My class [Death Knight] is just barely legal…

Chapter 1: Prologue

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Thinking back, I missed much of my childhood, huh.

Born to an average farmer's family, the sleepy village we called home was as ordinary and predictable as you'd expect. "Which villager had an argument with his wife last week?" or "So and so's donkey ran off? Well, I never liked that fella in the first place." That was my understanding of excitement at the time. Our village stood at the edge of a kingdom in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, so we weren't what you would call 'worldly' people.

Despite all this, we were happy there, satisfied.

Well, when I say 'we', I really mean my parents. I -I never really felt satisfied. I don't know why, but even if I think as far back as my first memory, I can't remember feeling that it was ever... enough. Yes, that's the word. Enough. Maybe that's the reason why everything went wrong, maybe that behaviour fed the attribute that would throw me off of my calculated path. Or maybe my affinity caused that behaviour.

Welp, Chicken or egg, and all that.

If there's anything good that came out off this all, it's that I learned.

Thanks to nothing going as I predicted, as I planned, I learned to be free.


What do you mean 'It was all luck'?!

Listen, everything I received, I received due to luck. But everything I became, I became because of myself. My skill, my effort, my accomplishments.

Why don't I tell you the story. Let's start at the beginning. This might take a while, but that shouldn't be a problem, right?

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We've got nothing but time, after all.



It all began one auspicious autumn morning, in a sleepy village on the border of a small kingdom.

In a tiny cot, a woman was giving birth. As a little angelic baby was born and it gave its first cry, the heavens opened up.

And by that I mean it started raining. A lot.

I don't remember much from my time as a baby. I know, unbelievable. How could I neglect such precious memories? So much character development, all gone, forgotten!

What I do remember, was the first time I met my uncle. He worked as a royal guard in the palace of the royal family. He visited our little hamlet during one of his few vacations.

I think I was five-ish when he walked through our small wooden door?

My stats were as pathetic as any five year-old's stats.

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