My Career is Useless in this World!!

Chapter 96: Episode 90 - Country Of Music 4 ‘Don’t Bite His Bait Aedelak!

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Episode 90 - Country of Music 4 'Don't bite his bait Aedelak!

Louis walked past Eugene and sat on the opposite couch. Noticing her I-am-in-heaven-but-dead expression, he asked. "What? Tired already?"

Hearing his question, Aedelak hurriedly walked over to check upon Eugene's condition.

Eugene patted at the extra space for Aedelak to sit, before turning to Louis to reply. "Whose fault is it?" She hissed.

Aedelak softly massaged around Eugene's shoulder, and she too turned towards Louis and looked at him in disapproval.

Like master, like servant. Aedelak's protectiveness of Eugene made Louis want to roll his eyes but held it in. Crossing his legs, he shrugged. "I won't apologize."

"..." Eugene stared blankly. Tsk tsk. Look at him acting nonchalantly.

"Right." Eugene sighed, looking elsewhere but his face.

"Does Eldest Young Miss feel a bit more comfortable?" Aedelak asked, examining Eugene's face.

"Huh?" Eugene turned towards Aedelak. Her eyes shook for a second before she tapped on Aedelak's arms. "Rest."

Shaking her head, Aedelak continued massaging. "I'm not tired, Eldest Young Miss." Her lips slightly smiled.

'But I'm fine.' Eugene's lips tightened.

"There's training tomorrow, you should rest." Louis intervened.

"...." Aedelak remained silent.

"....." Louis sighed, slightly shaking his head.

The room engulfed in awkwardness as Eugene glanced back and forth between the two. When it comes to Aedelak's relationship with other people, it was neither cold but more lenient towards warm. However, when it comes to Louis, her behavior and actions leaned towards cold, if not, completely ignoring his existence.

The two were born one after the other, grew up together and spent their childhood together. Normally the outcome of such relationships would be being close friends. Yet, it turned out different for Aedelak and Louis. They are colder than strangers getting acquainted with one another.

'Weird, very weird.' Eugene squinted her eyes. Her detective radar being active once again. 'Aedelak was supposed to be Louis's playmate/caretaker, yet for one reason or the other became mines.' Eugene pondered deeply.

"Hmm, there's only one plausible reason!' Eugene concluded!

Looking straight into Louis's eyes, she asked. "Did you anger Aedelak when you were younger?"



The awkward room turned icy cold, but Eugene didn't care. Louis squinted his eyes at Eugene, whilst Aedelak's eyes shook.

Only the sound of nature could be heard in the background; water bumping against each other and creating a splashing sound, and birds flying whilst chirping happily.

Hardening her lips, Eugene shrunk back into the couch in discomfort.

'What? Is it a taboo?' She slightly regrets turning on her detective radar. She took back her attitude of I-don't-care-even-if-the-atmosphere-turns-cold and blinked.

'Not replying means admitting! You must've angered Aedelak to death huh?' Eugene concluded and turned off her detective radar.

'Wait a minute…' Eugene frowned. 'Won't they be going to the same academy? Will they be fine?' Eugene glanced back and forth between Louis and Aedelak again.

10 minutes later...

"Haa.." Eugene loudly sighed. 'My fault. My fault okay? I'll dissolve this atmosphere for you okay?' She shook her head.

Breaking the silence, Eugene asked Aedelak. "Where will you stay during school?"

Eugene heard from Aeselak that Aedelak and Sara got into a mini-tiny argument regarding Aedelak attending the academy. Aedelak wanted to attend night classes so that she could go back to the Veria estate every other day. Naturally, Sara strongly objected. One, because it takes 4 hours to get home and back to the academy. Two, Aedelak would barely have time to sleep and study. And three, she wanted Aedelak to fully focus on her studies.

After much debate, Aedelak finally agreed with her mother's wishes.

"I … have yet to decide, Eldest Young Miss." Aedelak pursed her lips.

"What? You don't want to stay at the rental house my parents prepared?" Louis questioned tastelessly from across the two. His eyebrows slightly raised as if he didn't understand Aedelak's concern.

"Rental House?" Eugene repeated.

"Yes. You can choose to stay in dorms with other people, or you could rent a house inside the vicinity of the academy for some privacy." Louis briefly answered.

"Oh.." Eugene blinked. 'Rich people…' She shook her head.

"Where will you stay?" Eugene asked Louis.

"Both places, depending on how much studying I have to do each day." Louis shrugged.

"Hm…" Eugene hummed in reply. Turning towards Aedelak, she asked. "What will you be studying?"

"...." Aedelak stayed quiet as if she was in deep thoughts.

Even though she promised her mother to not go home every other day, she was still leaning towards taking night classes so that she could pop up at the Veria estate now and then.

Night classes are classes for commoners to take so that they can head home during the day to help their parents with their work during the day. This class is also commonly taken by Noble Ladies who don't wish to study in a specialized field and want to leave the academy during the day.

Night classes only offer basic general studies like ethics, maths, chemistry, geography, history, and things like that. Naturally, students can also take general studies during the day if they don't have to leave the academy at all. With basic studies, students can graduate from the academy within 3-5 years.

Morning classes in the academy are commonly known as full-time classes. That was because they had to do 3-5 years of general studies as well as a minimum of one basic specialized study. After finishing 3-5 years of general studies and one basic specialized studies can you then fully take the advanced specialized study classes and study for another 5-8 years. Specialized classes include Medical studies, Business studies, Knight studies, History studies, and Trading studies, etc., etc.

"Well?" Eugene raised her brows at Aedelak's silence.

"This…. I also haven't decided." Aedelak answered truthfully. One side of her wants to take general studies so that she could graduate quickly, but the other side of her tells her to study full-time because of her Paladin duties.

'Hmmm.' Eugene shrugged. 'She must be taking her future seriously! She is a serious person after all.' She quietly thought, not knowing that Aedelak was hesitating because of Eugene, herself!

"And you?" Eugene turned towards Louis.

"Full-time classes. Knight studies along with business studies." Louis replied in a heartbeat.

"En.." Eugene gently nodded. Before long, Eugene's eyes slowly started to shut close but before it fully closed she muttered. "Sounds like something I would study."

"..." (Louis)

"Miss?" Aedelak frowned.

Eugene never slept during the day time ever since she turned 2. Even more, she would never sleep in public, outside of her bedroom. This was outside of her character!

Eugene's body slowly softened before landing on Aedelak's lap. Worried, Aedelak slightly shook Eugene but even then Eugene remained still. Her breathing was slow and steady as if she was in a deep sleep.

"... Something is wrong with Eldest Young Miss." Aedelak scrunched her eyebrows.

Louis briefly glanced at Eugene before standing up and walking towards the big window located behind the couch. Outside, the sunny weather was replaced by condensed fog, blurring the lake.

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"The couch is probably too comfortable," Louis muttered, pointing towards the blurry lake. Although the weather is terrible, it is still one of the most comfortable weather to sleep in, after rain.

"But, she normally wakes up to the slightest noise." Aedelak reasoned with Louis who chose to stay silent.

After a minute, Louis sighed. "She will be alright," Louis replied resolutely. Changing the topic, he asked.

"You sure don't know what you're going to study?"

"Yes, Eldest young master. I truly don't know" Aedelak replied, still concerned over Eugene who was peacefully sleeping on her lap.

"Study business or trading. Don't your family specialize in this?" Louis turned towards Aedelak.

"Business or trading? Not knights?" Aedelak asked, surprised at his words. Her mother wants her to take Knight studies because she is a paladin but…

"Managing is essential to one's life. Not only is this study good to support Eugeneia, but it's also beneficial to a paladin's duties." Louis studied Aedelak's expression before continuing. "Naturally, taking knight studies along with business studies would be ideal. This way, you can protect Eugeneia." He laid the bait.

'This is called manipulation! Aedelak! Don't bite his bait Aedelak!'' Eugene who 'fell asleep' shouted in her head!

Like Aedelak's words, Eugene wasn't someone who naps during the day. Sleeping in public when people are around is even worse! To this day, it still takes time for her to fall asleep because she has to sleep with Euria.

".... Eldest Young Master is right," Aedelak muttered, to Eugene's horror!

'He's manipulating you!' Eugene shouted again in her head!

"Don't think too much. Like me, you should stay in the student dorm or at home depending on the number of studies you have to do each day." Louis said. "My parents will most likely bring Eugeneia and Euria to play now and then. Only at the rental-house can you meet Eugeneia." Louis shrugged nonchalantly.

'LOOK! He's manipulating you by mentioning my name! Don't fall for it! Don't fall for it!' Eugene wanted to shake Aedelak to wake up but she can't because she 'fell asleep'!

"You are right, Eldest Young Master. I should go back and forth." Aedelak nodded, agreeing with Louis's suggestion.

'Nooo!!' Eugene yelled in her head, wanting to pull her hair off because of frustration! 'What is this development?'

Louis wasn't one who was moved by anything. He was a perfect Veria offspring. But… why. 'Why is he reeling in Aedelak?!' Eugene wanted to speak up but she couldn't.

'Childhood love?' Eugene suddenly felt goosebumps creeping up her arms. 'No, Louis doesn't like Aedelak. Nor did Aedelak like Louis. The only thing they have for each other is close to hatred. So why? Why does Louis want Aedelak to study the same studies?' Eugene unconsciously turned her detective radar back on.

'FREE LABOR?!?' Eugene concluded! 'If Aedelak takes Louis's classes, she will automatically have to take care of Louis!'

If Louis could hear Eugene's thoughts, he would say. Bingo...

'This man is smart! Cunning! And shameless!' Eugene cursed Louis in her mind. Poor Aedelak!

In a bid to change the conversation, Louis pointed to the outside weather once again. "It's foggy out." His voice had a hint of alarm.

"Go rest with Eugeneia." Louis motioned for Aedelak to take Eugene to her room and walked to the room he had to share with Ron.


Eugene's grey eyes opened once she heard the door shut.

'I thought there would be some behind-the-scenes drama but the conversation between the two was dry. Manipulative but dry.' Eugene sat up. Nothing happened at all.

Stretching her stiff neck, Eugene slid off the big King bed.

Although the room was dimly lit, Eugene could still see around her. The room was big and finely furnished… with boulders. There were statues of lions, and music along the walls, as well as a mini fountain located in the middle of the room. How the fountain works, was not in the vicinity of Eugene's knowledge.

Eugene walked down 3 steps of stairs towards the big area in the middle of the room before turning to look back at the bed she and Euria will be sleeping in. The ground was leveled up where the King-sized bed was. On the sides of the bed were 4 stoned carved pillars, along with see-through curtains for some fancy finishing. Even though the room was dimly lit, Eugene could speculate that everything in this room was white, just like the living room outside.

Eugene shook her head and started warming up her body by doing light stretches. After 5 minutes of stretching, Eugene sat on the clean carpet floor and began her core exercises. She did 20 crunches, before switching to 20 sit-ups.

After that, she turned her back towards the ceiling and attempted to do push-ups.

'No matter where you are, push-ups are still hard.' Eugene groaned. Completing 2 push-ups.

Finishing up, she parted both her legs and lined her body into one straight line. She slowly pushed her hands forward, stretching her limbs as much as she could, and stayed in that position for a while.

Eugene slowly got up and walked towards the bedroom door to get out.

Before even getting the chance to close her bedroom door, the front door to the house was yanked open and in came Aeselak carrying a crying Euria.

"..." It's only been less than 2 hours. Why are you crying so hard? Eugene frowned. Sighing, she walked towards Aeselak and Euria.

Soon, the people who went on a mini-sighting came rushing in one by one, panting here and there.

"..." It's not like you ran here. Why are you all panting?

"What's going on?" Louis's door flew open as his figure walked towards the commotion. Aedelak's room too opened as she rushed towards Aeselak and Euria.

"What happened?" Aedelak asked Aeselak whose face was pale.

"Shhh...What's wrong Euria?" Eugene gently asked the crying girl.

Aedelak carefully set Euria down when Euria immediately turned and tackled the unprepared Eugene to the ground.


Eugene's head hit the ground, hard. Immediately, her eyes rolled back and blacked out for a good 2 seconds before Eugene came back to mother earth.

"Wha…" Eugene blinked her eyes, in awe that she saw black. She put one arm around Euria's back and the other on her possibly damaged head.

'I'm lucky the soft, very-much-expensive carpet, saved my life.' Eugene gulped at her dry throat.

"HEEEUNNGGG" Euria cried onto Eugene's shoulders. Her cries sounded as if she was afraid of something, or as if something terrible happened to her.

"It's okay. It's okay. Hush..." Eugene patted Euria's back, coaxing her. Noticing the grip on her waist getting tighter, she sent a questioning look towards Aeselak, Ron, and Ramon.

'What happened?' Eugene frowned. Unlike Euria's heartbreaking cries when she found out that Louis and Aedelak will have to leave to attend the academy, her cry right now was more of an I'm-afraid-help-me cry.

"I don't know! Her mood was bad when we left the Palace and got worse after her nap! Right? Sister Aeselak?" Ron Graeme panicked when faced with Eugene's questioning look.

"Yes! Eldest Young Miss! Young miss suddenly started crying as we rowed back!" Aeselak bit her lips in tears.

"Suddenly started crying?" Eugene's eyebrows scrunched up. 'Not possible.' She glanced at Euria.

In deep thoughts, she laid still with Euria who was plastered to her. A second passed, a minute passed, five minutes passed and Euria was still shaking.

"My apologies, Sir Ario." Eugene glanced at Ario who was looking at them with concern. "I need to talk to my sister. Privately." She ordered. In other words, please leave.

"..... Yes," Ario said flusteredly. "Yes, yes! I understand! If you need me, I will be at the King's pavilion." Ario looked at Duke Marleigh and Duke Rodriguez who nodded and brought him out.

"Heeung" Euria sobbed.

Eugene glanced at Aedelak to check the window.

"He left," Aedelak confirmed, closing the blinds.

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