My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 74: Book I END: Side 2 - Serv Story

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Book I END: Side Chapter 2 - Serv Story


At a faraway land over 10,000 km away from Xenperia and the continent of United West Liasel, the citizens of Sev were growing anxious with each and every passing day. News that a noble lady from their country tried to kidnap and assassinate the Crown Prince of Xenperia was spreading around like wildfire. The reasoning behind the lady's actions was because of her affections for the Emperor of Xenperia and this made countries around the border of Serv mock them severely. Business went haywire because many did not want to offend Xenperia by continuing business with Serv. And because everyone backed off with trading, the citizens of Serv chose to retaliate against the noble family that was the root and cause of the problem.

However! There was a problem! A major one! And that was ….. NO ONE WAS AT HOME! Everyone, even servants had been shipped to Xenperia for investigations and/or to beg for mercy, so what can the old villagers do but give up in vain!

The citizens of Serv were afraid, afraid that they had to go to war because of this noble family. They did not want to go to war nor could they afford to go to war! There were less than 1000 men who could protect them so how could they ever go to war? They would turn into literal decompose before even lifting a finger against the great military might of Xenperia! Even so, they could also not abandon their home, their country, and flee! This was the place they grew up at and persisted on to live here!

Whilst debating day and night, an important envoy from Xenperia came along with a man who was closely related to the noble family that caused this problem and tragedy! The citizens couldn't help but want to strangle the nobleman when they saw him at first sight, but with their teeth gritted they kept their hands to themselves. With so many days to think they knew that this particular noble family always worked hard for this country and always made sure to help them when they couldn't make ends meet. So although they wanted to strangle him to death, they couldn't. Deep in their hearts, they knew that the family wasn't the problem but just that one lady was.

With a hazard appearance, the nobleman acted as an envoy and conveyed that their family would take responsibility for everything, including the loss of business Serv suffered and the country's tarnished name. The family will use up all their assets and help the country prosper again. After announcing that he went on to announce that there is nothing to fear as Xenperia won't go to war with them and that his problematic niece will be executed in Xenperia.

Next was the envoy from Xenperia who shockingly announced that the Southern continent had given their country to Xenperia as compensation. To this, the citizens of Serv had no opinion and was flabbergasted by the lack of blood and drama. There were already 100 knights from Serv that had been stationed here because of a treaty with Xenperia many years ago so they had no thoughts what-so-ever regardings Serv being owned by Xenperia in the future.

That was until…

THAT WAS UNTIL 100,000 military soldiers came a week later!!!! The old grandpas and grandmas were so shocked and surprised that their eyes almost shot out of their eye sockets. 1 even had a seizure because of the shocking sight of pure macho military men entering their country. Serv itself only had 10,000 citizens of which were 80% old people, so the new 100,000 people scared the living hell out of Serv. They lived in fear for one week before they realized that the military men weren't going to kill them. In fact, they were nothing but helpful, making the citizen's lives peaceful and fun with every passing day.

Breathing in the humidity of Serv the soldiers now felt very relaxed in Serv. Even though it was windy enough for trees to almost fall over, because they were strong men, they were unfazed standing still watching as old people blew over left and right.

It was surprising how people still went out despite the weather condition but what was even more shocking was that although the trees looked as if they were about to be uprooted from the ground leaning down 170 degrees, they just never ever seemed to ever fall off! The trees here were incredibly flexible just like how the Serv's citizens in their 90's were, to be able to somersault mid-air and peacefully land when blown over by the wind.

"Hey hey! This tree is touching the ground but it still springs back as if nothing ever happened!" One soldier shouted, seeing not even a single leaf blowing over.

"What a mysterious tree this is…" Another soldier inspected the trees from head to toe.

Smiling at the two new soldiers, an old lady laughed. "Sir, this is a very common tree in this country. The southern countries also have some but here in Serv, this species grows like a mad man!" She said.

"Is that so…" The soldier inspecting the tree from head to toe frowned.

"Are there any imports on the trees?" The first soldier asked.

"PSHH!! What are you talking about sir! This is a tree! A tree!" The old lady laughed. "How can you import something this heavy! Not to mention why on earth would you want to import a tree?" The lady laughed as if the soldiers were crazy. She was full of confidence when she said this hence shutting the two young soldiers up.

"...."They could only think of reporting this to the commander as a potential moneymaker!

The old man next to the old lady started speaking. "Serv is full of natural resources however because 80% of the people here are old, we can't do much but just make enough to live. When youngsters are old enough to work they move out to other countries to make better money." He sighed. In his heart, he knew that Serv had many potentials to prosper but they were too old to do anything after all.

"Right…" The two soldiers listening to the old man nodded. 'Such a pity' They thought, before walking over to inspect the country some more.

Here in Serv, they had tons of land but too little people. There was one reason why other countries called Serv a small country and that was because the people here only occupied a quarter of the country, the rest being natural untouched habitats.

At the same time, not so far from where the two old people and the two young soldiers were, two soldiers also conversed with one another.

Walking into a building set up by the 100 Xenperian knights which were now co-utilized by the military department, a soldier and a knight walked in. "Commander!" They reported standing in front of the man who holds the Xenperian military might in his hands.

"Hm." The commander mumbled, overlooking the map of Serv laying in the middle of a huge meeting table.

"Are you checking out Serv's reservoir?" The young soldier couldn't help but also glance down at the huge map.

"Hm." The commander replied. "There are also more valuables than we had expected." He finished, pointing at a location on the map.

"Is that so!" The soldier grew excited but then frowned, "But what valuables? They don't have much gold nor money right?" The soldier glanced at the knight beside him that has been here for a few years now.

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"Hm." The commander hummed.

The knight couldn't help but question. "What can be more valuable than money? If Serv had such a thing I'm pretty sure other countries would have already robbed this country dry without anything else for us." He shrugged.

The commander looked at the knight before tugging his lips up, "Knowledge." He ended the conversation with just that one word.

The citizens of Serv were confused and that was because the knights of Xenperia whom they were close to and had lived with each other for a few years now had different uniforms to the 100,000 men that just arrived recently.

The reasoning behind two different uniforms was because the military was a new and uprising system created when the current Emperor ascended to the throne. Hence why the way the knights and the military men dressed up were different. This includes the way they conducted things. The knights looked more proper and natural with gestures, some having a bit of sophistication in the way they did things. The military men in the meantime although they were more free in personality, when they were serious, they were more disciplined and did things in order.

The sophisticated parts from the knights came from the fact that everyone joining the knights must have good family backings. To grow more power and to make things fair, the current emperor of Xenperia created a new system which allows anyone of any background to join the military. Opinions of ignorant aristocrats were shut down when the first commoner paladin of Xenperia decreed by the previous Emperor became the commander of the new force.

To this day the aristocrats still disdain the idea that commoners could hold such power. They tried to intervene at the beginning stages but that was quickly blocked. What could they possibly do when two of the Great Nobles, Duke Earnest Marleigh and Duke Amos Rodriguez were generals of this force. The two held a big power of the Military forces and were supported by the other 3 Great Nobles along with the Emperor of Xenperia.

All the aristocrats could do was watch as the power grew into what it is today and accept that it is an important power to Xenperia. The knights are to serve the Emperor and protect Xenperia from the inside, whilst the military soldiers are to protect Xenperia from the outside world.

The 100 knights of Xenperia stationed here before the uprising of the new force back at home were naturally as confused as the citizens of Serv. They did know that there was another power back at home, but because they were isolated from many things outside Serv, they did not know that there was this much difference between them, learning of these differences after the 100,000 soldiers had arrived.

The knights were quick to accept the soldiers even though they were people of good background and that was because living here in Serv had affected them greatly. Their personality was much more opening than the usual knights of Xenperia. They even adopted the slow life and farming life of Serv which greatly surprised the military men.

What shocked the knights was how many valuable things Serv has, which they completely didn't realize or even attempted to look for. Seeing is believing when the military men showed the knights the thousands of documented books that Serv had hidden. There was much great new knowledge documented about the country's defenses as well as the history in regards to the Southern continent which Serv is located in.

The trees which they ignored for years are also said to be valuable, even more so than bamboo trees! Upon thinking more about the tree they pass by every day the more they think the military men are right! The wood is incredibly flexible and must be furthermore experimented on!

With this, the 100 men divided up and joined the 100,000 military soldiers to do different tasks. Some went to dove in the sea, some went to explore the vast green land, some defended Serv at the border with other countries, and some helped the citizens of Serv to farm. All 100,000 military men and 100 knights were used for good!

Before long, it was already half a year since the Xenperian military soldiers had stepped into the soil of Serv. At this point, boats were constantly traveling from Serv to Xenperia to relay information as well as to transport any new treasures they've dug up!

The commander looked over at the countless boats heading out of Serv before glancing at his young son who has been exploring Serv during these past half a year. In fact, he was the one who found the hidden underground room that contained the many useful pieces of information concerning this country's self-defense.

"Have you discovered something else son?" The commander looked over at the sun slowly setting and at his son who was busily fiddling with something. He had brought his son here in hopes to open his eyes to the world and to train him to become a strong soldier, but it seems as if his son has been doing none of that. His son wouldn't even glance at the documents they picked up and would rather play with new rocks he picks up every day.

"Hm" The son replied, not even so much as glanced towards the father behind him.

Staring at his nonchalant son he sighed "Haa…" Even though he is the commander of the military and is a very important figure in Xenperia when it comes to reasoning with his wife and son he was always defeated.

The boy was dripping wet from head to toe trying to crack open the red rock he discovered whilst diving in the sea. Although it was a flash second, he saw the rock opening and closing safely guarding something inside. There were many rocks and clams in the sea but the one he discovered just now was the most intriguing one of them all. He had just come ashore when his father came, hence why he was dripping wet.


Hearing a loud creak the commander behind the son couldn't help but walk over closely "Did they knife brea-..."

"No." The son cut the father off, his lips slightly tugging, glancing at the object inside the rock he cracked open with great difficulties.

"...." The commander blinked at the inside of the rock before almost shouting out in surprise. 'HEAVENS!'

There was another discovery! This one might possibly be called the natural treasure of Serv! The small object in front of them was a pretty round pearl that glistened to all shades of colors with the help of the sunset, the primary color was that of deep red. To be called beautiful was an understatement.

"Father." The son handed the red rock and sparkly object to the man beside him.

That night, the military sent a speed boat for Xenperia and spent weeks fishing up the red pearls.

It truly was a gold land under dust!

My Career is Useless in this World!! Book I Side Chapters END

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