My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 112: Episode 106 - Dark Speculation 2 ‘Secrets’

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Episode 106 - Dark Speculation 2 'Secrets'

Last Chapter: The soldiers found the hand Eugene hid. More Promissum details. United West Liasel bound together as one. Learn more about WWII. Found out that Louis knew about her secret stash of books.



Eugene faced Duke Marleigh hurriedly, and with a slight tremble in her voice, she asked, "Was this how West Liasel united? Because of this book?"

"Hm." Duke Marleigh nodded slowly.

"West Liasel was able to stop the 4 continents because they got their hands on Promissum. However, instead of promising to temporarily unite, they choose to forever bind themself to one another, becoming United West Liasel. After destroying the 4 continents to smithers, they were able to null the 4 continents promissum and ended World War II.

Through World War II, West Liasel formed a deep bond with one another, and because of the binding promise, they became unable to attack each other. Promissum made them unable to betray each other.

Once the truth was revealed to the world, no nations dared ask, attack, or fight United West Liasel any longer. To this day, all continents live in fear of offending United West Liasel."

Eugene sucked in her breath.

It has been more than 3 years since she came to this world. Yet, magic or otherworldly things never really crossed her mind. Sure, she knew that reincarnation and a different world exist because her existence here proves that, but she never really thought it through. To be accurate, she never thought outside the reincarnation box.

"Magic." She mumbled in a low voice. 'Dangerous. Too dangerous.' Her heart couldn't help but quiver in anxiousness.

The more Eugene thought about 'magic', the worse her expression got. It was rare for Louis, Duke Marleigh, Duke Rodriguez and Ron to see Eugene openly show her emotions. Although they thought that she would have a different reaction.

'Don't children normally be excited about these things?' Duke Rodriguez thought quietly.

With his fist by his lower lips, he coughed to get her reaction. "-Ahem-"

His attempt was successful as Eugene immediately looked towards him. "Are there anything else like Promissum?" Does magic truly exist? That was what she wanted to ask.

Duke Rodriguez shook his head, "No. Something like Promissum has yet to be discovered."

"Where was Promissum discovered?" she asked.

"Only the higher-ups or those of high power knows of Promissum's origin." he quickly replied.

Eugene raised her brow, "The Royal Family?"

Duke Rodriguez nodded.

Eugene couldn't help but loudly exhale. Her shoulders that felt heavy and stiff suddenly felt light. 'No other magic… That's good.' she nodded in satisfaction.

She stared at the ceiling briefly before facing Duke Rodriguez again, "How did United West Liasel annul the promissum of the 4 continents? Though what they had was temporary, the condition was to destroy West Liasel. " she couldn't help but ask.

"....." Duke Rodriguez jolted slightly from Eugene's question before he turned to Duke Marleigh. The two had hesitation shown on their face as they stayed silent.

"No man was left alive." A voice belonging to Louis spoke out amid silence.

Ron Graeme jolted slightly, "Louis, she's still-" young! There was nothing more he wanted to do than to smack Louis, but he of course didn't dare to. He took a peek at Eugene who he thought would be a bit scared, only to see her sigh in relief.

"....." he stared blankly. 'Relief?!' his eyes couldn't help but widen.

Eugene nodded in acknowledgement, "Makes sense, makes sense." Who knows what would happen if the 4 continent's promissum was still intact. Wouldn't that lead to more war?

"....." Duke Rodriguez and Duke Marleigh stared blankly.

Eugene wanted confirmation so she summarized the situation thus far, "So because United West Liasel is bound to Promissum, it's impossible for a person of Zene to attack a person of Xenperia. And because of this, training here is still safe." No wonder it's impossible for Zene to attack us. So training wouldn't affect anything."

Duke Marleigh nodded.

She continued, "And what happened after World War II ended?" she asked.

Duke Marleigh answered, "All men were executed as they were bound to Promissum. Women and children were left alive."

Eugene frowned, "They left women and children alone?" she questioned with an odd tone in her voice, to everyone's surprise.

"What.. what do you mean?" Duke Rodriguez's voice shook slightly.

"For what reasons did United West Liasel leave women and children alive. Are they not bound to promissum?" Eugene tilted her head, "Women are just as dangerous as men."

"....." Duke Rodriguez stared at Eugene speechlessly. With a quivering voice, he asked, "Are... Are you saying that our ancestors shouldn't have kept them alive?"

Eugene looked at Duke Rodriguez with a face that showed 'Isn't-that-what-they-do-in-war?' before nodding in reply.

Duke Rodriguez mistook Eugene's face as 'Isn't-that-obvious' and felt a slight chill traveling down his spine. To him, she looked incredibly serious.

'Does she truly understand what he's implying?' He thought quietly.

Louis shook his head and sighed, "They weren't bound to promissum. Only soldiers and those involved with promissum was." he answered Eugene's question for Duke Rodriguez.


Louis blinked and shrugged, "Promissum was only just discovered by them. They most probably worded it wrong or didn't want to involve women or children with something unsure of. Because in the worst-case scenario, everyone gets wiped out." he answered.

No one truly knows why as well. But because of the 4 continent's promissum, United West Liasel made their promissum bound to their descendants. Men, women, children, everyone was bound to this promise and vow.

Eugene's mouth made an 'O' before she nodded slowly. "That sounds quite likely…" she agreed.

If that was the first promissum or the first of its kind, it's quite possible to have made an honest mistake. The mistake that saved their loved ones, their descendants, and the lives of their families.

Eugene suddenly wondered, "But… How does it work? Can you truly not hurt someone from Zene because of Promissum?" she asked.

Duke Marleigh answered for Duke Rodriguez and explained, "United West Liasel's promissum is to be comrades and allies for life. We must not hurt those who live in another nation in United West Liasel.

For example, if two people from Zene decide to fight or hurt each other, promissum won't take effect. However, if it's a person from Zene who wants to hurt a person from Xenperia, this becomes impossible. Our bodies will automatically stop us from taking that action.

There were cases when a person was able to force his body to the limit and resist promissum, however, that ended badly. The moment his fast came in touch with the person he wanted to attack, his body exploded."

Eugene's eyes widened slightly, before slowly nodding, 'So the setback for breaking promissum is immediate death?' she thought quietly,

''If that's so, we are more than safe here! Too bad 'The binding promise of United West Liasel' was spoiled before I was able to read it.' she shrugged, 'Oh well..'

A thought suddenly came to Louis's mind, "You would've died a hundred deaths if you, Euria, and Aernest were born in different nations…" he added his input as he shook his head in resignation.

Ron stared at Louis, confused, "Huh? Why?" Why mention Euria and Aernest?

Louis sighed, "Her fists automatically react the moment she sees them." he shrugged.

"..." Eugene's lips twitched.

"...." Duke Marleigh and Duke Rodriguez blinked.

Ron snorted as his mouth flew open, "HAHHAHAHAHAA!!!" his eyes got teary the more he laughed. 'Auto... Automatically reacts!'

Eugene scrunched his eyebrows together, "I really can't help… it." she mumbled silently, not knowing that everyone heard her anyway.

"Hahahaha!" Duke Rodriguez roared in laughter.

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"Heh.." Duke Marleigh chuckled. "The binding promise is for one country to another. Towards people of the same country, promissum will have no effect." He reassured the blushing child.

Eugene suddenly thought of something and said, "But people who aren't from this continent aren't bound to our promissum…"

"Yes." Duke Marleigh nodded.

Duke Marleigh too nodded, "We will proceed with today's training as per usual."

Eugene nodded, however she felt as if she was forgetting something important. Something she thought of before all these Promissum talks.

'What is it…' she couldn't help but frown. 'Oh, the Great Musician! Yesterday, in the cafe, his eyes looked sane. He looked as if he knew what he was doing. However… However, the moment he went outside. To be accurate, the moment he listened to Commander Kal's flute, it was as if…'

"His soul was gone!' she suddenly raised her voice, shocking everyone from her sudden outburst.

Louis frowned, "What." his eyes couldn't help but squint at Eugene.

Ron stared at Eugene flabbergasted, "Didn't Duke Rodriguez just say that no other magic exists? And also, what are you talking about?" He shook his head as he thought, ' Just when she returned to her nonchalant self, she suddenly shouted out some worldly things! Who is she cursing at!'

"The Nameless Musician!" Eugene turned to Duke Marleigh and said. 'The man who went emotionless as Commander Kal was playing his flute!'

Duke Marleigh was about to shake his head at her nonsense when he paused, 'This was what felt wrong when Amos reported what happened.' he frowned. Though he thought that it was somewhat odd, he didn't think much of it until he realized what Eugene was implying.

Louis shook his head. "No other magic exists."

Eugene glanced at Louis and shook her head, 'That's not what I mean!' Well, it's technically magic but it's also not!'

"Hypnotism!" she raised her voice!

Instantaneously, Duke Marleigh felt his head clear up from all the questions he had regarding Zene! The reason why no other countries knew about Zene's internal struggles or external struggles! The reason why Zene became what it is today!

Music? Healing? Hypnotism!

Just that, is it possible to hypnotize those that don't belong to your nation? It might be possible if it's not physical! Promissum has never stopped those from having mental spats with one another!

Commander Kal wasn't healing people with music! He was hypnotizing people! This would explain a lot of things! Including the Nameless Musician who became obedient within a few minutes of leaving the cafe!

Ron stared at Eugene with widened eyes.

Louis frowned and his gaze slightly darkened. 'How'd you know of such things?' He thought silently.

"!" Duke Rodriguez slammed his palms on the table and frowned. He stood up as if he wanted to vent but stop when he saw Duke Marleigh shaking his head. Only then did he reluctantly sit back down.

Duke Rodriguez exhaled loudly, "Don't worry! If anything happens, we still have many soldiers lying in wait. We also already relayed back information to Xenperia about what happened yesterday. Hand, Hypnotism or whatnot, we will find out everything eventually!" he reassured everyone.

Ron and Louis nodded silently.

'Haa…' Eugene sighed inwardly. 'More headaches…'


Soon, others began to wake up from their deep slumber and eventually headed down for breakfast.

Eugene nodded when someone greeted her but ate in silence. The food that entered her mouth tasted like paper as many thoughts went through her mind.

'Promissum. Magic.' she couldn't get these two words out of her mind even though 2-quarter minutes had passed by.

'No other magical existence has been discovered. But that wording also means that there's a high possibility that something else exists.' Eugene munched on some dry tasteless bread and scooped up a spoonful of soup.

The binding promise of United West Liasel.

Eugene tilted her head, 'In the first place, how did I come to this world? Did I come here through the normal course of the afterlife, or otherworldly magic that has yet to be discovered? Was it maybe through the only magic book discovered, Book of Promissum?'

Just that as soon Eugene had such thoughts, a pang of pain jolted through her small body; mainly her head.

"TSK!" she immediately dropped her spoon from reflex, as she clutched her head, "AH!" she grunted, trying to hold back herself from screaming out loud.

The lively atmosphere suddenly died down as everyone started to panic! Eugene who's never complained about pain and was eating in silence just a few seconds ago was suddenly in severe pain?!

Duke Rodriguez and Duke Marleigh stood up! "What's wrong?!" They raised their voice.

"Miss/Eugeneia?" Ron, Ramon, and Aeselak too stood up in a panic!

Louis stopped Aernest, and Aedelak from rushing in, and stepped forward himself.

"Eugeneia?" he reached for Eugene's shoulder just to immediately step back from being electrocuted!

"Ah!/ TSK!" The two groaned in pain and backed off from each other!

Eugene frowned as she continued to clutch her head, 'It... It hurts?' she questioned herself, 'Do I… Do I possibly have magic?!' she couldn't help but have that thought.

Duke Rodriguez moved Louis back, "Are you alright?" he asked. He glanced at Duke Marleigh who nodded in return.

Duke Marleigh stepped forward and was about to pull Eugene out of her seat no matter what when Euria who was still sitting beside Eugene calmly took action.

She raised both of her hands, tightly gripped Eugene's shoulders, and pulled Eugene back slightly. However, unlike being electrocuted like Louis, Euria didn't have much of a reaction and was still able to nonchalantly chew on her bread.

"....." (Louis)

"Oh…" Eugene blinked. The pain is gone as if nothing ever happened!

Duke Rodriguez stepped towards Eugene, "What.. What happened?" he stared at Eugene flabbergasted.

Eugene blinked, "....." I don't know... Eugene was as flabbergasted as everyone. She turned to Euria and stared at the bread handing off Euria's mouth.

Euria blinked and pointed at Eugene's feet.

'Ah?' Eugene's eyes followed Euria's finger and frowned. 'What's wrong with the stepping stone?' she thought as she stared at the big boulder in silence.

Duke Marleigh too followed Euria's hands and immediately understood!. "That's not a feet holder Eugeneia." he sighed as he shook his head.

Eugene blinked, "Not?" She glanced at Duke Marleigh and the brown bolder.

"That stone is a bit special. If it comes in contact with metal, like spoons or forks, it will shock you. Just like if you were to get hit by lightning." he explained as he hurried for the servants to bring the boulder out.

touches a spoon or fork. Anything made from those materials will shock you. Just like if you get hit by lightning." He said as he called the servants in.

"...." Eugene stared blankly.

'I… was I just stupidly electrocuted by a stone? … Me?' she thought speechlessly as her lips slightly quivered.

Duke Marleigh nevertheless pulled Eugene who was sitting on her chair away from the table, "Still, that was a huge reaction from the both of you. Are you really fine?" he glanced back and forth between Eugene and Louis.

"....." I'm not okay. I want to hide in a hole! Nevertheless, Eugene nodded.

Louis shook his head, "I'm alright, too." Only his right arm felt a bit numb and heavy, but he reckoned that it would go away soon.

Just like that, Eugene's mind that was bombarded with countless thoughts became clear in an instant! Euria who was enjoying her piece of bread continued to eat in happiness. And soon, everyone got ready and left for Zene's and Xenperia's second day of joint training!

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