My Clones Are Special

Chapter 9: Chapter 9: Magic Vs Science

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"Then how do you plan to get in?"

"I plan on joining their STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) program."

Akash and Lorenzo looked at each other silently.

"PFFFTTTT" Both friends laughed, not believing a word he said.

"I'm being serious."

"They allow non-gifted into their research departments."

"We know, but with your grades, not likely." Lorenzo said still trying to contain his laughter.

"Plus even if you do get perfect grades, there are hundreds of thousands applying each year."

"I'll also have a recommendation by then, probably." Liam said assuring himself.

"Sure sure, but even if you do get in, how do you expect to compete with their gifted in rank wars?"

"I h-h-hear they're th-the best of the best."

"It's one of the best schools so obviously their power isn't a joke." Lorenzo added on.

"Power comes and goes, but knowledge is forever. And I assure you, I have no equal."

Akash and Lorenzo faced each other once again.


"That was so cringe! And you said it with a straight face too!"

"You've been watching too much anime again haven't you?"

"Who knows?" Liam said with a smile on his face thinking back to the day before school started.


[Sunday the 1st of September]

Liam stared at his journal, looking over his updated notes.

'After merging with a clone who performed some workout, it seems I was able to absorb it's physical activity. However, this is not a feasible strategy for the long term.

Even if I were to have hundreds of clones working out, I would be no better off than a body builder. Even then, a gifted with an enhancement type ability would still most likely be stronger than me.

I could stay safe at the comfort of my home while my clones do my daily activities, but more research on how they perform in the outside world is still necessary for now. Even then it does not guarantee my safety for all situations.

Also, with all the murders of gifted recently, I'll have to be careful to not let my ability known anytime soon.

It is irrational of me to rely on one power alone.

With that said, I believe I have come up with the best solution.'

"We've got a lot of work to do." Liam said to his clone who was giving him a back massage.


[Present Day 11:00 AM]

"Well Mr. I have no equal, better start taking your studies seriously from now on. If you can that is."

"And th-that means no more sleeping i-in class from now on."

"Or watching porn."

"I don't do that..." Liam retorted.

"Mhm, sure you don't." Lorenzo said, not believing his friend.

"Break time is over, get back to your seats." Mrs. Lumberg instructed the class.

"The scores have been calculated."

"I'll now announce the top 10 results."

Rank 10: Luis E. Garcia III (50/100)

Rank 9: Park Min Jun (51/100)

Rank 8: Akash Kumar (52/100)

Rank 7: Lera Semenov (55/100)

Rank 6: Xia Eu-meh (55/100)

Rank 5: Jonah J. Jovelon (58/100)

Rank 4: Deiondre Olahime (60/100)

Rank 3: Meredith O'Connors (65/100)

Rank 2: Amandla Yortunheim (69/100)

Rank 1: Liam Holdsworth (87/100)

Instantly, all eyes fell on the first rank.



"He cheated."

A voice came from a student in the class.

"Defo, ain'e like, always round the bottom?"

"If he cheated, he would have gotten a perfect score, no?"

"Nah, he purposefully didn't get full marks to not draw attention."

"How is anyone even able to cheat, can't the holograms detect that sort of thing?"

"Anything is possible, I heard about one dude that—"

The class was filled with the sound of rambling.

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Even Akash and Lorenzo stared at their friend in disbelief.

"SHUT UP" Mrs Lumberg yelled gaining the classes attention.

"Clearly he worked hard during his break, unlike you miscreants."

"Your results and feedback will now be sent to your holopads."

'As expected, I didn't do very well in theory.' Liam said as he looked over the questions he failed.

'I guess 'I' have a lot of homework to do when I get home.'

"I hope you all now realise what you need to work on. I expect to see better results when you take your real exam in rank wars 3 months from now."

"This morning's curricular is on 22nd century Botany. Turn to slide 42c."


[3:40 PM]

"...ave that much..."

"Oi new fish."

"When I tell you to do something, do it."

En route to his destination, Liam could see Nathan and his cronies ganging up on a new student.

"Bu.. but I don't get paid that much, please just let me go... I didn't do anything to you."

All of a sudden, his right arm transformed into silver as he held the freshman student by the neck.

"Bu Bu Bu, the amount of stuttering bitches in this school sickens me."

"Hey new fish, do you even know who my dad is?"

"I can make your life simple, or hell. And all I ask is $15 per day for your protection fee."

"You should be grateful."

'None of my business.' Liam thought as he walked away.

[Science Wing E-Block 02]

Finally arriving at his destination, Liam opened the door of the science wing.

All the valuable equipment provided by the school was present and kept tidy.

There were some students who seemed to be dissecting what looked like a frog with 6 legs and 4 eyes.


A middle aged man in a lab coat, dishevelled gray hair, and worn down sandals could be seen shouting at a student.

"This is not good enough!"

"You need to think outside of the box!"

"How is this going to impress the judges if it's something my 3-year-old daughter could think of!"

"Go back and start from scratch!"

"Don't you dare call something like this an invention or I'll slap you with my left sandal!"


"Do you plan on standing there for the rest of your life?!"

"Get in here!"

"Who are ya and what do you want?!"

"Liam Holdsworth and I'd like to join your club."

"OH?! HAHA! Another fledgling who has decided to walk down the glorious path of science!"

"I am Dr. Angello Cooper. That's right! THE Dr. Angello Cooper!"



"The Genius of Parabridge University? Graduated rank 4 in his entire year?!"

"Not much of a genius if you ranked 4th are you?"


"The only reason I ranked 4th was due to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ranks being gifted that specialise in combat!"

"If I had the equipment and intelligence I possess today, I would have easily destroyed those brats!"

"Now I work as the professor for this department, passing down my wisdom to young fledglings who wish to be enlightened on the magnificent path that is science, such as yourself!"

"Just know that I only accept the best! And if you work with me, I expect nothing but the best!"

"So tell me Mr. Holdsworth, what class are you in?"

"D class."



"No matter! Science does not discriminate!"

"Well then Mr. Holdsworth, before I allow you to join our ranks, I've got a question for you!"

"What do you believe to be stronger, Magic or Science?"



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