi. Because he didn’t make himself known he was able to survive somehow. Since he was the only one with a consciousness by the end of things, he was forced into the body of Angus with the memories of both the other souls.

Sitting up from his bed, Sylvan decided to look through Zou Yi's memories more. If he was going to live in this world he would need power, and looking at how Angus wouldn’t help even a small amount in that, only Zou Yi could help him.

Taking a look at the blood refinement technique that Zou Yi used, he could only understand the first steps to cultivating this technique. It was almost like if he tried to look at how to go past that step for now, his break would crumble and shatter.

Seeing how Angus's schedule for his classes was only Monday to Friday he decided to start cultivating in the technique right away since today was a Saturday evening. He had roughly a day and a half to start cultivating. 

In the first stages he had to forcibly control the flow of his blood, thus he could already tell this technique will be extremely painful. However, he had already decided to complete the goals of Angus and Zou Yi. 

Since Angus just wanted to be in the top 50 students, it sounded doable. Zou Yi's ambition of becoming an evil deity that trampled on other deities seemed a little outrageous however. But he could not give it up when he hadn't even stepped on the path yet.

“Okay, Angus, Zou Yi, I will complete your ambitions and goals in your place.” Sylvan immediately crossed his legs and started to focus. If he lost focus in the first steps, his foundation later on could become incredibly unstable.

Very carefully he started to try and copy what Zou Yi did in his memories. ‘Okay 1, 2, 3 and..!’ After counting himself down, his whole body's blood sped up and reversed in different places.

Sylvan had the urge to scream out and cry but he knew if he did that right now he would most likely either die or ruin his body. 'Focus! More, I need to keep going!’

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After several hours of this, a strange substance started to form in his abdomen. Only after this substance reached the size of around 2 cubic centimetres did he stop.

Sweat pouring off him, he felt his willpower almost shatter several times. ‘Dangerous.’ He couldn't help but fear since he almost lost his life several times. However his determination didn’t decrease, in fact he felt like he wanted to keep going, oddly enough.

Sensing the substance in his abdomen, he tried moving it toward his hand. When it reached the centre of his right palm, he could see the 2 cm black substance under his skin.

This substance is basically internal energy and malevolent intent mixed together, more commonly known in the technique as blood qi. This is the energy consumed by the technique. For now, Sylvan’s main goal is to create a “demon stomach”, this acts as a place to contain blood qi as well as recover lost blood qi. 

If Sylvan was to use all of his blood qi right now, he would have to refine more from his own blood. However if he had the demon stomach, he could use it freely and have it recover later by itself.

“Sigh, I have around 32 hours to do this. Come on Sylvan, come on, you got this.” Focusing again, he starts refining more blood qi. Practicing the blood refinement technique is much more important than training in Angus's mana techniques right now.

While Sylvan had intentions to master both to the highest degree he could, the blood refinement technique took priority. 

Opening his eyes, Sylvan's face was full of joy as he realised he had successfully created a demon stomach. Although he was pale and extremely thin. He needed to get a drink and something to eat immediately, lucky for him however the academy's canteen was opening in the next few minutes, since it was almost sunrise.

Monday classes huh? Guess I won’t be able to practice blood refinement till late tonight. Getting up, Sylvan goes to take a bath and then joyfully head to the canteen.


Author’s note: Hey readers C: this series will be updated shortly. I am going to write a bunch of chapters and then mass release them. If you like the first chapter feel free to add this to where ever to read later. Cya (=

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