My Childhood Friend Became an Obsessive Husband

Chapter 1: CH 1

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A sigh spread in the small attic attached to the temple. The candlelight that was lighting the desk shook and trembled. Isabelle stopped because she was afraid that the light would go out even from a small sigh that she had inadvertently let out. Fortunately, the candle only shook a little. After trying to come up with a solution for her situation, she tried to fall asleep quickly, but it was no use. The candle almost burned out with only the roots remaining.

‘What should I do…’

Isabelle managed to endure another sigh. Perhaps because of her sadness and fear, her blue eyes became teary this time causing them to sparkle. She bit her lips because she was about to cry, put down her pen and rested her chin on her hands for a while. No matter how much she thought about it, it was unfair that she was being sold to an aristocrat’s for a one-night stand by a priest who regarded her as an eyesore.

“Why on earth it is me…” 

Isabelle recalled Father Matteo’s secret deal that she witnessed a few days ago. On a foggy night, he received a heavy bag from someone. From the jingle and the golden light reflected in the moonlight, it must have been a bag full of gold coins. At that time, Isabelle did not know what was sold and looked at the large sum of gold for a long time. With that much money she can buy a large mansion, not an attic. As she wondered what he had sold for so much money, it was her name that came out of his mouth. 

“Isabelle? What’s the point of paying such a large sum of money for a child like that?” 


“I don’t know why Maria and you are covering for a child who’s only good at eating the food of the temple.” 

“This is the woman the Duke of Cardiago will take. Her value is more than even this generous price.”

Father Matteo laughed and put the gold coins in his arms. He, who wore a bloated priestly suit like a pregnant woman, added, “Take Isabelle the day after tomorrow. The saints who left the temple for a while are within a stone’s throw of returning home.”

After that, Father Matteo continued to talk about her for a long time. Since St. Maria picked her up and raised her since she was a baby, he did not hesitate to assure the man of her purity. Isabelle was well liked for her silver hair and blue eyes, but she felt terrible when the priest praised her appearance. On second thought, it was his calm tone that gave her goosebumps. She knew that he was annoyed by her. As he said, she wasn’t a saint, and he hated her because she lived in the temple and ate their food.

‘…But you don’t have to sell me out! Especially to the Duke of Cardiago, who had a crippled lower body!’

No matter how much she ate and slept in the attic of the temple, she was familiar with rumors about the secretive Duke of Cardiago.

‘They say there are no exs because he killed everyone once the night was over because of his inferiority complex. If I’m taken, I’ll lose my virginity and then die.’

This life is her life, but it was heartbreaking to think that she was destined to die without feeling anything on the first night. Whoever her partner might be, she secretly expected a passionate night… But losing her life after going through an uninspired first night was absolutely a no go. She didn’t want to be a one-night stand for the eccentric tyrant who always wears a mask. 

Isabelle thought about what she could possibly do. If she ran away, when the saints returned from other regions would get angry. Father Matteo, who already pocketed the money, would try to close the deal somehow. She would be sold the day after tomorrow, so there was no time to set up any in-depth strategies or tricks. If so, then there’s only one way to destroy the deal.

‘I have no choice but to give myself a flaw. A flaw is so big that the Duke of Cardiago will be reluctant to marry me.’

However, there was no proper answer. Isabelle tried to remember any advice she had on how to face this difficult situation. Her eyes heated up because she thought of the saints who have been away for a while now. She forgot for a moment, because they were always there for her. She’s an orphan who lost her parents as soon as she was born. There were no blood ties, so she lived without a surname.

‘…I’m sure the saints would want me to survive somehow.’

The next thing that came to Isabelle’s mind after she dried her tears with the back of her hands, was Riggs, a ten-year friend who came to see her at the temple a couple of times a month. Of course, Riggs never gave warm advice like ‘think carefully in the will of God’ like the saints did. He said, ‘always try to solve it as much as you can.’ Interestingly, after listening to Riggs’ advice, the problem would always be solved.

‘Tomorrow is the day that Riggs is supposed to visit.’

Isabell realized, thinking she was lucky. She built a vast knowledge on the history of love between men and women through her red cover novels smuggled in secretly by the saints.

‘The reason why he chose to stick with women who live in a temple far from the capital is because he values purity.’

Then the solution to the situation might be surprisingly simple. A man. Isabelle twisted her hair in her hands and began to think seriously.

‘I can’t ask Riggs to introduce me to a good groom. He doesn’t have any friends except me.’

Her close friend had no social skills. At times, she wondered if boys the same age who often visited the temple were also cranes. Isabelle ran with a solution that she had barely come up with, and soon smiled when she pictured herself sitting side by side with her close friend. Her teary eyes and face became brighter.

‘It doesn’t make sense. Me with Riggs?’

Looking at her friend’s face up close, he looks like a person wearing ridiculously large clothes with fluttering sleeves.


However, there was no other solution left for her to come up with. Isabelle pondered for a moment, then grabbed her pen. She heard the crackling of nibs and crumpling of paper over and over in the attic until the moon set and the day was bright.


The next day, Isabelle escaped from the temple and headed for a nearby bush. Her meetings with Riggs always took place there.

‘What should I do if Riggs refuses…’

A black shadow hung over her anxious body, and a man’s voice could be heard.

“You’re overthinking again.”


Isabelle looked up at Riggs, who was much bigger than her. Maybe he just finished work, but his chestnut hair was messed up and he even had soot on his face. But it was never an ugly face. If only the shaggy chestnut hair was trimmed, the high nose and dark eyebrows would reveal that he is quite beautiful. Since he is living on his daily earnings from hard labor, he was well-built and had no fat on his body. Looking at his sharp crimson eyes, he may enjoy fighting or martial arts. But Isabelle knew that Riggs is the safest little friend in the world, who has no interest in women and no sexual desire.

‘Riggs is a hundred times better than other men who don’t know how to change.’

Isabelle explained the situation to her anxious friend as she looked at his smiling face. His face soon became cold.

“What… Cardiago will buy you?”

“No. One of the people working for him said he was secretly looking for a woman to present to the Duke as a gift.”

“…What kind of a jerk?”

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“I don’t know. Anyway, Father Matteo said he’d hand me over and took the money. If St. Maria was here, it would never have happened in the first place.” 

Isabelle, who had a sad face, smiled with half-moon eyes and held on to Riggs’ hands. His throat moved. 

“So, Riggs, marry me.”


“The nobility refuse unless it’s a pure woman.”

Not seeing Riggs’ eyes shaking, Isabelle continued. “If I’m married, either the priest or the other two would pull out. That’s all I can do.” 

“You are… going to marry me in disguise because you don’t want to be sold to Cardiago?” 

With me? Riggs wanted to jump out of his seat in frustration, but it was impossible because he was holding Isabelle’s hand tightly to prevent her from escaping.

“Riggs, read this first. This is the contract I wrote last night without sleeping. I’m sure you’re going to like it.” 

With dry eyes, Riggs read the terms of the contract. It was said that if he pretended to be her husband, she would do the laundry, cook, and clean until the divorce.

“I can play like a maid until we get divorced. How about it?”

“There’s nothing for me at all. You can’t wash, cook, and clean. I know you get scolded by St. Maria every day.” 

“That’s because she’s too picky. Can’t we just do it?” 

After sighing, Riggs asked in a sad voice.

“You don’t like the Duke of Cardiago, even though it could be like one of your novels where you fall in love in one night and get married?”


“Why are you so determined? He could be a good person.”

“Riggs, it’s not about being good or bad.”

Isabelle crossed her legs and crossed her arms in a serious discourse. Her face was also serious today.

“The Duke of Cardiego. The lower half of his body is crippled.”


Rick was speechless.

“Who said that?”

“That’s what everyone says. That’s the only reason why the next emperor has no problem with women. Everything else is fine. Being a tyrant? If you’ve lived your life to the fullest, that could happen. But there can be no problems at night.” 

“…hey, I’m a man, too.”

“I’ve lived among the saints for 20 years. Can’t you do it with me?”

Isabelle pushed the marriage contract back in his arms. Riggs took it with a grain of salt.

“…how long do I have to answer you?”

It was an ambiguous answer, but Isabelle felt as if she had found light in the dark. She untied the necklace she was wearing around her neck. It was the only accessory allowed to her in the temple, where jewelry and other luxuries were strictly forbidden.

“You’ll have to get married no later then the day after tomorrow for this girl to live, sir. This is the wedding dowry. Come over here.”

Isabelle pulled Riggs’ body, which was hardened like steel, and hung her necklace around his neck. She felt more desperate than ever.


Isabelle repeatedly shouted that she believed in him and waved her arms to see him off, looking back from time to time. Silver hair, which turned into a delicious honey color in the sun, gently fluttered. When she smiled with her eyes, Isabelle looked like a picture.

‘…A desirable girl.’

Her idea of avoiding her first night with the Duke of Cardiago was a fake marriage with a close friend. It wasn’t even funny.

‘Should I really take her?’

Since the day he moved to the Duke of Cardiago, he grew up hanging out with her for more than a decade. Riggs was convinced he knew Isabelle better than Isabelle did herself. Riggs even knew Isabelle’s long-cherished dream was to “break the bed on the first night.” A girl who used her childhood friend to realize her dream.

‘…If not me, who will live with such a stupid child.’

Riggs, who laughed, moved between the narrow alleys and roads like a street cat. As he moved his fingertips from time to time, his environment changed. For a moment he chewed on the appearance of her urging him to marry. Riggs raised his head. There were a line of knights in front of him, who were majestic enough to knock down even a stout young man with a fist. The knights were intimidating, as if they had made a human wall. It was a situation where it wouldn’t be strange to run away in fear from that harsh impression. However, Riggs moved his pace without much expression and opened his mouth.

“Gear up.”

His mouth only spoke two words, but the knights who were standing bowed their heads in unison.

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