My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 146: Episode 139 - Headless Doll.

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Episode 139 - Headless doll.

Previous ep: Levis mentioned a stone figure being sent as a gift to Xenperia. Aernest expressed his concern over the King of Zene's health. Levis was afraid that a noble might overthrow the King of Zene from his throne. Eugene and Levis began to doubt if the hand found by the river was a coincidence or not. Lise discovers her parents are alive and that her memories were fabricated. Lea was a friend of Moniqua and Levis. Readers learn that Moniqua and Levis... eloped. hehehe. Con in distraught.


A brilliant light shone as they neared the exit. The light was hugging the land as if stretching out its heavenly arms to relieve people of their dark days. The contrast between the dark palace and the brightly lit exit made Eugene feel relieved. She loves black, this can be seen with her old house which was designed in mostly black and grey by a famous architect designer. But right now, she was feeling… white! White, the light after darkness!

'The first thing I'll do when I go back home is go shopping!' She thought as she walked out of the darkness. She will buy white clothes and throw away her black ones hehe!

As the sunray hit Eugene on her face, she exhaled softly. 'Finally, it's over. Finally.' She felt nothing but relief and freedom as she stood there with the sun shining on her face.

'Hehe!' She couldn't help herself from chucking. The sun. The sun was shining with such casual elegance. Each day, the sun shines happily to the world, bringing joy to people to enjoy its warmth. This gave her a slightly odd feeling.

'Was this world always this beautiful?' She asked herself as she glanced around. Below her feet were the softest grass she's ever felt. Okay. The grass part is a bit of an exaggeration. But in front of her was a beautiful fountain, and beyond that fountain was a flower garden that stretches far and wide along the Royal Lake.

'Wait a minute.' She paused suddenly. 'Royal Lake?' These two words sucked Eugene's happiness back into her pores. Buying white clothes? She's not a nun or a saint! Why would she ever buy white clothes? To get them dirty quickly? No way! Waste of money!

The colorful world suddenly became 20% dimmer. Tsk.

Levis said suddenly, "Your brothers are nearby. Even though you separated for a short time, you must miss them very much right?" There was a hint of teasing in his voice.

Aernest stepped on Levis's trap and excitedly answered, "Mee! Mee!! I miss Eldest brother! And big brother Ramon so so much! I miss them!!" He raised his hands and gave Levis a wide grin.

Moniqua laughed out loud and glanced at the twins, "What about you two? Do you miss your brothers?"

Eugene turned to Moniqua with an 'Are-you-serious-look'. She was kind of… just a little bit offended by whatever nonsense this woman just said okay? What is she? A kid? Suddenly Eugene glanced at her small body.


'Damn it! I am a kid!' She wanted to cry big tears to show how sad she was!

Euria chucked softly and answered with one word, "Sure!" Not yes! But sure!

Moniqua laughed and rubbed Euria's head. She then turned to Eugene and saw her express her deepest sorrow. Her eyes widened a bit from surprise, 'She has truly matured to the point where she can express these emotions on her face now.'Her eyes curved into a motherly smile the more she looked at Eugene.

'Yes. Yes. Out of everyone, Eugeneia must miss her brothers the most!' She concluded from Eugene's not so beautiful expression. She turned to Levis who nodded at her, telling her that he is with her opinion.

Little did Eugene know, her parents had branded her a brother-con.

Many dots could be seen from afar at the time. The dots became larger as they moved closer to them, eventually forming human shapes. When the two groups recognized who everyone was, they began waving enthusiastically at each other. The group rushed towards Eugene and her group who waited for them in front of the fountain.

Levis set Aernest down who immediately rocket-zoomed towards his elder brothers.

"Brotherrrrrr!!!!!" his arms were wide open as he ran towards Ramon.

The atmosphere was lively and beautiful. Aernest was picked up as if he was light as a feather and was spun around many times by Ramon who reciprocated his enthusiasm.

"Ha. Ha." A cold, sarcastic voice laughed.

The voice belonged to Ario who was being held by two soldiers.

When Eugene, Euria, Levis, and Moniqua heard this laugh that didn't belong to this lively atmosphere, they glanced back instinctively.

Levis's gaze was dark whilst Moniqua simply sneered at him, "What are you laughing at, you criminal. Execution isn't even enough for the crimes you've committed. Do you know who you tried to hurt?" There was disgust in her voice as she said that.

"Your children?" he answered back immediately as he laughed at Moniqua's words.

Moniqua's forehead twitched, "Our children are treasures of Xenperia." She stated, "Slighting them in the slightest won't do you any good." she hissed at him with anger in her eyes.

Eugene was surprised to see Moniqua this angered and immediately shut her mouth.

Ario's lips curved up as he stared at Moniqua like he was watching a good show. "Wow." That was all he said in response. He sounded quite impressed, and he appeared as if, if his hands were free, he'd start clapping them right away.

Before Moniqua could get annoyed, the figure by her side disappeared quite quickly and reappeared in front of Ario. Before anyone could react, a loud smack was heard. The soldiers holding Ario did not see what happened and could only let go of Ario because of the violent hit to Ario's face.

Eugene's eyes widened as she stared at Levis in speechless, 'Wha... What?'

There was no mercy in Levis's voice; with a menacing and very cold voice, he brought chill down everyone's arms as he threatened Ario, "Don't you. dare. mock my wife."

The atmosphere was dark as everyone turned their way. No one dared look at Levis but one would know without looking that he wanted to kill the man lying by his feet.

Moniqua snapped out of it and quickly rushed towards Levis! She pulled Levis's arms in panic, "The children!" She warned. She did not want the children to see this side of Levis. Ever.

"...." Levis took one look at Moniqua and turned behind him. There he saw Eugene and Euria staring at him calmly. There was no trace of shock on Eugene's face because it had disappeared from Eugene's face long ago.

"Eugeneia. Euria." Levis called their names. He was nothing but calm and serious.

Eugene jolted from his voice and quickly answered, "Yes."

"Yes, father."

Levis held Moniqua's hand and brought her to the side. This move allowed Eugene and Euria to see Ario lying down on the grass. His face… sort of disfigured from the slap.

"We are nobles with the royal family's blood running in us." He began calmly as his eyes shone with seriousness. "This means, no one. Absolutely no one can slight us in the slightest. And if you encounter someone who slights you, you should never stand for it."

Levis's eyes narrowed, "Do you understand?"

".... Yes." Eugene hesitantly but instinctively answered.

"I understand," Euria replied.

"Should anyone laugh at your mother?"

"Slap!" Eugene had a bit of a headache but nodded and replied seriously!

"Step down on them." Euria's eyes moved from Levis to Ario.

"Should anyone hurt your mother?" his voice was slightly colder as he said this.

"Uhh…" Eugene frowned, "Slap their butts!" She answered very confidently with her muddled head.


Eugene was about to nod at Euria's wonderful answer when her eyes suddenly went wide! 'Execution?!' She could not believe her ears! Did Euria really say execution?!?!

"Yes. execution." Levis turned to Ario and looked at him sinisterly, "And hang their lifeless body for the public to shame."

Though what he said was cruel, Eugene and Euria must always remember that they are Nobles and know that absolutely no one can slight them in the slightest. This, however, did not mean they can go around hitting people at random! Nor did it mean that they should be arrogant people.

He knows his daughters well enough for them to not misunderstand his words. And that was because he and Moniqua raised them with the utmost care and taught them to always respect people. 'You can always solve things without using violence and status.', 'There are many ways to go about if you ever encounter problems.', 'Things can be resolved nicely and peacefully.' These were one of the many things they taught their children.

However, it was also time for them to know who they should respect and who they shouldn't. They should be humble, but not humble towards people who don't deserve it. And Ario was someone who did not deserve their respect. And in this case, using violence and their status was not wrong.

The two soldiers felt cold sweat going down their spine as they listened to Levis's lecture. It was the first time they've listened to a Noble lecturing their children and it was… scary. What he said was right, but scary! 'No wonder Noble children are so mature.' The soldiers turned to each other in unison. 'It's because they hold mature and sensible conversations!'

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The two soldiers nodded at each other and grabbed hold of Ario's arms again.

"Ha.." Ario sighed as he was dragged up, "It is a pity that you 'esteemed' Nobles are here. This was not at all according to plan." He emphasized 'esteemed' to give Levis the respect he wanted.

'Plan?' Eugene frowned.

Levis furrowed his eyebrows, "Why wouldn't we come here?" Their children were here so why wouldn't they come?

"Why?" Ario laughed, "Because you didn-" he paused suddenly, looking as if he realized something. He looked up towards the sky as his face flushed with many different emotions.

His lips suddenly curved up as he shouted, "Oh... Oh... Oh! Your Grace, Your Highness was not the only one!" There was nothing but hysteria as he began to bob up and down excitedly.

Everyone frowned. No one could understand what he was suddenly… doing. Nor did they understand his words. But one thing Eugene, Levis, and Moniqua understood was that 'Your Grace, Your Highness' he mentioned, should be someone above him.

Levis frowned and with a deep voice he hurriedly asked, "Why do you want to take Eugeneia?" He felt an unsettling feeling, as if, if he never asked, he would never know the answer to this question.

"Your Grace, Praise me! Praise me! Praise me! I discovered this. I discovered this!" He looked delighted as he spoke to the sky.

Levis walked over, gripped his chin harshly, and made him look at him, "Why. did. you. want. to. take. my. Eugeneia?!"

"HAAA! HAAAA! Mistake! I made a mistake!"

Levis's frown deepened. Realizing he wouldn't get any more answers, he signaled for the soldiers to take Ario, who appeared to have regressed psychologically as a result of his smack earlier, "Take him away!" There was impatience in Levis's voice as he ordered.

"Laudate me gratia tua. Et fuit qui inventus est. Et semel iterum mundi destrui. Iterum a vobis, gratia tua. Adduc, in hoc orbis terrarum exitio. Quaeso uti me. Delebo spe. Exitium" It was as if Ario had gone mad! His eyes went red from excitement as he began spouting nonsense.

Eugene took a step forward as her eyes glanced at Ario hesitantly, 'Wait! What did he mean by his words! What exactly did he discover?' She had a gut feeling this was going to be the last time she saw Ario. As if he was ready to leave, disappear into thin air, and never be seen again! She knew it was impossible but there was something inside her that said otherwise!

"Exitium. Exitium. Exitium. Exitium. Exitium. Exitium." He began chanting as his face got redder.

Eugene suddenly shouted, "Wait!"

Her shout was loud. Loud enough for the soldiers to stop. Loud enough for Aernest and his group to stop talking even though they were 5 meters away from each other.

"Eugeneia?" Levis glanced at Eugene in surprise.

Ario, who was mumbling crazily, also stopped. He turned to Eugene and smiled widely.

She began, "The hand, Kal's children, and the royal messenger that picked us up… They were all planted by you, right?"

Ario smiled with his teeth showing and answered, "No, No, and Yes."

When she heard two 'No's' she wasn't going to believe him, but when he said yes to the last one, she furrowed her eyebrows. 'Then who?' There was an unsettling feeling in Eugene's chest.

Ario observed Eugene before moving his eyes and observing the other twin.

He snickered, "Like that wench Aiya, you won't find anything! Crown Prince Ren? Don't make me laugh!"

The moment that sentence came out of Ario's mouth everyone quietened down. '.... what?' Did Ario… Did this man belong to the group behind Lady Aiya? One of the perpetrators from the incident 3 years ago? Before Levis questioned Ario a shout was heard!

"SISTER!!!" Aernest's voice was one of shock and alarm!

Levis and Moniqua instinctively and immediately turned to the source of voice who was seen grabbing Euria.

"Your nose is bleeding!"

A vein was visible on Euria's forehead, as both of her noses bled heavily.

"What's wrong, Euria?" Moniqua and Levis rushed to Euria and quickly kneeled by her side.

Suddenly, another shout could be heard!

"WHAT'S THAT!" The shout belonged to Eugene who pointed in front of her!

Everyone followed Eugene's gaze and they gasped in horror! Ario's head was growing as the two soldiers looked at him in alarm!

20cm, 50cm, and to one full meter. He grinned widely with his huge face that bloated up like a balloon!


Before anyone could react, Ario's bloated head exploded like a huge bomb went off! Blood flew everywhere and dyed everything red. The two soldiers who were holding onto Ario were blasted and landed far away.

Ario's body stood up straight as his headless neck sprayed blood and tainted the beautiful fountain and the area around them.

"AHHHHHH!!!!" soldiers before



Many voices shouted in shock and alarm!

"....." Eugene stared at Ario's headless body and reached up to her face. She rubbed it gently and glanced at her hands that were covered in blood.

Her face was pale, rid of any color; the only lively thing was Ario's blood. Her steps were shaky as they rocked back and forward. Screams erupted everywhere, giving Eugene a big headache.

She felt nothing but muddleheaded and lightheaded as the color red turned grey. Nausea crept up from her abdomen, and like a lifeless puppet released of her string, she crumpled as her world turned black.







Meanwhile, somewhere at the end of the world.

"Good job, Ario" An incredibly cold voice spoke out as she burst the head of the doll in her hands.

"It is a pity he failed." Another voice spoke out. This voice belonged to a male adult.

She shrugged, "That's true but thanks to him we found something." Her lips curved up as she stroked the headless doll.

"I found you…" The girl laughed childishly as she tossed the doll from her hand and sat back against her red-colored bath. Her white clothing was not strained and instead glowed brightly against the rich hue of red.




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